I, Pirate Shichibukai

Chapter 464

Chapter 474 Laki’S Call

Reason and hunger are struggling in Garrett’s mind.

As a member of the BIG-MOM pirates, Garrett has her own pride. Even if she starved to death, she would not accept such an insulting action.


The abdominal rumbling was louder, which made Garret feel a little embarrassed, and even said that she felt a little embarrassed.

Domino, who was standing beside him, glanced at the stubborn Garret, and shook his head helplessly. Why is this, now the husband is not angry, or the mood to play has not yet come up, if this time passes, you It’s not that easy to want to eat food again!



Just when Crocodile was looking forward to waiting for what kind of surprise Garrett would give him, the phone bug in his arms suddenly rang.


Crocodile grunted, but pulled out the phone bug anyway.

It was the clingy little guy from Laki who called him. I hope he didn’t swear at himself to show off his body or something. Even if he picked up his own interests, he would be out of reach.

Crocodile has a deep understanding of Laki’s style. God knows where the innocent and kind little girl used to go, but now the feeling in front of him is completely different from the one on Sky Island.

Meanwhile, The fish men island has an open-air bath.

Laki, wearing a bikini, was lying comfortably in a small hot spring surrounded by mist.

“It’s really comfortable.”

Laki poured a handful of hot water from the underground hot spring in both hands and poured it on his Baoman mountain. It was so hot that people couldn’t help but scream.

It would be even better if Mr.

For a time, such an unrealistic idea popped up in Laki’s mind. Thinking about it, a silly smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he didn’t know what interesting things came to his mind.

The phone bug is connected.

“What’s the matter”?”

Crocodile’s tone was a little unpleasant, after all, he was enjoying a good show of a arrogant woman bowing her head to him, and being disturbed, he would definitely not be in a better mood.

“Sir~” Laki snorted, his voice was a bit whiny, as if he could break a person’s bones.

Crocodile on the other end of the phone was terribly itchy when she heard this delicate cry, while Domino on the side shivered. She couldn’t imagine that there was a woman’s voice in the world outside of Satie. Unable to hold back, even as a woman, she had to admit that just relying on her voice alone, the woman on the opposite side was enough to make men in the world fascinated.

“If I don’t call you, you don’t know how to call someone. Don’t you miss me at all? I miss you so much…”

Hearing this, a dense layer of black lines appeared on Crocodile’s head. The words came out of Laki’s mouth with sincerity. Among all the women she had encountered, she was the one who could say such a high-sounding statement. Speaking of which, let Orovia say that she can blush for a long time without letting out a fart.

As for Aunt Shakky, it is estimated that she will only give herself a big blank eye, and it is even more impossible to say such a “drop in price”.

“It’s not easy for you to do anything, and you still do this and that every day!”

Although he said so, Crocodile didn’t mean to blame at all.

This time, Laki’s voice was even more aggrieved.

“It’s not that you don’t know that Enel and I have never been eye-catching, and Aunt Shao also asked me to persuade me. This is not to make me fail. If Orovia’s sister goes, I think that stinky boy will definitely be stubborn. Fuck off from that place where birds don’t shit.

The relationship between Orovia and Enel, Laki is clear, that mighty bullshit Thor, in addition to maintaining respect for Orovia, has always been ignored by others, even Crocodile, only It’s just being coerced by a powerful force.

“The wings are hard, and some people are disobedient. When I get rid of the trivial matters of New World, I will see how temperamental our Lord Thor is!”

This sentence is murderous.

Crocodile has never been merciful to those who betrayed him, and by the same token, he can get a good future, whether it is wealth or fame!

The sound of rushing water clearly reached Crocodile’s ears.

“Are you on The fish men island now?”

Before Shao Crocodile had already instructed Aunt Shakky to send someone to The fish men island to collect information, but Aunt Shao had only a handful of people who could use it, and some uneducated guys couldn’t find any information on The fish men island. She will be killed by some people who have a heart. As for Laki, she can’t be beaten by someone who is not famous. If she is famous and strong, it will not be too embarrassing for Crocodile’s face.

Besides, with the ability of Laki Devil Fruit, even if you can’t beat it, it is easy to escape.

“”Giggle, sir, I came to this dreamland to see your old lover again, tsk tsk, that skin is really nothing to say, I am very envious, the pampered princess is not like us bastards from the countryside. Same. Laki let out a coquettish smile, and her beautiful eyes glanced at the direction of the Dragon King Palace.

Recently, Princess Otto Ji has been very busy. She can’t wait to cheer up the mood of the people of The fish men island in the square every day. Let alone, these politicians’ speeches are really good to deceive people. Those two fools screamed loudly. People who don’t know think that woman wants to conquer the whole world, Father.

“Sir, it is rumored that you ate all of their daughters, is it true?

Laki has always been very good at Eight Trigrams, in his own impression, Crocodile will not be afraid of these (well), just look at Orovia and Robin.

To be honest, Laki is also a little annoyed, why he doesn’t have a good-looking mother, and it’s not realistic to have a beautiful daughter at his own age, hey, if he can meet this condition, he will be able to attract more Mr. attention, nor will Orovia always show off her power.

Crocodile certainly didn’t know that there were some evil thoughts in Laki’s mind at this time.

After sorting out the information in my mind: “If I remember correctly, Marine currently stationed on The fish men island is the guy Daz, don’t take the risk, if you want to collect reliable information, find him secretly, but you must Be careful, don’t be discovered by someone with a heart, I don’t want the pieces that I finally inserted to be destroyed by you! 39

Hearing this, Laki curled his lips, does he really belong to that kind of stupid and wicked woman in the eyes of Mr.


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