I Can’t Study with Missy

Chapter 30

Chapter 30 I am the only one who is lucky

Fumino Fumino Furuhashi left the family restaurant in an extremely depressed mood, did not stay on the street, and ran back home all the time.

“Mother, do I really have no talent…” I slumped my head on my bed. Today, another person who taught her said “reconsider”. No one can help her anymore.

It’s not that she never thought of giving up. Every time she was told by the teacher, “Fuqiao, please don’t waste your talents”, she had no expression at the time, but in private she couldn’t help being disappointed, and her father was still like that…

No one around her is optimistic about her. Even so, she has to study science alone and enter a science university, hoping to be crushed and reunited again, to get up again from a fall, it is painless to lie, but she is used to it.

Kirto and Kirito returned to the apartment, and all the tutoring subjects were gone. Naturally, there was no need to stay there. It was still early, and he planned to continue practicing Kendo.

With the “concentration” experience bonus, the kendo experience increased slowly, and he continued to practice until Sister Zhendong came back, and he stopped when he was hungry because of his stomach.

Regarding what happened today, he didn’t tell Sister Jindong, whether Fumino Fumashi gave up is still unconfirmed, and he has an intuition, “Fumino Fumino is not easily defeated.”

A person who knows kendo is terrible…

Coming out of Xuenai’s home, Fujiwara Qianhua felt the beauty of “living”. Xuena and Xueli’s mother were too scary. She was visiting once, and I didn’t know why. She bought a condolence and was shouted as soon as she walked in. “Bewitching Xuena who doesn’t learn well, dare to come?”

Then she saw Xue Na who was kneeling on the ground, and her mother who was hitting Xue Na’s **** with a wooden knife.

Xue Na Rina’s mother is not tall, she looks less than 1.5 meters, but she is full of momentum, as if she is two meters eight.

In an instant she was overwhelmed by this aura. If Rina hadn’t appeared in time, she felt that she might die here.

After the explanation, she realized that she shouldn’t knock on the door as a friend of the “board game department” when she came for the first time, but as a “classmate” or “secretary of the student union”, because Xuenai came home late for fun yesterday. She was regarded as an accomplice.

It didn’t take long to stay. She knew that Rina was not sick, so she was relieved, left the condolences, and left Kitahara’s home with the mother of the two.

Knowing that she had misunderstood, she temporarily let go of Xuena when a friend came, and Fukuzawa Toumi also regretted that she should not ask for leave for the two of them because of illness. I don’t know if her gaffe will reduce her presence. The image in the minds of the daughter’s classmates, thinking of this, her face is not good again.

Fujiwara Chika learned for the first time that Xuena and Rina can also do kendo, but they don’t usually show it, and they haven’t noticed after they have known each other for so long.

After Xuena was forced to sign the guarantee, the eldest mother let her go. While she was relieved, she couldn’t help but feel sad again. She can no longer play and join the club.

Rina has no restrictions. She sympathizes with her sister, but is more helpless. If it hadn’t been for Xuenai’s refusal to confess yesterday, it would not have fallen to the present situation, in the final analysis, it would be stupid.

After dinner, Ms. Zhendong gave him some pocket money. He didn’t need it, but she was stuffed into his hands because of her body length.

There is no need for pretense between the brothers and sisters, Kirisu Kazuto put away.

Although he remembers for two lifetimes and conceptually wants to be an independent person, his actual status is now a high school student. He also thought about working part-time, but was rejected by Sister Zhendong. “Students should be like students.” If he is short of money, he can find her. The family’s economy does not have to be part-time to supplement.

There is no reason to refute.

As for other ways to make money, although he is a rebirth with a system such as a plug-in, it is just like the system is a simple auxiliary, he was just an ordinary person in his previous life.


Before crossing, he was a college student at school. He didn’t read novels and comics too much. It can be thought of in general. Special and profound details are fine, but it’s okay to be a porter, and the writing is just another kind of original.

Fumino Fumino did not show up again on Friday and Saturday. On Sunday, Kirisu accompanied Shirogin Miyuki to the mall to buy a new smartphone.

Fumino Fumino had no energy to review science for two consecutive days. She will have the exam next week. After tidying up the things that need to be reviewed, she got up and went to the school library.

The atmosphere of the library is suitable for review, so I can be more “focused” here.

When I arrived at the library, Fumino Furuhashi wanted to read the book first, but xy was in a circle, unable to calm down for a while, sighed lightly, and picked up the test paper again.

However, she has not reviewed science for two days, and her state has regressed…

Many people chose to review today. They chose a place with relatively few people, but I was lucky enough to sit down. He is a diligent student, so the intensity of review is several times that of others.

Originally all the books were taken out and put on the table, but before he started to review he found a beautiful person sitting next to him, this… Isn’t this the genius of their school, the “Sleeping Beauty of the Literary Forest”, UU Reading www. All geniuses at uukanshu.com are studying hard, so he can’t be too slack.


He wanted to take a peek, maybe he could secretly learn the genius review method, but half of the interview questions were wrong. Did he know that he peeked and deliberately amuse him?

I was lucky enough to observe for a while, and finally couldn’t help pointing, “Um… the solution to this problem is wrong.”


Fumino Furuhashi raised her head and glanced at the source of the sound. Just now, she had been concentrating on making test papers until she saw the speaker, a man with a small face wearing Ichinose Gakuen uniform and glasses. She didn’t see her at the same school. She passed, but she felt kind, and thanked, “Thank you, my science is not very good…”

It’s not that it’s not very good, but it’s very bad. I was lucky enough to spit in my heart. After speaking, he regretted it. Talking to the school’s “Sleeping Beauty in the Literary Forest”, isn’t it a hitch? Scratching his head, I felt that it would be better to apologize first, but when the words came to his lips, he didn’t know how to change. With the question just now, he explained it, “Gu Qiao-san, this question is like this…”

Someone talked about the topic, and Fumino Furuhashi instantly understood what was wrong, and his thinking broadened a lot, and he was a little fascinated by it.

Gu Qiao Wen Nai made too many mistakes. After finishing one question, I was lucky enough to talk about other wrong questions. It was not until the last question was finished that he breathed a sigh of relief.

Although a lot of time was wasted, he would review the question once and it was all right.

Moreover, there is a saying that I can’t help but I am lucky. After hesitating for a while, he hesitated, “Guqiaosan, is it possible…Are you a science stupid?”


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