I Don’t Want To Be A Healer

Chapter 26

Chapter 26: Gold Star Skill

“60 is in late-stage of Stardust, 1 is in peak stage of stardust?”

Liu Tao repeated in a low voice.

Five people look dull and silent.

If they encounter this level of dimensional creatures in dimensional space, they are not afraid at all.

It can even rely on the advantage of the Nebula period to crush all major dimensional creatures in the stardust period.

But these are all star beasts… … …

Everyone has huge size, just like a wild beast, and their physical defense and strength are terrible.

Unlike single rabbits, goats are social animals. If they get into one, all goats will attract them, who cannot resist the charge of 61 goats.

If a rabbit is like a pickup truck, the goat is a heavy truck. It’s afraid one must weigh more than ten tons.

If this is on people…

It’s afraid Liu Tao, the warrior, will be pushed up by a goat in the late stardust period without using star skill.

Serious injury… or death.

Yuan Fang pressed down his heart and was still thinking about the remnant of barbecue. He scanned the group of behemoths through the cracks in the grass stems. His eyes suddenly became eager and his blood gradually became restless.

Under the setting sun, the goats were leisurely on the cliff, covered in white hair and shining with strange luster. A pair of gray horns on the top of the head is five meters long, like two sharp machetes rising up into the sky.

A battle is intended to hover endlessly in the body, and Yuan Fang is eager to try.

The golden star can’t suppress it!

Seeing the solemn expression of the crowd, he urged, “Why don’t we do a great thing?”


Liu Tao quietly made a gesture and led everyone back to the original rock.

It’s safe now.

Liu Tao breathed a sigh of relief. Just now he was only more than 100 meters away from the goat. He’s afraid those behemoths can leap over with their hooves.

Fortunately, goats are herbivores. If they had been replaced by wolves, they would have smelled and rushed over.


See Liu Tao careful, Yuan Fang can only wry smile.

“The goats…”

Liu Tao frowned and said with a straight face: “Our team can’t eat. We need to coordinate the strength of the whole class…”

“Agreed.” Lin Feng also raised his hand.

In the end, he added: “Goats are aggressive and numerous. They move all over the body with one stroke, and that sheep are eyeing up. With the strength of our team, we can deal with up to three goats in the late Stardust period at the same time.”

“All right.”

Yuan Fang nodded, he also can’t make special, as a member of the team, at this time the individual must obey the collective command.

Even if he can kill all 61 goats by himself, he could not do that.

Human beings have entered the era of starfighters, especially experienced bitter dimensional wars. Today’s fighting methods are all based on 4-person teams.

Assemble the whole class of 12 teams and set up tight encirclement. It is absolutely possible to kill these goats.

Liu Tao touched the communicator and was about to call his classmates when Xue Xiaohong said, “Wait.”


Liu Tao looked at Xue Xiaohong with a puzzled face.

The latter took a deep breath, licked the lip angle with the tip of his tongue, and her eyes showed a little excitement: “Or we can try.”

“Try?” Lin Feng gritted his teeth and said, “Xue Xiaohong, are you mad!”

Xia Dan covered her mouth.

Yuan Fang’s eyes brightened as if he had discovered a new continent. He never expected that the quiet Xue Xiaohong was so warm-blooded and full of adventurous spirit.

Gee… This little girl is ambitious.

Liu Tao shrugged his shoulders and asked with a smile, “What do you think?”

“Goats can’t fly.”

Xue Xiaohong pointed to a tall forest to the east, looking quiet and explaining, “With the help of flame spider silk, this forest will be our main battlefield…”

Xue Xiaohong told each step of the plan in an orderly way as if she had predicted the direction of the battle.

She proves herself to be the core of the team battle.

After hearing this, Yuan Fang also gave a thumbs-up sign and was extremely admired.

When walking on the battlefield, the battle core of any team should calmly judge the current battle form and make a pre-judgment in advance, so that each teammate can play the most accurate fighting capacity and lock in the victory for the team.

Xue Xiaohong is such a person.

Good at observation, cool-headed, plus strong output.

