I Built An Empire And You’re Telling Me That I Wasn’t Transmigrated?

Chapter 18

~ Chapter 18 Mysterious Sea Area, An Unknown Place!

“Well, isn’t it good news?”

“Listen to them, this is a fighter jet of the United States during World War II, what is it called a Hellcat fighter jet.”

Aphradade frowned slightly, thinking about it seriously.

She has little research on the military, so she really doesn’t understand the names of these armaments, let alone the names of fighter jets during World War II.

Really not sure if it was the name, Aphra simply didn’t bother to think about it, it wasn’t a big deal anyway.

She said casually: “In short, it is a fighter that was widely equipped by the US Federation during World War II.”

Speaking of this, Aphra’s beautiful face was full of happy smiles, she hugged Tang Yuqi’s round and smooth shoulders, and said happily: “Since there are fighter jets from the US Federal World War II here, it means that we are not the first to come here. people who come to this island.”

“Before us, there were other forerunners.”

“We are still on the earth, and we have not traveled through time and space.”

“Hahaha, it’s so cool that we entered a lost sea.”

Aphra laughed happily, her voice was hearty and cheerful.

The others ignored Afulah’s joy because they were just as excited.

Four days after being killed and three days since they arrived on the deserted island, what they saw and heard was completely different from the tropics they knew before. The animals and plants here are not the products that should exist in this era.

Although everyone doesn’t believe that they can travel through time and space, they didn’t believe that dinosaurs were still alive before.

But now they have to believe that dinosaurs still exist and are alive and well!

Now they found the fighter planes of the United States during World War II in the dense forest, and they finally determined that this is still the earth, and the hometown they are familiar with and love is still the era they are familiar with.

Everyone did not travel through different worlds, nor did they travel through time and space.

It’s just that I don’t know why, but I came to a strange sea area that has been discovered long ago but has not been fully exposed, or may have been exposed but was lost.

Tang Yuqi hugged the diary tightly, her beautiful face also showed a smile, she nodded slightly in agreement.

This is really great news.

Looking up at the wreckage of the plane, she thought of her grandfather who was still in the temporary residence, and said anxiously, “I’ll go and tell them the good news.”

After speaking, Tang Yuqi hurried back along the gurgling stream with her diary in her arms.

Seeing Tang Yuqi leave in a hurry, Afula thought for a while, and left here too.

The wreckage of the plane has been searched for a long time. Except for the metal of the wreckage itself, which can be used to polish tools, there is basically nothing else that can be used, and there is no trace of the pilot.

However, considering the age of this aircraft, no one expects to find a pilot nearby, after all, it is too long ago.

Tang Yuqi trotted all the way back to the temporary shelter.

The dark reef stands tall, like an indestructible shield, blocking the rough waves.

The reef is huge, like a hill.

There is a cave where the back meets the ground.

It is more than two meters high, more than three meters deep, and more than four meters wide, which is quite spacious.

Based on the cave, Tang Yuanqing and the others used wooden stakes and vines to make a fence to close the entrance of the cave, leaving only a small wooden door.

Eventually, a humble house was formed.

This is the shelter that Tang Yuanqing and others worked so hard to build.

Although crude, it can provide shelter from the wind and rain. This environment is already very comfortable at the moment.

Of course, the main thing is that there are all kinds of tools in the lifeboat, otherwise it is basically impossible to build a decent shelter in a short period of time.

Among the passengers in distress, they are far more wise than them.

In just three days, there have been more than a dozen temporary shelters near this reef, all of which are travelers huddling together to keep warm.

The simpler shelter is to use wood and vine leaves to build a simple house similar to a triangular tent, which barely plays the role of shelter from wind and rain. The more luxurious ones are like Tang Yuanqing and the others, who build a decent and comfortable house based on the natural caves formed by the reef, with resources such as wooden piles and vines.

But such a good cave is the only one.

Yuan Xingguo and his wife lived in this cave, as well as Tang Yuanqing, Tang Yuqi, and Afra, a total of five people.

Because of their age, Yuan Xingguo, his wife and Tang Yuanqing rarely left the cave. Even if someone leaves, one person will be left to guard the house to prevent someone from coming in and stealing things.

At this moment, Yuan Xingguo was looking for fresh ingredients by the sea, and only Pan Meili and Tang Yuanqing stayed in the cave.

