I Became Popular in the Underworld After Live Broadcasting Taoism

Chapter 21

Chapter 20

[Shocking reversal? ! The people in Poshi village will suffer as soon as they go out of the mountains. Is what No. 7 said true? ! 】

[This is too magical, could it be that everyone in their village has been cursed? 】

[Okay, take back what I said before, these villagers are also poor people, if they know that they will not live long after birth, no one will be in a good mood! 】


After Gu Zhisang’s words fell, everyone inside and outside the studio was full of shock and doubts, and several staff members in charge of filming and supervision in the auditorium also looked at each other in blank dismay;

They are the group of people who went to the mountains to find the mother-in-law village after the filming of the show, and asked the village head mother-in-law for permission to shoot. They have heard a little about the rumors of this village.

Poshi Village is a village shrouded in misfortune in the mouths of the mountain people around the mountain;

Both it and the people inside were despised by the mountain gods, and the gods no longer bless them, as long as they enter this village, they will encounter disasters!

In the early years, there were people from other villages and Poshi village who married and intermarried. As a result, the daughter-in-law from Poshi village who married back home either died before returning home, or suddenly fell ill. Fate, a happy event turns into a funeral.

Those women with foreign surnames who married into Poshi Village were all healthy and able to run and dance when they were daughters at home. After marrying into Poshi Village as daughter-in-laws, they either contracted diseases or died at the age of thirty or forty.

Over time, the surrounding villages all said that this Poshi village must have been committed by their ancestors. They did something outrageous and were punished by the mountain gods.

But Rao, the villagers who have lived nearby for decades, don’t know that the people who went out in this village have suffered accidents, and the people in their program team have never heard of it. Gu Zhisang didn’t even know this Can you see it? !

The villagers of Poshi Village, who had been sullen all this time, looked at Gu Zhisang with an expression of disbelief at this time. After a while, the middle-aged woman on the far right couldn’t help but speak in broken Mandarin with a strong local accent:

“How did you know?”

Gu Zhisang: “The ‘phrenology’ technique told me. Everyone’s face is full of his life, whether it is relatives, fortune, wealth, life or death, it is all manifested on your face.”

After the program team sought the consent of the village chief’s mother-in-law and other villagers, she was asked to tell the disaster she saw.

So Gu Zhisang said: “Mother in blue, there are three child lines in your numerology, all of which are male, but three thin lines have manifested at the gate of your life, accompanied by depression and depression, indicating that these three All the kids have gone.”

“The age difference between the first two children is very close. They should have been born two years before and after. They had a good relationship, but they both drowned when they were eight or nine years old. Two years later, your third child was born, and it has been healthy until However, last autumn he decided to leave the village and the mountains, and died unexpectedly two months later.”

“My three children, why am I the only one who suffers so much?!” She just finished speaking, and the blue-clothed aunt cried out: “It’s all my fault that I didn’t stop the third child from running out of the mountain. I killed him what!”

She is forty-nine years old this year, considered a “longevity” in Poshi Village, but she gave birth to three children, two of whom died young, and drowned while playing in Longhu Lake;

The arrival of the third child gave her a little relief, and she gradually forgot the pain caused by the death of the first two children.

Who knows what books he read from outside half a year ago, he was fooled by people who came from outside to investigate, and insisted on going out of the mountain with a group of young people in the village, saying that it is better to see the outside world than waiting to die in the mountain.

The aunt in blue couldn’t persuade her third son, and she was a little lucky in her heart: What if her son could escape the fate of early death after he got out?

So her only son walked out of the mountains and found a job on the construction site. Every time he called her, his tone was cheerful:

‘Mom, the world outside the mountain is more exciting than the one on TV. When I save money, I will buy you a smart phone and take pictures of you outside. If you earn a lot of money, buy a building outside and take you out of the mountain nest! ‘

Such a filial Sanwa died on the construction site in the third month after walking out of the mountain. She was hit directly by the steel plate that fell from the noose, and even the bones were not recovered.

When the police outside contacted her, she passed out on the spot, and almost went with the three children after waking up.

Gu Zhisang pointed out the sad things that had been hidden in her heart, and the blue-clothed aunt broke down emotionally.

After the cry gradually died down, Gu Zhisang continued: “Let’s talk about your apprentice, mother-in-law. From the looks of her, she has the fate of twin twins, that is to say, she also has a twin sister, but the connection between them has been broken. It means that the girl is also dead now.”

