I Play Cards In Yu-Gi-Oh

Chapter 24 - 3 traps!

[Mecha Force·Armed Force, Attack Power 4600]

“Hahahaha! This is my trump card, my strongest combined monster! You have no chance if it appears!”

The hunters of Gurus began to expand infinitely, and it seemed that making such a big monster made him feel invincible.

But one thing to say, the monster who can make 4600 attacks in the DM era is indeed quite awesome. In those days, the game environment was far less complicated than later, and the means of dismantling and high-attack monsters were relatively limited. It can be seen that the boss can kill casually in the current environment by relying on the mortal blue-eyed ultimate dragon with an attack power of 4500.

You Yu didn’t know much about mecha decks, so he really didn’t expect such a big monster with 4600 attack power to suddenly appear. A Gundam-like monster stood on the opposite field, and all kinds of guns and missiles pointed at the opponent’s head, which was quite bluffing.

“Attack of mecha units!” the hunter shouted, “Mecha shooting!”

The huge robot opened fire towards You Yu. The powerful firepower is overwhelming, the tail flames dragged by the missiles are intertwined in the air, and the bullets are scattered like dense raindrops.

The electric man on You Yu’s side of the field quickly raised his arm to release the lightning defense, but it was completely meaningless. In front of a powerful monster with an attack power of 4600, his resistance is as negligible as paper, and the whole person is instantly torn to shreds by the powerful firepower with a miserable groan.

[You Yu, LP4000→LP1000]

(Electric Light: MD, I knew that every time I played for the first time, there would be no good things to do (艹芉艹))

“In this way, your field will be completely empty,” the hunter laughed, “and I still have the Overseer – Covington didn’t attack!”

[Overseer-Covington, ATK 1000]

“Come on, Covington, attack directly! I won this duel!”

“Open the cover card-Hero Mark!”

The trap card on You Yu’s field was opened, and a beam of searchlight pierced the smoke screen and threw it into the air, forming a circular mark hanging high in the air, projecting the word “H” representing a hero.

“Hero mark is a trap that is activated when a monster on your side is destroyed by battle.” Yu Yu pulled out the deck from the duel board, “You can select an elemental hero of level 4 or lower from the deck to special summon. Special Summon ‘Elemental Hero Wingman’!”

A pale green whirlwind rolled up on the field, and the green hero spread out his snow-white wings and flew out to the field. He fell on his knees and landed in front of You Yu, his arms staggered into a cross in a defensive posture.

[Elemental Hero·Wingman, DEF 1000]

“Hey, Covington’s attack power is the same as Wingman’s defensive power, so it doesn’t make sense even if he attacks.” The hunter curled his lips in annoyance, “Then I’ll cover and put a card, and the round is over.”

In the duel monster rules, monsters with the same attack power will be destroyed when they fight each other, but there is no point in fighting monsters with the same attack power and defense power, neither one will be destroyed nor will there be battle damage.

The hunter looked at him with a sullen face: “You saved a life. But in the next round, my mecha unit will definitely kill you.”

You Yu shrugged, disregarding it, and didn’t seem to be at all flustered by the overwhelmingly unfavorable situation in front of him.

“My turn, draw a card.” He seemed to draw a card casually.

However, some people seem to be drawing cards normally, but in fact they have activated their skills at this moment.

Fate draw!

If the opponent is a player, in this situation, you will definitely beware of the opponent’s ability to trigger the D draw.

However, simple NPCs play cards honestly and according to the rules. How could they understand the routines of dog players?

“I activate the magic card from my hand – the curtain of black magic!”

You Yu played out the magic card, and the three-dimensional card appeared beside him, projecting the white bones and the pitch-black curtain above his head.

“Specially summon a magician from the deck at the cost of paying half of your LP!”

[You Yu, LP1000→LP500]

The white bones in midair lifted the curtain under him with his dry arms, and a blood-red mist floated out from under the curtain. The slender red body leaped out, flipped deftly in mid-air, and landed on the ground in a squat.

He was dressed in a red robe, with silver hair under his spell hat. He stood up, and the dark green staff swept out an arc in front of him, and the cyclone mixed with the fluctuation of magic power blew away along the path of the staff.

