I Can’t Act Anymore

Chapter 2

Chapter 1

The sun is at its peak in July.

On the camphor trees in the coastal green belt of City Z, there was a loud noise of cicadas.

On the seawall at the end of Binhai Road, a few couples in wedding dresses and suits are taking wedding photos.

The sea breeze blew the photographer’s voice into pieces. Just as he was about to raise his voice to remind him, he caught a glimpse of bright yellow from the corner of his eye, turned his head to look, and subconsciously restrained his voice.

On a rest chair under the shade of a tree by the roadside, sat a figure in a light yellow dress.

She dozed off with her head slightly sideways, with gentle makeup on her delicate and beautiful face.

A head of long, straight black hair hangs down softly on the shoulders and tender white bare arms; the eyelashes of the lightly closed eyes are thick and slender, and even a small fan-shaped shadow is reflected under the eyes.

There was a wind blowing, wrapped in the humidity of the sea, lifting the light yellow skirt on her body, revealing her jade-like ankles.

She rested peacefully in the sun, and even the camphor trees that were blowing in the wind could not bear to disturb her, so she calmed down.

The unwilling wind gently lifted the lace necklace of the same color around her neck, and the knotted string brushed against the beautiful collarbone, disturbing the beauty’s light sleep.

The beauty’s eyelashes trembled slightly, and she slowly woke up.

Mu Mu opened his eyes in a daze, and they were instantly closed by the midday sun. He raised his hand, trying to block some of the light.

As soon as he raised his hand, Mu Mu noticed that he was still holding something in his hand.

Mu Mu: “?”

I fell asleep with my phone in my hand last night?

Mu Mu recalled it bewilderedly.


Last night, he was indeed on line with someone with his mobile phone.

Because of a novel.

Speaking of this novel, Mu Mu became angry.

He has been chasing the book “I Was Reborn After Marrying the Black Widow” for more than half a year.

This is a standard urban rebirth novel for men.

From the very beginning of this article, the hero put the woman who assassinated him in the previous life into limbo, making her terrified every day, but had to submit to her increasingly powerful husband.

Afterwards, the male protagonist killed all directions, trampled down all those who had bullied him before, and then rose steadily all the way to the top.

From the article up to here, it can be regarded as a pure and refreshing article.

It wasn’t until the protagonist reached the pinnacle of his life that he was having a great time, and the author suddenly discovered that his protagonist hadn’t pushed a single girl, and had always been a married man.

On that day, he finally realized that his literary title was not “Rebirth: Rise to the Clouds”, but “I was reborn after marrying the black widow”.

So, just as the readers were yelling and pushing the girl to a perfect ending, the author poured some sulfuric acid into his mind.

He changed his style of writing and wrote the girl who was gradually tamed by the hero into a big guy in women’s clothing.

This is not over, the author also wrote: This person actually occupies the noble background that the hero should have.

In the last life, for the sake of his own prosperity and wealth, this person preemptively acted as a girl to seduce the male lead, and secretly used the male lead’s trust in him to play the male lead to death.

ah? ? ?

At that time, Mu Mu’s whole body was split apart, feeling that his brain was being rubbed against the ground by the author.

Mu Mu, who was deeply insulted by his IQ, was outraged, and had a 24-hour high-intensity confrontation in the book review area.

As a result, his high-intensity surfing failed to get the author’s response, and he did not wait for the update of the next chapter.

The author posted a post saying that the data is rotten and he will be scolded. I will not serve you anymore. Bye bye.

Then the keyboard was thrown away, and the **** died.

Leaving Mu Mu impotent and furious!

The data in this article is really not very good. The reason why Mu Mu is attracted is actually because the “Black Widow” has the same name as him.

Internet articles, as long as they can pass the time, Mu Mu saw that there was a character with the same name as him in this book, and it was quite exciting, and he could read it just by doing it.

But why did things develop like this!

When Mu Mu thought of this, he was so angry that he didn’t want to sleep anymore.

He opened one eye, and subconsciously touched the side button of the phone with his fingers. But I couldn’t touch the side button, and it wasn’t his phone that I saw when I opened my eyes.

Mu Mu stared blankly at the things in his hand.

Not a cell phone.

is red.

Square and square.

The three largest characters on it can be seen clearly even with his 300-degree myopia.

– Marriage certificate.

Mu Mu:? ? ?

WTF? !

Mu Mu shuddered and woke up instantly.

The target scene is not his dormitory wall covered with e-sports posters, but the ocean that separates him all the way.

The sound of the tide and the smell of the sea smelled from the tip of the nose seemed very real as the waves lapped against the anti-wave.

Mu Mu’s eyes widened.

How did he sleep from the bed in the inland mountain city to the rest chair by the coastal road?

