I Really Am a Slag Shou!

Chapter 31 - Residue that interstellar admiral (2)

Dr. Morris was the most famous mech repairer in the upper class and a well-known scientist in the entire empire. After his defection, the Internet immediately caused a stir. People wanted to know why he would rebel, even with royal prestige. Dropped a bit.

The emperor had ordered long ago that he must take Morris back, regardless of life or death, as long as he could bring his body back, he would announce his tragic condition on the star network, and let out a bad breath for the royal family.

Morris defected for ten years, and no one had seen him. He never thought he was in this stronghold.

Everyone was thinking about how to get Morris back. Louis had a deeper idea. Morris had once been a mecha repairman for the Shao family. When he rebelled, it was ten years ago. At that time, Shao Ze’an was already a teenager. He And Morris definitely knew.

The son of a high-ranking official who has nothing to do with chickens appears here and is recognized by them. It is already conceivable what they will experience.

Louis’ eyes narrowed, and he immediately drove the mech in the direction the lieutenant said.

Morris was escorted by a group of people and retreated. Shao Ze’an, who had passed out in his hands, was still in his hands. The young boy’s fragile neck fell on Morris’s hand. He stared at Louis tightly, as long as he took a step closer He cut off the meaning of Shao Ze’an’s neck.

Louis put away the mech, and he took two steps forward, his voice extremely deep, “put him down.”

Morris smiled openly. “I heard that Master Ze’an was arrested because of General West. The admiral came here today to save the young master, or did he intend to ignore his life and let him join us The same goes for it. “

Although Morris’s name is a mech repairman engaged in scientific research, in fact his physique is double a. As long as he moves lightly, Shao Ze’an will immediately die, and the teenager will fall quietly and undefended into Morris’ arms, only weak. The undulating chest showed that he was still alive. He slightly raised his head, his forehead was against Morris’s shoulder socket. His complexion was pale, and there was a slight cold sweat on his face. It seemed that he had just suffered from torture.

Surrounded by the elite troops of Louis, and his relatives, all of them pointed their weapons at Morris, and the people of Morris also raised their arms against them. The atmosphere was tense and stalemate, and everyone was tense in their hearts. The string.

On one side was the traitor Morris, and on the other was Master Shao’s second master. None of them wanted to give up.

In such a tense situation, only the second master who is still in a “coma” state after being awakened by the system is the most relaxed and can even swear easily.

“His grandma! How did he know that I was here ?!”

[This … I just went to see the plot again. People here seem to have invented a technology called gene tracking. This technology is not perfect, it can only be used within two light years, and it is monopolized by the empire and very expensive. Only those who are particularly rich or working for the empire can be registered with the gene and then use this technology. Host, now you are the Shao family, naturally you will be registered …]

Chi Zhao wanted to spit out the blood on his face. “Knowing this already, why let me save him, let him live by himself!”

How that kind of situation can be spontaneous, if you don’t care about him, he will have to die.

The system murmured silently, Chi Zhao was so anxious that he couldn’t do anything, so he could only faint here.

Ok? wrong.

Why should he pretend to be dizzy, he can wake up in a timely manner, and then yell for help me, you idiots. Doesn’t this just put the label of greedy for life and death?

This method is good!

Chi Zhao was very happy. He moved his eyeball faintly. As soon as he opened his eyes, he heard the opposite Louis ask, “What do you want?”

Morris chuckled, “You can’t control this. However, I haven’t seen the soldiers of the empire for so many years. Today I really want to see how you choose between saving people and destroying the enemy.”

As soon as the voice fell, Morris threw a bomb / bomb behind him. The bomb / bomb exploded in mid-air. The thick black fog covered the light source. His hand was completely black, and no one else could see it. Only Louis Yu’s light saw Mo. Reese threw Shao Ze’an out. With his hand strength and Shao’s constitution, Shao Ze’an would fall alive after he landed.

In front was Shao Ze’an that was thrown out, and Morris, who was about to run away behind, Louis made a decision subconsciously. He quickly passed over and caught Shao Ze’an. In such an instant, Morris ran away.

He had countless hidden devices on his body, and the others rushed out of the thick fog and could no longer see them, just as if they had disappeared out of thin air.

Someone said angrily, “Go, let’s chase!”

Louis frowned. He held Shao Ze’an, who was still as quiet as a chicken. “Coming back, you can’t chase after him. No one can leave so fast. They must not know where they hid. They blocked the exit of this stronghold. Carpet search. You can’t let it go in one corner! “


The ministry went down to search for the rebels, and the lieutenant did not follow. He reached out to Louis and wanted to take Shao Ze’an, “General, I’ll come, the doctor is waiting in the warship. I will send Master Shao Xiao to check it again. “

As if he hadn’t heard him, Louis looked down at the silent boy in his arms, put his fingers on his neck, felt his pulse, and immediately hugged him and turned to the warship. Walk to the dock.

The lieutenant who still held the interview position: “…”

Louis thought that Chi Zhao had always been in a coma. In fact, he fainted after hitting Louis’s chest that was harder than wood. People did n’t feel anything, and it was only his c-class waste that would cause tears firewood.

When he woke up again, the environment around him changed again. This time it was a warm and bright room. Chi Zhao opened his eyes and thought for a moment that he had entered an open coffin.

[This is a treatment cabin for others. If you do n’t understand the host, do n’t think about it. 】

Don’t think about it? Does he still have human rights as a host?

