I Inherited Empire with Fake Pregnancy

Chapter 113

Chapter 113

Sanxiao returned to the Marshal’s Mansion, and everyone in the Marshal’s Mansion circled around them.

The old housekeeper was injured before. It seemed serious, but in fact, it was all traumatic. He was quickly cured by the golden cochlear fluid.

He came out from the kitchen with a plate of small pieces of meat, which was a lunch for the little snakes.

The two little snakes are entangled in a fight right now, and they have now learned to attack with their tails.

He flicked your tail, you flicked his tail, flicked, and got entangled.

“Little masters, let’s eat ”

When the old butler approached with the pieces of meat, he found two little snakes tangled together, lying motionless on the carpet.

The old butler took a closer look, and suddenly smiled and fell down-the two little snakes were knotted.

Jin Snail holds a small baby in his arms, it is the small snail Sansan who has woken up.

Golden Snails are not very good at nursing babies, and they are in a hurry. Together with Doris, they made Sansan a lot of milk, and Sansan finally had the meal.

The two turned their heads when they heard the voice of the housekeeper, and saw two little snakes tangled up like China, with their two small heads drooping on the ground, looking at them helplessly.

It was so funny and pathetic.

Doris hurriedly walked over, smiled and gently disentangled the two little snakes, and then sat on the side, taking the plate in the hands of the old housekeeper and placing it on the carpet.

“Oston, Bark, come to eat ”

Allston and Balk are the names given to the two little snakes, Allston is the older brother, and Balk is the younger brother.

The name of the little snail has not yet been established. Before the egg was born, Raymond began to name the little snail, but he felt that any name was not good. He dragged it around. Now the name of the little snail is still Not sure.

The two little snakes immediately became energetic when they saw what they were eating, and swam over with their little heads up and plunged into the plate.

Jin Snail hugged Sansan and sat on the carpet, feeding Sansan while watching the snakes eat.

The little baby in his arms made a “chachachacha” sound in his mouth, and Jin Haosuo hurriedly pulled out the bottle, and found that the **** had been bitten again.

This is already the third **** to be bitten today.

Sansan finished her milk and hiccuped her milk, trying to crawl to the ground.

Jin Snail put him on the ground, Sansan stared at the meat plate in front, crawled over and grabbed a handful of meat and stuffed it into his mouth.

I just stuffed it in and chewed it twice, and felt the taste was not right, and immediately vomited it out again.

Doris smiled and wiped his mouth.

Golden snails are not carnivorous snails. Even if they become humans, they don’t like to eat meat very much. Sansan is like him.

Sansan threw away the piece of meat in his hand, and went to grab the tail of the little snake that was close to him.

Little Snake had the experience of being gnawed at his tail by his younger brother. When Sansan’s little hand was about to touch his tail, his tail swished aside, and he used the tip of his tail to bring his brother’s tail over to Sansan’s hand. .

Three-three grabbed it, pulled it over and stuffed it in his mouth.

Brother Snake was dragged upside down. He tilted his head and was about to bite. When he saw that it was his own little brother, Snake stopped again, looked at his tail, looked at the pieces of meat on the plate, and then looked at it. Snake little brother who swallowed, he vomited and made a grieving “hiss” sound.

Several adults looked at the three little cubs and couldn’t stop laughing.

“Hey, you can’t bite brother’s tail.”

Jin Snail rescued Little Snake’s tail from Sansan’s mouth, Little Snake ran over and took a bite on Little Snake’s body.

Little Snake also tilted his head and bit Snake.

Doris knocked on the plate and said with a smile: “It’s dinner It’s dinner ”

The brothers bit each other a few times, then plunged into the plate again.

The old housekeeper took a chew toy and put it in Sansan’s hand, “Come on, little master, bite this.”

Sansan took the chewing gum, put it in his mouth for a while, took it out and took a look, put it in his mouth for a while, and took it out again.

Then he took the chew and put it on his stomach, and the chew disappeared.

Seeing Doris and the old housekeeper’s eyes widened, Jin Snail smiled and said: “Don’t be nervous, it was three or three that stuffed it into the shell.”

The two little snakes held their heads upright and stared at Sansan’s stomach.

Little Snake swam over with his body, and looked around Sansan, and then he used his small head to open Sansan’s clothes, wondering where the chewing gum went.

Three-three grabbed him, shook it twice, and put it on his stomach.


Jin Snail had only time to shout, the snake brother had been stuffed into the shell by Sansan.

“Quickly release brother.”

Sansan looked at the belly of her own q, babbling in her mouth, not knowing what she was talking about.

Brother Snake also swam over, circling around Sansan, biting Sansan’s clothes with his mouth open, and pulling his head down to the left and right.

Jin Snail patted Sansan on the back, “Be good, you can’t just stuff everything into the shell. Brother can’t put it into the shell, let him out quickly.”

Sansan pointed to her belly, and looked at the golden snails for another babble.

Jin Suolu couldn’t understand, so she coaxed him, “Yes, take out your brother quickly. Brother is afraid to stay alone.”

Sansan’s little hand scratched his belly and grabbed a bite.

He murmured in doubt, scratched his belly again, and took out another bite. Repeated several times, he caught four bites.

Doris couldn’t laugh or cry for a while, “I said why several chews disappeared. It turned out to be hidden by Sansan.”

“Isn’t it okay to catch my brother this time?” Jin Wowo discussed with Sansan.

Threes and threes yelled, grabbed it on the belly, and brought out a small snake.

Doris hurriedly took the towel and wanted to help the little snake wipe her body, then the little snake chuckled, jumped far away, jumped directly onto the sofa, and got into the sofa gap behind the pillow.


