I Became the Male Lead who was Clinging onto the Female Leads

Chapter 57: Sorry, Am I Too Late?

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: N/A

Illustrations: Posted in discord.

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In the dining room of the Grace Barony mansion.

Dallas, Erika, and Viscount Hobart were sitting at a table…

“Chomp, chomp, chomp!”

The sound of Viscount Hobart greedily devouring the scarce food on the table filled the room.

After tearing into a chicken leg and swallowing the meat,


He let out a loud belch and patted his thick belly.

It was an unbecoming sight for a noble's meal.

A rebuke was expected.

Yet, Dallas and Erika remained silent, their mouths sealed shut.

Seeing this, Viscount Hobart smirked.

“On such a joyous day, why is everyone so quiet?”

One might think it was a bad day.

His pleased smile conveyed intense happiness.

‘It's inevitable.’

Today, he had secured Erika, the region's most beautiful woman.

It would be odd if he wasn't in high spirits.

‘The meal may be meager, but so what.’

Everything seemed perfect to Viscount Hobart.

In contrast, everything appeared bleak to Dallas.

‘How did things come to this…’

He had sneaked out to the mansion's backyard at dawn, planning to flee.

A carriage filled with valuables was ready, and Philip, wearing a bowler hat, sat in the coachman's seat.

“Lord, everything is prepared. Just tell me when to leave.”

“Thank you.”

He was to depart immediately once Erika and Eugene arrived.

However, things didn't go as Dallas planned.

Even after the scheduled departure time passed by tens of minutes, Erika didn’t leave her room, and Eugene, who had left the family, hadn’t returned.

Without them, there was no reason to flee, so he couldn’t depart.

Even as dawn broke and the day brightened, the situation remained the same.

“Miss Erika! We really don’t have any more time!”

“I don’t want to go!”

Erika locked her room door firmly.

“Maybe it’s okay to stay till morning…”

Soldiers and servants, still attached to the family, didn’t leave.

The departure time kept getting delayed, and no preparations were made.

Time passed, it was nine o’clock, then ten.

Finally, at eleven, too late to flee, Philip reported with a stern face.

“Lord, it’s almost noon. Miss Erika hasn’t come out, and young master Eugene hasn’t returned. It seems too late to flee…”

Dallas knew it all too well.

He was anxiously waiting, knowing that if Eugene had arrived sooner, he could have somehow taken Erika and fled…

But now, it was impossible.

"Lord, a soldier has brought news. Viscount Hobart will be arriving soon..."

Eventually, Dallas hardened his face and commanded.

"Cancel the secret escape. Maids, prepare the meal as quickly as possible, and servants, unpack the carriage and return everything to its original place."

At that moment, the household staff busily moved to restore the estate to its original state.

They erased all traces of the attempted escape and, in a rush, set up the best table setting possible.

Then Viscount Hobart arrived, leading to the present moment.

“The food is just as bad as it was a week ago.”

Viscount Hobart's laughter pierced Dallas's ears.

'It's tough.'

He was at a loss for what to do next.

There seemed to be nothing left he could do.

Then Viscount Hobart put down his cutlery.

"Ah, I can't eat any more."

'So soon...'

A shadow fell over Dallas's face.

"Well, now that the meal is over..."

Viscount Hobart wiped his mouth with a handkerchief and smirked.

He approached Erika, knelt on one knee, and pulled out a ring box from his pocket, presenting it to her.

He smiled gently.

“Miss Erika, I ask for your hand in marriage.”

To an outsider unaware of the context, it would seem like a typical marriage proposal.

However, everyone present knew it was far from a fortunate situation.

Including the knights lined up behind Viscount Hobart.

And Dallas, observing the situation with a dark expression.


Erika, under Viscount Hobart's gaze.

'I see it all, Viscount.'

Erika smiled softly, noticing the dark desires flickering behind Viscount Hobart's smile.

Though he was kneeling politely now...

The moment she became his concubine, he would undoubtedly reveal his impure desires without hesitation.

He opened the thick ring box with his bulky hand.

“Miss Erika.”

A small ruby on the ring sparkled a crimson light.

“Please respond to my proposal.”


Erika glanced at Dallas.

His face, full of wrinkles, was overshadowed.

'Poor father.'

Her father, so sad, had been ready to forsake his own house to protect her.

His eyes, filled with desperate pleading, silently begged her to refuse the proposal.

But she couldn't.

'To protect father's precious house...'