Mu Mu turned his head to look around, and when he tilted his head, he saw the gilded signboard of “Jinwu District Civil Affairs Bureau, City Z”.


Mu Mu withdrew his gaze and looked at the marriage certificate in his hand.

Could it be that he wanted a girlfriend, so his brain was in place in one step, skipping the process and directly giving him a wife?


Makes sense!

Mu Mu immediately became energetic.

A gust of sea breeze came along with the tide, blowing the light yellow dress on Mu Mu slightly swollen.

Mu Mu, who was about to open the marriage certificate to see his wife, randomly pulled the strands of hair blown onto his face.

“?” Mu Mu paused, “Huh?”

Mu Mu looked at the hair he had just pulled, and grabbed it with his backhand.

Long, soft, and almost as silky as satin to the touch.

Pull it again, and the scalp will still hurt.

Mu Mu’s heart skipped a beat.


There seems to be something wrong.

He tightly squeezed the marriage certificate in his hand, and suddenly looked down.

It’s a skirt.

It is a long skirt.

It’s a lace dress.

? ? ? ?

Mu Mu gasped.

He twitched his legs in horror, felt it, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

The good brother is still there!

But what’s the matter with this skirt! ?

Mu Mu stood up with a “chuckle”, and sat back down because of the unsteady center of gravity, and the marriage certificate in his hand fell to the ground.

Mu Mu stretched his feet blankly, and saw the wedge sandals on his feet.

Boy, what is this?

Every pure man has a women’s dream in his heart?

Mu Mu felt that something was weird.

Whispering in his heart, he bent down to pick up the marriage certificate that fell on the floor, and opened it.

The men and women in the photos are very close, with an intimacy in their expressions.

The man looks upright and photogenic, with a pair of peach blossom eyes full of affection, thin lips slightly pursed, trying hard to suppress the smile, but no matter what he can’t stop the overflowing happiness.

On the female side, she has a pretty face, her cat-like eyes are slightly drooping, her smile is sweet, with a little shyness, she looks well-behaved and gentle.

Mu Mu’s expression gradually became old.

Ah this.

what’s up?

This guy doesn’t look like him, does he?

Mu Mu wrinkled his face, and turned his gaze to the name of the person under the photo.

Name: Qin Yucheng

Sex: Male

Name: Mu Mu

Gender: Female


Σ? !

Mu Mu closed the marriage certificate with a “snap”.


Name: Qin Yucheng

Sex: Male

Name: Mu Mu

Mu Mu closed the marriage certificate again.

Open again.

Name: Qin Yucheng

Sex: Male

The expression on Mu Mu’s face gradually went blank.

Qin Yucheng.

He is familiar with this name!

Isn’t this the name of the male protagonist in the author’s article that he was still abusing passionately last night!


He is more familiar with this name!

Mu Mu pinched the marriage certificate, stared at the woman’s face for a long time, and then closed it with a snap.

It’s over.

Taking a closer look, this beauty does seem to be very similar to him.

Mu Mu couldn’t help but pinched his legs again.

The good brother is indeed lying there safely.

Good guy.

Mu Mu’s scalp tingles when he thinks of the man on the marriage certificate.

Currently known:

Qin Yucheng and Mu Mu are married.

Qin Yucheng is the male protagonist of “I Was Reborn After Marrying the Black Widow”.

Mu Mu is a scumbag in “I Was Reborn After Marrying the Black Widow”.

Also know:

His name is Mu Mu, and the scumbag who pretends to be a cheater is also called Mu Mu.

He now has long hair, wears a skirt, and holds the marriage certificate of Mu Mu and Qin Yucheng in his hand.

The photo of the woman on the marriage certificate is so similar to him.

This proves that:

Mumu = women’s big guy

He = women’s big guy


He=Mu Mu=Woman disguised as a fraudulent marriage scum=Qin Yucheng’s legal wife


Who the **** would want this, but my wife is actually myself!

Niu, Mu Mu.

Every dream is a dream of cheating marriage with women’s clothing.

Mu Mu couldn’t help but reflect on it, and felt that it was probably because he was still fighting with the people in the book review area before going to bed last night.

As the saying goes, thinking by day and dreaming by night, this is very reasonable.

Mu Mu thought to himself that this dream was really nonsense, so he didn’t want to do it.

Mu Mu simply stretched out his right hand and pinched his left arm vigorously, shivering from the pain, so he almost didn’t cry out.

But not only did he not wake up, the pain was still solid, without any reduction.


Mu Mu pinched himself again.

Everything in front of me remains unchanged.

The tide slowly slapped against the breakwater, making a mocking sound of “crash la la la”.

Mu Mu waited quietly.

Beads of sweat appeared on Mu Mu’s forehead.

Mu Mu’s expression gradually became stiff.

No, no, no, no?

The fashion of wearing books won’t just fall on me, right?

