I Have Countless Skill Points

Chapter 42 - Dad? No, dad

Although the distance that the puppet flags move is short, the direction they move is very neat. If you only look at one team, you definitely can’t see the problem, but the ten teams are all moving away from the central command, then there is only one explanation.

“How did the Mozu determine the Central Command? The investigative team didn’t have any returns?” Fu Qiaoshi scolded with a grimace.

“Old Fu, don’t get angry first, I’m afraid things are not as we guessed.”

不错 “Yes, I guess the demons still don’t know the location of the headquarters. But they are determining …” Wang Lan said, touching his chin.

“Wang Lan, talk about your opinion.”

“I found that the Devil’s squads are all in the outer periphery, that is, twelve, not all. And these squads are chasing the biochemical demon soldier away from us.”

报告 “Report, Team No. 25 sends red and blue signals.”

报告 “Report! Team No. 3 sends red and blue signals.”

“Sure enough, the teams on the 3rd and 25th are closer to us, and the demons have successfully narrowed their range, which shows that they are using a very effective method to quickly rule out our command position.

If they have determined their position, all the squads will be led away in a short period of time. “

哈 “Hahaha … the demons didn’t disappoint me, and they were not stupid, they locked us in so fast.”

报告 “Report, the twenty-four good team escorted a team of testers back.”

什么 “What? How can there be testers? Let team twenty-four come in.”


“How did you find the Trialist? Where did you find it?”

报告 “Report, found here.” The captain pointed at the sandbox and said, “They were hungry for many days when we found them.

According to their account, they were driven to a desperate situation by snow spiders, but later they were unlucky and trapped in an ice cave, and they ran out of food. The signal rod was lost, and no one heard it while trying to ask for help.

If it weren’t for our reconnaissance there, they wouldn’t have been found starving to death in this position. “

“How did you get back?” Wang Lan asked quickly.

The captain of the twenty-fourth team hesitated slightly, but quickly drew on the sand table.

“Walk against the Golden Beast Tribe, cross the glaciers, cross the valley of wind, bypass the mangrove …”

“It looks right, there is something wrong with this trial team.”

“Oh? How did you tell?”

“Isn’t this obvious? The branch squads that were first discovered were on the two sides of this route. When the twenty-fourth team passed, they led these squads in the opposite direction.

Even if we are not sure where our headquarters is, there is no problem in the direction. This Trial Squad is the positioning device of the Demons. Now that the squad has arrived at the headquarters, the Demon has identified the location of the headquarters. “

“Ah?” On the 24th, his face suddenly became pale, and then he thought of it and understood everything instantly. The Demons didn’t know where the command was, so they let the triallers bring the positioning device.

However, he just happened to send the team of trialers to the headquarters with joy. What was it called during the war? Collaborate!

For a moment, the captain’s face was dark. “Asshole, I slaughtered them.”

“Wait, wouldn’t it be better if they were taken away?” Old Fu quickly asked.

“It definitely won’t work. As long as the positioning stops, the demons have set their coordinates. Their next plan is to attack the command.”

“Stop that squad!” Fu Qiaoshi screamed with anger.

“No! First determine their identity, are they really familiar with each other? In case they don’t know they have the Demon Position?” Wu Changfeng said quickly, “We are soldiers of the people, not bandits!”

He said, Wu Changfeng turned and walked out the door, and Wang Lan quickly followed. In the center of the camp, seven star-faced warriors crowded together and shivered. I don’t know what they have been through these days.

“Where are your names and identities?” Wu Changfeng stepped out of the door and asked the team of testers.

“We are from the Wasteland Regiment in the Ninth District … returned last month to repair … we …”

“Brother Wu, you’re all stunned.” Wang Lan said with a faint glance.


“These I have seen are the culprits of the Snow Spider riot after stealing the Snow Spider. When I saw them, I was seeing the King of the Spiders chasing them behind, and they would never survive with their strength. Maybe they were rescued by the demons, or they were the demons. “

“No … we are really human, we are not demons … you believe me …”



Suddenly, the seven people in front of him uttered a roar, and their bodies were distorted and changed in an instant, and they turned into seven dreadful monsters almost instantly.


Seven low-level transformed demons fell into the headquarters of Xingwu Garrison. They were also pierced on the spot, and they could imagine what would happen next.

Anyone present can kill them by themselves, not to mention more than a hundred elite masters. In less than a second, the seven-member squad was bombarded with only one residue.

Wu Chen settled, everyone looked up at Wu Changfeng, and Wu Changfeng’s eyes were dignified.

“The foreplay is almost finished, and it is almost time for the main show. The units should pay attention to the first-level combat readiness. The Demons may launch a beheading attack on the command at any time.

