I Just Wanted To Retire and I Was Forced To Become a General

Chapter 12

Chapter 12: No Kidding, Pirates!

The ship is still sailing, and Crow has been observing the patrol ship for the past few days.

He knew that this was the navy of the 153rd branch, and he also knew the fate with Monka.

But this made him even more puzzled. After collecting information in the past few days, he understood that Cullo was a warrant officer and had nothing to do with it. Although he was admired by the navy of the warship, the image of Cullo that they showed was a conscientious and conscientious person. A dedicated navy.

And what Cullo showed was an ordinary navy, even a navy with some salted fish.

He didn’t do the usual drills, and he didn’t go out for inspections. Everything was handed over to the ship’s second-in-command, Colonel Cass.

I spent the whole day hanging out with the little girl in the cabin, smoking and drinking, and keeping snacks.

If it wasn’t for Clow’s deep memory of the knife in his mind, he might have been deceived by the illusion shown by Clow.

Even he can be deceived, so this man has been dormant in the East China Sea for more than ten years, there must be a big conspiracy.

This man is terrible!

Crow looked at the sky on the deck. Although there were no clouds, he always felt that the dark clouds would soon cover the top, as if a big hand was about to cover the entire East China Sea.

“Oh! Bharati, Bharati!”

Lida’s cheers came from the cabin, and she ran over, jumping with her arms raised.

Ahead, there is a faint outline of a ship.

The most famous restaurant in the East China Sea, Bharati Sea Restaurant.

“Is Mr. Crowe also interested in Bharati?”

Seeing Crow staring blankly ahead, Cass couldn’t help asking.

These days the navy wants Chloe’s ‘real name’, but with the reason of ‘since it’s called Chloe, live with this name and remember this shame’, Chloe did it honestly and honestly. ‘s name.

Hearing this, Crow was a little stunned.

He had heard of this restaurant, but as a pirate, he had never been there, and he never thought that he would go there for dinner one day.

A quiet life…that’s it.

That Clow wasn’t lying.

Just thinking about it, a powerful light rose from the sea level. It was a half-moon-shaped light that stood up and came straight to this side.

“what is that?”

Crow was stunned for a while, he had never seen that kind of thing, but he had no doubt that if he was hit, he would be shattered.

“Flying Slash?! Swordsman?! Chloe, come out!”

The white-haired girl over there was startled.

“That’s too late!”

Seeing that the slashing was getting faster and faster, Lida gritted her teeth and jumped on the bow. She grew up and transformed into a girl, with her arms crossed to block, and her arms covered her forearms with domineering looks.

“The biggest round of essence energy, shock!”

She put her hands together and pushed forward vigorously.

Bang! !

The air seemed to be twisted, Lida pushed the slash forward with both hands, the hull in front could not stand the pressure and split open, and a huge impact swayed to the deck, blowing the navy up and down.

Crow was hit by the impact and moved backwards, his whole body was in pain, as if he was stabbed by a knife.

“What is this? Is there such a thing in the East China Sea?” Crow was inexplicably horrified.

And that girl, why did it become like this, what is the black on her hand, if you feel like hitting yourself, one punch is enough.

“Give me… go!”

Lida let out a loud roar and pushed her hand vigorously, pushing up the approaching slash.

The slash turned in a different direction and shot straight into the sky.

“Ha…ha…what a joke, how can there be such a strong slash!”

Lida’s figure instantly changed into that of a child, panting and staring straight ahead.

With just one slash, she almost lost her strength.

“Huh? Blocked?

A man in a straw hat and a man in golden armor were fighting on a shattered ship near Bharati. A man watching the battle just put away his black knife and looked over in surprise.

A hint of surprise appeared in those eagle-like eyes, “That little girl?”

The black knife swung out again.

“Again… again!”

Crowe’s eyes widened, watching a larger slash than the previous one appear again.

This time, it was too late.

A golden half-moon-shaped slash was suddenly provoked from the deck, and it went straight to the dark green, colliding and entangled in the middle.

Bang! !

The two slashes did not give way to each other, advancing with each other like a rivalry, and finally turned into air waves, which exploded in the sea, stirring up huge waves.

The waves swept the sky, turned into a torrential rain, and hit the warship.

“Flying Slash? Interesting.”

A smile appeared on the corner of the man’s mouth in the distance, jumped on his boat, and headed here.

With a gloomy face, Cullo stood on the bow at some point, staring at the gradually emerging boat ahead.

“Curo, you… idiot, I’m hungry.” Lida said weakly.

Clow glanced at her, “Sorry, my mistake, I was taking a nap just now. Clow, go get some food for Lida.”

He slept soundly, and he came to such a place for no reason. If it weren’t for Lida, the ship would probably be out of business, and…

The blood on Lida’s hand made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Soon Crow brought a pile of food, and Lida devoured it and devoured it. Then he patted his belly and breathed a sigh of relief: “Slow down, it’s terrible, what’s going on with that slash, when is Donghai? With a sword… a sword…”

Needless to say, because Lida saw the approaching boat and the man sitting on the boat.

Those sharp eagle eyes, and the huge black knife on his back.

“That black knife, you can’t go wrong, it’s the most powerful black knife in the world…that’s Hawkeye!”

Lida’s eyes widened in horror.

Cullo nodded his head: “Shibukai, the world’s largest swordsman, Joracol Mihawk.”

“The world’s greatest swordsman?!”

Chloe looked at it in horror, even if the information was lagging in the East China Sea, he had heard of this name.

How could such a man be in the East China Sea.


As the ship approached, Mihawk flashed and appeared on the deck of the warship.

“It’s you, the one who sent the flying slash.”

Mihawk stared at Cullo with interest. He thought it was a swordsman he knew, but he had never seen this young face.

When did the navy have a new swordsman?

“not me.”

Clow immediately denied it, pointing to Clow, “He is the one who sent the flying slash.”


Chloe’s glasses are full of question marks. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Mihawk looked at Chloe, who was on the verge of an enemy, and instantly brought ten blades and prepared for battle.


Mihawk slowly drew out the black knife, and the faint coercion made Crow sweat.

Was he just sold?

Talk about a peaceful life!


Facing the pressure, Crow took the lead in attacking, his body disappeared, and the railing of the ship was torn apart immediately.

This is Klow’s unique trick, the speed is comparable to the shaving in the six-style, but he can’t control the direction by himself.

With this kind of move, it can last for a while!


Mihawk gently pushed the back of the knife forward, and the disappearing Crow instantly showed his figure, was hit by the back of the knife, and fell to the ground.

“I can still tell the difference.”

Mihawk looked at the saber held in Cullo’s hand and smiled slightly: “A rare powerhouse, fight me.”

Are you, why!

The blue veins on Cullo’s forehead were exposed, “Do I think you are provoking the navy, don’t you want the Shichibukai position, Mihawk!”

“Can a small navy also represent the headquarters? I don’t want this position either.”

Mihawk had an indifferent expression on his face. He slowly pulled out the black knife on his back, glanced at the battle in the distance, and said, “There is a battle over there. If the navy passes by, it will be very troublesome. Come with me here.”


He slashed at Lida.

The knife came too quickly, Lida couldn’t react at all, and could only watch the black knife approach.


A saber covered with a domineering armed color was placed under the black knife.

Cullo’s face was cold, and he said word by word: “Stop joking, Pirate!”

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