I Became the Male Lead who was Clinging onto the Female Leads

Chapter 32: Such a lie doesn't improve my life.

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: N/A

Illustrations: Posted in discord.

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After the exams, the weekend arrived.

Though winter was approaching and the weather was cold, the students were all smiles, relishing their break.

"We're finally through the hard part!"

"I'm planning to relax till the start of the next grade!"

The students, who had been studying relentlessly throughout the year, were now busy with cheerful imaginings of their upcoming break.

"Ah, the joys of youth."

"Indeed, youth."

Fritz lay on a bed in the infirmary, looking out of the window, while a female teacher treated him.

"So… what happened yesterday?"

As she infused him with healing magic, she asked about the previous day's events — specifically about Eugene.

"It was due to my lack of training."

"Teacher, I know that you work harder than anyone else."

"If it wasn't lack of training, then perhaps a lack of talent. Either way, I wasn't enough."

"It wasn't because you were unwell or anything like that?"

Fritz nodded earnestly.

"That's right."

There was not a hint of falsehood in his face.

Nor did it seem like he was trying to lift Eugene up.

Considering Fritz's character, he wouldn't have lied about something like this.

'I knew that before I even asked...'

The female teacher remembered how Fritz had been kind and supportive when she was a newbie.

He was the reason she could adapt so smoothly to the academy.

To her, Fritz was someone she owed a lot to.

But the shocking news that Fritz had been defeated by a first-year had worried her.

She feared this would tarnish his reputation.

So when she asked about yesterday, she was curious about how Fritz would respond...

'If he speaks of it this way, rumors might spread even faster…'

Her concern deepened.

"You know, right? In the history of the Royal Academy of Lucia, there's never been an instance where a student defeated a teacher in a swordsmanship exam."

"I know. Looks like I'm the first."

"Some might talk negatively about this. Perhaps you could say weren't feeling well. It might help…"

"That's nonsense."

Fritz decisively shook his head.

"Spreading such a lie won't make my life any better."

"Still, it's important to prevent things from getting worse..."

"I'm not concerned."

"Why not?"

"Why, you ask?"

Fritz offered a gentle smile.

"Whether people mock me or try to tarnish my reputation, in the end, it won't be a problem."

"...Why do you think that way? May I ask?"

Fritz's gaze seemed to drift.

His eyes looked beyond the present and into the past.

His duel with Eugene was vividly replayed.

'With my own eyes, I saw his talent...'

It was beyond measure.

Even with Fritz's seasoned eyes, he couldn't fathom the depth of Eugene's potential.

'Of course, losing to him now might be shameful.'

But as time went by, as Eugene grew and his skills became undeniable, Fritz believed that this current humiliation would someday be a point of pride.

And so, Fritz confidently answered:

"He is destined to become a legendary swordsman. Even if he defeats me, just the fact that we crossed swords will be a tale worth boasting."

"But he's only a first-year student, isn't he?"

"That doesn't matter. I truly believe... in a few years, his name will resonate like a towering mountain."

"How can you be so sure?"

The female teacher stopped her healing spell and looked at Fritz inquisitively.

Fritz smiled subtly at her.

"I've never seen such talent in my lifetime. It's probably unprecedented in history."


"I would actually be glad if this rumor spread far and wide."


Raei Translations


As Fritz hoped, it spread far and wide.

Everyone in the Royal Academy came to know of it.

The one who felt the impact of these words the most was undoubtedly Eugene.

As it spread, the disdainful looks that once trailed him softened.

'I remember how they used to avoid and ignore me.'

Such a change in perception in just a day felt rather surreal to him.

It felt like he was a mackerel pulled onto a ship's deck, basking in the sun.

As he finished his morning training and headed to the cafeteria, the number of students greeting and smiling at him wasn't little.

He couldn't help but smile back.

Being human, he can't help but feel good when showered with positive attention.

'I should thank her.'

He had to thank Tina, who had provided him with the opportunity to improve his reputation.

He might not yet understand her exact reasons, but she had undoubtedly helped him.

'I'll just thank her when I see her.'

Upon arriving at the cafeteria, Eugene began eating.

His rigorous training made him so hungry that he consumed the portion meant for three people.

As he looked around, he spotted Tina and Celine eating not far from him.