There was only one thing she could do.

She looked forward.

Viscount Hobart's face, smirking confidently, came into view.

'I don't want to be his concubine either...'

But to protect her family, she steeled her resolve.

'If sacrificing myself saves our family...'

She trusted that Eugene and her father, both utterly reliable, would revive the family and come to rescue her.

'It's a pity I've never experienced true love...'

But given her family's dire circumstances, even dreaming of love seemed like excessive greed.

She discarded such futile thoughts and smiled gracefully.

"Alright, Viscount Hobart."


At that moment, Viscount Hobart's smile soared skyward.

"Excellent! Hahaha!"

He erupted in laughter and stood up, elated at having won the woman he had long admired.

His joy was like possessing the world.

"Congratulations, Lord!"

"We bless your love for a lifetime!"

The knights, who had been silently observing, now clapped joyously.

"Ha ha ha! Save your congratulations for the formal wedding!"

He waved his hand to silence the applause and grasped Erika's small hand.


Dallas's eyes widened in shock.

"Miss Erika."


"There's something we must do in this joyful moment, isn't there?"

"What might that be...?"

Erika smiled awkwardly and tilted her head.

Viscount Hobart chuckled contentedly.

"A kiss, of course."


"It's only natural, isn't it? For two people who've just promised their love to each other to share a kiss."

"Viscount Hobart!"

An appalled Dallas exclaimed.

"Kissing before the formal wedding! How preposterous!"

But Dallas was already out of Viscount Hobart's consideration.

Viscount Hobart leered, fixating on Erika's lips.

Her small, pretty, pink lips ignited a flame in his heart.

'I can't wait any longer!'

Now that a betrothal was promised, there was no reason to restrain his desires.

"Viscount Hobart! Stop… What on earth are you doing!"

An elder, his face reddened, tried to intervene, but the knights, understanding their lord's intentions, naturally blocked his path.

"How can you do this? Do you realize what you're doing?"


'Leaving him be will only bring trouble.'

The knights had unjustly obstructed a noble's path, and word of this would tarnish their reputations.


In light of their zealous efforts, it was best to quickly finish what had to be done.

Viscount Hobart's smile grew.

"Miss Erika."


Erika's face tensed heavily.

'To demand a kiss already...'

She thought she'd only face such demands after formally becoming his concubine and joining his family.

He revealed his desires so quickly, far beyond her expectations.

'Such a brazen man...'

The future she faced, how arduous and painful it might be, was clear in her mind.

Yet, no matter how tough and agonizing, this was the life she chose, and she must live it to the end.

She managed a forced smile.

"Yes, Viscount Hobart."


Viscount Hobart, grinning, wrapped his arms around Erika's neck.

He closed his eyes and puckered his thick lips, leaning in slowly.


Seeing those lips, her repulsion surged.

As their lips were about to meet, it felt as if even her firmly resolved heart might break.

But there was no turning back now.

"Erika! Get away now! Please!"

Ignoring Dallas's desperate cries, she closed her eyes.

As she felt Viscount Hobart's unpleasant breath, the face she longed to see flashed before her.


Her older brother Eugene, who had always looked after her and cherished her since childhood.

In this moment of despair, she yearned for him, though she didn't know his whereabouts.

'I'll return before Viscount Hobart proposes to you. I promise.'

'He said he would come... but he hasn't.'

He must have been held up...

She missed him.

With that thought, her eyes fluttered open.

But all she saw were Viscount Hobart's thick lips, now inches from hers.

Their lips were about to touch...




The sound of shattering glass filled the room.

She turned and saw an unbelievable sight.

Through the broken window, a figure soared in.

It was her brother, Eugene.


He flew in a perfect diagonal line, his leg extended towards Viscount Hobart's face.

Viscount Hobart, in shock, looked at Eugene...

'If he hits him...'


Eugene's foot landed squarely on Viscount Hobart's face.

Like pressing into a soft bread, his foot pushed Viscount Hobart's face and sent him flying across the room.


Viscount Hobart crashed through the dining room wall.


His scream filled the room.




Everyone, knights, Dallas, and Erika, were speechless at the surreal scene.

Thump, thump!

Eugene, having launched Viscount Hobart into the wall, stood up, dusted off his legs as if nothing happened...

Ignoring Viscount Hobart, he walked towards Erika and smiled gently.

"Sorry, I'm late, aren't I?"


Erika, dumbstruck, couldn't even open her mouth.

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