I Just Wanted To Retire and I Was Forced To Become a General

Chapter 17

Chapter 17: A Man Like You Can’T Hide

“Silent step!”

Crow kicked his feet on the ground a few times in a row, and his figure disappeared.

Da Siqi only felt a chill go straight to her back, and subconsciously turned around to block the knife.


The five-fingered claw blade rested on Dusky’s knife, creating a spark.

“Famous sword…”

Cullo looked at the knife in Dusky’s hand with some envy.

The famous sword [Shiyu] belongs to the [Quick Sword].

[Quick Knife] does not belong to the ranks of the eighty-three swords of the great route, but it is in the ranks of [Famous Knives].

But Cullo wasn’t interested, he either didn’t want it, or wanted one of the eighty-three.

Otherwise, Luffy hasn’t arrived at Rogge Town yet. There are [Third Generation Onitou] and [Snow Walk] in the weapon shop, but the two knives only belong to the ranks of [famous knives], and Cullo has no interest.

Although it is said that famous swords have been used by good swordsmen for a long time, sooner or later they will be promoted to one of the eighty-three, but why does it take so much effort to have a ready-made Cullo.

Isn’t prostitution fragrant?

“That kind of trick…”

Smog’s focus was on Klow, and he didn’t think how strong he was when he first saw him.

He didn’t like Qiwuhai, he didn’t believe what Hawkeye said, he only believed what he saw with his own eyes.

The Crowe that I saw gave the impression that although there was hidden strength, it would not be that strong.

But this move surprised him a bit.

“It’s like ‘shaved’, Dashqi is in a bit of trouble.”

Smog’s heart sank, but he was a little suspicious: “Is this kind of person really forced to join the Pirates?”

“He has a heart that yearns for justice, isn’t that enough?”

Clow smiled and said, “Worrying that your subordinates will lose? It’s not a big problem. After all, Clow is the strongest person in our group of navy!”

“No, if it’s only this level, Dasqi will win.” Smog shook his head and said.

Dasqi barely blocked Crow’s attack, stepped back, but his upper body leaned forward, the blade slashed towards Crow’s claw blade, cutting his throat with a knife.

The other party is a man recognized by the world’s largest swordsman, so if you do your best, there will be no problem!

The cold sword light struck very quickly, K Luo’s pupils shrank, and he squatted subconsciously. Dasqi’s wrist turned, and it turned into a split, and he slashed heavily.


Crow’s body fell heavily in the distance, he turned over and got up in embarrassment.

The meticulous hair is a little messy, and there is an extra wound on the cheek.

If he hadn’t flashed so fast just now, that knife could have killed him.


“I’m angry, Navy!”

Crow’s pupils almost turned into vertical pupils, and his voice was as cold as ice, making the navy watching the battle feel a chill.

“Are you serious, Mr. Crowe, let me see your kendo!”

Dasqi was even more excited, she felt that Mr. Crowe should be serious.

Crow lowered his hands, as if powerless, and he swayed like a pendulum.

Murderous, in the diffuse.


The figure disappeared.

The murderous aura was completely fascinated.


A naval building was marked with five deep marks.

Da Siqi was still looking forward to it when she saw several ravines split open in the surrounding buildings, and then there were five marks on the ground in front of her, and she went straight to this side.

“Dasqi, bow your head!”

“Yes, Colonel Smalls!”

Subconsciously, Dusky lowered his head.

A cold light flashed across Da Siqi’s head, and a strand of hair fell and was cut to pieces.


The ten steel hands collided with the claw blade, revealing the figure of Crow.


Crow was surprised to see the claw blade lingering in a cloud of smoke, and above the smoke was Smoker’s upper body.


Smog hit Clow with a punch, grabbed his head and pressed it on the ground, “You are not the same name at all, you are ‘Hundreds’ Clow, I didn’t expect you to be dead yet, dare to join the ranks of the navy, don’t you dare Small!”

“Ku…Mr. Clow.” Clow struggled.

“Dare to call Cullo, that idiot was deceived by you.”

Smog said coldly: “After all, there is the title of ‘Hundred Strategies’, I didn’t even think of it at first, but your strength is not worthy of the praise of the eagle eye, hum, I don’t know where the rumors came from.”

“Hey, you should let go.”

Suddenly, a voice sounded from behind.

Mixed with a strong wind.

