I Built An Empire And You’re Telling Me That I Wasn’t Transmigrated?

Chapter 15

~ Chapter 15: The Army Is Ready To Go

“Yeah, the king is coming.”

At the Xihai Outpost, Qingqiu Ziyue was as excited as a child when she heard the news that Yang Xu was coming.

She raised her arms high, waving her slender fists capable of crushing dinosaurs with one punch, jumping up and down in the spacious living room, and the majestic peaks trembled and attracted attention.

Qingluan is still the image of the transformed Qingluan bird.

She squatted gracefully on the back of the chair, calmly looked at Qingqiu Ziyue who looked like a husky, and thought about it: “Although the king said he would come, he won’t be here in a day or two.”

There is a straight-line distance of more than one hundred miles from the West Sea Outpost to the Wangcheng.

More than 100 miles sounds very short. In a modern society with well-developed transportation, it only takes half an hour by high speed, and it only takes about an hour by ordinary national highway.

If you take a plane or a high-speed train, it will be faster.

But in the wild world, in this terrifying world covered by ancient dense forests, it is too difficult to go to a place that is more than a hundred miles away in a straight line. It is necessary to go through the dense jungle, avoid countless ferocious wild animals, all kinds of unspeakable weirdness, and traps from nature. It may take twice as much or even longer distance, which takes five to seven days. .

This has to go well.

If it doesn’t go well, the long sleep journey is also a very common result.

Even if Xuguo has opened up two routes to the West Sea, it will still face great difficulties every time the garrison is replaced.

Qingqiu Ziyue understood this truth, but she didn’t care.

Isn’t it just five or six days, what a joke.

She laughed triumphantly and said, “It doesn’t matter, the king will be fine anyway.”

“Hmph, when the king comes to the Xihai outpost, I can be alone with the king…”

Qingqiu Ziyue’s fox eyes narrowed into crescent moons, her heroic and beautiful face was full of joy and joy, and she made no secret of her expectations for the future.

When she was in Wangcheng before, although she used various excuses to be by Yang Xu’s side, but as the king of Xu Kingdom and the leader of the tribe, Yang Xu would never lack the opposite **** by his side.

The chances of Qingqiu Ziyue and Yang Xu being alone are infinitely close to zero.

It’s different now. It is definitely impossible for Yang Xu to come to the West Sea Outpost with the palace lady, and it is impossible for her resourceful elder sister to come with her. There is no one who can prevent her from being alone with Yang Xu right now.

Thinking of this beautiful future, Qingqiu Ziyue smiled from ear to ear, looking at Qingluan couldn’t help rolling her eyes wildly.

This idiot!

Is now the time to think about this?

Qingluan did not hide her dissatisfaction, and said with a sneer: “You should think about it first, how to give the king a satisfactory answer.”

Qingqiu Ziyue was stunned for a moment, her fox eyes blinked and she didn’t react.


She was stunned for a moment before she asked in confusion: “What answer, are those outsiders?”

Qingluan rolled her eyes, feeling speechless at Qingqiu Ziyue’s belated perception, can we think more about the business and less about things we have and don’t have.

Besides, there is still this girl here.

Your alone time with the king, hehe.

╭(╯^╰)╮Hmph, dreaming.

She said angrily, “Are you going to wait until the king comes over before you act?”

Qingqiu Ziyue suddenly realized, she flattened her mouth indifferently, and said casually: “Isn’t there you?”

“I have given you responsibility for this matter.”

“I told you earlier.”

“Hey~~ You won’t forget, will you?”

Qingqiu Ziyue looked at Qingluan suspiciously, with a questioning expression that you wouldn’t want to be lazy and playful, Qingluan fell into silence.

Qingqiu Ziyue has explained this matter.


Is it reasonable for a commander to do nothing at all?

As it turned out, it made sense.

Who’d expect a dumb fox to do more.

Qingluan didn’t say much, and left Qingqiu Ziyue’s room waving her wings.


Before starting the trip, the most important thing is to plan the route.

A safe and feasible route is the most important factor in ensuring a safe journey.

