I Built An Empire And You’re Telling Me That I Wasn’t Transmigrated?

Chapter 21

~ Chapter 21 Huaxia’S Researcher

If you want to talk about what is the hottest topic in the world in recent days, it is naturally the mysterious disappearance of the cruise ship Seidel.

If it’s just that the cruise ship disappeared and died, it wouldn’t be big news.

After all, things like shipwrecks always happen every few years, and it’s just a matter of size.

But the disappearance of the Seidel cruise ship is just too weird.

The cruise ship Seidel suddenly deviated from its course an hour before it died, and even lost contact with the satellite. An hour later, someone found the cruise ship Seidel’s distress signal, which was weak and seemed to be shielded in some way.

Then, the weirdest thing happened.

More than 200 ships cooperated with numerous rescue helicopters to search the relevant sea areas where they may have died. The US Federation even mobilized military satellites to search, but no trace of the cruise ship Seidel was ever found.

Nothing at all!

It seems to have disappeared out of thin air!

Logically speaking, this is absolutely impossible.

Such a large cruise ship, even if it sank, would still find relevant wreckage, how could it disappear without a trace.

Time goes by day by day, and the possibility of the passengers on the Seidel cruise ship being rescued is becoming less and less likely, but no matter whether it is a private rescue team, an international rescue team, or humanitarian rescue launched by various countries, no clues have been found, even Not even a piece of wreckage related to the Seidel cruise ship has been found.

This also brought the topic and discussion of the Seidel cruise ship to a peak.

Everyone wants to know what happened to the Seidel cruise ship.

Where are the passengers on the Seidel cruise ship now?

As the days passed, so did the speculation about the Seidel cruise ship.

Some people say that the cruise ship Seidel strayed into the U.S. federal military weapons testing ground, so it was attacked by the U.S. federal government.

Others say that most of the cruise ship Seidel is a member of the US Federation, and it was attacked by the al-Qaeda organization that opposes the US Federation’s hegemony.

Others say that the Seidel traveled to another world.

Of course, no one can come up with convincing evidence, and all guesses are just guesses.

In this case, an earth-shattering news spread on the Internet.

A ship owner from China solved the mystery of the disappearance of the Seidel cruise ship and brought back an incredible message.

The Seidel cruise ship is lost in the legendary kingdom of Poseidon, the realm of the gods!

Naturally no one would believe such absurd news.

After the video was posted, the comment section was full of ridicule and abuse against the owner of the boat, a man named Sanshu on the Internet.

Everyone thinks that he is a vicious and despicable villain who consumes the victims for the sake of popularity.

As a result, the video was disseminated and received more attention and abuse.

Until the video was sent to Helen Tehill’s family, they confirmed through the suitcase and the contents of the box in the video that it belonged to their daughter, and contacted the third uncle.

Once the news spread, public opinion changed drastically.

People were amazed that the third uncle had found the belongings of the passengers on the Seidel cruise ship.

You must know that before this, more than 200 ships, even the search and rescue team of the US Federation, found nothing.

They found a clue, a real clue!

When the identity of the owner of the suitcase is confirmed, people also have to pay attention to the kingdom of the gods mentioned by the third uncle in the video, the legendary lost sea area, and the mysterious field named by the third uncle as the Great Wilderness.

Missing cruise ship!

The kingdom of the ancient gods!

Lost Seas!

The combination of many factors instantly detonated the Internet, pushing the topic of the disappearance of the Seidel cruise ship to its peak.

This kind of elements that only existed in myths and legends in the past, and elements in treasure hunting movies actually appeared in reality, and the shock it brought was unimaginable.

It was like a huge meteorite had fallen on New York, and the whole world couldn’t sit still.

Huaxia, Institute of Shanhai Geological Exploration.

The Institute of Shanhai Geological Exploration is a public-private joint research institute. The main project is to conduct sampling research in mountains, rivers, rivers and inaccessible secret places all over the country.

As for what to study, most researchers don’t know.

They are only responsible for sampling, analyzing, and then submitting reports to their superiors.