Lida transformed into a girl form and kicked it horizontally, but her legs and feet directly penetrated Smoker’s body.

“Nature department?”

Lida looked surprised.

“Those who can?”

The ten hands shot straight out from Smog’s hand, and Lida grabbed the ten hands with one hand, but by coincidence, her hand grabbed the front of the ten hands.

“I can’t use my strength, Hai… Hailou stone?”

Lida almost fell to her knees.

“Another one, it turned out to be an accomplice.”

Smog approached with ten hands, and his body stirred up with smoke, gradually becoming elemental, and snorted coldly: “Just grab it, Dasqi!”


Dasqi calmed down for a moment, and as soon as the blade turned, she slashed towards Lida.



A golden slash hit Da Siqi’s knife without error. The huge force made her knife go away instantly. Shi Yu flipped a few times in the air and stabbed firmly into the ground.

“Flying Slash?!” Dasqi said in surprise.

“Almost got it, give me some face.”

Cullo appeared beside Smaller at some point, grabbed his shoulder, and said loudly, “Try your strength so far, let’s find a place to have a drink.”

Smog looked shocked, glanced at Cullo, put away his ten hands, and was pulled by Cullo into the distance in front of the navy.

It’s not that he thought about it, but when he was elementalized, he was actually caught by Cullo.

“Domineering, flying and slashing.”

Smog’s eyes were solemn, “You guy, are you hiding so deeply?”

Cullo scratched his head and looked directly at Smog: “Don’t be so serious, how about finding a place to have two drinks.”

Smog looked at him for a while, then nodded, “Alright.”

“Hey, you two come here too.”

Clow called out to Lida and Chloe.

A restaurant in Rogue Town.

Everyone gathered around the dining table, Lida devoured it, Crow wiped his glasses, and Dasqi looked at them with a knife in his arms.

“Lucy Lu Clow.”

Smaller took a deep look at the man who just walked away with a cigar, and said, “Hidden in the Navy for ten years, what do you want to do?”

“What I said, I’m not a villain. I just want to live a safe and peaceful life. Although it may be difficult for you to understand, this is indeed my wish.”

“No, I understand.”

Smog looked at him and said, “There is an old guy who has this kind of thinking too, a model of not doing enough work. The man Hawkeye is talking about is you, Cullo.”

Cullo nodded helplessly: “I didn’t want to shoot, but Qiwuhai is too willful.”

“Sure enough, Mr. Clow is the one who can hit the throne of the world’s largest swordsman with a flying slash.”

Dasqi said excitedly: “It must be the name that is similar and wrong, Mr. Clow rest assured, I will definitely correct your name!”

Crowe glanced at Dasqi gratefully, and the trace of resentment that had been entangled by this natural idiot just now disappeared without a trace.

Good man!

Cullo twitched the corners of his mouth. Was the slash he just made lighter?

“Anyway, please help me keep it a secret. I don’t want to be targeted by the higher-ups. It’s too troublesome.”

“What a pity, Mr. Clow!”

Dasqi retorted: “Those are useless, a man like you, no matter where he is, is like a firefly in the darkness, so bright, so outstanding!”

Sure enough, that knife is really light.

Smoker let out a breath of smoke, “I’m not interested in what kind of justice you maintain, that’s your choice, as long as you remember the duties of the navy.”

He glanced at Crow and said, “It’s not without precedent that a pirate joins the navy, let alone a ‘dead man’.”

“Well, that’s it, you’re still very reasonable, Smoker.”

Cullo laughed, “Slip away, I haven’t visited Rogue Town on the first day, by the way, this meal is yours.”

Smoker opened a bottle of rum, and he still had things on his mind despite Clow’s departure.

A great swordsman who was praised by Hawkeye, is still a good navy, no matter what, the navy has a strong enough combat power to join.

In this world, there are many strong people with quirks.

In his opinion, Clow is the kind of powerhouse with quirks.

“Hmph, want to be safe? Dasqi, you’re right, a man like that can’t hide.”

Smaller smiled, “Checkout.”

“Colonel Smallg, 300,000 Baileys of sincerity.”

The boss walked over with a smile on his face.


Smoker glanced at the plates stacked high on the dining table.

“That little girl… Hey, Clow!”

Smoker yelled at the door.

Clow had already slipped away.

If you can save a meal, you can save a meal. It’s not easy to raise a foodie.

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