Isn’t it just to attack the author a few times, so it won’t hurt me so much, right? ?

Mu Mu rubbed his left arm, which was quickly turning red and blue, feeling a little panicked.

He thought of those supporting characters and cannon fodder who opposed the protagonist in the novel. The ones who were trampled the least were bankrupt, and most of the rest were notorious, betrayed relatives, and even lost their families.


Mu Mu’s expression distorted into the shape of a mask of pain.

If I had known this, I shouldn’t rush to the author, coaxing him to finish the follow-up before rushing!

Mu Mu hugged his head.

What should we do now? !

Mu Mu pinched the marriage certificate tightly, scratching his hands anxiously.

The time he is now should be the time when the hero just got the certificate with the fraudulent marriage.

So the most important question is-

Is that male lead the one who came back from rebirth?

If not, get divorced directly.

If so…

Mu Mu thought hard, and finally closed his eyes.

If it is born again, it will also be divorced!

Mu Mu really can’t think of any solution that can achieve the best of both worlds.

Could it be that he, an unarmed otaku, can still break up with Qin Yucheng who goes to the gym every day to push himself?

Mu Mu frowned.

He put his hand on the armrest of the rest chair, stepped on his wedge shoes, stood up, took a few steps tentatively, and breathed a sigh of relief.

When prepared, the shoe is quite comfortable.

Thanks to this sister, no, this good brother didn’t wear stilettos, otherwise he might have to perform a series of splits for innocent passers-by.

Qin Yucheng stood behind the tree in Binhai Park, holding a bag of lotus mist in his hand, watching from a distance the very familiar figure running and jumping around the rest chair.

She, no…it should be him, he seems a little unaccustomed to the shoes on his feet, and his running and jumping movements are a bit clumsy and jerky.

Like a soft and ignorant rabbit who is ignorant of the world.


Qin Yucheng sneered, and the memories in his mind surged and roared, condensing the love in the eyes of the pair of peach blossoms into a cold and biting undercurrent.

He looked down at Lianwu in his hand.

This is Mu Mu’s favorite fruit.

Qin Yucheng once firmly believed that Mu Mu liked him.

Even when he saw Mu Mu, who was supposed to be his wife, dressed in men’s clothing and frequently went out and about with the head of the Mu family, Qin Yucheng always believed in this.

Even after knowing that Mu Mu is actually a man, Qin Yucheng still thinks that this is not something unacceptable.

And later, a major bidding case of his company was leaked. When Qin Yucheng wanted to use his own funds to save it, he discovered that the weak lover who was protected by him had already connected with his opponent and sent his The property was transferred cleanly.

What was the final result?

Qin Yucheng narrowed his eyes.

The final result was that he was kicked out of the house, and seeing his lover and enemy get intimate and beautiful, he encountered an accident in the anger of being betrayed.

But who would have thought that he would have a chance to do it all over again.

He came back from the future to the present.

Now that he has just married Mu Mu, all the bad things have not happened yet, and there is still time to break up and settle accounts slowly.

Qin Yucheng clenched Lianwu’s hand into a fist, almost bleeding.

The bouncing light yellow figure still looks gentle and lovely.

But he just felt cold.

The scorching sun at noon in July does not seem to convey the slightest warmth.

Qin Yucheng touched the marriage certificate in his pocket through the fabric, raised his free left hand, and looked at the ring on his ring finger. The diamonds on the ring sparkle magnificently in the sunlight.

He took off the diamond ring expressionlessly, stuffed it into his pocket, and walked towards the figure.

Mu Mu rehearsed in his mind how he should file for divorce with Qin Yucheng.

If it was the sweet Qin Yucheng in the photo, then he would be a ruthless and capricious scumbag and coldly announce that he wants to divorce him!

If it was the reborn blackened Qin Yucheng, then, then he would cry and beg him for a divorce. I hope Qin Yucheng will not be ignorant of flattery!

When Mu Mu had mastered the pair of wedge shoes on his feet and was confident that he would not sprain his feet when he walked, he heard someone calling him.

“Mu Mu.”

Mu Mu turned his head subconsciously.

He saw the big boy with a happy face in the photo at a glance.

It’s just that now he has a sinister expression, and when his eyes met, Qin Yucheng twitched the corners of his mouth at him, showing a sinister smirk that wished he could eat his blood and flesh.

Mu Mu’s legs softened.

It’s over, it’s over, it’s over.

This is probably the one that was reborn.

Yes, if it’s the one who came back from rebirth, he…does he know that “Mu Mu” is actually a man’s business?

Mu Mu trembled in his heart.

Damn, the author didn’t write it!

The author abandoned the pit without writing it!

I hate it!

Mu Mu’s legs were weak and he almost choked up: “Qin, Qin Yucheng?”