At present, Xu Country has two routes to go to the West Sea Outpost. One is to go through the big river dozens of miles east of Chaoyang King City, first go up the river along this big river, then turn to the west sea outlet, and finally detour towards the south to the West Sea Outpost.

This line has a total length of four to five hundred miles. It is the longest line, but it is also the fastest and the safest.

If all goes well, it will only take four or five days to reach the West Sea Outpost.

Xu Guo usually takes this route when changing defenses.

The other way is to go west along the Blackstone Mountains, and after arriving near the west coast, turn north to the West Sea Outpost.

This road is only more than two hundred miles away, but it is even more dangerous. All the way is on foot, and it will take at least five or six days to reach the post when a large amount of supplies needs to be carried.

After thinking about it, Yang Xu decided to lead two hundred soldiers to take the route of Heishi Mountain.

Starting from here, you can pass through Heishi Town of the Blue Bird Tribe, and take a short rest in Heishi Town, and transfer some soldiers from Heishi Town to strengthen the strength of the West Sea Outpost and prepare for possible conflicts and wars in the future.

Of course, these are not the most important reasons.

The most important reason is that Yang Xu wants to take the opportunity to clean up the beasts along the road, gain more life energy, and open the secondary authority as soon as possible.

As for the royal city, although only 300 soldiers remained, it was not important.

Although Xu Country has only 2,500 soldiers in name, ordinary subjects are not weak lambs, and they also possess extraordinary combat effectiveness. Wangcheng has nearly half of Xu Country’s population, even if there is no army stationed here, it is the most powerful city in Xu Country.

It is a big event for the army to go out.

Although Yang Xu was eager to understand what had happened in Xihai, he did not rush to lead the army to the Xihai outpost.

After everything was ready, all departments were notified on the same day, and no action was taken until the next morning.

Most of the two hundred soldiers belonged to the fox tribe, and only one-third of the bluebird tribe and the shark tribe combined.

In order to ensure a smooth journey, Yang Xu took Yun Xiao, one of the commanders of the Xu Kingdom’s army, with him.

Xu country’s army adopts a simple and ancient organizational system.

There is one corps leader for every five people, which is the smallest establishment in the army, and usually the operations are mostly based on the corps.

There is one elder for every thirty people.

There is one centurion for every hundred people.

There is one leader for every 500 people.

Commander is currently the highest position in Xu Country’s army. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

The sky was slightly bright, and the warm morning sun had not yet passed through the towering cliffs and entered the royal city. An army of 200 people was already waiting in line outside the city.

They are fully armed.

Most of the foxes wear leather armor, the color is mainly blue-gray.

Although the alloy armor is good, the output is limited, and most of the foxes focus on agility. Although the power of thought is strong, the physical strength is not much stronger than that of ordinary humans. Too heavy metal armor will limit the agility of the foxes.

The merman clan took human form, wearing a white tunic with long sleeves.

They are all beautiful and beautiful, petite and exquisite, just like the ladies who go out for an outing.

The blue bird family is holding a bow and arrow, wearing a black tights, outlining a graceful and streamlined figure, a pair of sharp eyes like a falcon, full of oppression.

Around the army and on both sides of the road, the residents of the royal city who got the news woke up early and came to see them off with solemn expressions and full of respect.

This is the tradition of Xu Country.

When the army goes out, the people will come to see them off, express their best wishes to their relatives and friends, and hope that they can return safely.

Xu country’s population is close to 10,000, and half of the population lives in the royal city. This includes all pregnant women and children in Xu Country, this is for the convenience of taking care of children and ensuring the safety of Xu Country’s next generation.

Thousands of people gathered around the army, talking a lot, most of them worried.

They heard about the West Sea yesterday, learned that other tribes came from the vast West Sea, and that Yang Xu was going to go out in person, so they couldn’t help but feel worried.

Yang Xu is not only the king of Xu Kingdom, but also their belief.

They didn’t dare to think about what the enemy from the West Sea was, and they couldn’t figure it out.

But they were worried about Yang Xu’s safety from the bottom of their hearts.

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