I Can’t Study with Missy

Chapter 19

Chapter 19 Intensify

Yitang Shuichi said something casually in front of the girls during the friendship yesterday, which caused him to brush a wave of presence, and together with his two friends from the school became a foil.

The girls are all curious about the topic of Miss Xiuzhiin, and they use this psychology to slander Kirsu Kazuto. At the same time, they are surrounded by girls to talk. He enjoys this feeling. Everyone surrounds him. He is the one The center of the world.

Besides, he wasn’t just talking nonsense. If it weren’t for “being taken care of”, how could the eldest lady of Xiujiin help Tongsu to talk to someone, relying on the person who dragged him down on the National First Examination?

In the final analysis, the two of them have something to do, and the matter is not small.

But, only in this way, Yitang Shuichi is still not satisfied. He loses his face in public, and he is bound to find this hatred, and give it back a hundred times.

Not only did he want to make Kirisu Kazuto’s reputation stink, he remembered that Kirsu Kazuto’s sister seemed to be a teacher at Ichinose Academy, and her reputation was ruined together. This was what caused him.

Thinking of happy things, Yitangxiu couldn’t help but laughed, and he could already see Kirito and others desperate, kneeling down and begging him for mercy.

Back to the apartment, Kirisu and others figured out how to solve Yitang Shuichi’s affairs. He had a few middle school friends in Peking High School. They caught the bad things Yitang Shuichi had done and stabbed them out?

By doing this, it would hurt both sides at best. It was a fight back at Yitang Shuichi, but it did no good to him.

The key point is that the rumors need to be resolved early, so that Sister Zhendong’s work should not be affected. Then, we can only start with the two friends who participated in the friendship with Yitang Shuichi. Use a little trick to counteract the problem. It will naturally resolve-he doesn’t believe in the kind of people like Yitang Shuyi, what kind of trustworthy friends he can make.

With plans, Kirisu and Kazuto are going to Beijing High School after school tomorrow.

The rumors are only circulated in two schools, one Ichinose Academy and the other North High School. Shuichi Ito feels that this is not enough, so he acts as a disseminator, and has not been in contact with elementary school and junior high school for a long time. The friend recounted the past and talked about some topics he “heard” by the way.

“Hey… the guy Kirisu was pretty good-looking when he was in middle school, but he didn’t expect to be a little boy.”

“Unexpectedly, Kirsu-san was like this. I remember that Itang-san had a bad relationship with Kiryu before, right?”

Does it feel good to be ruined?

The rumors spread to the end and it was no longer enough for Shuichi Ito to be satisfied, and he changed his words, “Kirisu Kazuto’s sister, yes, the teacher at Ichinose Gakuen has taken care of a high school student.”

Fujiwara Chika made a few phone calls, and finally got news that Shuichi Ito’s father was working in the New Life Foundation, Xuena and Rina’s father’s company, and that he was still a middle-level cadre.

Good guys do it all, Fujiwara Chika pulled out Yukina’s phone number, but he hesitated when dialing out, then slipped one more place, and clicked on Rina’s name, “Mosimosi, Rina…”

Rina nodded and listened to Fujiwara Chika’s passing. It turned out that Chika-san wanted to vent her anger for Sinomiya-san, and Kiryu-san was taken by the way.

When thinking about what Kirito Kazuto did in the afternoon, Rina was caught in anger, and being maliciously slandered by others with rumors was purely deserved. God is helping her get revenge.


Although I think so in my heart, I can’t do that. There is no father and son on the battlefield and no friends in the game field. If it is taken to other places for the unpleasantness of the game field, then she has fallen behind, and my father and eldest mother know that they will say her.

Moreover, her senses for Kirito and others are not that bad, otherwise she would not greet each other when she met at school in the morning, and scolding Xiaobailian was just a vent in her heart.

promised Qianhuasang that she would help solve the matter, and Rina hung up the phone.

Xuena looked at the math problem of the homework, and couldn’t think of the answer for a long time. He didn’t dare to peek at Rina’s. She was afraid that she would be called to her. Her courage was always “cautious”. If her eldest mother knew about it, it would be even worse. Not to mention being beaten, but also forced to be punished to kneel and not eat, unable to concentrate, and want to slip and talk about other things, Xuenai asked, “What’s the matter with Qianhuajiang, Rina.”

It’s not something worth concealing. When her father came back from get off work, she had to talk to her father about it. After hanging up the phone, Rina casually said, “Kirisu-san and Sinomiya-san have encountered some trouble, Qianhuasan asks me to help. ”

Xuena seems to understand but not understand. Shigiya Kaguya is not very familiar with her, but she often plays with people, and her friends are obliged to have difficulties. This is the life rule given to her by her mother. She nodded and said, “It turned out to be So, then we must help Tongsu-san and Si Gong-san.”

The elder sister is a very nice person. There is a mother’s style of arguing for a friend, but Rina is also worried about this. Back then, her father was deceived because her mother was too nice, even with her eldest mother, UU reading www. uukanshu. com married two twin daughters from the Fuyuan family.

Although he agreed to help, he would have to wait for his father to come back, but Rina was just about to write and continue to do homework… Seeing a ghostly conscience, she glanced at Xuena on her test paper homework from time to time, and she was in a bad mood for an instant and cursed, ” Sister, how many times I have said that the question will be printed in my mind only if I do it myself. It doesn’t make any sense to look at the answer. Do you still want to fail the exam? There will be a test next week. If you fail, I won’t help you. Mommy.”

Fukuzawa Dongmi went out to buy vegetables, and today I am preparing to make a sumptuous dinner. Although a servant was hired, the group of little rascals are so awkward that she can only rest assured with the dishes she cooks. Just after coming back and entering the door, when Rina heard the voice of Sister Rina hating her steel, the three of them stared with big eyes.


Tirisu sneezed a few times with someone. Ms. Jindong was concerned about whether he was suffering from the wind and cold. Just a few days after the end of the rainy season, the temperature is gradually rising, so how can he catch a cold so easily.

Just now, a classmate from junior high school, a friend who went to school in southern Sichuan, called him and asked about rumors. Yitangxiu was not a son of man, and his friend who called him knew that Yitangxiuyi was a human being. After he explained a little bit, he understood. The caller was also very angry and scolded Yitangxiu a few words. Said to help him and other middle school students explain.

Kirito and Kazuto thanked the friends who went to school in southern Sichuan on the phone, and said that they would have the opportunity to thank them in person in the future.

I can’t be a human being too much. I don’t want to be too silly. Not everyone is a fool to believe in rumors, but this incident also reminds Kirito and others. Some people are not worthy of mercy. There have been stories of farmers and snakes since ancient times. , Don’t let your heart be softened for a while and spare someone who should be punished.

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