I Built An Empire And You’re Telling Me That I Wasn’t Transmigrated?

Chapter 16

~ Chapter 16: The Great Army Goes Out, The Evil Charm Of The Wild

Xu country is too small.

There are only 5,000 people in Wangcheng.

There are no secrets in this city.

Yang Xu notified the army yesterday that the army is ready to go, and arranged for the follow-up work of various departments. Today, the news has spread throughout the entire royal city. Even children know that Xu Country has discovered other tribes, races with the same wisdom as the people of Xu Country.

The subjects of Xu Kingdom gathered around the army, discussing worriedly.

“This is the first time our Xu Country has encountered other tribes, or other kingdoms. What do you think people in other kingdoms look like?”

“This is another question. Didn’t there be news yesterday that she looks similar to us.”

“You’re not talking nonsense, we’re not even close in appearance.”

“Haha, that’s true.”

“But we have to believe in the king. As long as there is a king, our Xu Kingdom will rise like the sun.”

“That is, if it weren’t for the king, where would we have a good life today. Three years ago, we were still living in caves, accompanied by monsters and monsters every day. But look now, we have a king city, a town, With a peaceful land, even children can run wild in the city.”

“Yeah, looking back two or three years ago, our life is not like a god-like life. We can eat and drink enough every day, and it doesn’t have to be like before. Most people need to risk their lives to go hunting. Now this Everything is the change brought about by the king.”

“Hey, although I also believe in the king’s power, what we are going to deal with this time is not stupid beasts, but other tribes with wisdom. I heard that those people came across the ocean in boats, Don’t talk about other things, let’s just talk about the strength of being able to cross the ocean, which is not comparable to our Xu country.”

“You don’t need to be so nervous. Even if they can cross the ocean, there should be restrictions. It’s not the first time for Xu Country to go to the coast of the West Sea. It’s been a year or two. This is not the first time we have discovered other tribes. people come over.”

“I hope, I hope the king’s trip goes well.”

“Stop talking, the king is coming.”

When people heard this, they raised their heads and looked towards the town.

But Yang Xu was wearing a battle armor and walked slowly with steady steps.

His long black hair was tied into a bun on the top of his head, fixed with a silver-white headband, like a Taoist bun. Wearing white cloth clothes inside, black metal armor with red flame-like patterns on the coat, holding a three-meter-long bone gun, the shoes are mainly made of cloth, supplemented by vines, and there will be a dull sound when stepping on the ground.

bang bang bang.

Like a steady and powerful heartbeat.

While walking, a terrifying power emanated from Yang Xu, like a terrifying and ferocious wild beast.

The huge oppressive force is like a real storm, giving people a great impact.

This is not an illusion of ordinary people, but the mental oppression brought about by Yang Xu’s years of wandering on the edge of life and death, and his strength and spirit have been greatly improved.

It’s like a real sense of oppression!

Seeing Yang Xu’s arrival and feeling the strong pressure coming towards them, all the subjects were full of enthusiasm and excitement.

This is their king, their faith.

There was a brief silence, and before Yang Xu came to the town, people all raised their right arms to their chests and shouted impassionedly.


The sound is like thunder, echoing in the mountains, for a long time!

Full of vigor.

full of passion.

It caused the fierce beasts in the mountains and forests to gallop and roar, and fled in a hurry.

The corners of Yang Xu’s mouth were slightly raised, and his eyes softly swept over the fanatical subjects, feeling very pleased.

This is the reason for my insistence!

He nodded slightly to his subjects, and held up a long spear with a cold light on his right arm. The long spear weighing one or two hundred catties was like a light feather in his hand, without any weight.

Only the breathtaking whistling sound of the spear piercing the air showed how powerful this weapon was.

With a sonorous and forceful voice, Yang Xu resolutely said: “We must win!”

The soldiers and the subjects all looked fanatical.

The soldiers held up their weapons, and the subjects waved their fists. Everyone seemed to be ignited with explosives, and they uttered the most sincere shouts with enthusiasm and excitement.