What a pity, the cubs may not know that Lao Tzu is a metal star warrior, and his head is very hard, they can’t cut it. “


After three seconds, a sharp alarm sounded.

“Wang Lan, our medical mission will be entrusted to you. With you, even if the Demon has three times the strength, I am not afraid. If there is any request, I am afraid that it will be too late to take care of you.”

“Brother Wu’s words made me a little bit stressed … as long as the soul beads are enough, I guarantee that even if only half a breath is left, I can **** back my brothers intact.”

“That’s it! I’ll give you all the soul beads in stock. But there aren’t many, you can save it.”

“Isn’t there enough so many strange beasts?”

“That’s the property of the state, and we can’t move one without the permission of the state. Do you feel very pedantic? But it’s discipline!”

“I understand, don’t take a needle and a thread …” Wang Lantun smiled in admiration, and suddenly, saluting Wu Changfeng, “guarantee the completion of the task!”


Wang Lan returned to the back to stand by, and her heartstrings suddenly tightened.

敌 “enemy attack! Reports, in the south of the headquarters of the headquarters, the Demon Biochemical Demon soldiers were found, the number is about 300.”

“Only three hundred?” Wu Changfeng tapped his fingers in doubt.

“Camp, there aren’t three hundred, there are only one hundred in our headquarters …”

通知 “Notify the brethren of the search team, stop playing, it’s time for dinner.”


报告 “Report, Team 7 sends a green signal!”

报告 “Report, Team Nine sends a green signal!”

报告 “Report, Team 17 sends a green signal …”

The sound of continuous reports sounded, and the silent primary trial ground suddenly broke out, and the entire primary trial ground spread instantly.

“Campmaster, the situation is not right. The routes for the brothers to help out have been blocked. There is no team to help! We … won’t be caught?”

“I see! It ’s a good demons. I thought they had overestimated them, but I still underestimated them. I said why only three hundred biochemical demons came and beheaded. The original plan was there.

This hand is beautiful, and you must report it to the headquarters after you finish. The commander of the Demon Clan is not a fool. The pen of God came to even out our strength.

We disperse the four hundred brothers to confuse the demons, and the demons will calculate and directly cut off these four hundred brothers. How many people are in our battalion, they have already figured it out, knowing that there are only one hundred people in the headquarters, and three hundred people are dispatched. Their strength is three times ours, and their strength is not utterly vain.

The remaining magic soldiers only need to stop the brothers who have dispersed, and they are less stressed than us. It’s a good deal to eat up our entire headquarters with three hundred biochemical monsters. “

“What shall we do?”

“What can we do if we all have bayonet swords? Of course, it’s a fight! It just depends on whether three hundred magic soldiers are enough for us.”

“Camp, do you shoot?”

“If the magic is not going to come out, I can’t take it. Who knows if the demons are staring at our rear command? Ren Xingwu!”

“Here!” Ren Xingwu appeared in front of Wu Changfeng.

“You lead the team and block all the demons.”

“Guaranteed to complete the task!”

Suddenly, the battle outside started. Except Wu Changfeng and ten relatives ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ all the soldiers went to the front to block the biochemical magic soldier. The fighting broke out just outside the command post, less than 500 meters away.

Wu Changfeng stood on the temporary observation tower and looked at the battle with a telescope.

对抗 One hundred against three hundred bio-devil soldiers, and these bio-devil soldiers are killing machines designed for war. Even if all the remaining soldiers are elite, there is still a lot of pressure.

Wang Lan’s heart suddenly became tense. This is a real war.

Zhen Zhen was so excited. Half a month ago, Wang Lan thought he was born in a peaceful era and grew up in a rich and strong country. Although becoming a Star Warrior does face danger, this danger will not be a big problem if you are careful.

It was only half a month before he saw a war, and he went to the battlefield to become part of the war.

际 Life encounters are truly dreamlike.

The battle of a battalion is obviously not described as a local conflict.

The Demons, this terrible nightmare lingering in human history, once again revived and once again sharpened the sword towards human civilization.

“Fast, fast—”

There was a shout from outside the gate, and a soldier covered in blood was carried into Wang Lan’s door by two guards.

“Fuck, what a waste I am … actually the first to end … Day … Day …”

“Don’t be excited first, there is a chance day, tear the clothes off the wound!”


When Wang Lan’s palm was pressed up, the soldier suddenly screamed, “Nanny … Tap … Tap … Pain!”

“Just call you this name, you have to work harder.”

“No, I’m wrong, Grandma, Grandma … Can I call my father? Hey … warm, comfortable …”

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