Several people burst into laughter.

Brother Snake also swam over, settling on the sofa, and got into the gap of the sofa behind the pillow. The tails of the two little snakes were swaying from side to side outside, not knowing what they were communicating.

Here, Jin Suo Wo and Doris are enjoying the happiness of family, but Raymond in the military department is very busy.

The royal family has completely fallen, Heller and Duke Nolan died, and the other heads of the Nolan family died dead, grabbed, and surrendered.

The Nolan family mastered the core technology of extracting “high-purity energy liquid” and took the initiative to hand over the core technology.

Raymond arranged for a group of high-precision technicians to study, and made this technology public, so that all energy extraction plants can use this technology to produce “high-purity energy liquid” for the benefit of the people of the empire.

Derrick paid over the remaining power of the Nolan family and planned to discuss with Raymond about the next thing.

He came to the Third Military District and found that Marshal Harry of the Second Military District had already been here, as well as a group of cabinet officials and the magistrate.

At this time, the palace chief was facing Raymond, and said sincerely and in awe: “The country can’t be without a king for a day, please choose a day for the crown as soon as possible.”

“His Majesty, please choose a day to be crowned as soon as possible!” All cabinet officials said in unison.

Derrick raised his eyebrows and walked over and smiled: “Being an emperor? Congratulations!”

Raymond rubbed his eyebrows and said: “The emperor is just a decoration, a symbol, and totally meaningless. I think the constitutional monarchy should be abolished and a presidential republic should be established. Every president is elected by the people of the entire Republic.”

Derrick thought it was a good idea, but he didn’t really agree with the constitutional monarchy either.

The head of the palace said hurriedly: “But…”

Raymond: “No, but let Congress readjust the system.”

Raymond stayed busy until the evening before returning home with stars and stars.

I went to look at the three sleeping little snakes. The two little snakes were coiled into a group, leaning against each other and slumbering, and the little snails also retracted into their shells.

Raymond touched the bodies of the two little snakes, then leaned in to kiss the shells of the little snails, and then tiptoed back to the bedroom.

The golden snails were not asleep yet, waiting for Raymond, the young couple talked about the funny things about the cubs during the day in the bed, and hugged them to sleep.

The Congress will revise □, abolish the monarchy, and establish a presidential republic once the announcement of the establishment of a presidential republic has been issued.

The next day there was a full-fledged national election.

After the voting ended, it was no surprise that Raymond received the highest number of votes as the first president of the Republic of Galaxy Orcs.

The people on Starnet celebrated the whole world and happily went all the way.

When Raymond looked through the presidential duties and responsibilities sent by the President of Congress, he found that the term of office of the presidency was one hundred years and could be re-elected for two consecutive terms.

Raymond was speechless for a while.

The average life expectancy of an orc is just over two hundred years old, and he is re-elected for two terms. Wouldn’t it mean that he just died in office?

The congress’s careful Thrymond doesn’t know that now 70% of the orcs in the country have used the Nolan family’s problem energy liquid, and these people in the Congress are not the Nolan family’s energy liquid for many years. No need to.

They are probably worried that after they step down as president, Jin Wowo will ignore these things.

Raymond will call back to allow Congress to revise the term of office.

The congressman has a sad face and finally changed the presidential term to a fifty-year term, which can be re-elected.

Raymond worked non-stop for more than two months before the new system gradually got on track.

As the supreme commander of the military department, the president has the highest command of all forces in the military department. All matters of the military department are specifically in charge of the defense minister Derrick.

For more than two months, Derrick has also been very busy, integrating the remaining forces of the original Fourth Military Region, dispersing all the forces of the four military regions and reintegrating them.

The officers and men of the military department were so happy, they were finally able to learn the mysterious ways to improve their strength from the elders of the Third Military Region in the old system.

Derrick selected twenty former excellent soldiers of the Third Military Region, and taught Jin Wowo the knowledge of mutual energy and mutual restraint that Jin Wowo originally taught to the soldiers of the Third Military Region. He continued to talk about it in the live broadcast of the whole army for half a month to ensure that every soldier We all understood it completely.

Derrick was finally almost busy, looking to Raymond to report to his work, and by the way, see if he could find a chance to see the three little guys in Raymond’s house.

Derrick felt that he might be older, and he liked the little orcs of Raymond’s family a lot, and he wished to bring one back to raise him.

But Raymond took his cubs very tightly, especially the small subspecies.

To this day, Derrick doesn’t even know what a small subspecies looks like.

The two sat face to face and finished talking about work. As soon as Derrick was about to speak, Raymond said: “New…Is there such a one? I wonder if you have read it?”


“The duties of the vice president.”


Isn’t there no vice president yet?

Raymond said: “The vice president serves as the president’s advisory staff, helping the president communicate with Congress and the public, and often handles some state affairs on behalf of the president.”

Derrick suddenly had a bad feeling.

“I have proposed to Congress that you also serve as the vice president of the Republic of Galaxy Orcs.”

Derrick was struck by lightning, “Raymond, you want to squeeze me out?! This is your job, why should I share it?”

Raymond seldom smiled, “It’s hard work for those who are able, besides, I’m an orc with a family and a family, a partner and a cub, and I have to spare some time to accompany the cubs to grow up. It’s okay, it’s better to devote your time to the country.”

“I have devoted my time to the country. How can I find time to find a partner?!”

Raymond pointed at the desk with his fingertips, “At the military department, I will ask Corey and Moses to assist you and help you share part of the work.”

Anyway, Derrick became the vice president.

He has to spare some time to prepare for a grand wedding between himself and Jin Suo Su.

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