I Play Cards In Yu-Gi-Oh

Chapter 25 - Heck!

After the overnight duel, You Yu was walking back to the card shop, flipping through the “trophies” he had just harvested today.

Yes, after winning this new rare card hunter, he was naturally rude, and he pulled out the entire deck on the opponent’s duel plate.

Although it sounds a bit immoral to say “win the opponent’s entire deck”, but…

……who cares!

Isn’t there an old saying that goes like this? There is no need to talk about morality with this group of evil demons!

The mission “Challenge from Gurus” is completed, and the reward given by the system is exactly the ace used by this rare card hunter, “Mecha Force Armed Force”.

However, the attack power of the panel seems to be a little higher. The conditions for summoning this thing are also troublesome, and if it is drawn, it will be stuck in the hand. In fact, it is not easy to use at all.

You Yu flipped through every card he “won” and returned, in fact, most of them, as expected, were monsters and auxiliary cards from the “Mecha” series, which were of no use to him at all.

However, UR and SR cards have also been harvested. Even if they are useless, they are quite a good choice to expand the card library. At that time, if these cards are put into the private store, maybe they will attract the favor of some mecha enthusiasts?

When she returned to the store, China-chan dressed as a maid was cleaning among the rows of shelves.

Noticing that when You Yu entered the door, she temporarily stopped her movements: “You’re back.”

“I’m back.”

Qianna tilted her head and thought for a while, then said, “When you went out today, the weirdo who came in the morning came to you again.”

Weird? It’s about players.

“Are they both here?”

“No, just one.” Qianna shook her head, “It’s the one who is shorter and looks a little thinner.”

It looks… a little distressed?

Hmm… that sounds like a snow wave.

You Yu had sent him out to find a mission before, but he found it so quickly?

“Did he say what to do with me?”

“No. He just said that he was looking for you in a hurry, but he left when you weren’t there, as if he was in a hurry.”

Qianna looked at him suspiciously: “By the way, those two people…are they your friends?”

“…It doesn’t count, I know him in the dueling hall.” You Yu said, “If you have to say…it’s a customer.”

This is also true. In You Yu’s eyes, the players are all his customers, and he will definitely patronize his business a lot in the future.

“Oh.” Qiannai nodded her head lightly and said seriously, “Then I think you should be more careful.”

“Ah? Be careful of what?”

“Those two.” Qianna said, “especially the one with glasses, who doesn’t look like a serious person, as if…it seems…he has an idea for you.”

You Yu: “?”

Girl, your thoughts are dangerous!

How could you understand this at such a young age?

Qianna’s serious face didn’t look like she was joking at all—of course, the girl with facial paralysis might not understand what a joke was. The expression on her face clearly said, I suspect that those two are just greedy for you!

How can that be done? Obviously I came first!

“I read in the news that sometimes it is not uncommon for boys to be attacked while walking alone at night.” Qianna continued to “implement education”, “Now even boys go out and have to protect themselves, especially when they look good. Good-looking boys need more attention.”

It’s rare that Sister Sanwu took the initiative to grab him and say so many words today, it seems that she should be really worried.

Everyone has a love for beauty. After all, You Yu’s charm value is so high, it’s only natural for her to worry.

Such a handsome man, if he just bends like this, it would be a waste of time!

“…Well, Qianna, things are not what you think…”

It took You Yu a lot of effort to convince Qianna that the player is really just his customer. There is only a dirty money relationship between them and nothing else!

But speaking of this, You Yu couldn’t help but think of “Zai Jie can’t escape”, and couldn’t help but think that this guy might have a problem…

I don’t know if Xuelang, who was hanging out with him, is doing anything now…


When the working hours were over, You Yu started to browse the game forum after he was free.

Because there were only so many people who qualified for the game during the internal test, there were not many people who could speak in the forum, which was far less lively than Yu Yu remembered after the official launch of the server.

“Wow, the authenticity of this game is too high, right? When did unscrupulous card-selling companies become so conscientious?”

Apparently it was a post that was just released.

“Gan! This game is too real, right? I was just trying to test the details of the game on the street and I could take off my pants. The NPC **** the side of the road actually pointed at me and screamed! Come back later. A few people dragged me into the situation, and now the landlord is still receiving criticism and education in it, and I vomited…”

“6666 If anyone refuses to accept it, they will accept the landlord.”

“Hahaha, you deserve it, who made you cheap.”

“It scared me to death, it was very dangerous, I almost wanted to take it off at the time, but luckily I didn’t take it off…”


“Gan, this novice deck is too useless, and playing cards with NPCs has been hammered into pigskin! Can you tell me where I can get cheap and awesome rare cards? The mortal bones of a deck can’t stand it. !”

“Don’t bother us, the big ones, you must learn to think for yourself.”

“It is recommended that the landlord dream in place. There is everything in the dream.”


“Hahaha, I triggered a hidden mission and joined Gurus’ gang of rare card hunters! There are a lot of rare cards as a reward for joining the membership!”

“Damn it, I want to enter no matter what!”

“Gurus? Could it be the organization of Malik, the founder of Yu-Gi-Oh!”

“Isn’t the landlord afraid of being beaten by the king in the future when he joins Gurus…”


The time to browse the forum always flies by quickly. The sand sculpture players are all talents, and they speak nicely…

However, it seems that the players are still in the novice exploration period, and there is nothing surprising to You Yu in the forum. Most players are still doing some small daily tasks, or at most playing cards with people in the dueling arena, and no one has triggered any important tasks.

Then of course, many players immediately started to search the city for the residence of Muto Games as soon as they landed.

After all, he is the protagonist of the anime and the only designated duel king throughout the Yu-Gi-Oh! series. If you want to find an NPC to lick, this high school student duel king is undoubtedly the first choice.

The game is not a big man, and his residence is not difficult to find, and soon some players found his address.

As a matter of course, the player immediately tried to get in touch with the game, but unsurprisingly, he was only responded by the opponent as an ordinary “Duel King’s fan”, which did not trigger any plot.

You Yu was browsing the forum behind the counter, when the door of the store was suddenly pushed open, and a person rushed in in a panic and threw himself on the counter.

It was the snow wave that I saw not long ago.

“You… You Yusang, please help!” Xuelang said straight to the point, “Damn it!”

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