I Play Cards In Yu-Gi-Oh

Chapter 1594 - 1 heart

“According to the effect of ‘Rainbow Life’, my health is restored to 10900!”

darkness sneered softly.

“Then the attack of ‘Masked Hero Dark Demon’ passes, and your combination will take effect again. According to the effect of the balance shooter, I will take another 800 points of damage.”

[darkness, lp 10900 lp 10100]

“It’s like scratching a tick.” Darkness said, “The strongest human being, the first duel king, and the strong standing among countless duelists can only do this in the end.

In the face of the torrent of fate, you are just a man’s arm and a car. Even a duel king can’t do anything. “

darkness stretched out his hand and slowly swept across You Yu’s field.

“You’ve spent a lot of time summoning so many monsters and setting up such a lineup, but in the end you won’t get anything.” He said, “In the next turn, the effect of ‘The Great Evil God: Sok’ is activated, and all the monsters you summon will be destroyed. !

In that case, everything on your field will be destroyed. And the monsters you summoned will instead devour yourself, and you will be defeated in that instant! “

What he said was really good. Now that he couldn’t complete the beheading, the monsters that You Yu put out became a burden instead.

The evil **** Thork has the ability to destroy all monsters on the opponent’s field and deal damage equal to the total ATK of the destroyed monsters. If he takes damage equal to the ATK of all monsters on his field, Yuyu will undoubtedly lose here.

But still it doesn’t matter.

“Then activate the magic card ‘Monster Recovery’ from your hand!” You Yu said, “Return all cards on the field and in your hand to the deck and shuffle, then draw five cards from the deck!” (animation effect)

Red Dragon, Sanyi, Bionic Man, Dark Ghost, Xinyuxia, all the monsters standing on Yuyu’s side were all recovered in one go, and all flew back to his deck.

You Yu’s deck was automatically shuffled and five new cards popped up.

“Hahaha!” Darkness laughed, “It’s really ugly, do you have to avoid the effect of the evil **** in this way?

Sacrificing all the monsters on the field to avoid damage is really a desperate choice.

“…Then lay down three more cards, and the round is over.”

As You Yu spoke, three more cards appeared in the backcourt.

“At the end of the round, ‘Cosmic Brilliant Dragon’ is back on the field.”

[Cosmic Flare Dragon, Attack Power 4000 Attack Power 4500]

“It seems that struggling to this point is your limit…but you are good enough.” Darkness said, “You are very strong, even in this duel, you can exceed my expectations time and time again. .

But in the end, you’re just a human after all, powerless in the face of the behemoth called destiny.

On my turn, draw a card! “

darkness raised his arms high.

“Activate the effect of ‘Great Evil God Sok’ on the field!” Darkness shouted, “Once per turn, destroy all monsters on the opponent’s field!”

You Yu waved his hand: “Then the effect of ‘Cosmic Flaming Dragon’ will be activated again! Remove the Flaming Dragon on the field from the game, and negate and destroy the opponent’s magic, trap, and monster effects!”

The Cosmic Flare Dragon spreads its wings and dissipates into starlight again. The dazzling stardust light surrounded the Great Cthulhu, but was quickly scattered by Thork. …

“Although Thork can’t be affected by the effect of the Cosmic Flare Dragon, but now that the Cosmic Flare Dragon has disappeared, there are no monsters on my field.” You Yu said, “Therefore, no monsters will be destroyed, and I don’t have to take any damage. .”

Of course darkness knew this, but he still had to use Thok’s effect. Because if you don’t activate the effect first to force Yaozhan to surrender the effect, when Thork attacks later, You Yu can use another effect of “Cosmic Yaozhuang Dragon” to force the end of the battle phase.

“But then your only line of defense will disappear.” Darkness chuckled, “Disappear, duel Wang Youyu. The battle continues!

I use ‘Great Evil God Sok’ to attack you directly! “

Sock couldn’t wait. The dark vortex rushed into the sky, the surging energy gathered in the huge dragon head, and the dark vortex erupted towards You Yu!

Gu: It is the darkness that annihilates even the stardust, like the endless chaos in the void before the creation of all things. The darkness was mixed with rolling thunder, which almost burst the eardrums.

A strong sense of weightlessness struck, and for a moment, You Yu could hardly feel his existence. His body became light and airy, and the icy darkness seemed to pierce every cell in his body, making him even feel like he was part of the darkness for a short time, sinking with the flow.

He felt as if the last ounce of life had been drained. In the darkness, the ugly face of the great evil **** Sok appeared, and his scarlet eyes stared at him, as if he was laughing smugly.

He felt that he had won, that he was sure of winning.

Darkness triumphs over light. After countless reincarnations and countless attempts, he finally won.

Unfortunately not.

【Yu Yu, lp 400 lp 0】

“Oh, it’s over.”

Although darkness appeared to be fully in control, in fact he was secretly relieved at this moment.

Duel Wang Youyu and his trumped-up “creator of light Harakti”

My dear, this chapter is not over, and there is still another page. The existence of ^0^ is actually a hidden danger, and it is not as easy for him to deal with it as he said.

But luckily this threat was lifted. No one will be next…

“Huh?” Darkness suddenly realized something was wrong.

It’s true that You Yu’s health had returned to zero, but when the smoke screen dissipated, his figure was still tall and straight.

The duel is not over yet.

[Elemental hero Xinyuxia, attack power 2500]

darkness: “!”

When they saw the Ultraman standing on the Yuyu field, both darkness and the great evil **** Sock were stunned.

“Why!?” darkness asked. “Why haven’t you disappeared?”

You Yu pointed to a card beside him.

“The Trap Card ‘Soul Relay’,” he said calmly, “You can only activate it when your HP reaches zero. Special Summon the monsters in your hand.

After that, whether it’s my health being zeroed or the deck being drained, it doesn’t count as a defeat.

My only defeat condition has been changed to the monster Special Summoned by this effect——

——That is, the departure of ‘Elemental Hero Xin Yuxia’! “

That is to say ~www.mtlnovel.com~ now his conditions for victory and defeat have been bound to Xinyuxia, they are one mind.

The moment Xinyuxia is eliminated, it will be the defeat of Yuyu as a duelist.

“The trump card of the tenth generation of Youcheng, the cosmic hero from the starry sky.” Darkness snorted, “Even if you delay a round in this way, what can you change?

It’s just a mortal bone with an attack power of 2500. It’s easy to crush such a monster. “

Saying so, but he was getting more and more irritable.

He seemed to sense that some imperceptible existence was approaching little by little, invading his darkness, his domain, but he could not perceive what it was.

It made him restless.

“The round is over.”

Please remember this book’s first domain name: . . . : m..

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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