I Built An Empire And You’re Telling Me That I Wasn’t Transmigrated?

Chapter 30

~ Chapter 30 Captive American Federals!


The small lifeboat instantly became dead silent.

Everyone’s pupils constricted, their eyes widened, and they looked at Qingluan like a monster, their minds went blank.

The bird just talked? !

Although the Sanches and his wife didn’t understand the meaning of Qingluan’s words, they were well-informed and traveled all over the world to many places, including Huaxia. They knew little about Chinese, and vaguely felt that Qingluan’s words were very familiar, very similar to Huaxia’s Chinese, but they were not sure.

Afra, Murakami Ichiro, and Yuan Xingguo all understand Chinese, and they can hear clearly, which is the most shocking.

This bird can also speak Chinese? !

If it’s just Chinese, it’s fine. There are many talking birds, but it’s rare to have a character like Qingluan.

What’s more important is the content of Qingluan’s words.

Asahi country!

“God, did I hear wrong, the bird just spoke!”

“Xu Country, have we broken into the border of Xu Country?”

Aphra’s beautiful face was full of shock, her sapphire-like eyes were wide open, and the shock in her heart was like a landslide, and she let out an unbelievable exclamation.

Ichiro Murakami didn’t speak, pretending not to understand Qingluan’s words, but the veins in his hands holding the oars were bulging, and his heart was beating fast, revealing the shock in his heart.

A talking bird.

A country never heard of.

Murakami Ichiro suddenly thought of many things.

When he first came to the wilderness, Ichiro Murakami had doubts. With the weirdness and unbelievability here, if it is still the earth, why has it not been exposed.

Pterosaurs are also good.

Even those strange plants don’t look like modern products.

Although Ichiro Murakami is not an expert in flora and fauna, he is well-informed at the age of forty, with the speed of modern information dissemination and the ease of obtaining information.

He deeply understands how precious this unknown island is.

Later, it was discovered that the fighter planes of World War II, Ichiro Murakami was almost sure of one thing.

There is a close connection with the earth here, but it is easy to come in, but it may be difficult to go out. Otherwise, with the advanced level of modern technology, there is no reason to hide it until now. After all, this is not a small place. Based on Ichiro Murakami’s careful observation before and after landing on the island, the area of this unknown island is extremely large.

At least hundreds of miles, maybe even thousands of miles, or even more extensive.

It is impossible to hide an island of this size, at least in terms of the current technological level of the earth, no country can do such a thing.

Although he didn’t understand the connection between this wild land and the earth, Ichiro Murakami had already started to accept the reality a few days ago, considering whether he needed to spend the rest of his life here.

What made him more gratified was that there were many people here, not just him.

And now, he had to think about another thing.

Asahi country?

Talking bird?

There are also countries, civilizations, and civilizations that may be completely different from humans in this place!

Derry has no knowledge of Chinese, so he can’t understand what Qingluan is saying, but seeing the shocked expression of the person he admires, he also guesses that this strange and very sacred-looking bird has said something extraordinary.

He asked eagerly: “Aphra, what did this strange bird say?”

Aphra’s face twitched, she stared at Qingluan in shock and confusion, and explained fluently in English: “She said that we broke into the territory of Xu Kingdom, and asked if we pleaded guilty.”


Derry was dumbfounded when he heard that, and he was dumbfounded.

He never thought that he would encounter such a bizarre thing in his lifetime.

To be accused by a bird menacingly!

The Sanches got it this time.

They were shocked.

“Xu Guo, is there still a country here?”

“Oh my god, this bird can really talk. Is it Chinese? What does this have to do with Huaxia? What kind of country is Xu Country?”

The couple asked a lot of questions, but Aphra couldn’t answer, because she was also very confused now.

Derry was young and energetic. After being shocked, he sneered: “It’s ridiculous that a bird wants to threaten us.”

“Let’s go back quickly and tell them the news.”

As Deli said, he took out an unattractive dagger and made a threatening gesture towards Qingluan. It was a dagger he polished with metal fragments from a fighter jet. One end is wrapped with wood and cloth strips. Although it doesn’t feel particularly good to use, it is better than nothing. At least it is very convenient to stab a knife at a critical moment.

