I Don’t Want To Be A Healer

Chapter 51

Chapter 51: Zhonghuang-Taiyi

Zhang Jiao!

At the end of the Han Dynasty, he was the leader of the Yellow Turban Insurrectionary Army. After the failure of the Yellow Turban Insurrectionary Army led by the Taiping sect, the struggle for supremacy among the states of Wei, Shu and Wu really began!

“This boss is Zhang Jiao…” Yuan Fang was staring at the man in the mirage, and there was an unspeakable light in his pupil.

Zhang Jiao is dressed in a yellow robe, fluttering, with a bun on his head, slender eyebrows. His bright pupils flash the light when opening and closing. He looks like an immortal from distance, sending out the extraordinary momentum of a leader.

“Unexpectedly, we can see famous figures in history…”

Xue Xiaohong breathed a sigh of relief and seemed to feel satisfied.

Lin Feng scratched his chin and stared at him and asked, “I am not good at history. Who can explain what they are doing? Can burning incense save those patients?”

Yuan Fang patted Lin Feng on the shoulder and smiled: “I heard that Zhang Jiao believes in Taoism and is good at curing diseases with the amulet. Isn’t that the case with this scene?”

Lin Feng said: “Yuan you are quite knowledgeable.”

“I only know that!”

Yuan Fang smiled.

Although he did not study well, he still heard about the history of the Yellow Turban Insurrectionary Army in the past world.

Liu Tao frowned: “Pray for God and Buddha to cure diseases, and I don’t know if it is superstition…”

Yuan Fang shrugged: “Just look at it.”

The crowd simply stopped talking, just like watching a movie, quietly enjoying what happened in the mirage under the rock.

In the square.

Zhang Jiao was standing, and his mouth murmured.

At first, it can be understood, but later it is obscure. Every syllable is extremely strange, unlike any other language in the world.

A few minutes later, Zhang Jiao was still reciting the spell. The people in the square were nervous and uneasy and seemed to be waiting for something.

Yuan Fang was a little upset.

He took out his mobile phone, entered “Zhang Jiao” in the browser, called up the information of this historical magnate, scanned it again, and nodded thoughtfully.

“What have you found?” Liu Tao asked beside him.

Yuan Fang’s heart floated with a question. Hearing Liu Tao’s question, he quickly sorted out his thoughts and said: “The wood carving god on the incense table should be called ‘Zhonghuang Taiyi’, which is the supreme god of Taiping sect.

However, in China’s immortal system, there is only Donghuang-Taiyi, but no Zhonghuang-Taiyi. I am also very curious, what is the origin of this god believed in by the Taiping sect? ”

Liu Tao raised her eyebrows: “Is there any mistake in historical records?”

Yuan Fang shook his head and said with a wry smile, “I am the bottom student in the whole class. How do I know so much about history?”

Then he looked at Xue Xiaohong.

The learning committee member is knowledgeable, dabbling in a wide range of fields and intelligent. In addition to training, she usually reads and studies.

Hearing Yuan Fang’s words, Xue Xiaohong withdrew her eyes from her mobile phone and said with a smile: “In my impression, except Taiping sect believes in Zhonghuang Taiyi, there is no such deity in the whole Taoist system.”

Speaking of which, Xue Xiaohong raised her mobile phone and chuckled, full of playful flavor.

She went on to say: “However, I checked the data just now. In the local myth system of Chu State in the pre-Qin period, Taiyi God was recognized as the highest god to worship. This god has the ability to dominate all the forces in the universe and has an extraordinary status.”

Yuan Fang asked curiously, “Are Zhonghuang Taiyi and Taiyi the same gods?”

“It’s hard to judge.” Xue Xiaohong shook her head.

History is vast, myths and legends are false and true, which makes it difficult to distinguish the true from the false. Not to mention these teenagers, even professors in archaeology or history, write books and make works, but they are just personal opinions.

