I Don’t Want To Be A Healer

Chapter 24

Chapter 24: Fantastic Four


Xia Dan resolutely turned his back and let her eat the “honeydew” pulled out by worms. Even if they kill her, she won’t eat it.

“Ha, I’m not hungry yet, you can do whatever you want!” Xue Xiaohong sipped her mouth and smiled.

She is a knowledgeable girl, not pedantic, but not yet necessary to eat honeydew.

Liu Tao jumped over the grass, squatted behind the aphid’s buttocks, learned the appearance of Lin Feng, pulled out a dagger from his leg and scraped some honeydew to eat.

“Haha, it really tastes good.” Liu Tao said with a smile.

“Pollution-free, green food.” Yuan Fang also leaned in and tasted honeydew. It felt good.

They are not ordinary high school students, but starfighters, who have undergone quasi-military training and have strong field survival experience.

Therefore, it is nothing to eat honeydew.

If they are really hungry. Even if there are living worms, they will swallow it in one bite to supplement protein.

“Hey, hey!”

Lin Feng pressed the communicator on his chest camouflage uniform and shouted excitedly: “Brothers and sisters of Class 3, I have already tried it. The honeydew secreted by aphids here, just like honey grapefruit tea, can be drunk as a drink!”

“You are disgusting. You eat what worms pull out!” A female student roared and burst out of the communicator like a huge wave.

“Why dare not?” Lin Feng said plausibly, “You can ask the monitor, he also ate just now.”

Seeing that Lin Feng carried himself out, Liu Tao had to press the communicator and explained, “I ate it too. Those who can accept it can have a taste.”


Lin Feng laughed, “There are many talents and treasures in this shit place. If brothers and sisters have any good discoveries, you should tell us in time!”

“All right!”

“No problem!”

“We share weal and woe. We are Class 3 of Super Power, which is united and friendly!”

… …

In the communicator, there was a miscellaneous chorus and even some laughing voices.

“What clowns.”

Yuan Fang kept laughing in his heart, but suddenly he also pressed the communicator, pulled his neck and shouted, “Eldest brothers and sisters, there is a time limit for the circle-24 hours, you should get some injuries as much as possible so that you won’t waste it!”


“Yuan reminded us that we must not do business at a loss.”

“I’m sorry for myself without any injuries.”


… …

The students were full of talk and excitement.

After all, this is a water totem that cost a star bead. If it is not used, it will disappear within a fixed time.

Therefore, Yuan Fang’s words, like gasoline thrown into the fire, immediately set everyone’s heart on fire and ignited a raging flame.

“Quiet, I have something to say.” Liu Tao suddenly shouted.

Quickly it quieted down in the communicator.

Liu Tao, as the monitor of the class, still needs to take the overall situation into consideration. He hesitated slightly and said to the communicator: “We now have 12 teams. The distance between them should not be too scattered. The team leader will report the coordinates every 10 minutes. If you encounter a situation that the powerful star beast cannot cope with, you must ask for help immediately. All our teams will go to support you.”

“Monitor, don’t worry, we have just killed a few ants and haven’t seen any big goods yet!” On the other side of the communicator, Wei Yang hey hey laughed.

“We killed a dark red centipede, so big, 89 meters long, so scary! However, in the early days of stardust, it was easy to kill…” Others said.

“We killed a mantis, in the middle of Stardust, the body was as big as a car… the shell was so hard. We cut it for half a day…”

… …

The teams were full of arguments and reported the results of the first round.

Hearing this, Yuan Fang couldn’t help sighing leisurely, this world… is the last days of mankind!

It is also fortunate that these starfighters, all of whom are in power, magic system, fighting system and auxiliary system, form a powerful team to walk here.

If a team comes in, it is also looking for death. If they are jumped up by a nest of ants in the late Stardust period casually, they will be exhausted.

Now there are ten thousand starfighters. Only by dividing Yan Cangshan and pushing it forward step by step can each team be reduced under pressure.

After listening to everyone’s report, Liu Tao was silent for a few seconds and said with a low voice: “All right, everyone pays attention to it.”


… …

After the first interactive call in the class, under the leadership of Liu Tao, the five-member team began to move south.

Five people, Liu Tao in the front, Lin Feng in the middle, Yuan Fang behind Lin Feng, Xue Xiaohong and Xia Dan left and right.

Several people moved their bodies and jumped around on the grass stems, as flexible as apes.

It is completely impossible to walk on the ground.

The mountain forest is overgrown with weeds and various low shrubs. The low ones are a few meters and the high ones are only 20 to 30 meters, which is much lower than the giant trees that are often 100 meters high.

If they travel under the grass, not to mention the slow speed, sometimes, huge star beasts will fall from the sky and crush them into meat mud.

They just walked for a minute.

The ground was shaken. A gust of wind swept the drafting leaves. A huge gray figure fell from the sky. With a “bang”, it fell heavily in front of the team and crushed a piece of grass.