The Sanchez couple hurriedly stopped the emotional Derry.

Not because he was worried about Qingluan, but because he was worried about his own safety.

It’s not a good place here.

Who knows what that Xu Kingdom is?

This is someone else’s territory, so what’s the use of driving away a talking bird. Others obviously came prepared and have observed them for a long time, so where can they escape?

Is it safe to return to the station?

When no information is known, fighting is the next best thing to do.

Derry obviously did not have the worries of the Sanchez couple, and was very dissatisfied with their actions to stop him.

He scolded: “Don’t we have to admit defeat to a nasty bird, what are you thinking? There are other countries and civilizations here, we must bring this news back, it’s about the life and death of all of us .”

However, amidst all the disputes, Murakami Ichiro discovered the seriousness of the problem.

There’s something under the hull!

A sharp triangular thorn pierced the hull of the lifeboat, and the sea water poured in wildly along the pierced place!

In an instant, Ichiro Murakami’s mind flashed the classic segment of “Romance of the Three Kingdoms”!

This sacred fairy bird is just a cover, the real attack is under the sea.

His pupils constricted, his face was extremely ugly, he stood up quickly, and shouted in English hurriedly.

“Not good~~”

“We fell for it!”

“There was an attack under the boat.”

When his voice fell, everyone had already seen the attack from under the boat. Because just as he spoke, the hull of the ship was completely torn apart!

In an instant, seawater filled the cabin and slowly sank.

Everyone’s expressions changed drastically, panic and tension surged up.

Although most of them can swim, they have no foothold in the vast sea, and their combat effectiveness will inevitably be greatly reduced. In the face of unknown attacks from under the sea, no one dares to guarantee their own safety.

Seeing that everyone panicked, Qingluan was in a good mood.

If she hadn’t been prepared, she certainly wouldn’t appear easily.

The moment she appeared, the merman of Izuki had already dived to the vicinity of the lifeboat.

They can dive into the deep sea of nearly a thousand meters at the deepest, and through their strong perception of water, they can detect the situation dozens of miles away. When swimming in the depths of the ocean, there are no waves at all on the sea surface.

When everyone found out, it was too late.

The lifeboat was destroyed, and the sharks floated to the surface of the sea one after another.

The five mermen are all beauties.

Petite and exquisite, with bumps, wearing tights, fully revealing her wonderful figure.

Tights don’t affect their speed and provide a layer of protection.

Merman’s hair color is mainly blue, silvery white, UU reading www.uukanshu.com black, and blue and silvery white are the most common.

Under the scorching sun, the shark’s hair is like carefully polished pearls, or carved from glass crystals, exuding a beautiful luster.

When five beautiful mermen surfaced out of the sea, everyone on board was stunned.

Human body, fishtail!

If Qingluan’s appearance, it just shocked them.

After all, there are many talking birds in this world.

Some clever birds even have the wisdom of a child.

But mermaids!

That is a creature in myths and legends!

The mermaids in myths and legends turned out to be real!

Even the explorer couple are stupid at the moment.

They have seen a lot, but this time they really haven’t seen it.

Qingluan saw the dull expressions of the crowd, holding his head high and chest high as if looking at the prey that had lost the power to resist, and said arrogantly: “You have trespassed on the border of the Xu Kingdom, offended the majesty of the king, and have been captured by me.”

Aphra is going crazy.

What she saw and heard today completely broke her previous three views.

The legendary mermaid.

It’s as incredible as Alice in Wonderland.

She repeated Qingluan’s words in English, causing everyone to look at each other.


They looked at the mermaids surrounding the lifeboat, and the proud and mighty Qingluan, who looked like a fairy bird, and fell into an awkward silence.

If they have a gun, even the most common pistol, they will try to resist.

But with a few poor little daggers and a legendary mermaid fighting in the sea, the crowd chose to respond more wisely.

Give up resisting!

At least in this way, you can live a little longer, and maybe you can find a chance to turn defeat into victory.

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