I Don’t Want To Be A Healer

Chapter 28

Chapter 28: Goats’ Weird Behaviors

Hearing Xia Dan’s complaint, Xue Xiaohong smiled and said, “Goats can’t fly or climb trees. This dense forest is vast and boundless. We wait for them with ease and sooner or later we will consume the sheep to death.”


Lin Feng looked at the crowd, hesitated for a moment, and said, “The sheep gave me a strange feeling…”

“What have you found?” Xue Xiaohong asked.

Lin Feng is a shield warrior. He has a silver-quality visual aperture of the perceived star skill. He is also the only one in the team who has the perceived star skill. His judgment is very important to the whole team.

“I can’t say for sure.” Lin Feng shook his head, his eyes blank. “This sheep gives me an extremely intelligent feeling… Oh, it seems wrong… or, the feeling this sheep gives me… is not a sheep.”

“What is the explanation for this?” Xue Xiaohong frowned.

Lin Feng will not shoot at random. This rough man is actually meticulous. Do his words seem to emphasize that the head sheep has wisdom?

In nature, many animals have high or low wisdom, especially as the leader of the ethnic group, their fighting power and brainpower are better than those of the same kind.

Now that Star Power is coming, the evolution of animal bodies has accelerated, and the brain should have evolved as well, right?

Xue Xiaohong guessed so in her heart.

The teaching video broadcast in the camp did not give information on the evolution of the star beast’s brain, so she can’t make exact judgments.

She looked at Lin Feng again.

At this time, Lin Feng was looking at the head sheep under the tree with bright eyes. His eyes were deep. He sank his voice: “This is a very strange feeling, and I can’t fully express it clearly. If I have to say it reluctantly, this sheep is not a sheep, but an indescribable life…”


Xue Xiaohong still didn’t quite understand. She looked at others and asked tentatively, “Do you understand?”


The sheep attack continued, and the tree was also crumbling. As a last resort, five people moved to another crown.

This tree is much thicker than the previous trees. It is tall and straight, and its crown is surprisingly large. A few people often breathe a sigh of relief and can stay safely for a while.

“Do you understand what Lin Feng said just now?” Xue Xiaohong restored Star Power and repeated his question.

“The sheep’s brain has evolved.”

Liu Tao thought and said: “According to Darwin’s theory of evolution, human beings have evolved from apes to human beings, and their brains are constantly becoming more intelligent. Now the world is changing. As a star beast, how can only the physical body change? So I judge that this is a smart sheep.”

“I think so too.” Xia Dan said with a smile.

“What about you, Yuan?”

Xue Xiaohong did not ignore Yuan Fang, the most important role of the whole team-the medical department starfighter, the guarantee of team endurance.

“If something goes odd, there must be a demon. Has this sheep become goblins?” Yuan Fang looked like a smiling man. He touched his chin and looked wonderful. “Aren’t there goblins in ancient legends? Goblins are not much dumber than people. Some goblins can also become people. In the title of a collection of bizarre stories by Pu Songling of the Qing Dynasty, there are many beautiful women goblins…”

“Well, stop!”

Xue Xiaohong felt a headache. Yuan Fang, the boy is hilarious. He immediately pulled the topic away.

After listening to Yuan Fang’s irrelevant words, Lin Feng fell into deep thought. After a while, he looked up again and clapped his thigh. Suddenly, he realized, “What Yuan said seems to have some truth. Maybe this brand-new life is Goblins!”

Yuan Fang slapped and laughed: “Yes, after all, in the era of science and technology we are experiencing, no one has seen goblins and there is no scientific judgment in this respect. Now Star Power has come and anything strange has happened. Star Beast may be another form of goblins.”

Others nodded.

There seems to be no better explanation.

However, it used to be called Goblins, but now it is called Star Beast-Star Beast with mental evolution.

The mountain wind roared past.

In addition to the sound of brushing through the dense forest and the inexplicable roar sometime in the distance, the place where all the people were located was suddenly quiet.

The previous thunderous crash has disappeared without a trace.

“It’s strange, why don’t the sheep attack the big tree?”

Xue Xiaohong’s ears moved slightly. She was suddenly surprised to find that there was no other force to shake the crown except the rippling mountain wind. She looked down, only to find a group of goats surrounded, bored gnawing at the grass.

The body of the head sheep is much stronger and bigger than that of ordinary goats. It stood mightily among the sheep, with red eyes and high head, staring at the crown of the tree.

“This guy found that there was no way to tackle us. Will it give up?” Yuan Fang laughed disapprovingly.

“Isn’t it?” Liu Tao said calmly, slightly pity in his heart.

According to the previous plan, the retreat of the sheep is only the second-best plan. The best plan is to pursue the sheep crazily. They will use the dense forest to fight a war of attrition and finally wipe out the sheep completely.

“Baa baa…”

After a moment’s silence, the sheep suddenly gave a loud cry, with a sharp voice, as if giving some instructions.

Lin Feng held a shield in his hand and warned, “Be careful!”

The words sound just fell.

Among the sheep on the ground, suddenly five goats rose up and headed for the crown of the tree.

