I Built An Empire And You’re Telling Me That I Wasn’t Transmigrated?

Chapter 10

~ Chapter 10 The Shapeshifter Qingluan, The Best Spy

The brilliant deeds of Qingqiu Ziyue are simply too numerous to count.

Yang Xu was too lazy to comment on that idiot.

But there is one thing he agrees with very much, Qingqiu Ziyue is one of the top powerhouses in Xu Country.

Or trade it for intelligence.

Yang Xu thought irresponsibly, and shook his head, “It’s because of Ziyue that I don’t feel at ease.”

Qingqiu Ziyu was speechless, and couldn’t help giving Yang Xu a look.

They are still here, so they can’t give them a little thin noodles.

Although she wanted to quibble for her sister, Qingqiu Ziyu thought about her sister’s character carefully, and it seems that it is not impossible to do some helpless things.

After all, it’s a stupid… vixen who can do whatever he wants.

Qingqiu Ziyu thought about it, and continued to say good things for her sister: “With Qingluan around, my sister should not do too much.”

Qingluan, a member of the Qingniao tribe, is a rare shape changer of the Qingniao tribe.

A shapeshifter is a special existence that can transform between human form and bird form at will.

When it transforms into an adult, it has two wings on its back, and when it transforms into a phoenix, it can be big or small, just like the druids in myths and legends.

Apart from being a shapeshifter, Qingluan is also an elegant gourmet, one of the best cooks in Xu Country, bar none.

Compared with Qingluan’s versatility, Qingqiu Ziyue also has another characteristic-foodie.

Qingqiu Ziyue not only likes to eat, but also is very good at eating. One meal can eat the food of ten soldiers. This is the result of restraint. If she didn’t exercise restraint and let her stomach go, she could eat the food of twenty soldiers, or even thirty soldiers in one meal.

Qingqiu Ziyue often went hungry when the tribe didn’t have enough food.

That is to say, the tribe has a base in this valley, with fixed farms, pastures, and fishing grounds, which can provide sufficient food, and Qingqiu Ziyue can be considered to be out of the state of starvation.

Of course, it’s no wonder that Qingqiu Ziyue can eat it. Immortals’ power comes from their physical bodies, and they consume far more than other fox clans.

Without enough food to support it, it is difficult for an immortal to survive, let alone fight.

With excellent cooking skills, Qingluan is one of the few people who can make Qingqiu Ziyue docile.

Compared with Qingqiu Ziyue’s unreliable, Qingluan is very reliable, it is the extreme of Qingqiu Ziyue’s character. She acts calmly, takes actions fiercely, never does anything she is not sure of, and never leaves any trouble for things she is sure of. It can be said that she has developed Gou into an effective theory of thought.

Well, sometimes Qingluan is actually less reliable than Qingqiu Ziyue.

But in the end, most of the time it is more reliable.

At least compared to Qingqiu Ziyue, Yang Xu is still more willing to believe in Qingluan.

This is by no means because Qingluan often visits him secretly with new delicacies that he has researched, and then leaves a very arrogant and classic speech. This girl is just asking you to evaluate the new delicacies, not just for you to eat Yes, and finally left gracefully.

In addition to not being frank, a very interesting girl.

Well, to be honest, it’s actually quite cute sometimes.

Thinking of the arrogant Qingluan, Yang Xu couldn’t help but smile from the corner of his eyes.

It’s been a long time since I tasted Qingluan’s experimental new food, and I really miss her.

He nodded and said: “Qingluan can see Ziyue, if Qingluan is not there, I wouldn’t worry about letting Ziyue go to the West Sea Outpost.”

In addition to serving as an important purpose of the expedition transfer station, the West Sea Outpost actually also has a very important role-safe house.

That was Xu Country’s last safe house.

Once an irresistible disaster occurs in the cities and towns of Xu Country, Yang Xu will lead his people to the West Sea Outpost to take shelter temporarily, and then consider whether to move according to the actual situation.

Of course, he hoped that day never came.

But with Yang Xu’s understanding of Manhuang, he can’t fully guarantee that this day will never come.


He had witnessed the emergence of mythology with his own eyes!

Living myth!

Yang Xu came to the study and sat behind the desk.

The room is not big, more than 20 square meters, the walls are full of bookshelves, filled with various animal skins, bamboo slips and so on.

This is the place where Yang Xu works. To be precise, it is the place where he records the Chinese characters he knows, knows, and remembers, and gives notes.