'So they're here for a meal too.'

Eugene finished his meal and approached the two.

While munching on a sausage, Tina's eyes widened upon seeing Eugene.



"...Look. There."

"Tina, don't speak with your mouth full..."

Celine, slightly annoyed, turned to see Eugene.

"Oh, it's Eugene. Why are you so surprised?"

After swallowing her bite, Tina replied,

"It's been a while since he approached us first."

"That's true."

'I should quickly say my thanks since they're in the middle of their meal.'

Eugene began,

"Thanks for yesterday. It helped a lot."

Hearing the gratitude, Tina paused for a moment before brushing it off with a wave.

"It's nothing. I wanted to help anyway."

"If there's anything I can do to repay you, I'd like to. Is there something you need help with?"

Eugene offered, more out of courtesy than obligation.

Tina hesitated for a moment, then smiled brightly and replied,

"You don't need to do anything like that. Just... um... remember it!"

Seeing her radiant smile, it seemed like the previous owner's habits were still ingrained as his mouth tried to curl up.

Eugene bit his tongue and replied.

"If you say so, then thank you."

"Yeah. That's enough for me."

With that, he looked at them again.

There was still something he was curious about.

"I have one more question."

"What is it?"

"Why did you take my side?"

At this, Tina furrowed her brows, searching for words.

"Initially, I was angered hearing those guys badmouth my family and you... I just wanted to make sure they apologized. But no matter what I said, they didn't have any intention to do so."

Eugene recalled the scornful gazes of those men, demeaning Eugene out of sheer pride.

"Seeing them behave that way... I couldn't hold back my anger. Before I knew it, I had declared my support."

"I see."


Tina smiled again, adding,

"Actually, I should be the one thanking you. You might have received a reward from the higher-ups, but you saved the granddaughter of my grandfather* after all."

Eugene remained silent.

"Thank you, Eugene."

Tina said with a soft, glowing smile that seemed to light up the surroundings.

'It's no wonder Eugene was so taken by her.'

Among the heroines, Tina had not only stunning looks but also the brightest personality.

It was no wonder men found it hard to resist her charm.

'I'll have to be cautious for my own sake,'

Eugene mused.

"If you ever need help, just let me know."

"Sure, take care, Eugene."

As Eugene waved and turned to leave, a voice stopped him.


Celine stood up, pushing her chair back.

She walked towards Eugene with a serious expression.


"...What is it?"

Seeing her stern face, Eugene took a moment longer to reply.

'Did I do something wrong? Or did the former owner of this body mess up?'

Had he unknowingly stolen underwear or something?

If that were the case, it might have been better to just end it all.

Unlikely, but still.

"Come to the rooftop in a bit."

Celine instructed.




Even the male students who had been pretending to be uninterested in their meals now turned their gazes in their direction.

'So you guys were listening all along.'

'The rooftop? Could it be?'

Excitement flashed in the eyes of the male students.

It was clear what they were imagining.

Sighing softly, Celine clarified.

"It's not what you guys are thinking, so don't get the wrong idea."


"What do you think we were thinking?"

The male students feigned ignorance, and Eugene gave them a brief, sharp look.

Turning back to Celine, he said.

"Fine, I'll go to the rooftop."


In the past, when the former owner of his body had asked her to come to the rooftop, she had complied without a word.

'Wait, that wasn't Celine, it was Tina.'

The former owner of this body had never asked Celine to meet him on the rooftop.

She had rebuffed him at the swordsmanship training ground.

Eugene lamented his poor memory, holding his head in despair.

I should've at least asked why she wanted to meet on the rooftop.

However, that opportunity had already passed.

Celine walked past Eugene and took her seat.

"Celine, why suddenly on the rooftop...?"

At Tina's words, Eugene's ears perked up.

"There's a reason."

But they quickly drooped again.

"It's not something I can discuss with just anyone."

Celine focused on her meal.

'What's going on?'

Eugene thought, puzzled, watching her back.

The first thing that came to his mind was the special elixir from the Luberuta family, which he was promised upon joining the Swordsmanship Club.

Since Cillian and Celine were siblings, it was possible she could pass on the elixir on his behalf.

'It's the most likely scenario, but...'

Since it wasn't certain, it only gave him a headache.