Black magician, summon!

[Black Magician, Attack Power 2500]

“Pandora’s card.” The rare card hunter narrowed his eyes, “But what if you summon a black magician now? Your only 500 LPs are left in the wind, my mecha unit With an attack power of 4600, can you still make a comeback in this situation?”

“Put down two cards, the round is over.”

You Yu couldn’t help but admire that this rare card hunter was a real man, who dared to say the absolutely taboo word “candle in the wind” to his opponent in a duel.

Throughout the history of Yu-Gi-Oh, anyone who dared to say the word “candle in the wind” to the opposite side in the animation, the grass on the grave has grown so long that the tombstone can no longer be seen…

Even the super boss of the world-destroying evil **** level can’t escape this law, and now the unknown person of Gurus on the opposite side dares to touch this taboo, it is really respectable and respectable…

“My turn!”

After the rare card hunter drew a card, he stared at the three cover cards in the backcourt of You Yu and thought.

The LP is only 500, but he uses the black magician as an attack sign… Are you trying to lure me to attack? That is to say, is there a reversal move in those three Gevka?

The card on the far left was already closed in the last turn. If it can be activated, it should have been activated when the attack last round, so that should be just a pretense, a bluff.

Then, the only thing to watch out for is the two cards that were just closed in the last turn.

He chuckled and took out a card from his hand: “Although you may just be bluffing, let me be a little cautious…

Activate the magic card – magic removal!

Due to the effect of this card, I can confirm a card that is overlaid on the field. If that card is a magic card, destroy it directly. If it is a trap card, overwrite it. “

You Yu raised his eyebrows.

“Hey, what I want to choose is… the card on the far right!”

You Yu stood calmly with his arms crossed. The cards covered beside him stood up uncontrollably under the influence of the removal of magic.

That’s a trap card.

The Wall of Separation can be activated when the opponent declares an attack to reduce the ATK of all monsters on the opponent’s field by the number of monsters x 800.

“I see, there are two monsters on my field now. If I attack with a mecha unit, the attack power will drop by 1600 points under the trap effect of the Wall of Separation.”

The hunter changed his conversation and raised his volume.

“But! Even if it drops by 1600 points, the attack power of the mecha unit is still 3000! The Black Magician has only 2500 attack power, and this blow is still enough to take away your only 500 LP, so it will be my victory!

Hahaha, it seems that your approach of pinning your hope of counterattack on this trap will not work! What a pity, if I summon another monster this turn, the attack power of the mecha unit will drop by 2400 points, and you can use the black magician to counter-kill.

It’s a pity, but I’m still better at it. “

Speaking of which, this short hunter felt even more insane.

At this point, the magic removal effect ends. Because the confirmed card was not a magic card, the “Wall of Separation” was replaced on the field as it was.

But rare card hunters don’t care at all.

“The last blow! Mecha troops, attack the black magician! Mecha shooting!” The hunter began to laugh, “I will take the black magician and your rare card!”

“Activate the Trap Card – The Wall of Separation!” Yu Yu activated the Gai card, “All monsters on the opponent’s field with reduced ATK x800 monsters!”

[Mecha Force・Armed Force, Attack Power 4600→Attack Power 3000]

[Overseer-Covington, ATK 1000 → ATK 0]

“Mu Da (useless)!” the hunter shouted, “Mecha, keep attacking! Tear the black magician and this stinky boy to pieces!”

“Open the second cover card again!” Yu Yu’s operation has not yet ended, “Chain activation of trap cards – support shot! This card can attack when a monster on your field is attacked, only during this turn. Increases the ATK of another monster on your side!

I used the elemental hero Wingman to support the Black Magician, and the Black Magician’s attack power increased by a thousand points! “

“It’s actually a double trap!?” The rare card hunter was taken aback, but he didn’t retreat, “Then I will also open the cover card and counter the trap-trap jammer!

This card can negate and destroy Trap Cards activated by your opponent during the Battle Phase! “

The rare card hunter showed a wicked smile: “The activation of the support shot is invalid, so the attack power of the black magician will not increase, but maintain the original 2500 points!

