I Built An Empire And You’re Telling Me That I Wasn’t Transmigrated?

Chapter 31

~ God, Is This Magic?

After a brief shock, it was Mr. Sanchez who spoke first.

He stood up, raised his hands, and spread his palms to show that he was not malicious, and hurriedly persuaded him.

“Misters and ladies, you must be calm and don’t be impulsive.”

“Please don’t provoke them, they are intelligent creatures that can communicate with us, which is a good thing.”

“We have to tell them that we didn’t break into the border of Xu Country on purpose, but came here by accident.”

Hearing Mr. Sanchez’s words, everyone also woke up.

Ichiro Murakami agrees.

Direct confrontation is too stupid, that is the way to seek death.

This is their territory, who knows how many sharks are hiding in the bottom of the sea?

He responded, also in English: “I agree with Mr. Sanchez.”

Susan naturally firmly supported her husband and agreed.

Derry was slightly dissatisfied, but he took a peek at the mermaids who had besieged the lifeboat, and did not express any objection.

Aphra was very satisfied with Sanchis’ stability and advice. Only a fool would want to fight the mermaid in the sea close to me. That is really an idiot’s behavior.

She hurriedly explained to Qingluan: “We didn’t mean to break into the territory of Xu Kingdom, please forgive us for our rude behavior.”

“We are willing to give up resistance.”

From the beginning to the end, Yuan Xingguo did not speak.

His English is not good. At most, he can barely understand some spoken language in daily life. If the other party speaks a little faster, he will not be able to understand. But at his age, he has no plans to continue his studies.

For the rest of my life, that’s it.

It is impossible to keep trying.

As for resistance, he never thought about it.

He is an old man who is dying, where is he going to fight these young and strong mermaids in the sea.

Seeing that everyone gave up their resistance, Qingluan did not let down his vigilance, and ordered.

“Take care carefully, anyone who resists and escapes will be killed.”

“Take them to the king.”

With Qingluan’s order, the mermaids started to move.

The two sharks raised their white jade-like right arms slightly, and waved to the sinking yacht. The sea water in the yacht suddenly seemed to be called, and retreated from the lifeboat like a living thing.

The damaged lifeboat floated on the sea surface with its incomparably broken body supported. Through the broken gap of the lifeboat, you can see the blue sea water in the west, but it seems that there is an invisible barrier blocking the infiltration of sea water, making this dilapidated The lifeboat continued to sail on the sea.

Such a miraculous scene left everyone dumbfounded.

magic! ?

Spell! ?

Supernatural powers! ?

Even Mr. Yuan, who had always been calm and calm, couldn’t sit still at this moment.

He lay tremblingly in the cabin, stretching out his dry fingers like dead branches to poke through the chiseled gap, his old wrinkled face was full of surprise and shock.

Sanchis saw the cold sweat on his forehead, and he was very grateful.

Fortunately, I didn’t force myself just now, otherwise I am afraid that the corpse will be cold now.

He squatted in the cabin, caressed the cracks in the broken hull, and crossed himself with his right hand, shocked: “God, is this magic!”

Murakami Ichiro also squatted down.

He even stretched his hand out of the gap in the lifeboat, feeling the impact of the cold sea water passing through the gap in his palm, feeling extremely excited.

Not fear.

Not nervous.

but excited.

This kind of power is definitely the legendary ninjutsu, or fairy law.

Murakami Ichiro’s eyes were burning, and he had completely confirmed a fact.

This was definitely not Earth, at least not the Earth he knew. There must be a close connection between this place and the earth, but the connection between the two may have become insignificant since ancient times. Ichiro Murakami even began to doubt whether the legends and myths circulated in ancient times on the earth are closely related to this place.

Otherwise it would be too much of a coincidence.

Ichiro Murakami withdrew his palm, which was covered with water stains from the sea water.

Aphra was equally astonished.

However, she did not test the strength of the sharks, but directly asked Qingluan her own question: “Who are you?”

“What kind of country is Xu Country?”

“Who is your king, the king of the mermaid clan?”

Afula directly asked three questions, but Qingluan didn’t bother to pay attention to them.

Her goal is to catch an enemy who may communicate. As for how to deal with it later, it is not a problem she needs to care about, because the king is coming soon.

Seeing Qingluan ignoring her, Aphra pursed her lips, but there was nothing she could do.

It is impossible to fight well, and everyone can use magic without watching.

A group of people stared at each other silently, they could only communicate and speculate in English.

Sanchis looked at the sharks around the lifeboat with bright eyes, and even forgot the danger he was facing at this time, and said with emotion: “It is an incredible miracle that there is a legendary mermaid in this sea area. In this Before, I always thought that mermaids were only creatures in myths and legends.”

“I am very suspicious now, besides the mermaid, what other mysteries and surprises are waiting for us in this wonderful sea area.”

Murakami Ichiro glanced over the clothes of the mermen and the weapons in their hands, thinking secretly.

Their clothes and weapons are of the same style, and such standardized specifications usually only appear in countries with complete armaments and systems. I am afraid that what we are facing this time is not an ordinary savage tribe, but a civilized country with a complete system.

“The civilized country established by the legendary merman is really exciting.”

Murakami Ichiro sighed with anticipation.

He made no secret of his admiration and expectation for this journey.

Aphra didn’t feel this way, instead she seemed worried.

She whispered: “Listen to their tone. They want to take us to meet the king. Could it be the king of the sharks, the master of this sea area?”

“The king of the sharks, I hope he is not a cannibal.”

Although the mermaids have shown their legendary power, Aphra, who is familiar with the myths and legends, still has great doubts and worries about the mermaids’ living habits.

After all, in movies and television, as well as in the myths and legends of various countries, there are many legends about mermaids eating people and harming people.

When everyone heard this topic, they couldn’t help falling into silence.

There are still cannibals in human society, let alone these are not human beings.


Yang Xu led the army to set off by sea~www.mtlnovel.com~ But because of collecting sea beast corpses, it was a little later than the scheduled time.

When they arrived at Ruanshiya, the sun had completely sunk below the surface of the sea, leaving only the blood-colored sunset wantonly pouring on the rippling sea surface, dyeing the sea a **** color, which seemed to herald the coming **** night.

Although things didn’t go smoothly, Yang Xu was still very satisfied with his harvest this time.

There was almost no danger during this trip. Just as he expected, countless ferocious birds and beasts on both sides of the strait had already fled because of this tragic battle. Without encountering any battles, he has collected more than 10,000 life energy. Including the three giant beasts that were missed before, Yang Xu’s life energy reserve reached 31,600 points again.

Thirty-one thousand six hundred life energy is not a small amount, enough to increase the population of Xu Country by several hundred!

It was a rare bumper harvest!

Standing on the raft, Yang Xu saw Duanshiya from a distance.

Duanshiya is a mountain peak located on the edge of the West Sea.

More than two thousand meters high.

At the top of the peak is a flat and smooth place, the size of a football field, which looks like a carefully polished mirror surface, and the light can shine on people.

Standing at a high altitude and looking down, it is hard to imagine what kind of power created such a miracle. Is it the uncanny craftsmanship of nature, or an unimaginably tyrannical beast that can cut off a towering mountain in the middle and make the mountain The fracture surface becomes as bright as a mirror.

This is also the reason why the peak is named Broken Rock Cliff.

When they came to Duanshiya, there were only more than twenty miles away from the West Sea Outpost.

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