“Must win!”

“Must win!”

For a moment, it seemed that all the clouds in the sky were infected and dispersed quietly, not daring to look directly at the fiery passion of the subjects of Xu Kingdom. Let the golden morning sun fall in the royal city and pour on Yang Xu’s body.

The armor reflected orange sunlight, as if casting a layer of holy light on him.




In such an atmosphere, Yang Xu led the army and set off.

Before leaving, he met Qingqiu Ziyu who was seeing him off.

We have been together for more than four years, and everything has already been said without saying anything.

Qingqiu Ziyu’s pair of beautiful eyes are like Yingying Qiushui, full of tenderness that can melt steel, and a little powder is applied on the beautiful face, which makes Yun’er feel ashamed.

After exiting the Wangcheng Pass of the canyon, the scenery in front of him suddenly changed dramatically.

It is no longer an orderly town, nor an exquisite farmland, nor a calm lake.

There are countless towering ancient trees in front of you.

Towering giant trees that can only be hugged by three or four people can be seen everywhere.

The tall and dense tree canopies are layered on top of each other, like layers of thick and dull sunshade nets, which lock the sunlight in the air and cannot fall into the dense forest.

In the woods, the wind was blowing, and there was a rotten smell.

The vines are coiled on the towering ancient trees, like giant pythons that choose to eat people, adding a bit of mystery and danger to this gloomy and cold wild jungle.

However, in this dense forest outside Chaoyangwangcheng Canyon, there is a clearly visible forest path.

About two meters wide.

Winding and winding, leading to the depths of the dense forest.

This is the national road that the people of Xu Country trampled and used all year round, and has been meticulously maintained. It is also the only road that can be walked normally.

It’s not that Yang Xu doesn’t want to open a wider road in the dense forest, it’s because the vitality of the wild dense forest is too tenacious. It only takes one night, and the unbelievable repair ability of the wild and dense forest can make the clearly visible national road covered with weeds and vines become faintly visible.

If no one cleans and maintains it for three days, this national road that the subjects of the Xu Kingdom worked so hard to open will disappear in the vast dense forest.

This road leads to three directions, which are the three towns of Xu Country.

Before coming to the national highway, Yang Xu led the army in without any hesitation.

However, even on relatively safe national highways, the necessary vigilance has not been relaxed.

Twenty members of the Qingniao clan circled and flew over the dense forest, UU reading www. uukanshu.com Observe the surrounding environment, alert the army to wild beasts that may appear at any time, and guide the direction.

The Qingqiu fox clan is divided into two teams, the front and the back, and the shark clan is in the center of the team.

They are not good at land warfare, and their combat effectiveness on land has dropped significantly, so they have become the objects that need to be protected in the army.

But that doesn’t mean that the existence of mermen is meaningless.

They have a keen insight into water that far surpasses that of other races, and they can even find water flow ten miles away in the wild jungle, and analyze key information such as the flow direction, speed, and volume of water.

As long as they bring the Yuren with them, Xu Guo’s army can always easily find a suitable water source.

In addition, the mermaids have another instinct that is extremely enviable.

They have an incredible sense of the weather and can sense the arrival of storms and rainfall in advance. This ability is very important in the dense wild jungle, because storms and rain will not only seriously affect the marching speed, but also bring unpredictable and terrible dangers to the team. If the deployment can be made in advance, the loss can be greatly reduced.

The most important issue is that when encountering swift rivers and dangerous swamps, the soldiers of the Merman tribe can always play the most important role.

In the Wild Woods, swamps are one of nature’s most terrifying traps.

Reasonable use of the talents of different races is the most important factor for Yang Xu to survive and grow in this terrifying wilderness.

And when Yang Xu led the army to the West Sea Outpost, the tourists in distress finally began to feel the unique charm of this wild land!

The allure of death and menace.

Full of unknown and terrifying charm.

Full of unknowable evil charm!

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