I Have An Impenetrable Fortress

Chapter 35

Chapter 35 .The ideal is full

The members of the Chen clan looked at the towering Chang’an city in the distance, with hope in their hearts.

However, the prolonged exile has left many people feeling unsure.

“After all, the Eastern Tang Dynasty is powerful, and it is not only the Eastern Tang Dynasty that embarrass us, but also other powerful forces…”

A young man whispered: “Let’s leave the Eastern Tang realm and go to other places?”

“Leaving Dongtang and going to other places to gain a foothold is also not easy.”

The old man beside him sighed: “If you want to return to your hometown in the future, it will be even more difficult.”

Everyone was discussing, and suddenly there was a clear voice:

“Longling has always been rumored to be desolate. Why would there be an extra city out of thin air?”

The person who made the noise was a girl about fourteen or five years old.

She turned a pair of eyes curiously, looking at Chang’an City in the distance.

“Of course someone built it here…” The person who answered her, halfway through the conversation, suddenly paused and fell into thought.

The long-bearded middle-aged man headed slowly nodded:

“The fourteenth brother said before that there was no road in this barren hill in Longling.

The road from outside the mountain to Baiyunyuan was later opened by a group of Tang troops to attack Chang’an. ”

While talking, he regained his line of sight to defend the city wall about four feet high and several miles long.

“In the barren mountains and wild ridges, roads are impassable, but it can open up such a large flat ground and find the masonry materials to build the city. How can ordinary people do it?”

The long-bearded middle-aged man said, looking around his people.

Everyone was lost in thought at this moment.

Yes, compared to the people who went over the mountains to find the city, how did such a city be built from scratch?

“Here, perhaps not only will my Chen family re-emerge in the Eastern Tang Dynasty, but also regain the glory of the past.”

The long-bearded middle-aged man has a strange light in his eyes: “If it is not good, you can keep safe and thrive, as long as we can stand firm in this city.”

The others in the Chen family nodded one after another, and followed the long-bearded middle-aged man to the city gate.

When approaching the gate of the city, everyone stopped.

A Chen family came out, and it was one of the three people who were hunted down and saved by Chang’an.

He walked towards the city gate and found that there were more people standing guard than that day.

The other party did not make things difficult. After the conversation, he simply said: “All of you, you need to go to the relevant department in the city to file for the record, and wait for Mr. Wu Yun to make further decisions.”

“Inuzi is in the city now, can you meet him in the next?”

“Yes, you can advance to the city, and I can wait to inform you.”

A guard led the Chen family into the city, and then walked towards the center of the city.

On the way, the boy from the Chen family who had stayed in the city rushed over.

After he thanked the guard, he led the people to the record.

“Feng’er, what is the origin of the guard at the door just now?” An elder in the clan asked the boy.

The boy hurriedly replied: “Uncle Qi, those are all affiliated to the relevant departments in the city, who handle the city’s government affairs, and are assigned to the city gates to examine people who enter and exit the city gates.”

Seeing the clansmen were a little confused, he explained: “The so-called’relevant departments’ are the government offices in the city, headed by Mr. Wu Yun, a close friend of the Changan City Lord.”

The others nodded clearly.

The boy continued: “There is still another government office in the city, called a’bureau’. I heard that it is responsible for law enforcement and criminal law matters. It is currently being planned. It will not be long before someone will send it to the city. door.”

The middle-aged man with long beard asked, “Who can enter the city’s Yamen?”

“The refugees settle here and become the people of the city, among which some talents are selected and used by Chang’an.”

The boy replied: “Besides ordinary people, there is a small martial arts school in Qinzhou Mansion, Longbei County, called Hanshan School.

It is said that some people from the Hanshan School made meritorious service in the city, so they were appreciated by Mr. Wuyun. There were quite a few disciples who were able to enter the relevant departments and bureaus, and some of them held high positions. ”

“Hanshan School?”

Everyone in the Chen family was at a loss.

Their ancestral land is far away from Longbei County, and few clansmen interact with each other in this area.

Qinzhou Mansion is not familiar, let alone Hanshan School.

However, similar local forces have had a lot of contact with other places before.

“The earth snake in the land of a mansion, it’s not bad to be a practitioner of the fourth stage, right?”

An old man muttered to himself.

The young man nodded: “What the Twelve Uncles said is exactly that the person with the highest cultivation level of the Hanshan Sect is their head, the fourth state, the warrior of the brave warrior realm.”

When some people around him heard the words, they were immediately relieved.

“The martial art of the fourth stage martial artist can take on great responsibilities in the city. Then I am waiting here, there is a lot to do!”

The Chen family has fallen, forced to go into exile, and the masters and talents of the clan are withered, and they are at a rare low point in their history.

But even so, a lean camel is bigger than a horse.

Just a team of people here right now, there are several warriors in the fourth stage.

The middle-aged man with long beard headed by him has reached the sixth state of martial arts, the cultivation level of a military commander.

Moreover, the Chen family, as one of the most famous in the Eastern Tang dynasty in the past, established a family based on martial arts and has a family history.

The inherited martial arts is far from comparable to local forces like the Hanshan School.

To be precise, let alone the Qinzhou Mansion, even in the entire Longbei County, the Chen family in its heyday was enough to walk sideways, juxtaposed with the Taoist sacred place like Wangzhen Temple.

To say that they are fallen phoenixes are not as good as chickens, which is really mean.

But even if it is really a fallen phoenix, it is not comparable to a sparrow.

“Chang’an City is a new establishment after all. Everything is in its infancy. We are here at the right time and can take the lead.”

Everyone in the Chen family was in high spirits.

The trapped air that had been hunted down and suppressed before finally swept away.

Upon seeing this, the long-bearded middle-aged man frowned:

“To get overwhelmed so quickly? This is not a place for you to do whatever you want.”

An old man beside him smiled and said: “Jiezhi has misunderstood the magic of this city, everyone sees it, how can it be so arrogant that there is an anti-guest and a magpie’s heart?

But compared to Hanshan and his ilk, my Chen clan is far beyond its current strength and potential.

Everyone serves Changan, how can others compare to us?

Even if there are forces that can compete with us in the future, we have also taken the lead. In the future, Chang’an high-level leaders will have their own place. ”

The other Chen family members are also proud and full of hope for a new life in the future.

Only the young man, who had been in the city before, looked embarrassed.

“Feng’er, but what else is special?”

The long-bearded middle-aged man noticed that the young man was abnormal and asked.

The teenager looked around, looked at the enthusiastic faces of his relatives and friends, and could not help swallowing.

Everyone gradually realized something was wrong: “What’s wrong?”

“I used to compete with a disciple of the Hanshan School…”

The teenager hesitated, and finally gave a wry smile: “…I lost.”

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