I Can’t Study with Missy

Chapter 47

Chapter 47 Squinting eyes are all monsters

Regarding the “Princess of the Imprisoned Fairy Forest” script, Takahashi-senpai found two scripts for him and Chika Fujiwara.

I have to say that Takahashi-senpai is very generous. His role is one of the main characters of the script, “Princess Yuki”.

As soon as he came up, did he play the lead, but he frowned and felt that it was not easy. He hesitated, “Takahashi-senpai…Is the manuscript wrong with Fujiwara-san?”

Fujiwara Chika is a manuscript of the hero who rescues the “Prince Raleigh” of Princess “Yuki”.

She is the director of the acting department. How could this little thing be mistaken? She was kind to help this student who entered the department, but she couldn’t understand her intentions well.

Helpless, disappointed, not being understood is a very uncomfortable thing, she felt lonely, she sighed and explained, “Kirisu schoolboy still remembers the acting skills I just said to show the nature, right?”

He is not that forgetful, but what does this have to do with the role exchange between him and Fujiwara Chika, and why did he sigh suddenly! !

, don’t do that, he can’t say something! !

He hesitated for a long while, this kind of atmosphere that I’m good for you, why don’t you know, Kirsu and Kazuto don’t know how to deal with it, and Takahashi-senpai was just fine because he was sad in an instant with a word, so what else would he refuse? …Refused to be blocked?

Takahashi Ikuko saw that Kirsu’s younger brother was still hesitating, and blinked and said, “Actually, Kirsu’s younger brother don’t care, Princess Yuki is a male.”



“Women are written on the manuscript.”

“that’s not important.”


Co-authored, did you just want him to play the role of a princess? Now he finally understands that Takahashi-senpai, who is rigorous in appearance and enthusiastic, is a fake. This guy… is black when cut.


Wanting to understand the essence, Kirisu Kazuto took a breath.

Kirisu’s younger brother is really difficult, Takahashi Ikuko secretly blamed it, but continued to explain, “Kirisu’s younger brother is stable and fits the personality of Princess Yuki, and Fujiwara-san has a lively and jumpy personality, suitable for Prince Raleigh.


Prudence and the princess have a woolen match, Prudence should be a prince! !

Ikuko Takahashi has raised the difficulty of Kirsu’s younger brother by one level. Anyway, you have to play today, or you have to play if you don’t. For her “pleasure” hobby, she tore off her disguise and did not hide it. , The ultimatum lightly sighed, “School brother Kirsu, I think if you refuse to play Princess Yuxi, my members don’t want you to leave the drama department today.”


This is a direct threat. He intends to buy and sell. He doesn’t want to play a princess, and there is no normal man who wants to play a female role. This has nothing to do with nature.

He frowned, took a look at the distance from here to the entrance of the drama department, thinking about the chance that he would leave Chiwa Fujiwara and escape alone.

Fujiwara Chika would be fine even if he stayed here, he was not worried. But… while hesitating, a member of the acting department passed by. A “crunch” extinguished his hope of escape, and the door of the acting department was closed.


Seeing that Kirito was silent, Takahashi Ikuko also knew the rule that a stick must be given to a sweet jujube. She attacked the last line of defense in Kirito’s heart, enticingly said, “Our acting department likes courageous people very much. People, if the younger brother Kirisu promises to be a girl…playing as a princess, maybe he will get the friendship of all the members of the acting department.”

Women’s clothing, Takahashi-senpai definitely wants to talk about women’s clothing! !

Kirisu Kazuto forced himself to calm down. He couldn’t open this mouth. If he promised him, he would not enjoy high school, only black history.

Moreover, there are only zero and countless times for women’s clothing. Once the bottom line is broken, he will probably not be a person in the future.

There are dozens of people in the acting department, and the door is blocked again. He wants to run and can’t get back to heaven. Don’t look at his systematic Kendo and LV10. The reality is not a comic novel. At least most of the women in the acting department are eldest ladies. No force can be used.

Sometimes Kirito Kazuto would sigh, if he would be the protagonist of Shuangwenfan.

However, he can still do it if he can’t run away and delay the time. Kirisu Kazuto took a deep breath and vomited, “Can I think about it, Takahashi-senpai?”

As if he had accepted his fate, Kirsu’s younger brother struggled at the end. At this time, Takahashi Ikuko was not in a hurry. Their acting department did business as you wish, and they never do forced things. People can’t run away anyway. When it fell, she nodded and said with a smile, “The time for club activities is still very long, so you can consider it slowly.”

Takahashi Ikuko has always had a hidden “favor” in her heart. She likes to watch “good-looking” and “cute” men’s women’s clothing, and she wants to dress for them.

In the Xiujiin Academy, there is only one person “Kiroshi Kazuto”—a weak and thin body that wants to be cared for, a fair and tender skin that is more elastic than a girl’s, plus a correct feminine and beautiful face. After the throbbing, women’s clothing must be particularly “beautiful”.


She focused on the target very early, but there was no chance of contact for different grades. UU read www.ukanshu.com, but now the “little lamb” has been delivered to the door.

If Kirito Kazuto knew that he was being spotted and said that he would not come to the acting department, he had just blindly typed with his hand to send a distress e-mail to Bai Yin Yuhang. It should be almost here now.

He waited for Shirogane Miyuki to rescue him, but, in order not to make Takahashi-senpai suspicious, he pretended to think for a while, and then asked, “Why did Takahashi-senpai do such a thing?”

Those who squinted are all character “monsters”…the Internet’s most famous sayings, he has seen it.

At the home court of the acting department, her “Kirishu brother” can’t get away anyway, and she doesn’t care about the question that the student is obviously procrastinating for time.

“I think Tongsu schoolboy should know, she obviously has a smart head.” She did not answer directly, but returned the question, and urged by the way, “Okay, time is almost up, Tongsu schoolboy should Make a decision, play the role of Princess Yuki.”

Fujiwara Chika has been watching the excitement next to him. This guy also has an unlearned beast in his heart. He can’t help but wonder if this is the set given to him by Fujiwara Chika and Takahashi-senpai, which was discussed in advance.


“Sorry, Takahashi-senpai, I can’t agree.”

Takahashi Ikuko didn’t expect that Kirsu and Kazuto would refuse this way. She looked cold, and some people were always unwilling to give up and needed a little help.


did not wait for her to call the member who had been waiting for a long time in the distance, and heard a voice calling from behind:

“Takahashi-senpai, my friend is causing you trouble.”


Kiryu and Kazuto dared to refuse directly, his best friend Bai Yin Yuxing brought Sinomiya Kaguya over.

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