I Don’t Want To Be A Healer

Chapter 50

Chapter 50: God In Heaven

“Good night!”

Seeing Yuan Yuanyuan’s mentality was good, Yuan Fang was relieved. Even if he was choked by this little fat girl, he didn’t care.

Anyway, he has a thick face.

After saying goodbye to the little girl, Yuan Fang switched his mobile phone to the headline and looked at the news of the past two days. As expected, the fall of satellites in outer space occupied the main page.

Communications in some places have been affected, but fortunately, the state has issued a statement to launch satellites as soon as possible to resume communications at mobile phone terminals.

“The eventful autumn…”

Yuan Fang sighed, he looked up at the night sky with dim interest, and another question emerged in his heart.

Why can a little fat girl see big black stars? And he can’t?

Is he a fake passer-by?

Black stars… Black, invisible and infiltrating.

A few words flashed through my mind.

Yuan Fang suddenly associated himself with the Dark Forest Law. Is this a “universe hunter”? Quietly approaching the earth and harvesting the whole life on the earth?

Yuan Fang enters a book name in the browser and then presses Search. Sure enough, this book also exists in this parallel world.

He slid the screen and browsed quickly. After a few minutes, Yuan Fang finally found a familiar passage in his impression.

“The universe is a dark forest without light. Every civilization is a hunter with a gun, stealing like a ghost in the forest. He must move forward carefully because there are hunters stalking like him everywhere in the forest. If he finds another life, he can only do one thing if he is not sure whether it is better than himself. That is shoot to destroy it. In this forest, others are hell and eternal threats… ”

Yuan Fang’s face was pale.

Black Star, a top hunter civilization, may have to surpass all major dimensions in its strength. It walks invisibly and approaches the earth like a ghost. Is it really to harvest human beings?

Yuan Fang shook his head hard and suddenly smiled. He could not always be pessimistic, or he should change his angle and think in a better direction. For example, human beings are not the “dishes” of black stars, and dimensional creatures are delicious dishes.

After all, human cultivation cannot be separated from the star bead provided by dimensional creatures.

Then the question arises again. Where does the dimensional space around the earth come from?

Why does dimensional space follow after Star Power comes?

… …

Countless distractions surged in Yuan Fang’s mind and it was difficult to sort out the clue. At this moment, he suddenly saw a thick white fog pouring out of thin air several tens of meters below the rock.

Yuan Fang’s heart suddenly shrank.

He is very familiar with this white fog. The last mirage of the Yellow Turban Insurrectionary Army was to come out of the fog.

“Mirage is going to appear again?” Yuan Fang was surprised. He suddenly stood up and ran back to the shelter, shaking Liu Tao and Lin Feng.

“Is it time?” Liu Tao asked.

“Well, yuan, after you finish, is not the monitor that group on duty? How did you shake me up?” Lin Feng yawned and asked.

“Monitor, you wake up Xue Xiaohong and Xia Dan.”

Yuan Fang lowered his voice and looked mysterious. “There is a mass of white fog under the rock. As I did last time, there may be a mirage. Let’s go and see it…”

“Mirage?” Lin Feng immediately refreshed himself and stared at his round eyes. “Will the Yellow Turban Insurrectionary Army you said?”

Yuan Fang shook his head: “It’s hard to say. Will both mirages point to the same scale of history? However, it is possible to add that whirlpool.”

“I’ll call them both.” Liu Tao immediately got up, carried his bag and weapons, and went to another shelter.

Lin Feng also stood up, tidied up properly, followed Yuan Fang out, while walking, quietly asked: “Then White Bone Demon’s evil heart does not die, we have to stay away…”

“Uh-huh.” Yuan Fang solemnly said.

Before the five men reached the edge of the rock, they heard the bustling voices coming.

When he reached the edge of the rock, Yuan Fang found that the fog had spread and the grass was white. There were many figures moving in the fog, dim and hazy.

This scene, like in a busy city, is buzzing and messy.

On the contrary, there is no appearance of the Yellow Turban Insurrectionary Army as before, and the slogan of unification will be shouted.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and smiled: “Not the Yellow Turban Insurrectionary Army.”

“It’s good, but I’m really afraid that White Bone Demon will climb out…” Yuan Fang suddenly told a joke, recalling the horror of the whirlpool, and now he is still concerned.

Xia Dan crossbow: “Unfortunately, I can’t see it. The fog is too heavy!”

The words sound just fell, the concentration of the fog seemed to fade a few minutes, and the figures gradually became clear.

“Ancient clothes…” Xia Dan opened her hunting eyes, her pupils were bright, and she whispered, “I don’t know which dynasty it is.”

Xue Xiaohong frowned slightly and said, “Wait a minute. The fog is dispersing. Maybe we can see clearly in a moment.”

The crowd continued to wait.

Although life in the fog is noisy, after listening for a long time, there are still several loud voices that can be heard more clearly.

“Don’t mess up, everyone is here to seek medical treatment. We must abide by some rules!”

“My old father is seriously ill…”

“My kids also feel bad…”

“Folks, the great healer is coming! We will be saved!”

A strong historical atmosphere is blowing on their faces. Liu Tao, Xue Xiaohong, Lin Feng, Xia Dan, Yuan Fang, five people, look at me, I look at you with big eyes and small eyes, and don’t know what to say.

Is it an ancient doctor?

These are the people who came to seek medical treatment when they were sick?

It’s a pity that the fog is hidden and the shadows cannot be seen clearly.

After a few minutes.

The fog under the rock became thinner, and the mirage finally appeared in front of everyone like a moon leaped out of the sea.

This is a square in an ancient city wall. In the open square, there are hundreds of ordinary people standing. They dressed in ancient clothes and with pale faces, but they are excited and surrounded by a middle-aged man in a yellow robe.

The middle-aged man in the yellow robe, leaning on a stick in his hand, was thin and had extraordinary spirit. With a smile on his face, he pressed his hand in the void.

All the people kept silent.

At this time, two young people in yellow moved an incense table, and then they respectfully took out a half-meter-high wood carving god to be placed on the incense table from a wooden box.

Two more young people in yellow, each carrying two wooden barrels filled with water, came up and placed the wooden barrels on the edge of the incense table.

After all, this was done, the four young people in yellow clothes stood vertically on both sides of the incense table with a sacred face.

When the people in the square saw this scene, they were slightly agitated and excited.

The middle-aged man in the yellow robe, who is also the great sage master in the mouth of the common people, slowly walked to the side of the incense table and burned three sticks of incense to the gods first.

When the smoke curled up, the great sage leaned on a staff in his right hand, put his left hand on his chest, bent over slightly, and began to murmur, “God in the heaven, bless my people, eliminate disasters and cure diseases, and prolong the life…”

“God in heaven?”

Yuan Fang was immediately shocked. A name flashed across his mind like lightning. Is this the sage whose name has been passed down through several thousands years?

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