Brown-gray hair, thick and thick, two huge ears, sharp as swords, a three-pedal mouth, a pair of yellow and black gem-like eyes, but the tail is short and small, the front legs are short and the hind legs are long.

“It’s a rabbit.”

Yuan Fang sucked his teeth and his heart itched. A hare the size of a pickup truck cannot be eaten in a month.

Liu Tao stared at the giant rabbit and whispered, “The middle of Stardust period.”

If it forms a dimensional creature in the middle of Stardust, the five of them can destroy it with a wave of their hands, but this hare is a star beast with a huge size and a strong body.

A broadsword down, it is estimated that there will be a wound.

It is difficult to kill it without hitting the key.

This hare is 30 meters away from them, eyeing up. Its eyes gradually flash a hint of blood.


The rabbit’s two strong hind legs slammed on the ground, rose up and rushed at the crowd. Its first target was the guy on the 5th level of the nebula in front of it.

He looks very delicious.

This made the rabbit, which has always been a vegetarian, unable to help but feels the desire in his heart and launched an attack on human beings.

“It is often said that rabbits bite only when they are anxious. This rabbit seems to be a meat-eater!” Yuan Fang whispered, but there was no action.

The battle has nothing to do with him.

He is on the 8th level of the Stardust period and only has medical star skills. In the eyes of his teammates, he is a doctor without any fighting capacity and a weak chicken.

“I’ll give it a try!”

Liu Tao exclaimed with a loud voice, suddenly leaping from the grass stem, facing the huge hare, pulling out a steel broadsword and splitting it with a hard broadsword!


The rabbit was split back and Liu Tao was shocked back at the same time. The broadsword cut the rabbit’s front paws, causing a wound more than 22 meters long and 20 centimeters deep.

Blood flowed out along the rabbit hair.

“It’s sort of fun.”

Liu Tao licked his lips. The vibration from his hand excited him and his eyes shone like wild animals.

Even if the rabbit is lower in rank than him, the defense of rabbit hair is amazing. Although he uses all his strength, he will have to fight for a long time to kill the rabbit.

“Come together.”

Xue Xiaohong, as the core of the whole team’s battle, looked on coldly just now and also saw the clue. The star beast was huge in size and paid too much for killing one with its own ability to fight alone.

At this time, it is necessary to use the strength of the team, magic system and fighting system to cooperate with each other and kill at one stroke.


The rabbit is slightly wounded, growled angrily, suddenly turned around, two strong hind legs suddenly pedaled the ground, swished into the air, swept dozens of meters away.

“It wants to escape!” Yuan Fang smiled.

Rabbits are timid, which is understandable, but it further shows that the star beast in Yan Cangshan is still in its primary stage and there has been no intellectual evolution.


There was a violent sound of friction in the air. From Liu Tao and Lin Feng’s hands, they each shot out two flames of spider silk. They traversed the void very quickly and immediately bound the rabbit’s limbs.

Spider silk is burning a slight flame. When it touches rabbit hair, black smoke will be ignited.

bronze star skill * flame spider silk.

Releases spider silk to wrap around the target with burning damage.


Xue Xiaohong’s hands shook, and more than a dozen fireballs with a diameter of half a meter, with flames, came first and crashed into the rabbit’s back, making a loud noise!

The flame burst into flames, and the rabbit was on fire all over. It howled in pain and was pulled back by the silk of the flame.

Bronze star skill * sticky fireball.

High-speed ejection of spider liquid fireballs of different diameters, with stickiness, tightly attached to the target.

This is also the star skill of the fire spider. Once stuck by the sticky fireball, it is difficult to break free until it is burned alive.

Of course, they will not give rabbits the chance to burn to death.

Xia Dan was the last to shoot.

A red bow and arrow suddenly appeared in her hand. Her hand was resting on the bowstring, and a red arrow appeared on the bowstring.


As soon as the fingers were loose, the bowstring made a shaking sound, and a red light with a burning meaning flashed.

Poof a sound, astonishing an arrow, lightning through the rabbit’s pupil.

The hare of pain.

The power of the red rocket seems to be more than that.

Its pupil flashed and exploded, and the rabbit’s head exploded!

Flesh and blood flew in all directions, and its brain cracked!

A truck-like body, with a blazing fire, fell from the sky and crushed a piece of weeds.

The flames were so fierce that the weeds were lit up.

Xue Xiaohong waved her hand and a strong wind blew out the flames.

With the tacit cooperation of the four people, in one breath, the rabbit, which looked extremely strong, was slaughtered on the spot.


Yuan Fang’s throat itched, sucked his teeth and could not speak.

For the first time, he saw the first force team of Class 3.

This cooperation, this power… Gee, awesome!

All Marvel movies are weak.

This … is the living Spider-Man, Eagle Eye and Fantastic Four!

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