I Became the Male Lead who was Clinging onto the Female Leads

Chapter 59: Don't Just Stand There (2)

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: N/A

Illustrations: Posted in discord.

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In the grand empire, stood Russell von Reimon Cromwell.

He was an ordinary old man, devoid of any mana.

Unskilled in both swordsmanship and magic.

It was normal not to sense any aura emanating from him.

Yet, all who saw him were overwhelmed by his mysterious aura.

An indescribable sense of oppression exuded from the kind-faced elder.

'Why is the prime minister here...?'

Closest to him, Viscount Hobart felt a shiver down his spine.

His thick lips quivered.

"Is that you, prime minister...?"

"Nice to see you, Viscount Hobart."

"Why are you here in such a humble place...?"

"Is it polite to call someone's home humble?"

"I didn't mean it like that...!"

"Never mind. There's no need to apologize."

Russell smiled gently and walked past Viscount Hobart.

"I am here at a friend's request."


Realizing his slip of the tongue, Hobart reached out with trembling hands, but couldn't touch the high stature of Russell.

Russell smiled broadly in front of Eugene.

"My friend. How have you been?"

"Pretty good."

"That's good to hear."

"And how have you been, prime minister?"

"I've been well."

It was a simple, ordinary conversation.


Everyone who heard it was utterly astonished.

The prime minister calling Eugene a friend!

"What on earth is happening...?"

"I have no idea, father..."

The scene was so surreal that Dallas and Erika were shivering in each other's arms.

Viscount Hobart's eyes were nearly popping out of his head.

Of course, this was all part of Russell's plan.

About a month ago, he met Eugene and discovered his enormous potential, offering to help Eugene if he ever needed it.

He knew that establishing a connection with Eugene would be beneficial for the empire.

After parting with Eugene, he continued his daily life until

Antonio brought news of Eugene's crisis earlier that day.

"Let's go together. I can spare an hour."

Despite being in the middle of important work, Russell decided to prioritize helping Eugene and went with Antonio to the city's police office.

Upon arrival, the Head of Police, Alexander, rushed out to greet them.

Russell explained the situation to him.

"…So that's what happened."

"As the Head of Police of the capital, I cannot overlook this incident."

Was it the horrific nature of the story?

Or because the prime minister asked in a favor?

Alexander's zeal, fueled by a sense of duty, soared high.

"If the prime minister permits, I will personally go and resolve the matter!"

He declared his intention to personally handle the matter with fervent resolve.

Russell watched his zealous demeanor and smiled contentedly, nodding in approval.

"So be it. I shall temporarily delegate the full authority of the Imperial Police Force to you."

Thus, Russell, Antonio, and Alexander joined hands and arrived at Eugene's family estate, ready to offer their assistance.

Russell turned to look at Viscount Hobart, who was sweating profusely.

'How did things turn out this way...'

Just moments ago, the viscount was boasting of his power in front of everyone.

Suddenly, the powerful prime minister appeared to defend Eugene, putting Hobart in an awkward position.

Russell addressed him softly,

"Viscount Hobart."


"Why haven't you corrected the wrongdoings committed by your predecessors?"

"What do you mean...?"

"You’ve oppressed the innocent from a position of power gained through misdeeds. Even attempting to force a poor young lady into your arms, the gravity of your crimes is severe."

Silence fell, and Hobart's face contorted with rage.

'Damn...! The prime minister publicly denouncing me...!'

If this story spread, people would believe the respected prime minister's words.

'My reputation will plummet...'

To prevent this, Hobart felt compelled to refute.

He cried out in despair,

"You are mistaken...! I have done no such thing...!"

"Is that so?"

"Yes, it is! You've been deceived by that worthless eldest son! Give me time, and I will explain everything...!"

Despite his earnest plea, Russell shook his head.

"How can you deny my words..."

Hobart's face turned ashen, then a sickly green.



That's when Alexander strode forward.

"I am Alexander, Head of Police of the Capital."

A steely resolve emanated from the man responsible for the empire's safety.

"I came here upon hearing of your family's misdeeds, judging them to be of severe nature. I will ask you three questions, and you must answer truthfully."

Silence again.

"I currently hold full authority over the Imperial Police Force, delegated by the prime minister. Failing to answer my questions truthfully is a crime in itself."

'Now the Head of Police too...'

Viscount Hobart felt close to fainting.

The Head of Police, with full authority from the prime minister!

His actions were unstoppable.

The bribes he had fed to the local police forces were useless.

'Once he commands the police forces...'

They would investigate his crimes without hesitation or reply.

As all the misdeeds came to light, there was no choice but to hand down punishment in court.