Chi Zhao sat up, and when he was in motion, the treatment cabin had opened the lid thoughtfully, and by the way removed the exit, exposing two steps of stairs, Chi Zhao came down from the top and came to the window, he looked The vast expanse of Xinghai is extremely gigantic.

He’s really terrible …

Chi Zhao was sorrowful, and the white metal door behind it slowly opened. Louis received the news from the treatment cabin and hurried over immediately. The teenager still turned his back to him. This time he didn’t open his arms, but he didn’t know. Why, he still saw a bit of anxiety and sadness from such a back view.

Louis frowned, he walked slowly and said in a low voice, “How are you feeling?”

Hearing his voice, the boy turned and stared at him with clean eyes, which made his empire admiral nervously subtle by two points. He moved his hands stiffly, and his appearance was as stable and reliable as ever. Inwardly like a hairy kid.

“Here is the Emperor Ship. We rescued you from the rebel stronghold. You are safe. I’m Louis West, do you … remember me?”

Who doesn’t remember this admiral’s face, Shao Ze’an opened his mouth and wanted to speak to him, suddenly, his expression flashed a little surprised, and the words to be spoken were swallowed back.

Louis was keenly aware of this, and he took a step forward and looked at his face carefully, “What happened to you?”

Chi Zhao was fine, he just heard Morris’s voice.

“Master Ze’an, don’t let West find me there. Since you can hear my voice, you should be able to figure it out. It’s because I have a little gadget in your head. When you talk, you can kill you without much effort. If you don’t want to die, just be obedient, you know? “

Chi Zhao was silent for a long time, and the focal length of his eyes did not fall on a physical object, which made Louis very worried. He took Chi Zhao’s shoulders and his expression was no longer light and light. Physical discomfort?”

Chi Zhao paused, but didn’t hear anything else in his ears. He shook his head slightly, “No, just a little … dizzy.”

When Louis brought Shao Ze’an back, he immediately performed a rough check on him. No internal or external injuries were found. His skin resistance was very low. Usually, he only suffered severe pain or received a great horrible stimulus. To that extent. Louis wanted to know what they had done to Shao Ze’an, but looking at his paleness and weakness, he couldn’t ask again.

This room is a training room. There is a bed over there. He took the pool photo to the bed, watched him go to bed, and lay down obediently. He pulled him up to pull the quilt, and then asked, “It’s just dizzy, no Any other symptoms? “

Chi Zhao looked down and shook his head. “No, it should be scared. I have a less guts. I’m sorry to make you laugh.”

Shao Ze’an is a slightly introverted person. He has such an attitude toward the outside world and looks very polite, but at the same time, he is also a person who does not listen to his family. His favorite thing is truancy. Without this, his future will be a sloppy graduation, a sloppy family, and finally a sloppy life.

Maybe until death, he will not know that he is such a greedy person who is afraid of death and selfish to the apex. Because of his whistleblower, the empire had at least 60 million casualties. All these lives were counted on the heads of the rebels and Shao Zean.

Chi Zhaomo was treasonous. Treason would be treasonous. He could not help it. This is the task of the plot. In the end, he will fight for it and steal less information in the process that does not affect the direction of the plot. Maybe he can save some people.

Sitting by Shao Ze’an’s bed, watching the teenager’s quiet and well-behaved, it is difficult to associate him with the back of the day, but if you think about it, only such a person can be so firm in the situation of going back or not, Indifferent.

Louis wanted to reach out and touch his head, but the two did not know each other. He and Shao Ze’an were still strangers. Now it is the first time that the two sides have met soberly. Just using their hands and feet may cause aversion in the teenager.

Morris: “Let him go out.”

Chi Zhao gave a meal, Morris saw that he was not obedient, and repeated again: “Let him go out. From now on, you must listen to what I say, otherwise, you will have no choice but to die.”

Chi Zhao gritted her teeth, raised her eyes, and looked at Louis. “Mr. Admiral, I’m a bit sleepy, can you go out? I … I can’t sleep if someone is next to me.”

Really good.

Louis entered the military academy at the age of 16 and graduated at the age of 26. Since then, he has been directing operations at the border for more than a decade. The people around him are either the killer who does not blink, or the smiling tiger with a smile that is more poisonous than the snake ’s letter. He hasn’t seen a clean person like Shao Ze’an for a long time.

Louis ticked his lips slightly. “Okay, rest in peace, it’s safe. When you wake up, you can go home.”

After speaking, Louis gave him a quilt again before going out.

As soon as he went out, Morris began to read the lines in the plot. It was nothing more than intimidating him, buying him out, comforting him, hitting a stick to half a sweet date, and Chi Zhao eh coped with several sentences and heard him. Somewhat impatient in the answer, Morris, who was far away from Death Galaxy, squinted and pressed a key on the light screen.

Chi Zhao twitched violently. He subconsciously held down the left arm with the strongest numbness. The system was 0.1 seconds later than Morris’s action, which was 0.1 seconds, which was enough for Chi Zhao to attempt to unload Morris by eight pieces.

Damn it hurts!

Chi Zhao breathed quickly, and finally managed to ease the pain, this time he didn’t need to pretend, because he really hurts.

Morris warned him grimly, don’t play tricks, otherwise the next time will not only be a few seconds of pain, but will never sleep forever.

The author has something to say: Zhao Chizhao: From this day, I have two systems, one is bigger than one

The first big pig hoof [System]: qaq … 2k novel reading network

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