Yang Panyue, a newcomer at the Shanhai Geological Exploration Institute.

A rookie who joined the Shanhai Geological Exploration Institute for less than two years.

In this research institution where the average person is 30 to 40 years old, Yang Panyue, who is less than 25 years old, is a rare young person in the research institute.

In the old research institute, we can’t say how lively the atmosphere was, only that it was dull, everyone was busy with their own work, and there was little gossip at work.

But tonight, the institute was extremely lively.

A group of researchers gathered together, discussing something enthusiastically.

Or impassioned, or frown pensive, or angry.

This is what Yang Panyue saw when she walked into the research institute.

Yang Panyue’s appearance is delicate and beautiful, and the white researcher’s coat on her coat adds a bit of intellectual beauty, which is very attractive. Her long, jet-black hair was coiled back and protected by a blue disposable cap to prevent contamination of samples collected from across the country.

Walking into the research institute, seeing this strange scene, before Yang Panyue could ask, a middle-aged female researcher with a good relationship on weekdays came over.

“Xiaoyue, Xiaoyue, come here quickly and take a look at this.”

Yang Panyue showed a gentle smile and walked forward.

She took the other’s tablet computer, but in the picture was a video posted on Twitter.

Huge headlines catch the eye.

[The disappearing Seidel cruise ship is lost in the ancient kingdom of gods! 】

Seeing the title, Yang Panyue couldn’t help frowning her eyebrows.

The disappearance of the Seidel cruise ship has aroused great concern around the world, and related news reports can often be seen in China. Yang Panyue once discussed the matter of the Seidel cruise ship with friends, and is no stranger to this matter .

It was precisely because she knew this matter very well that Yang Panyue was even more dissatisfied with the title.

Noisy for favor.

It’s just nonsense.

Kingdom of the gods?

What are these things?

Yang Panyue was very puzzled and clicked on the video.

The video is very long, more than forty minutes long.

It introduces in detail the third uncle and the others who discovered the portal of the Lost Sea Territory, as well as various tests conducted on the portal of the Lost Sea Territory.

In the second half, there is also the process of salvaging the suitcase and the process of opening the suitcase.

In the last paragraph of the video, the third uncle solemnly said: “I can’t explain what I saw. For the sake of the victims of the Seidel cruise ship, I dare not rashly enter that mysterious sea area. My personal life is insignificant, but the world should Know what secrets are hidden in our earth, in this vast sea.”

“So I made this decision after careful consideration.”

“Disclose all the data you see, understand, and get to the public. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com”

“If this is really the legendary kingdom of the gods and the lost ancient sea, then it should be a precious treasure belonging to all mankind. This is just my trivial discovery, but for all mankind, it should be our understanding of our own origin, interpretation Ancient myths and legends, the best opportunity to know our mother earth.”

“In order to save the victims of the Seidel cruise ship as soon as possible, I will disclose the coordinates of the portal of the Sea God’s Kingdom to the world.”

“Please also friends who want to save the Seidel cruise ship and are willing to believe in me, gather at this coordinate tomorrow.”

After watching the whole video, Yang Panyue frowned, feeling incredible.

Too fake!

Seagod Kingdom!

The realm of the gods?

Let alone whether the gods exist, if there is such a sea in the Pacific Ocean, how can it block the observation of satellites?

It can’t be the power of the gods, right?

The middle-aged female researcher sighed: “Is it really incredible?”

“The leader just issued a notice to select three people from our institute to go to the Pacific Ocean to investigate this matter.”

Yang Panyue’s red lips, like rose petals, were lightly parted, revealing her white teeth, with a look of astonishment.

The leader actually wants to send someone to investigate this matter?

This is not at home, but in the high seas of the Pacific Ocean thousands of miles away.

Could it be that the leader believed the introduction on the video, otherwise why would he be so impatient to send someone there? Shouldn’t he wait for others to confirm the truth?

Or does the leader have another news channel?

Knowing that the leader had planned to send someone there, Yang Panyue’s disdain for the content on the video disappeared immediately, leaving only deep curiosity and doubts.

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