'It's over...'

He was like a rat trapped at the edge of a cliff.

'It's all over...'

"The first question. You knew about the crimes your ancestors committed and yet did nothing to correct them. Is that true?”


“Haha. Of course, you’re free to answer as you wish.”

Alexander scoffed at the obvious lie and continued.

"Second question. Have you oppressed innocent people using the power built on your ancestors’ misdeeds?”


“This one too, no? Well, fine. The final question. Did you threaten Lady Erika with an excessive debt and try to take her as your concubine?”

“...No, truly not...”

“So, it's all no, then. My questioning is over.”

Alexander sternly warned.

"If there's any falsehood in your responses, you’ll face an aggravated penalty in the final judgment."


“I will now head to the local police forces. You should return to your family and remain silent until the forensic examination of the evidence is completed. Both families must refrain from contact until then.”

"Why are you doing this... I really didn't do anything!"

Why does nobody believe me!

Viscount Hobart cried out like a child throwing a tantrum.

At his disgraceful behavior, Alexander sharply rebuked.

“Stop this disgraceful display and go back.”

"I'll help."

Antonio, who had been silently observing, touched Viscount Hobart’s shoulder.


A burst of light enveloped them, and Viscount Hobart disappeared.


“The lord…”

The guards were dumbfounded.

Surely a mage of Antonio's caliber wouldn't have sent Viscount Hobart to some strange place.

It was more likely he was sent to his own mansion, but the situation had unfolded so quickly that they were caught off guard.

Antonio, looking puzzled, asked.

“Would you like me to send you as well?”

“No, thank you!”

“We’ll find our own way back!”

The guards vehemently shook their heads and hurried away.

They knew better than to risk being warped in such a hasty manner.

A poorly executed warp could leave them reeling for hours.

“Smart men.”

Antonio, who had no intention of using refined magic, clicked his tongue in disappointment.

The warp he had just used was crudely executed, with only the coordinates fixed.

Viscount Hobart would likely be regurgitating his meals for days.

"It seems everything is wrapped up now. Prime Minister, I shall return to my official duties.”

“Good work.”


Alexander promptly left the dining area.

‘It's all over now.’

All that was left was to wait, and his family could reclaim everything unjustly taken from them.

"I should express my gratitude for the help."

Eugene felt the need to thank Russell for heeding his sudden request.

He turned to look at Russell.


But Russell was doing something unexpected.

He was lowering himself in front of Dallas, who was sitting down…

“Pleased to meet you, Baron Grace.”

“Prime Minister?!”

“I am Russell von Reimon.”

“Please, stand up! How can you bow to someone like me!”

“Why should I stand stiffly when I am not the Emperor?”

Russell was fostering a friendly relationship.

‘Suddenly, why?’

Eugene was baffled by this sight, but Russell only showed a warm, sun-like smile to Dallas and Erika.

‘To strengthen a bond with someone, it’s best to make a good impression on their family first.’

He was convinced that Eugene would soon become an influential figure in the Empire.

Russell wanted to solidify the foundation of a good relationship between the royal family and Eugene from the start.

So, he couldn't just stand by during his first meeting with Dallas and Erika, Eugene's family.

“Baron, I hope the Grace family and the royal family continue to maintain good relations.”

“But of course! All noble families are loyal to the royal family!”

“Thank you for saying that.”

Meeting the Prime Minister for the first time, Dallas was sweating profusely.

“I also hope Lady Erika views the royal family favorably.”

“Of course, I do!”

Erika was no different.

Although Russell treated her with complete kindness, she couldn't help but sweat under his immense authority.

Only after Russell felt he had sufficiently fostered goodwill did he stand up.

“Then, I shall see you again another time.”

“Take care on your way back…!”

“Thank you for speaking with us…!”

Dallas and Erika, anxious not to make any mistakes, barely managed their farewells and collapsed back into their seats, drained.

‘A terrifying man…’

Russell approached Eugene and smiled broadly.

“I was pleased to be able to help you.”

“...I’m even more grateful.”

“It’s good of you to say that.”

“I won’t forget this debt.”

“I didn’t do it for a repayment, so don’t worry about it.”

However, he knew he had to remember it in the back of his mind.

'It’s about time to leave.'

The hour he spared for this was almost up.

He regretted not being able to talk more with Eugene, but he had to return soon, or the royal family, without its centerpiece, would fall into a state of panic.

“Well, I must be going now.”

“You’re leaving already?”

“The royal family won’t leave me be, so I have no choice.”

Russell smiled lightly and extended his hand for a handshake.

“Take care of yourself.”

The long-awaited meeting with the Prime Minister had come to an end.

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