I Defeated the Devil, So I Had To Become the Devil Myself

Chapter 311

Chapter 277: The Demon King of Demon King’s Castle is back

Seven Saints, a mysterious organization that appeared from nowhere. They threatened to kill the Seven Sages of the first generation of Demon Kings, and they have only one purpose since ancient times, to find the Demon King and kill the Demon King.

The devil in their mouth refers to the demon after awakening, the demon after awakening, and the demon who is threatening in their eyes.

Since I awakened in Satan’s castle, the Seven Sages have been watching me.

The trial at this time is said to be a trial, but the Seven Sages will not listen to anyone’s excuses at all. Even though I was originally a human being, even if I have always stood in the bright camp, the title of the demon king above my head is the reason for them to show their minions to me.

They are not allowed to resist and argue, they will only implement self-righteous justice. The beautiful world does not allow evil to exist, the devil is the evil in their eyes.

“Surrender to me! Submit to me! Loyal to me!

Me, peace! It’s yours—the new devil! ”

I roared and greeted the magic of the Seven Saints.

There was a loud noise, the wind swept up the dust and choked people to breathe, and the roar of violent beasts followed.

When the dust settled, the blood beast Xiaohong appeared in front of me, and he resisted the attack of the Seven Sages.


Xiao Hong turned her head, her terrifying head made a gentle sound, and my eye sockets were a little moist. When leaving the Demon King’s Castle, Xiao Hong was not found, he was always out of sight.

But now, he can come to save me from a long distance, how am I not moved.

On Xiao Hong’s back, there is another person, a green forgiveness hat that is particularly eye-catching. It’s him? The little red that Colomir informed? So, that means he went to the Demon King’s Castle? Will my demon servant come?

“Hey, Seven Sages, a despicable thing about mystery. But you still know the old man!”

The old hooligan shouted harshly while standing on Xiao Hong’s back.

“Forbidden magic? Magic that blasphemes against life? Who are you! Our seven sages only use the Devil as their enemy! No one, etc., leave quickly. If not, look, the Devil is in the same party, sin, and blame!”

Daylight didn’t even look at Kolomir, and said flatly.

“Oh, it’s okay, just ask the old man. If you don’t know it, it’s fine, you hit you.”

I have a black line on my face, this old hooligan, is this pretending to be compelling?

Kolomir fell from Xiao Hong’s back and came straight to my side. He was not embarrassed at all, although I blushed a little for him.

“Master! Borrow my strength!”

Xiao Hong’s voice is like Hong Zhong, and I understand his words naturally. Before I could think too much, I opened my wrist, and the blood quickly condensed into a small blood cell and flew towards Xiao Hong.

Xiao Hong sucked in a huge mouth, sucking the blood cells into her mouth, and then burst into blood red light all over her body.

He roared to the sky and flew towards the Seven Sages.

Seeing Xiaohong fighting with the Seven Sages, I also wanted to join the fight, but the pain in my whole body still made me unable to move. In addition, the force of forcibly mobilizing seeds just now made me very weak.

At this time, the battle started, and Phedero frowned and mobilized the Knights of the Silver Sword to evacuate the citizens of Arain who were still staying in the square. The prince and the prince also looked at me solemnly, and then left the square with the king of the Principality of Alain.

It was just that the king whispered a few words to the sergeant around him when he was leaving.

Lanstia, Lena and others also ran towards the bottom of the square anxiously, guarding the innocent people to leave.

Chaos is happening in this square called Judgment.

“Hehehe, how is it? The old man is not late, right?”

Kolomir standing beside me was picking his nose and looking arrogantly at the battle in the sky.

“Thank you. Mr. Hooligan.”

I thanked the old gangster with some gratitude.

“Hey, seeing the portal abnormality, the old man guessed that it was the ghost of the Seven Saints. These hidden heads and exposed tails are only these despicable tricks.

So I went to the Demon King’s Castle. When the gate of the castle opened, it was big, it was really big! ”

The old gangster Kolomir recalled.

“What’s so big?”

“That dark elf’s O… I mean the size of the Demon King’s castle.”

I have a black line on my face. The old gangster obviously saw Yuli the first time, and it was Yuli’s chest. It really was an old hooligan.

“Did they not come after all?”

I am a little bit lost. Now, only Xiaohong is here, indicating that Yuli and the others still cheated on me and couldn’t let go, even if I just announced it, even if I voluntarily fell into the magical way. After all, can he become their demon again?

“Will you come? It’s from a trip to the old man’s Demon King’s castle, to elaborate.

As soon as the door was opened, a skeleton walked out, holding a whip in his hand, which scared the old man. ”

Kolomir’s face turned a little red.

“I thought he would fight, but I didn’t expect this skeleton to be a pervert! If he didn’t hit him enough, he wouldn’t inform me, and he said that the old man is a human being. If you don’t hit him, don’t want to leave…

This was tiring for the old man, but it was worth it. Later, Yuli came out, hehe, it’s so big!

I mean……”

“I know you said the castle is big.”

“Yes, later that little loli also came out, but I was not interested in being small, although it was quite cute. What I said was…”

“I know you’re talking about being tall. What an old hooligan, tell me the point!”

“Don’t worry, the demons arrived later. I said your Demon King Anle is about to die.”

Kolomir deliberately whipped my appetite.

“where are they?”

“They just turned around and left, what else? Can the old man take turns to whip? However, the old man is looking forward to whipping the dark elves… Hehehe…”

Clomir let out a wretched laugh.

“Sure enough, I am no longer the devil. Thank you Xiaohong, you can still come here.”

I didn’t even bother to look at the wretched face, I mumbled to Xiaohong who was fiercely fighting the Seven Sages in the sky.

“However, it doesn’t matter.

Old hooligan, help me, the Seven Sages should have placed a restraint in my body, and I can’t adjust my power. ”

“But then the door opened again.”

The old gangster ignored my request, he raised his eyebrows and looked at me and continued.


My heart beats suddenly.

“Then, they came out again with one thing.”

Clomir rolled his eyes and said disapprovingly.


I hurriedly asked.


Yuli’s voice rang in the distance www.readwn.com My heart was beating.

Yuri, Yuri in a black tights, with her long hair combed into a ponytail, she carries a black long bow behind her back. Beside her, Gemini Lolita tilted her head and smiled at me.

Dawu and Gang Damu also followed Yuri, as well as Sha Wei, Qiu and Lin Ze.

Beside such a group of demon servants I know well, a young man looked at me shyly. His face was very strange, he should be a newcomer to the Demon King’s Castle.

And in Yuri’s hand, a pair of black armor, lying quietly. The devil’s horns on the helmet, like big roots, are particularly cordial in my eyes at this moment.

The demon king’s armor came alive, flying towards me from Yuri’s hand, and it was immediately set on my body, and the magic restriction in the body was also shocked at this moment.

The long sword appeared in my hand, and the armor was on my body. I knew that the devil had returned. To find this site, please search for “” or enter the URL:

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