With their jumping ability, this jump is 50 meters long.

Suddenly, the head of the sheep gave a loud roar and shook the mountain forest.

Among the sheep, five goats immediately jumped out of the flock, sprang upon four feet and headed straight for the five goats before.

Just as the bodies of the five goats in the front row reached the top and fell down, the five goats in the back flew over. They just landed on the backs of the five goats. Their four hooves pushed down fiercely, and bodies swished into the air, raised twice and rushed to the crown of the tree.

And this is only the first group.

According to this method, followed by another group of goats, it flew to the crown of the tree.

Jesus, what kind of weird behaviors is this?

Is it the vertical ladder?

Yuan Fang was an eye-opener.

At this time, he also had to admit that the IQ of that sheep was probably no lower than that of human beings in their infancy.

The sound came.

In the blink of an eye, 10 “heavy trucks” jumped to the treetops under the crown of the tree. Even if they made a second leap, they still could not directly climb to the crown of the tree.

But this thick treetop is only a few meters away from the crown. Goats stepped on the branches and jumped onto the crown.

In this behavior, there is no trace to be found.

Although the goat is huge in size, the animals and plants in the mountains are basically enlarged, so some thick branches in the crown can carry the goat’s body.

“Fuck them!”

Liu Tao said maliciously.

Although the current situation is beyond their previous plan, they are all “Spider-Man” and still have certain geographical advantages in fighting on the top of the tree crown except Yuan Fang.

Only by shooting down goats or shaking them back and letting them fall under the tree can the situation on the court be controlled.


Several frozen arrows roared before Liu Tao’s action, hitting the goat’s hind legs, followed by a gust of wind, oppressing the goat to move.

Liu Tao flew over.

The star map above his head emerged. the 8 star slots of Nebula period have already lit up 7 the star slots, 3 bronze and 4 silver.

On his steel sword, the brilliance of Star Power flashed. Near the goat, the sword flashed and hit the goat’s head.


The broadsword collided with the sheep’s head, making a strange sound.

They saw this goat ejecting it to the ground like a marble.

Silver star skill * rock collapse.

Deadly Hit, Collapse Target, Can be Used in Any Position.

With the help of this chopping force, Liu Tao turned around in the air, crossed an arc and hit another goat with one punch.

The goat was also shot off by star skill.

And at the same time.

Lin Feng also stepped in, and the beaming star map floated above his head and began to bless his fighting power.

Yuan Fang was surprised to find that the eight star slots in Lin Feng had all been inlaid and lit up, impressively 2 bronze and 6 silver!


Yuan Fang secretly envied.

Lin Feng stood where he was, dancing wildly with his right hand, cutting out dozens of broadswords in an instant. The broadswords like the full moon blades, which were more than one meter long, stirred out in the air and hit a goat on the head.

Silver Star Skill* Full Moon Chop.

It emits a full moon-like sword light and can be attacked from a long distance.

The blade was sharp and all pierced the goat’s head, dripping with blood. The goat cried with a wail and fell heavily toward the ground.

For a moment.

Two warriors, three goats.

Of course, this is because they are at the top of the tree crown. As long as they shoot down the goat, they will succeed.


A flame spear more than two meters long hit a goat’s belly fiercely, and a big fire broke out in an instant. The wound on the belly made a sizzling sound, and smoke was emitted from the flame.

The goat also fell to the ground.

Silver star skill * Fire Spear.

Condensed into a flame spear and thrown out rapidly.

The mage Xue Xiaohong stepped in.

One more goat was eliminated, but there were still six. They came from the air and their horns gleamed sharply towards Lin Feng, Xue Xiaohong, Xia Dan and Yuan Fang respectively.


Liu Tao shouted in the air, his body suddenly accelerated, and hit a goat like a shell.


The goat was knocked off and flew obliquely to one side.

This is the exclusive star skill of warrior Liu Tao.

Silver star skill * a collision.

When colliding with a target, the strength exceeds the physical limit and brings damage to the target.

There are still five goats left.

Xue Xiaohong and Xia Dan, who are still relatively weak at this time, have just used a round of star skill and have no time to buffer.

At this critical juncture.


Lin Feng suddenly gave a roar, but this roar was different from Liu Tao’s. His voice seemed to contain irony.

This is a goat in mid-air. The attack route was completely interrupted and all of them hit Lin Feng.

Silver star skill * sarcasm.

Sending out a roar full of sarcasm will attract the attention of the target and force the target to attack himself.

This star skill of sarcasm is one of the necessary star skills for warriors.

Especially shield warfare, attracting fire and protecting teammates.

Five goats, all like heavy trucks, will be scrapped by the combined impact.

Lin Feng glowered and raised his shield.

His shield is not made of metal but is completely condensed from star skill. Many star skill of shield warfare needs to use this shield.

In a flash, the shield suddenly became larger, completely covering his burly body. At the same time, an extremely delicate lotus pattern appeared on the whole shield.

Lotus flowers, like sunny morning, are blooming heartily.

Silver Star Skill* Lotus Guardian.

Lotus pattern appears on the shield, which can absorb certain damage.

This is the guardian skill of shield warfare.

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