I Have Countless Skill Points

Chapter 43 - Phoenix form, attack

Within ten minutes of the battle, the wounded were sent over, and after the first wounded returned to the battlefield, the speed of returning the wounded to the front was significantly faster.

There is a mother behind me, so I don’t panic.

The Xingwu Army on the front line is aware of it. There is a great medical Xingwu soldier behind us. If he goes to his mother’s minor injury, he won’t lose the line of fire. As long as it affects the battle, withdraw and heal! If you ca n’t reach the front line, you wo n’t be able to get the box lunch in minutes.

英雄 What kind of heroes can you keep in full combat?

After 20 minutes of fighting, Wang Lan had successfully healed 30 people, and none of them were killed. Instead, it was the front line of biochemical monsters. Twenty dozen were killed.

If you go on like this, the balance that won within an hour will be completely reversed.

Others are perfect, but the consumption of soul beads is a bit large.

的 The serviceman who transported the wounded back and forth watched Wang Lan absorb the soul beads one by one to replenish the star power, and the heartache was so difficult to breathe. Most of the current Star Warriors have not experienced real war.

Even if it is called the elite Zhenwu regiment, it has only participated in local combat missions. It is a petty trick, and even some are not even warmed up. At this moment, the serviceman really felt that the battle was the essence of money.

A soul bead sells 80,000 outside, you sucked seven or eight in one minute? Even if the internal recycling price is one thousand, you will kill more than ten thousand in one or two minutes.

Minhao!壕 Inhumanity!

But no matter how fast Wang Lan consumes the soul beads, the bottom of these soldiers is only grateful. Can you return to the battlefield full of blood, what is the soul ball?

Twenty minutes passed, and the search team, which had been isolated from the headquarters, still couldn’t get through the support route. The combat balance outside the command was subtly tilted.

The force of 23 to 1 is logically no matter whether it is a flash strike or a protracted battle, the side of the biochemical devil is nothing short of half an hour, which is enough to tear open the defense line of the command post, and the battle can be resolved within an hour.

but why? Why hasn’t the Xingwu Army entered or not spent? The soldiers who retired after being seriously injured did not return to the battlefield in a long time.

At the beginning, the Commander of the Demon Clan wondered if he had caught the trap again? There are more than a hundred defenders in the command? But quickly rejected this conjecture.

The number of the three battalions of the Zhenzheng Military Regiment had already been clearly investigated. A full force of four hundred troops was restrained from doing outside work, and the Xingwu Army Command had only one hundred people. Well, as long as you are not stupid, it is easy to think of a possibility.

“There is a top medical department star military commander in the Xingwu army headquarters, and it may even be a star military commander of the Xinghejing medical department.”

“What then? Let the demon kill the command directly?”

“Useless!” The magic shook the controller and shook his head. “Wu Changfeng has never appeared, and I dare to conclude that he is next to the Star Warrior of the medical department. It seems that only the magic will be slammed. At present, there is only a bright sword! Is Wu Changfeng stronger, or will our magic be stronger! “

但是 “However, the demon will not be able to easily participate in the battle, and the demon will be in a riot if he encounters an unexpected biochemical demon soldier.”

“This rule is no longer applicable! There is no military law, no rules, only life and death and victory!”


Suddenly, the battle situation on the front line suddenly changed. The cliff behind the Bio-Devil suddenly burst out with a loud noise. A huge, full-fledged horror figure appeared in front of the Xingwu Army.

The lower body of the huge figure is the appearance of the Snow Spider, the only difference is the black armor and sharp blades. The upper body is a three-fold enlargement of the biochemical monster.

The demons will be extremely fast, and the moment they appear, they immediately join the battle, but in this second, at least ten people in the Xingwu Army were killed.

Under the speed and power of the horror, the star warrior with the strength of the nebula can not resist at all. ,

“Asshole-” Wu Changfeng issued a roar. At the moment of the roar, his body has turned into a streamer and jumped off the watchtower.

The body in the air swelled rapidly, and when it landed, it had become a huge block close to three meters.

Steel body not only brought powerful power and defense to Wu Changfeng, but also brought terror explosive power and speed to Wu Changfeng.

Landed, the ground shook.

I leap forward, spanning 500 meters and slamming into the raging biochemical monster.

“Roar–” The demon will instantly realize the threat above his head, and he won’t care about killing the Xingwu Army. He raises his head, the armor on his chest becomes red instantly, opens his mouth, and a blue flame spit out from his mouth. Wu Changfeng in the sky shrouded in the sea of ​​fire.

“Go to death-“


Although the body of steel cannot resist high temperature, it cannot be resisted for one second, even if a flame of 5,000 degrees has to melt steel.

Taishan pressed against the magician under his body, and raised a fist as large as a pot lid to face the magician’s face with a frenzy. Wu Changfeng suddenly jumped off from the general after punching five or six punches.

I looked down at my knees, and the molten iron was flowing meandering.

