I Have An Impenetrable Fortress

Chapter 33

Chapter 33 .The Interest of Zhang Chengzhu

“You are the Lord of Chang’an City?” The captured young Taoist priest stared at Mr. Wuyun in black.

Zhang Dongyun turned a deaf ear to Mr. Wuyun’s image.

He looked at Cao Feng: “You are responsible for teaching him the rules of the city.”

“Yes, the younger generation obeyed!” Cao Feng eagerly eagerly fists.

He dragged the young Taoist priest back.

Hui Tianyu and others who stayed awaited further orders from Mr. Wu Yun.

Zhang Dongyun, who was pretending to be Mr. Wuyun, glanced at them lightly: “Why, the disciples, all of them are back?”

His tone was mixed.

A cold sweat appeared behind Hui Tianyu and others.

The Hanshan faction withdrew all the people from the Qinzhou Mansion to prevent subsequent retaliation by Forgotten Zhenguan.

In the eyes of some people, it seems that they do not trust Chang’an City to keep their foundation in Qinzhou.

“Everybody in this faction is proud of Chang’an’s dedication, and ashamed of the city lord and husband’s trouble.”

Now that he was completely on the side of Chang’an City, the Hanshan faction put aside all scruples.

The elders of the Hanshan School respectfully saluted Zhang Dongyun:

“Forgetting the truth alone, I will definitely end up like Du Kun. I will wait for all the dust to settle before returning to Qinzhou.”

Zhang Dongyun looked at each other indifferently: “There are always most stupid people in the world. After Du Kun and Wangzhengguan, there will be others.”

Hui Tianyu said solemnly next to him: “As long as the city lord and Mr. do not give up, it will be better for me to live in Chang’an forever.”

Zhang Dongyun pretended to be Mr. Wuyun dressed in black. After staring at them for a long time, he nodded slightly:

“His heart is commendable.”

After all, he raised his hand and volleyed at the two of them.

Hui Tianyu, they suddenly felt that there was a heat rising in their bodies, spreading all over their limbs.

The blood all over his body seemed to be boiling.

The two were surprised first, then overjoyed.

The previous Dark Night Terror Sword was a killer move against the enemy in actual combat.

Now, Mr. Wu Yun is teaching them the cultivation method of carrying blood.

This two masterpieces of inside and outside can immediately bring the Hanshan School to a higher level.

Today, they won the Wangzhen Guan disciple, relying on the three people to besiege, and the dark night Jinghong sword killed the opponent by surprise.

Normal singled out, none of them is the opponent of that young Taoist priest.

The gap between the two sects is always huge.

But after having two great fascinations, even though the Hanshan School is still inferior to the view of forgetting the truth, it is completely reborn.

Prior to this, the head of the Hanshan School and the Hallmaster of the Mountain Tiger Hall were all martial artists in the fourth stage.

The knowledge of the sect’s unique collection of books is one of the reasons that limit their development.

And now, everyone in the Hanshan faction, including the head, has hope for further progress.

What if they can get more from Chang’an City?

Will there be a match, or even a day of forgetting the truth?

Thinking of this, Hui Tianyu and the others felt more hot than their bodies.

Zhang Dongyun gave them some advice and stopped: “Those who are loyal to Chang’an and can work for Chang’an will not be let down.”

Everyone of the Hanshan School surrendered: “Thanks for the grace of the city lord, Mr. Xie Wu for the grace, the younger generation is willing to seduce Chang’an!”

He returned to Tianyu to salute and stood up: “Senior, what kind of mind is this mentality?”

“Just blend in with your Hanshan School mentality.” Zhang Dongyun said casually.

The people of the Hanshan faction were even more delighted, retired happily, and reported to their head and other elders to teach the whole faction.

Hui Tianyu was ordered by Mr. Wu Yun to return to his post and handle the task at hand.

The first responsibility assigned to him by the other party was to count the population of the city and establish files.

Although he is capable, this is also an unprecedented challenge.

However, the burden of the single-eyed youth feels even more excited.

He was authorized by Mr. Wu Yun to call up people to act as subordinates at the same time and the refugees.

With a lot of hard work, the errand has gradually begun to get on the right track.

In addition to returning to Tianyu, others in Zhang Dongyun’s relevant departments were also ordered to perform their duties.

A simple and dynamic framework for government affairs that still showed gross omissions, and gradually came into perfect operation under the leadership of Zhang Chengzhu.

[The government affairs processing department in the city has been initially completed and started daily operation. The city owner completed the construction task 2.1 and obtained 500 points of upgrade experience]

Listening to the system prompt, Zhang Dongyun let out a sigh of relief.

He refreshed the task list.

Sure enough, after completing the last construction task, the system successfully spawned a new task.

[Construction Task 2.2-Establish your law enforcement agency in the city]

It should be… Zhang Dongyun nodded slightly.

Previously, the rewards and punishments for law enforcement in the city were actually handled by him, the city owner.

It’s a good idea to tell the life’s fate in one word?

Of course cool.

But for any matter, it would be boring for anyone to do it by himself.

Now that there are so many people in the city, it is foreseeable that there will be many short-term and trivial things in the future.

Lord Zhang Da didn’t take care of everything.

It couldn’t be better to leave it to the dogs.

However, it is necessary to be cautious when considering implementation candidates and rules and regulations.

Fake public for personal gain, bribery and perverting the law, and taking advantage of loopholes, etc., are always accompanied by regulations.

City Lord Zhang Da has the supreme final judgment, and all falsehoods can’t deceive his eyes.

But still the same sentence, first set the rules and save trouble and worry later, this is to find yourself at ease.

While thinking about it, Zhang Dongyun first chose a location for his law enforcement department.

There are a lot of reserved places, right near Daming Palace.

As a result, under the gaze of the people in amazement, a magnificent mansion flashed with golden light again and was laid out of thin air.

There are other things in the mansion. In addition to the places used by personnel to work, there are also places for training on weekdays, and a large prison.

[Please name the city lord]

It seems that Dali Temple, the Chasi, or six doors will do… Zhang Dongyun thought.

But after his eyes swept to the relevant department on the other side, his prank mind revived.

As a result, the brilliance of the new building was condensed and finally turned into two big characters.

After seeing it clearly, the onlookers looked at each other again.

Everyone is trapped.

“I know the second word, it’s’zi’, but what is the first one?”

“It seems to be the word’bureau’?”

“Then connect… innings…?”


“You guys, you want to eat all day long.” The scholar next to him said angrily.

He coughed softly: “The game is from the feet to the mouth, and the chessboard is also.”

The people around were at a loss: “Then is this a place to sell chess boards or a place to play chess?”

The scholar was also at a loss: “I don’t know…”

Hearing these words, Zhang Dongyun couldn’t help but twitch a little.

This explanation is too partial, right?

It is not conducive to the establishment of prestige in this violent department.

In the Daming Palace, Chengzhu Zhang scratched his head.

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