Mu Mu is a dead house. He couldn’t keep up with his nutrition since he was a child. He was thin and thin, and he looked like a boy and a girl. The voice change period seemed to have abandoned him, making his voice always neutral.

These things caused him to be teased from junior high school to college, which made him always dislike face-to-face conversations.

And even today, when his voice is low and his speech is slow, he still looks very girly.

Qin Yucheng approached, looking down at this harmless liar.

Qin Yucheng is 1.89 meters tall.

Mu Mu is shorter than him, at 1.73 meters, even if he wears three centimeter wedge shoes, he is still a head shorter than Qin Yucheng.

Qin Yucheng stood in front of Mu Mu, blocking the sunlight, and easily brought Mu Mu into his shadow.

He watched Mu Mu look up at him, the neck tied with a necklace was slender and graceful, like a swan ready to kill, as if he could easily cut off this beautiful and fragile neck as long as he stretched out his hand.

Mu Mu felt a chill rushing up, and his neck was chilly.

He couldn’t help taking a small step back, his voice was like a mosquito: “That… I, I have an immature idea.”

Qin Yucheng looked at Mu Mu who showed a helpless expression, and pulled the corner of his mouth stiffly: “What?”

Mu Mu took a deep breath, trembling: “I, I, let’s get a divorce.”

It is not advisable to marry impulsively. If you leave, Hello, Me, Hello, everyone.

Mu Mu looked at Qin Yucheng nervously.

That’s right, in the original text, Mu Mu and Qin Yucheng fell in love and got married in a flash.

If the divorce is finalized, a flash-away can be added.

That sounds really awesome, Mu Mu thought.

The one-stop service of red and green books, service to the end, neat and tidy, will give you a different life experience.

Qin Yucheng’s already stiff expression became even stiffer, and he stared at Mu Mu without blinking.

After a while, he spoke with a hoarse voice: “You, want to divorce me?”

Mu Mu nodded frantically.

This is not the same as before.

Qin Yucheng recalled.

Mu Muke never mentioned divorce to him, nor did he call him “Qin Yucheng”.

He always only calls him by his first name, Yucheng, or “Mr. Qin”.

Which play is this playing now?

Qin Yucheng stared down at Mu Mu.

Maybe it was the emotions and expressions he showed now that made Mu Mu feel that something was wrong, Qin Yucheng guessed.

Otherwise, how could this little liar who has been lurking by his side for several years easily say the word “divorce”?

Rather alert, Qin Yucheng thought.

But yes.

If the liar is not sensitive, he will be seen through long ago.

Thinking of this, Qin Yucheng let out a breath, looked coldly at the liar in front of him, and twitched the corners of his mouth perfunctorily: “We just got married half an hour ago.”

Mu Mu cautiously: “Then leave while it’s hot?”

Qin Yucheng: “…?”

Mu Mu stretched out a hand to test cautiously: “You… If you don’t speak, I’ll take it as your agreement, huh?”

Qin Yucheng stared at Mu Mu.

He didn’t speak.

Mu Mu was very anxious, he held Qin Yucheng’s sleeve with his outstretched hand, picked up the bag on the rest chair with the other hand, and immediately ordered to buy and sell by force: “Let’s go! Divorce!”

Qin Yucheng simply followed his strength and walked forward, fixed his eyes on Mu Mu, wanting to see what kind of medicine was sold in this man’s gourd.

Mu Mu hurriedly dragged Qin Yucheng into the Civil Affairs Bureau, and staggered a few times because he was not used to wedge shoes.

Qin Yucheng didn’t intend to help, he took Mu Mu’s every move into his eyes, with a cold expression.

The Civil Affairs Bureau is very empty, and it seems that there are not many people coming to handle business today.

Mu Mu’s eyes were darkened about marriage and divorce, and he rushed to the window bravely, and put the marriage certificate in his hand and the set of documents found in his bag to the window: “Hello, let’s get a divorce.”

The lady at the window looked at them in astonishment. She remembered that half an hour ago, the two had just stamped their marriage certificate.

It is true that the young lady who has never seen this kind of development speed was stunned for two seconds before subconsciously answering: “Sorry, please queue up for divorce first.”

Mu Mu: “?”

? ? ? ?

Um? ? ? ?

divorce? ?

Queue lottery? ?

Mu Mu felt his brain being rubbed hard again.

Mu Mu turned his head and glanced at Qin Yucheng.

Qin Yucheng snorted lightly, with an expression of “I’d like to see what you’re doing”.

Mu Mu: “…”

Wow, I am so wronged!

Mu Mu turned his head back, with a calm expression and a trembling voice: “Ma, Ma Ma, please give me a number, I will queue.”

“Sorry, we are fully booked for the next two months, and now we can only make an appointment for divorce.”

Mu Mu:? ? ?

ah? ? ? ?

You fucking! Be sick!

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