I Play Cards In Yu-Gi-Oh

Chapter 16 - player!


You Yu sneezed loudly and rubbed his nose.

I have sneezed several times since I woke up this morning, and my overall condition is not very good. I feel that I may have caught a cold at night and have a cold.

This also confirms that even the game is a real world, and he is now a real person living in this world.

【Favorability +1】

Yu Yu silently turned his gaze to Ito China, who quickly retracted his gaze, and silently ate the grilled salmon for breakfast with a blank expression on his face.

Although he wanted to complain and sneeze could raise his favorability, but now he has gotten used to it.

Maybe this is the best trouble.

In life, there are times when the favorability level will be raised.

“Qianna’s craftsmanship is getting better and better.” You Yu began to look for topics.

“Yeah.” Qianna replied casually, “Because I learned a new formula.”

Before You Yu crossed over, as a game house cook, he knew nothing about cooking, and Qiannai was responsible for solving the food problems living here these days.

According to what Qianna said, she seems to have been living here during the holidays, and will not move out until school starts. But the store manager should have returned by then.

“Speaking of which, the store manager hasn’t come back yet.”

Yu Yu felt a little strange. The mysterious store manager didn’t know where he went. He has been here for more than a week and has not been seen yet.

“Oh, he said that things were done, but it was rare to go out and want to play outside for a while before coming back.” After eating the salmon, Qianna took the miso soup and drank it.

After a pause, she suddenly glanced at You Yu one more time.

“Who are you waiting for?”

“Huh? Why do you say that?”

“Because you have been looking outside every now and then since last night,” she said, “as if you were waiting for someone.”


In fact, her observation was indeed correct. You Yu was indeed waiting for something, but it was not a specific person.

Because according to his memory, the closed beta of the game “Link to the World” seems to have been in these two days.

The internal test of Link World is actually very simple. It only lasts for two days. After logging in, players basically only have time to familiarize themselves with the basic operations and systems.

The internal test is a non-deleted internal test, and the official launch of the server seems to be just after that. If You Yu remembered correctly, the game was officially launched just half a month after the end of the closed beta – just before the opening of the Battle City Competition.

So in the past two days, he should have had the opportunity to get in touch with the sand sculpture players for the first time.

In order to facilitate players to search for strategies, copy cards and exchange information at the same time in the game, Link World also has an official forum login interface in the game.

In other words, players can also log in to the game forum within the game. It’s just that you can only watch and cannot speak in the game. If you want to post a reply, you still have to exit the game and log in through the browser.

Thanks to this feature, You Yu, as an NPC with his own game panel, can also log in to the forum to view the comments of sand sculpture players.

It’s just that the game has not yet started the internal test, and the official forum is also locked. Even if he went in, it was a lifeless gray and black, and there was nothing.

But it shouldn’t be long.

The forum should also be open when the test server is launched in the past two days, and it will be lively soon.

After finishing breakfast, she suddenly asked, “Do you have a cold?”

“A little.” You Yu rubbed his nose, “but it’s okay, it’s not serious.”

Sister Qiannai was thoughtful, but she didn’t speak, she turned her head and went back to the kitchen.

Unexpectedly, she came out of the kitchen after a while with a bowl of **** syrup in her hand.

You Yu was stunned for a moment, and he was a little moved while smiling bitterly.

Everyone said that it doesn’t matter if it’s just a little cold, but it’s still the whole thing…

…then he saw Qianna-chan sitting down beside him, holding the bowl of **** syrup and drinking it by himself…

You Yu: “…”

Seemingly noticing You Yu’s strange gaze, she gave an “oh” and explained, “Because I was afraid of being infected, I drank some soup to prevent it.

What, do you want it too? “

“…No, I don’t need it anymore.”


You Yu definitely remembered correctly.

Just tonight, the world of Yu-Gi-Oh, or more precisely, the game world of the linked world, ushered in a moment that may have caused the history of this entire world to deviate.

That is the arrival of duelists from another world—real card players!

They brought some dueling monster cards that did not exist in this world, and brought a series of concepts such as “earning cards” and “card difference” that were puzzling to local duelists.

In addition, some people brought some wonderful card groups and combos that no one had thought of before.

But more than that.

Not only do these duelists have dueling styles and tactical thinking that are completely different from the existing system, but they…

…the spirit doesn’t seem to be quite normal!

For example, many of them are always long-winded and say things that no one can understand.

For example, they like to be grandstanding, and they will walk on the street in some costumes that normal people find weird even on Halloween.

For example, most of their names are either too long or too stupid, some are very unqualified and some are very unhealthy.

Another example is that they will not hesitate to pay a lot of money for some things that ordinary people don’t care about at all, and they are “helpful” to the point that they like to do white jobs for others and will only receive almost negligible remuneration.

All in all, it’s a bunch of weirdos who can only play cards!


When the player with the ID “Xuelang” on his head opened his eyes, the UU reading www.uukanshu.com person had already landed on the open space in the wilderness.

Xuelang was a little stunned.

Is this already in the game? How does it feel like in reality?

He caught a glimpse of the duel plate that was automatically put on when the number was created in his hand, and only then did he make sure that he had indeed logged into the “Link World” game.

Woc, is this game too real?

This sense of manipulation of the avatar’s body, touching objects, and even the touch of the breeze blowing at night.

Even the feeling can be reproduced so vividly. Xuelang suspects that if he stays in this game for a long time, he might not be able to distinguish the game from reality.

But the key is…

……Shouldn’t this be a card game?

In the past, there was a lot of publicity about the game. A consortium boasted that the game has made a huge technological breakthrough and has a great sense of real experience. Most players still think it is bragging.

After all, it should be a collectible card game in essence. The elements of MRPG are secondary, and it is expected that the game production will not be much better.

But now it seems that the production of this card game really has something to do with it!

Xuelang glanced at it and found that there seemed to be no other players around – this is not surprising. It is said that there are only a few hundred places for the internal test, and it is normal for hundreds of players to randomly throw them in and not find each other.

However, according to the official instructions of the game, the landing location of the closed beta players should be the main stage of the animation – near Tongshiye City.

Judging from this, the brightly lit modern city not far from him should be Tongshiye City.

After judging the direction, Xuelang no longer hesitated, jumping and rolling, all the way to the direction of the city.

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