“Look, that god has changed!” Xia Dan suddenly shouted.

The wood carving deity shines all over its body. The light is bright yellow, just like glass glittering and translucent. The light is divided into two channels and turns into two long snakes and goes into the bucket.

“The gods have manifested themselves!”

The people in the square were all excited and flushed when they saw such a miraculous scene. They knelt down to worship and shouted such words as “Bless us”.

Zhang Jiao stopped chanting mantras at the moment, leaning on nine canes, and looked at all this with satisfaction in the square.

The woodcarving god’s flashes faded, and he ordered his men to distribute the bucket of water to the patients in the square one by one so that they could take it on the spot.

Before long, some people who were less ill recovered directly, with their faces radiant and glowing.

There are also some seriously ill people who have also improved by half, and their vigor and vitality are completely different from before.

The people were so excited that they knelt on the ground again and kowtowed to the “Great God of Huang Tian” on the incense table, looking extremely devout.

Liu Tao saw this and sighed with a long sigh: “Unexpectedly, it is true that Zhang Jiao is used to curing diseases with amulet!”

The fact that woodcarving gods emit flashes and Zhang Jiao to cure diseases with amulet water, which is almost miraculous, has broken the world outlook of teenagers.

Even if Star Power comes now and the whole nation is full of stars, there is still no God and the teenagers do not believe in God.

All kinds of miracles in myths and legends are just exaggerated stories for today’s human beings.

If there are immortals, how can the earth become the hell situation now?

Xue Xiaohong stared at the scene in the square and laughed with a full face: “I don’t believe in the existence of immortals! Or it was Zhang Jiao that made the wood carving shine, while the water in the barrel had already been arranged.”

Yuan Fang did not speak.

He is not denying the existence of immortals. After all, after experiencing crossing, seeing and hearing big black stars and whirlpool bones, his understanding of the world is much deeper than that of ordinary people.

He stared at the wood carving quietly, and suddenly his heart jumped. It seemed that there was some cold breath passing from the wood carving.


Am I hallucinating?

Yuan Fang blinked. He seemed to see the wood carving moving? The whole body of the wood carving did not move, but the pupils in those eyes seemed to rotate a few times.

“Stare at the wood carving’s eyes, is it moving?!” Yuan Fang hurriedly shouted.


Xia Dan’s eyes suddenly lit up. As soon as her hunting eyes opened, her eyesight was the strongest among the five.

“It’s moving!”

Xia Dan screamed, and her pretty face turned pale instantly. The wood carving eyes seemed to come alive and collided with her eyes. She seemed to fall into icehouse, with a freezing chill on her body.

“Look at the top of the wood carving head!” Lin Feng shouted.

A small whirlpool of Reiki emerged without warning over the wood carving gods. The flowing Reiki flowed down and into the wood carving.

The woodcarving god suddenly blinked.

His body shook violently, and his hands actually clenched his fists. He suddenly exerted himself, as if he were going to break free from some kind of shackles.

“Not good!”

Yuan Fang was shocked. The scene before him was so similar that the whirlpool reminded him of the bones demon.

In the mirage, he saw that the wood carving god seemed to come to life. Zhang Jiao with a fanatical face knelt on the ground and murmured in his mouth.

“Creak… creak…”

The woodcarving god made a strange noise. Its arms turned slowly again, and feet lifted and fell. This set of simple movements was completed. Suddenly, the woodcarving became a flesh and blood and came to life completely!

Zhang Jiao looked excited and shouted loudly: “Heaven is dead, Huang Tian should stand up! I respectfully invite god to come to our world!”


The incense table is broken!

This deity has three heads and six arms, eyebrows and vertical eyes, and is full of horror, just like a fiend, arrogant.

He didn’t even look at Zhang Jiao but looked at Yuan Fang and others in the direction of his eager eyes.

Only heard him shout with a loud voice, fiercely stepping on the broken incense table, like a super-high-speed shell, severely hit!

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