This time is really the last blow – the mecha unit! Kill him for me! “

However, at the last moment of this decisive moment, You Yu twitched the corner of his mouth, showing a triumphant smile.

“What… what? What are you laughing at, brat?” The hunter panicked.

You Yu chuckled: “According to the effect of the ‘Hero Mark’, I can choose a four-star elemental hero from the deck for special summons… Why do you think I should choose the attack power and the defense power? What about the high-strength winged man?”

(Wingman: QAQ, the boss is hard to tear down==)

“Why… why?” The rare card hunter began to panic a little.

“This is the reason. Look, now this is the real final blow!”

With a wave of his arm, You Yu opened the last card on the field—the one that was ignored by the rare card hunter and was closed in the previous round.

“Countering Trap – Winged Whirlwind!” You Yu shouted, “You can only activate it when there is an ‘Elemental Hero, Winged Man’ on your field, negate the effect of a spell/trap card activated by your opponent and destroy it!”


The rare card hunter turned pale in shock, and then suddenly thought of something.

“Wind of Wings… This guy blocked this card last turn, so he chose to Special Summon Winged Man when he activated ‘Hero Mark’… Could this kid be at that time? Have you already calculated the chain of counterattacks now?”

His pupils contracted and his eyes widened in disbelief.

This little devil… just where is he holy?

How can it be so strong! ?

At this time, the winged man in the defensive state had already flapped his wings and flew into the air, and the flapping of his wings created a whirlwind on the field. Countless white wings pierced through the hunter’s “trap jammer” like flying knives, smashing the card into pieces.

“Use ‘Wind of Wings’ to negate the ineffective effect of the ‘Trap Jammer’!” You Yu waved his hand, “So the activation of the support shot is effective! Add the attack power of Winged Man to the Black Magician!”

Winged Man made a pose similar to that in Dragon Ball, and began to open his mouth and shout, “Drink, ah, ah,” as if a green flame was burning all over his body. His power was then superimposed on the Black Magician under the effect of the trap card.

(The Peak of Winged Man’s Life.JPG)

[Black Magician, Attack Power 2500 → Attack Power 3500]

[Mecha and Armed Forces, Attack Power 3000]

“Black magician, fight back!” You Yu shouted.

The huge mecha robot released a dense barrage attack on the black magician, but in the current situation of reversal of strength and weakness, it has long been unable to pose the slightest threat.

I saw that the black magician stretched out one palm and released a dark red magic circle from the palm of his hand, which understated all the opponent’s offensive. Countless ammunition bounced off the array, and the missiles exploded with gorgeous flame light effects and billowing smoke, but none of them could shake the defense in the slightest.

Immediately afterwards, the black magician raised his staff gently, and the tip of the crystal green staff brewed a magic ball of thunder.

Dark magic!

The magic wave mercilessly pierced the robot’s body in one fell swoop. The huge robot body swayed, and the body was pierced from front to back, and electric sparks continued to burst out. Finally, it exploded with a “bang” after a burst of current screams, and the whole Erhua was torn apart.

[Rare Card Hunter, LP2000→LP1500]

The rare card hunter stared blankly at the three-dimensional image that disappeared in front of him.

“No… no way? My strongest mecha is… defeated?”

It took him nearly a minute to regain his senses – but the whole person was already in a state of extreme confusion.

“But… Damn, there must be other means!”

He began to frantically check his hand, check the cemetery, and look for all possible means of counterattack.

However, it is clear that the hunter has panicked to the point where he is not very conscious. Because until the end of the one-round operation time limited by the rules, not only did he fail to play a single card, but he even forgot to change the battle commander-Covington, who had lowered the attack power on the field to 0, to the defense.

But of course, in this situation, even if he turns to the defense, the outcome is not bad.

“My round! This is the real last round.”

You Yu gave the order: “Black magician, attack the war supervisor – Covington!”

The magician flew out, and the pitch-black magic power pierced the warmaster who had only 0 attack power, and also took away the last remaining LP of the rare card hunter.


[Rare Card Hunter, LP1500→LP0]

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