The great witch’s apprentice covered his mouth, with tears in his eyes, he choked up and said:

“That’s right, my sister was also among those who came out of the mountain. She was hit by a car at an intersection in the city at night. The driver ran away and has not been caught. I want to go out and find out about this matter, but… “

Both parents and master seriously opposed her when they heard that she was going to leave the mountain, and locked her at home to prevent her from going out. When her sister was transported back to the mountain, only the ashes in the bucket remained.

Her father smoked dry cigarettes at the door all night, “This is our fate, anyone who walks out of the mountains will suffer, your sister just won’t listen.”

Besides the two families in the synagogue, Gu Zhisang also said that the other families she saw when watching the sacrificial ceremony, all of them had children’s ties in their faces, but they had all been broken;

All these were also confirmed by the villagers present. They were all families of young people who had left the mountain but died outside.

Everyone was stunned now, even Xun Yiqing stared as if he didn’t want to believe it, but he couldn’t refute it.

[Except Gu Zhisang, whoever says she doesn’t know metaphysics is really deaf and blind! 】

[It’s too tragic, too tragic, the three children of this aunt in blue are dead, how desperate she is! 】

[It’s really frightening to think about it, brothers, look at the villagers standing in this room, none of them are people who haven’t died in the family recently! When I went up the mountain, I felt strange, why the bags on the mountain grave behind the village looked so new, and the feelings were buried not long ago! 】

【So Gu Zhisang is the most accurate again this time? Sister Sang is awesome! 】

In the uproar of the barrage, the village head’s mother-in-law, who had been staring at Gu Zhisang, sneered and said:

“For so many years, there have been waves of people who have come to our village to look at geomantic omen and geology, and they are not as sharp as a little girl!”

Hearing this, Xun Yiqing’s unattractive face turned into another stalk, this old woman, is she trying to connotate him? !

“Those mediocre people outside say that our village is cursed and rejected by the Goddess of the Mountain. It’s ridiculously shallow-sighted!” Guardian, how can you compare with those mortal bloodlines!”

“Guarding Poshan is the mission of our Poshi Village. We were living in our own place. You extroverts insist on disturbing us and bewitching the young people in our village.” The village head mother-in-law said coldly: “Their The ignorant baby betrays the Goddess of the Mountain, and the result is the punishment given to us by the mountain!”

The program crew and the audience behind the camera finally knew why these villagers showed hatred and wanted to yell and smash when they saw them and the machine carried by the cameraman.

In their eyes, it is the outsiders who brought knowledge and the splendor of the outside world to the mountains. The school education they talked about, the books and TV sets they brought with them made the young people in the mountains feel restless.

Young children are no longer willing to guard the mountain all their lives. They insist on going out to see the outside world. It is because of this that they angered the mountain **** and condemned them.

The mother-in-law of the village head: “So we don’t welcome you foreigners, and you don’t want to gossip in front of the children in the village to encourage them. If I find out, I won’t let you off lightly!”

At this time, the woman in blue who was still sobbing also showed hatred, looked at the program crew and said: “Hurry up and leave, don’t disturb the peace of our village anymore, and don’t bring our children down!”

[God, these villagers are really ignorant. In this era where knowledge can change destiny, there are still people who have this kind of thinking? ? 】

[It’s rare to see upstairs, the more backward the mountain, the more useless it is to read! They think that they can live by relying on the materials in the mountains and rivers, and reading is a waste of time. In fact, there are many places like this. 】

[Even if you don’t go out for a lifetime, it’s not normal for people in the village to only live to be fifty years old? ? ! 】


Gu Zhisang suddenly raised his eyes: “Grandma, is this going to be resolved?”

The village head’s mother-in-law paused and narrowed her cloudy eyes: “Then tell me, what can you do to solve it?”

“The reason why the village is located in a treasured place of geomantic omen, but it has manifested as a poor place, is it true that mother-in-law really doesn’t know what’s going on?” Gu Zhisang said coldly:

“One acupoint double-purposes to cover up the secrets, and the living give the dead a foundation. This is a big taboo in Fengshui! These people in the village are your fellow villagers, descendants or even relatives. Would you rather watch them go one by one, mother-in-law? Are you unwilling to completely break the shackles that imprison your ethnic group even if you go the old road of ‘fate’?”

What she said was three points clear, and the villagers present and the audience in the live broadcast room couldn’t understand at all, but from the sudden change of expression of the village chief’s mother-in-law and the weird atmosphere between the two, one can vaguely understand what she meant:

The village chief’s mother-in-law seems to know how to break the “curse” of Poshi Village?