The demon will not only have amazing defense, amazing attack power, but also amazing heat. The temperature of the body is at least three thousand degrees. And fire can effectively threaten metals.

“This is trouble …” Wu Changfeng thought seriously. The previous experimental data did not show that the demon will be of a fire nature, and can produce such a high temperature.

“Roar-” The demon will stand up again and make a terrible growl at Wu Changfeng.

This roar also awakened Wu Changfeng. Instantly, Wu Changfeng made a decision, “You continue to kill the biochemical devil. I and this guy are singled out.”

Wu Changfeng’s words landed, his body suddenly broke out, and he turned into a streamer and hit the magic general, and then the two rolled away as if they were yin and yang fish held together.

“Battalion commander-” Ren Xingwu drank excitedly.

“Veteran, what should I do?”

“What else can I do? Kill!”

Wang Lan, who was behind him, suddenly frowned, because no new wounded had been returned for nearly thirty seconds. Before they were cured one after another, but suddenly there was a half-minute gap.

空 The appearance of neutrality does not mean that it is a good thing. In addition to the extremely small possibility that no one is injured, there is a more horrible possibility that there is a death. And it was sudden, and there was no chance of rescue.

“Hurry up! Here!”

After a few seconds, another wounded was sent off. Wang Lan quickly pressed the evil palm against his wound.

“What was the situation just now, why was there no wounded person in thirty seconds?”

“The demon will appear. Damn, it’s too strong. In a split second, our dozen brothers will be gone. Little sunspots are next to me, and they are close to each other within three meters. But I even saved them. There is no time … fuck! He depends on him at home … “

“Sure enough! Where is the camp commander? Shot?”

“The battalion commander and the demon will be singled out, and the rest of the devil will be left for us, shall we? The battle is fierce.”

“Well, be careful, survive!”

“Required, survive, and invite you to drink next time.”

快 “Hurry, Grandma-Little Five is going to die …”

“Fuck, call dad!”

In this highly stressful situation, everyone tightens his nerves. There is no such thing as humility, demeanor, or humility. As long as you can vent your words, you don’t need to go through your head at all.

Hold the wound with one hand, and pick up a soul bead with one hand.

“What about the hand? Damn, what about his hand?”

“Grass holding, I was carrying it just now, did it fall?”

“Mixed ball, I will plant it in your hand sooner or later, I will give it to you, can you lose it? Believe it or not I will lose your life next time?”

“Who picked up an arm?”

“Mine, here!”

Wang Lan grabbed the arm and pressed it tightly on Xiao Wu’s severed arm. Star force urged him, and he didn’t know if the broken limb could be repaired as perfectly as the injury.

“You try, can you use the arm you took back?”

“What’s so useless, I feel like my arm is back as soon as you press it on. I went and killed another devil to come back.”

Wang Lan was even more busy than he was at the beginning. It used to save one in seven or eight seconds. Now it takes almost two hands to save two at the same time. This shows that the battle outside has reached its most intense time.

The Demon Clan also realized that this is the last chance for desperate effort. Once supported by Xingwu technology, the number of people will reach one to one. With a one-to-one combat ratio, the Xingwu Army has an absolute advantage.

Wang Lan couldn’t watch the skill point, he couldn’t watch his breath, what he heard in the ear was the fire and the hurt of the wounded, and in his hand was the wound of the wounded horror.

I can’t remember how many people were saved, and forgot how many minutes or seconds lasted.

When sending away an injured person, Wang Lan suddenly found that his hands were empty, and no more injured persons returned. UU Reading Books www.uukanshu.com

“what happened?”

兄弟 “Brother Wang, we stand up, stand up. The number of devil cubs is no longer dominant, the brethren have begun to counterattack.

“How’s Brother Wu doing?”

这个 “This, don’t look at it, but there is a lot of movement, and it seems to be doing the final desperation.”

Wang Lan quickly lost himself in his mind and squinted his skill points. In the past two days, there were more than 1,800 skill points. Without hesitation, put all 1,800 skill points in the Phoenix form.

Wang Lan stood up with righteousness, and the protagonist of the scholar’s final finale took a step that six relatives did not recognize. Just arrived at the door and was stopped by two people.

“Brother, where are you going? You don’t look right, how do you feel like a martyr who sees death?”

“Your eyes can float, can you see that I am taking such a clear pace of the king? Since there are no wounded soldiers that need my treatment, then I should join the war.”

别 “Don’t make trouble! You are so confused, you forgot you are milk?”

“No, I never thought I was a milk! Although God gave me medical talent, I still have a warrior’s heart.”

“Sorry, my task is to keep you safe and stop everything that threatens your safety.”

“You can’t stop me.” Wang Lan smiled lightly, “Brother He, remember what I said.”


“Not all milk is called special energy lose.”


When the words came to the ground, Wang Lan’s eyebrows suddenly appeared a mark of a beautiful Phoenix flower, and when the mark appeared, a wind blew.

He Hechang was stunned and looked at Wang Lan’s vision, and his brain lost his ability to think.

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