Eugene stopped pondering and walked to the rooftop, hoping to find answers there.

When he reached the rooftop, a chill enveloped him.

"It's really cold now. Ugh."

I should've worn more layers.

As he shivered, he stomped his feet to keep warm.


He felt something being stepped on.

'What's this?'

A stone?

He looked down to find a small white object.

A tooth.

'Is it from that fight back then?'

Despite the strong winds, the tooth remained on the rooftop.

'Should I get rid of it?'

… No.

Eugene left the tooth as it was.

It was like a monument symbolizing his bright future at the Royal Academy.

'...It's so cold, I might die.'

He could circulate the mana inside his body to warm himself, but it'd be wasteful to not use it for training.

Thankfully, the rooftop door opened.

A silver-haired female student, fitting for the cold winter, approached.

It was Celine.

"I shouldn't have asked you to meet here, in this cold. I'm sorry."

"It's okay. But why did you call me here?"

"That is..."

Celine rummaged in her pocket and then handed over something wrapped in cloth.

"I wanted to give you this."

She slowly unwrapped the cloth, revealing its contents.

It was an elixir that emitted a yellowish glow, like a lantern.

"A Lantern Elixir?"

"You recognize it."

"You're giving me a Lantern Elixir?"


"But why?"

Why something so valuable?

While inferior to the White Lantern Elixir, the signature elixir of the Luberuta family, the Lantern Elixir was still a precious elixir itself.

Known for its incredible increase of mana, its unique refreshing scent tickled his nose, even as it sat in her hand.

It was enough to make his mouth water.

"I knew you were giving me an elixir... but to give me something this precious."

Eugene had thought he'd receive an elixir of a lower grade than the Lantern Elixir, considering the latter was far too valuable to be handed out as a reward for joining the swordsmanship club.

“Is it okay to just give something like this away?”

“It doesn’t matter. I snack on these all the time.”

“A snack...?”

His mind nearly wandered off at that outrageous comment, but the refreshing aroma emanating from the elixir brought him back.

“Thank you.”

He knew he had to accept it first and ask questions later.

He had no idea why he was being given such a treasure.

“So, with this, you're joining the swordsmanship club, right?”

“Of course. I'll definitely join.”

After consuming such a precious elixir, if he failed to uphold his end of the deal, he would be worse than a thief – he'd be a dead man.

"That's all I called you for. You can go now."

“Alright. Thanks, really."

With the thought of meditating after consuming the elixir, Eugene hurriedly left.

He might seem a bit rude, but what can he do?

Increasing his mana, which was the most direct factor in becoming stronger, was always an exciting thing.



As the rooftop door closed, Celine let out a sigh.

All because of her naive brother.

She had interrogated Cillian about how he had managed to convince Eugene to join the swordsmanship club.

After all, Eugene had never shown any interest in external activities and wouldn’t have any reason to join a club.

‘I understood when I heard he had been offered the family’s elixir...’

The Luberuta family’s elixir was a high-quality elixir, recognized for its effectiveness.

With such an offer, even someone like Eugene wouldn’t have been able to refuse.

‘...It’s not like it’s forbidden to offer our family’s elixir to outsiders these days.’

Nothing was strange about it.

So, Celine decided to offer him the elixir she had.

Although the Lantern Elixir wasn’t something to be given away easily, she had no choice since she had no elixirs at a lower level.

‘Well might as well offer a good one.’

She was generous, like a true aristocrat.

Cillian tried to stop her, but that was no problem.

He was incredibly weak when it came to her.

The memory of her easily overpowering him in a brief conversation was still vivid.

-Since we’ve decided to give something, why not give it quickly? Dragging this out to offer a lower-grade elixir isn’t befitting of our family's stature.

-I get that, but the Lantern Elixir isn't just any ordinary elixir. It's not something to be given away lightly.

-Our family can afford it. Honestly, even if one Lantern Elixir went missing, it wouldn’t make a difference.

-That's true, but...

-Just accept it. I'll handle it.

She was the younger sister, cleaning up after her brother’s messes.

"My luck..."

With a small sigh, Celine prepared to leave the rooftop.



However, she felt like she stepped on something.

Looking down, she found a tooth.

‘Why is there a tooth here?’

Celine's face filled with surprise.


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