After arranging the tactics, several people whispered for a while, confirming that there was nothing wrong with the plan, and then meditated one after another to restore Star Power.

Yuan Fang is responsible for the alert.

Half an hour later, everyone filled up the stars, then stood up, jumped off the rocks and quietly moved to the woods to the east.

This forest is green, endless, towering like a cloud and magnificent.

“Yuan Fang.”

Liu Tao shouted softly, grabbed Yuan Fang, shot out spider silk, hung it on the tree pole, exerted himself with one hand, and the whole body bounced up.

Several other people also followed one after another, all standing on the branch.

At the moment, their height is only in the general position of this big tree, not to the crown of the tree.

The surrounding green leaves are luxuriant, effectively blocking their body shape.

Xue Xiaohong silently calculated the height and suddenly said, “Just here, it will be beyond the attack range of the explosive flame trap.”

Yuan Fang was still standing in the middle of the two girls. He looked left and right and found that the four men were trembling slightly at the moment, obviously extremely excited in their hearts.

Xue Xiaohong said calmly, “The plan begins.”

After that, Liu Tao jumped down. When he was in the air, he reached back and flew out of his palm spider silk wrapped around Lin Feng’s shield.

The spider silk keeps lengthening.

Liu Tao’s figure went further and further, running only to the cliff.

“Brother, you boldly go forward, go forward, don’t go back to ah head…” Yuan Fang couldn’t help humming a little song.

“What are you singing?”

Xia Dan was a little angry and stretched out his hand to punch Yuan Fang.

Yuan Fang smiled wryly and quickly stopped talking.

Just then, a dark red bright star map, sending out a faint fire, emerged on Xue Xiaohong’s head.

Twenty-three of the star slot, seven have been lit.

“Bronze, bronze, silver, gold…” Yuan Fang whispered. When he counted the fourth star slot, the golden color of star bead almost blinded his eyes.

Gold quality!

Yuan Fang saw it for the first time, and his heart was extremely shocked.

A golden star bead is embedded on the star map, dazzling like an emperor, overshadowing other star beads around.

“What star skill does the fourth star slot have?” He asked in a low voice.

“Gold star skill * explosive array.”

Xue Xiaohong replied quietly that at the moment she had entered a state of combat and was slowly brewing an explosive flame trap.

Gold star skill * explosive flame trap.

Star Power is used to gather a flame trap. After detonation, all targets in the trap are killed. The power is amazing and the damage is huge.

This star skill requires release array in advance.

Yuan Fang envies.

Xue Xiaohong deserves to be the strongest output, one gold, four silver, two bronze and seven-star skill in total, which is enough to make her worthy of the title of Dharma God.

Xia Dan’s star map also emerged. It was a blue bow picture with the wrist turned over and the bow and arrow appeared on the hand.

Starfighters, when changing the star map in battle, bless yourself and increase the star skill power.

Liu Tao was fast and quickly approached the cliff. When the distance broke through to 100 meters, he suddenly accelerated, was in mid-air, but roared fiercely!

Ow ~

The sound was earth-shattering and startled the goats. Some timid goats even knelt down.

Silver star skill * fear roar.

Send out a frightening roar to discourage the target.

The roar ended and Liu Tao was close to 30 meters.

Ow ~

He gave another roar and still moved forward quickly.

When the third roar resounded through the mountain forest, Liu Tao was only 15 meters away from the nearest goat. He gritted his teeth and cut it out with a hard knife.

Whoo! A blazing flame poured out of the knife body and covered the goat’s front half.

After all this, Liu Tao immediately turned around and ran back frantically.

At the same time, Lin Feng’s fierce rotating shield and spider silk winding in circles quickly pulled Liu Tao back.


As luck would have it, it was the sheep that Liu Tao set fire to.

The star beast at the peak of Stardust rolled on the ground, extinguished the fire on his body, then screamed and ordered the goat under his hand to chase Liu Tao crazily.

Bomb… … …

Just like ten thousand horses stampeding, more than 60 “heavy trucks” came on the rampage all the way.

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