I Don’t Want To Be A Healer

Chapter 23

Chapter 23: Aphids and Honeydew

With a “bang” sound, they landed on their feet.

No… It should not be called “landing”, but fell on a winding stretching, half a meter wide, thick grass stem.

Liu Tao lose his hand and looked around curiously. Xue Xiaohong, Lin Feng and Xia Dan also fell down respectively. The two sisters were standing on a flower while Lin Feng was standing on a green leaf, poking around and marveling.

The five-member team officially started its expedition.

“We have entered the micro world.” Yuan Fang regrets that in front of the uncanny nature, he deeply feels the insignificance of human beings.

“Du!” He kicked the grass stem and made a dull sound.

The stem of the grass is hard, just like solid wood. It is by no means a weak weed in the ordinary world.

“If the whole world becomes this, human beings will no longer be the leading role in the whole world.”

Xue Xiaohong pondered and made a serious face.

“Yes!” Several other people nodded one after another, and some were glad that this change only existed in the mountains and rivers.

It’s still under control.

“Look, what is that?” Lin Feng pointed to the distance with surprise on his face.

In the sky, there are more than a dozen undulating green shadows floating.

The green shadow is just like duckweed. As the mountain wind drifts, from far to near, people find out that these are some unknown green worms.

Each of them has the size of a foot basin, the abdominal cavity is enlarged, the whole body is glittering and translucent, the top of the head is sticking out with two soft tentacles, and there are six feet under the abdomen. The appearance is not ferocious, but rather clumsy.

When the green worm touches the weed, it quickly hooks it with its six legs and adheres to the grass stem.

Then he slowly climbed forward for a short distance and found fat and tender leaf. His mouth opened and he stretched out a sharp small needle from his mouth, pierced the surface layer of the leaf and began to absorb nutrients fast.

“There is no level and it has not evolved into the Stardust period.” Lin Feng felt it and said gently.

Liu Tao nodded and said that the green bugs had not evolved into star beasts, which was not within their scope of killing.

“This is…”

Yuan Fang touched his chin and was thoughtful. These green worms always gave him a familiar feeling, as if he often saw them when he was a child.

“The Ants are coming!”

Xia Dan exclaimed.

From under the grassroots, a dozen big black ants climbed up quickly, these ants are slightly smaller than aphids, but have also the size of washbasin, black shell glossy.

At this time, a dozen green worms landed on the nearby grass. The ants seemed to find the smell and climbed behind the green worms’ buttocks.

The green worm sucking the juice suddenly tilted its abdomen and suddenly quivered. A drop of transparent liquid was “pulled” out and stuck to the back end of its abdomen.

The ants beside scraped off the “liquid” with their jaws and swallowed it into their mouths, making a satisfying squeak.

“Piuck! Disgusting!”

Seeing green worms “defecating” in broad daylight and ants “eating excrement” in public, this exciting scene made Xia Dan turn red and cover her eyes.

Xue Xiaohong also bowed her head.

Girls always like beautiful things.

Lin Feng laughed wildly: “Haha, It’s blinding me!”

Yuan Fang did not smile. He blinked and stared at the familiar green body. He hesitated and said, “This seems to be aphids.”

“It’s an aphid.”

Xue Xiaohong also confirmed, bowed her head and said faintly: “The book says that ants provide protection for aphids and drive away from natural enemies. Aphids also provide honeydew to ants, which is a cooperative and beneficial deal.”

She is worthy of a learning committee member, How erudite!

Yuan Fang secretly picked his thumb.

Most of the teenagers in this world who live and grow up in cities do not know the relationship between aphids and ants.

“Ants, the early days of stardust period.”

Liu Tao was not interested in this cooperative relationship but frowned, stretched out his hand and shot out spider silk, winding an ant and dragging it over.

Ants are still in mid-air.

It saw a flash of knife light, then the big ant was split into two pieces.

Liu Tao jumped back from the air, holding a huge steel knife, majestic and combative, just like Mars.

As a force warrior, his weapon is a knife, a special steel knife made by the military, with first-class hardness in the world.

“How is it?”

Xue Xiaohong seriously stared at Liu Tao and asked.

Liu Tao is on the 5th level of the Nebula Period. The whole class has the highest level of cultivation. It should be easy for him to slay an ant that has just evolved into Stardust.

But Xue Xiaohong still wants to know some specific data.

Liu Tao threw away the blood on the tip of the knife, vomited a sigh of relief and said, “The crustacean is as hard as steel.”

Xue Xiaohong sighed, “The flesh of the star beast is really abnormal.”

“Kill, no one left.” Liu Tao’s face was resolute, and spider silk floated out one after another, sweeping towards ants.

In the void flashed a series of knife lights, ants were dismembered, clean, without delay.

Fortunately, these ants are still in the early days of Stardust. If they evolved to the Nebula period, Liu Tao would not be so easy to slay.

Besides, ants are social creatures. A nest of thousands of ants attacking human beings together is difficult to resist.

In addition, there are many kinds of ants, the most ferocious of which is the marching ants in the Amazon jungle. If these creatures evolve, it will probably be a nightmare for the local people.

Liu Tao killed more than a dozen ants, but he was still not satisfied. The other three also looked around and tried to find the target.

Yuan Fang’s feet exerted their strength and jumped up and down in the grass, carrying the remnant of an ant in his hand and putting it on a green leaf.

Xia Dan smiled and asked, “What are you doing?”

“Military merit.”

Yuan Fang answer impatiently and jumped up and down continuously, piling all the bodies of ants on the leaves.

He took out the communicator and took a picture.

Photos will be uploaded automatically, and some systems will analyze the pictures, automatically obtain data and record them.

“Ants also have meat no matter how small they are. I’ll take photos later.”

After taking the photo, Yuan Fang felt comfortable, touched his back head and said to everyone smiling.

A little makes a lot, and sand makes a tower.

He can’t give up any military merit, even an ant, is also a stardust ant, representing small military merit.

Liu Tao laughed: “Well, that’s settled.”

This is Lin Feng jumping to the edge of an aphid and squatting down to look at its abdomen with some hesitation.

“Learning Committee member, is honeydew secreted by aphids?” Lin Feng asked.

“Yes.” Xue Xiaohong replied that she suddenly stared at Lin Feng alertly and shouted, “What do you want to do?”

Lin Feng cracked his thick lips and revealed a mouthful of white teeth. He smiled, “Since it is honeydew, it should be considered sweet. I want to taste it.”

“Abnormal!” Xia Dan covered his eyes.

Yuan Fang was also interested and endured the impulse to laugh. He urged, “Feng, aphids suck grass juice and secrete honeydew. They are purely natural and pollution-free and should be better than the honey we eat.”

Liu Tao smiled and advised: “There are many mountain materials and treasures here, and it is not necessary to eat aphid secretions!”

Lin Feng took out a dagger, scraped off part of the aphid’s abdomen and put it on his nose to smell it.

“Clear fragrance.”

Lin Feng raised his dagger and shook Xue Xiaohong.

In his mind, Xue Xiaohong is sensitive, studious and knowledgeable. Her words are credible.

Xue Xiaohong raised her hand and smiled, “You can try it. Anyway, we have no food, we can only rely on the supplies of nature.”

“Well, I’ll try it.”

With a loud roar, Lin Feng stuck out his tongue solemnly and stirring generously and licked it gently.

“Wow, It’s sweet, similar to honey grapefruit tea.”

After licking it, Lin Feng knew the taste and swallowed all the honeydew on the dagger into his belly.


Lin Feng sucked his mouth and looked like he was still not satisfied. He waved to the others, “Come and try it!”

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