Hearing Tang Yuqi’s words, Tang Yuanqing’s eyes widened in surprise, and he exclaimed, “An airplane from World War II?”

“Could it be that someone from the United States discovered this place as early as seventy years ago?”

Tang Yuqi said: “I don’t know, but they are sure that it is a plane wreckage from World War II.”

Tang Yuanqing frowned, his eyelids drooped slightly, and he thought secretly.

This thing is so strange.

If the U.S. Federation had discovered this place as early as World War II, with all the incredible products on this island, it would have caused a sensation all over the world. It is impossible that no news has come out by now.

Unless the plane came here by accident, because the news of the crash on the island was not spread, so it has not been discovered so far.

Thinking of this, Tang Yuanqing’s pupils constricted, and he took a deep breath.


This is not good news.

Although it can be confirmed that they are still on the earth and have not traveled through time and space, it is very good news.


A sea of mystery and unknown.

A wild land that has not been discovered so far.

The problem here is big.

Why is there no exit here.

Why are dinosaurs that should have been extinct tens of millions of years ago left here.

Why such a vast island has never been discovered.

A myriad of problems, representing endless danger, and even a crisis of never being able to return to the past life.

Tang Yuanqing frowned more and more tightly, forming a Sichuan character between his brows, and his mood became extremely depressed.

He had a very bad premonition.


On the vast Pacific Ocean.

A fishing boat flying the Chinese flag cut through the waves, leaving a white wave on the blue sea.

The fishing boat is more than 60 meters long, and some parts of the hull are corroded by sea water, and even mottled rust is exposed.

A dark-skinned young man stood at the stern of the boat, looking at the vast sea with a telescope in one hand, raised the walkie-talkie in the other, and complained: “Uncle San, we have been searching for a few days in this sea area, and we still have to continue to look for it.” go down?”

“If you want me to say, let’s just go back and do whatever we need to do.”

“It’s been four days, with so many helicopters, and so many search and rescue ships, so far we haven’t even found the shadow of the Seidel. What’s the point of continuing to search for our little broken ship.”

Today marks the fourth day since the Seidel cruise ship went missing.

Four days earlier, at around 10:12 am, the Seidel had strayed off course and contact was lost.

An hour later, at 11:12, a ship in the nearby waters received a distress signal from the Seidel cruise ship. It was very weak, but it lasted for a long time. The general idea is that the Seidel suffered an accidental collision and the ship was seriously damaged. In order to ensure the lives of tourists and crew members, the captain had to lead all the crew members to board the lifeboats and abandon the cruise ship.

As soon as the news of the accident on the Seidel cruise ship came out, it immediately caused a sensation in the world. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

It was the worst shipwreck in recent decades.

There are more than 2,000 tourists on the cruise ship, most of them are from the United States.

Relevant companies quickly confirmed the news and initiated an urgent request for help from the international community. Request ships in the nearby waters and relevant officials to organize rescue operations as soon as possible to ensure the safety of the crew of the Seidel.

Because this matter is too involved, and most of them are from the United States, the international community has given it high attention and support.

More than 100 large and small ships and dozens of helicopters joined the search and rescue operations that day.

The next day, the number of search and rescue ships reached more than 200, including US federal warships.

But weird things happened soon.

More than two hundred ships searched almost all the relevant sea areas, but they couldn’t find any trace of the Seidel or the crew members who escaped from the Seidel.

It’s as if they just disappeared out of thin air!

Time passed day by day, and now it was the fourth day.

Every day that passes, the possibility of search and rescue is greatly reduced.

An angry voice came from the walkie-talkie: “Damn Xipi, you son of a bitch, why do you have so much trouble. Do you listen to me or your third uncle?”

“There are more than a hundred of our compatriots on the Seidel, you heartless bastard, you only have money in your eyes, and you don’t even care about the lives of your compatriots.”

The young man curled his lips, wanting to refute that he was not cold-blooded and heartless, but that other ships had already searched this place.

He was about to speak when the scene in front of him suddenly changed.

However, where the sea and the sky were the same color, a boundless and thick sea of clouds suddenly appeared, and a vast and incomparably boundless land lay across the sea of clouds.

The mountains are undulating, as if the fairy mountains and fairy islands are floating above the clouds.

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