I Really Am a Slag Shou!

Chapter 13 - Scum on that giant old man (13)

Li Yihan’s weird silence for two seconds, after which he noticed another point in Chi Zhao’s words.

“You seem to get along well with your girls.”

“Huh!” Chi Zhao nodded happily. “There are still people inviting me to travel together today, and I’m leaving this Friday.”

Li Yihan stepped on the accelerator and almost speeded. He frowned slightly and asked, “Which classmate are you two?”

Chi Zhao answered very honestly, “I don’t remember what her name is, anyway, it is the classmates in the class, not just the two of us, a total of a dozen people. After the exam, everyone wants to relax.”

On hearing that, Li Yihan’s tense complexion eased a little, he said: “If you want to relax, I can take you to the island country for a vacation and rent a sea view villa, which is more comfortable than living in a small room in the hotel.”

Chi Zhao looked at him gratefully. “Thank you sir, but I still want to hang out with my classmates.”

Li Yihan’s expression didn’t change, but he was struggling, didn’t he say he liked him, then why would he rather go out with a group of people who are not familiar with him to catch duck-like tourism, and would rather not go abroad for vacation with his sweetheart?

Chi Zhao didn’t know what Li Yihan was thinking. He didn’t hear Li Yihan’s answer. After thinking about it, he added: “I haven’t played with my peers for a long time. I can change my mood now. “

There are too many slots in this sentence. Li Yihan didn’t know where to ask. Why did he want to play with his peers. Do you think he is too old to get along with each other? Also, what does it mean to change his mood? Is he very upset when he is at home? ?

Humans, once in a state of love, both IQ and EQ will decline. Some time ago, Li Yihan discovered that he didn’t dislike Qi Yuan, and even enjoyed the time with Qi Yuan, but the two were 14 years old, the age difference was too big, plus Qi Yuan’s age was only 18. People of this age are small and impulsive, so he always has concerns.

At this age, Li Yihan has never liked anyone, so he does n’t understand what it means to be in love, and he does n’t know how to treat people with good feelings. He is a businessman and every behavior he does is meticulous. Only after considering that he will bring benefits to himself, will he take action.

But in front of Qi Yuan, he always had no time to consider, and he already took action, such as the cup of hot tea in Qi Yuan’s hands.

Today the company is very busy, everyone else is working overtime, but Li Yihan glanced at the time and found that it was almost time for the end of Qi Yuan’s exam, he dropped his job and ran out by himself. Before going out, I thought Qi Yuan was afraid The cold nature, he thought about it, and also asked the secretary to ask for a bag of tea bags that she was fine with.

Drive all the way to the school entrance at the highest speed limit. Li Yihan was not idle at the entrance. He took time to soak a bottle of hot tea with the hot water in the car just to warm Qiyuan’s hands.

In fact, he should tell the truth to the secretary, so that the secretary will give him four cute wind-warm hand-bora of different colors and shapes from under his desk, and he will not be misunderstood as ischemic.

At the same time as IQ declines, EQ is not high enough. Li Yihan is now the victim’s mentality. Qi Yuan casually says something that will be over-interpreted by him, and then runs in a pessimistic direction and never looks back.

Li Yihan didn’t understand that he was not a pessimistic person. Why on the issue of Qi Yuan, he could not restrain himself from thinking that Qi Yuan wanted to avoid himself and leave himself.

After thinking about it all the way, the car was driving home, Li Yihan didn’t think of a reason, but Qi Yuan, he walked into the living room happily, the first thing was to catch the increasingly round fat, and then poke the cat aside, I went upstairs to pack my luggage.

Li Yihan put his hands in his pockets and stood with his eyes down for a while, but eventually didn’t go to him again.

Young people, love to play is nature, let him and friends play for a few days, alone at home, eating alone, these are already used to him.

Wanting to stop, Li Yihan sighed softly, with a touch of melancholy, and followed upstairs.

Zhang Bo ignored by them both: “…”

Mr.’s recent style of painting is really getting more and more fascinated.

Although he was not familiar with his classmates, but thought of being able to go to a strange city for four days, Chi Zhao was still very happy. Within ten minutes, he packed his luggage.

Until Friday morning, he didn’t even have breakfast, just like a kite who finally broke the connection cable, dragged his suitcase and flew out of Li’s house.

This was the earliest day of Chi Zhaoqi. The sky didn’t light up. He left. Li Yihan stood beside the floor-to-ceiling window in his room. He was wearing elegant and soft pajamas. He should also give himself a vacation.

They have been working continuously for several years, and occasionally take a day off.

Qi Yuan went to his peers, and Li Yihan also found his peers.

When receiving a call from Li Yihan, Tang Si was still sleeping in a big bed. He took the cell phone and heard Li Yihan said that he wanted to go out with him for a drink. Tang Si was immediately awake.

He held his phone, his voice trembling, “You … did you find yourself terminally ill?”

Li Yihan: “…”

It’s no wonder that Tang Size, Li Yihan never took the initiative to find someone to go out for a drink. After so many years, it has never happened once. It has always been Tang Size who dragged him hard and then dragged him to the bar for a while.

There are constant rumors outside, saying that Li Yihan is a born workaholic, maybe he will sacrifice on his desk someday, Tang Si listened too much, and subtlely, he just heard Li Yihan said with a low and serious voice that he wanted to talk to When he had a drink, he subconsciously thought that Li Yihan was going to die early.

He waved another person’s dishonest hand and hung up the phone. Tang Si stood up and started to wear clothes. The boy on the bed sat up with him. There was no fleck on his body. When he sat up, he didn’t cover him with a quilt. A moment, the red marks on the body brightened so generously.

The boy’s voice was sweet and he could not distinguish between male and female, “Si Ze, where are you going?”

Tang Si thought all about what Li Yihan was going to tell him. He didn’t have any thoughts to deal with the bed companion. He buttoned the last button of his shirt, and found the wallet from his jacket. He threw a card, “An hour Leave on their own. “

The teenager was just smiling, and his face had become unsightly at this time. He understood what Tang Size meant. The two were over. After sleeping for one night, he was no longer interested in himself. Before the teenager, Tang Si had been imaginary with the snake for almost two months, not for such a small amount of money, what he wanted to say, Tang Si has already gone out.

The boy bit his lower lip and immediately got out of bed naked, trying to chase after him, but was stopped by two outside bodyguards before he went out.

“Please change your clothes and leave immediately.”

The teenager had no choice but to go back.

At seven o’clock in the morning, only the shop will open at this time. The bar is closed early. The address that Li Yihan left for Tang Size is a club. When they came to the private room booked by Li Yihan, the two chatted casually. After that, Li Yihan threw out what he really wanted to say.

However, hearing these words, Tang Si felt that he might have heard it wrong.

He looked at Li Yihan with a complex look. “You mean, one of your friends likes a child much younger than him.”


“That child is an adult, but he is just adult.”


“… they’re still matching father and son.”

Li Yihan seriously corrected, “It’s not a father-son match, but an external identity is a father-son. In fact, their relationship is between teachers and students and older and juniors.”

Tang Size: “…”

With all the details said, is it necessary to code the information? Anyone with an IQ greater than a snail knows that you are talking about yourself! 2k novel reading network

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