Words are the source of civilization and the cradle of civilization.

It is precisely because of the emergence of writing that human beings can record their own experiences, record past events, and pass on their experiences to future generations more effectively.

Without words, there would be no brilliant modern civilization of mankind.

Yang Xu understands this deeply, so he attaches great importance to the inheritance of characters and languages. Even in the most difficult period of the tribe, everyone can only shiver in a small cave, and he has not forgotten to teach the subjects of civilization. Source – text.

Sitting on the seat, Yang Xu seemed to be in a daze.

He was silent for a moment, spread his right hand on the table, and a mysterious ancient bronze book appeared in his palm out of thin air.

The ancient books seem to be made of bronze, exuding dazzling gold.

There is no text on the cover, only a pattern of a vast starry sky, majestic and majestic, as if the starry sky on the sky is imprinted on the cover, lifelike.

If you stare at it for a long time, it will even give people the illusion of being trapped in the starry sky!

Yang Xu slowly opened the cover, revealing a golden bronze page with only simple information recorded on it.

【Administrator: Yang Xu】

[Race: Human]

[Privilege: Level 1 permission, which can be upgraded (upgrading permission requires consumption of 100,000 life energy). 】

[Ability: One-stage enhancement (the limit has been reached, and the second-level permission must be activated to continue to strengthen). 】

[Life Energy: 98,000 points]

Yang Xu continued to flip backwards.

The second page.

[Qingqiu fox family (inferior quality)]

[Inferior creatures that contain the blood of the Qingqiu fox family, with human body and animal ears, have the power of mind, and can perform illusions. 】

[Price: Twenty life energy]

The third page.

【Eastern Sea Merman (Secondary Quality)】

[Inferior creatures with merman blood, human body and fish tail, can resist water. 】

[Price: 30 life energy]

fourth page.

[Blue Bird Clan (Secondary Quality)]

[Inferior creatures containing the blood of Qingluan, have wings, can fly, and can resist the wind. 】

[Price: 30 life energy]

At the end of this page, there is a line of conspicuous reminders.

[You need to upgrade your permissions to unlock higher-quality biological manufacturing options. After upgrading your permissions, you can improve the quality of the activated biological manufacturing options. 】

Yang Xu closed the ancient bronze book, clenched his right hand tightly, and the ancient book disappeared out of thin air.

With his right hand resting on the table, he tapped lightly on the table, making a thumping sound.

One hundred thousand!

You have to step up your pace.

Yang Xu thought to himself.

Although he didn’t know what happened to Xihai, but with the warning from the high priest’s prophecy, he couldn’t help feeling a sense of urgency. And the best way to ease the sense of urgency is to increase firepower!

The ancients said that all fear stems from insufficient firepower.

If Xuguo can create creatures in myths and legends, creatures that really possess mythical power, why should UU read books www.uukanshu.com worry about it?

It is necessary to speed up the pace of harvesting and gather 100,000 life energy as soon as possible.

Yang Xu’s eyes were firm, as sharp as an invincible magic weapon.

Four and a half years of wild life had already honed his will like a hundred tempered steel, indestructible, no matter what difficulties he encountered, he would never give up easily!


West Coast.

A blue phoenix hovering over the coastline, like a mythical blue luan bird, stared at the lifeboat landing from afar with its sharp eyes.

This is the shape changer of the blue bird clan——Qingluan.

She can manifest the Dharma appearance of the first ancestor Qingluan, turning into an elegant and beautiful Qingluan bird.

Its body surface is close to that of a peacock, and its plumage is gorgeous. The pointed tail feathers are very long, and the long tail feathers are even longer than the body, floating behind it like colorful ribbons, and it seems to emit colorful rays of light in the sun, which is very beautiful. The wide wings have many cyan and white eye spots, and when they are unfolded, dots of light sway down from the feathers, like gorgeous fireflies, extremely gorgeous.

“What is this?”

“It looks similar to us, but there are subtle differences. Could it be people from other tribes?”

“But these creatures are so weak, how did they come here across the vast ocean, did they come from other islands, or other places on this land?”

Qingluan hovered high in the sky, looking at the passengers who landed from a distance, her beautiful black jewel-like eyes flashed a wisdom that was completely inconsistent with her appearance.

After thinking for a long time, Qingluan did not act rashly.

After deliberating over and over again, she quietly returned to the outpost, intending to pass on the information she had just seen to Wang.

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