Seeing the eyes of several villagers looking over, the old woman looked gloomy, stared at Gu Zhisang for a long time, and then said slowly:

“Honey, I don’t understand what you’re talking about.”

After finishing speaking, she supported her crutches and stood up with the support of her apprentice, “I don’t care what you guys want to shoot when I’m tired. The sun is setting today, and Juanzi will clean up some unoccupied yards for you in the back mountain. , you rest overnight and leave quickly tomorrow.”

After the village head’s mother-in-law left, there were only a few villagers left in the auditorium and the people from the program team looked at each other in blank dismay.

The host Liu conscientiously read the closing words:

“Dear viewers, the second half of this group competition is over. According to the directors’ team and online real-time voting, the top four contestants are No. 7 Gu Zhisang, No. 2 Bai Ci, No. 1 Xun Yiqing and No. 9 He Mitu, these four contestants are the top four contestants of this issue of “Ling Shi”, let us congratulate them!”

“As for the list of eliminations, according to the public vote, there have been three candidates.”

There is no doubt that the candidates for the elimination of this issue will be selected from the three contestants who have not found Po Shicun at all, and the person who was finally voted out is the No. 5 rich second generation.

Da Liu said: “Does player No. 5 have anything to say about this result?”

No. 5 bitterly said: “There’s nothing to say, I’m really here to play tickets, I can only say that everyone behind the screen don’t come here if you don’t have the courage, these mysterious things really exist!”

The barrage is all laughing and joking:

[No. 5 is simply a funny person, he left and my enjoyment of watching the show was halved. 】

[He looks exactly the same as when I went to the haunted house and came out, he is a foodie and loves to play! 】

[No. 5 is the babysitter invited by the program group, hahaha, the acting is very good, don’t act next time. 】

[Are the contestants and the director going down the mountain now? You don’t really want to live in this village, do you? ? Everyone pay attention to safety! 】

After the announcement of the end of this program, the staff of the program group turned off the camera and began to dismantle other temporary facilities in the auditorium.

The young woman named Juanzi who was beside the village chief’s mother-in-law looked indifferent and said, “Come with me.”

It was already after eight or nine o’clock, and the mountain was very dark at night. It was neither safe nor realistic to go down the mountain immediately. Although everyone always felt that it was awkward to live in this village, they still stayed temporarily.

Perhaps because they were too tired, the program team fell asleep unconsciously.

In his sleep, Li Chenghe felt himself slapped a few times and woke up suddenly. When he opened his eyes, he saw a slender person standing on the wooden bed, which made his heart tremble with fright.

“Gu…Master Gu?” He looked bewildered. “What are you doing next to my bed?”

For some reason, Gu Zhisang didn’t go to sleep, his clothes were neatly dressed, and he looked a little strange, “How did you negotiate with the village chief before you came here?”

Li Chenghe: “Just, just tell her that we want to film some programs visiting their villages, and she agrees, what’s the matter, is there any problem?”

“Didn’t you tell them it was a live broadcast?”

“It’s not…”

Gu Zhisang was a little speechless, she clasped her hands together, and muttered in her mouth: “Because of the prestige and sageness, the infinite supreme lord, stand for seventeen years, and the words will soar. Will be millions…①”

“Master Gu, what are you doing?” Li Chenghe panicked.

However, in the next second, Gu Zhisang’s knuckles pricked several acupuncture points on his chest quickly, and the voice of chanting the mantra suddenly became louder, “…great compassion and great wish, great sage and great mercy, limitless people. My lord Laojun is as anxious as a law! ①”

He only felt a stabbing pain from his chest, and as his abdomen was poked, he opened his mouth to cry out in pain;

Before the sound came out, nausea surged up in his stomach, his throat constricted twice, and he vomited out a puddle of foul-smelling acid water with a ‘wow’ sound.

Li Chenghe felt bitter and astringent in his mouth, but the drowsy feeling in his head disappeared. He took a closer look and saw that there was a fat and soft worm as thick as a little finger in the bitter water in the vomit on the ground under the moonlight. Creep twist!

This thing came out of his stomach!

At that moment, nausea, fear, horror and other emotions rushed into his heart. He got goosebumps all over his body and looked away. Before he could speak, he stumbled and leaned against the corner of the wall, holding his stomach and retching.

After a while, Li Chenghe’s eyes stared straight, and when he turned his head, he saw Gu Zhisang picked up the bug with a thin branch, and put it into the glass jar he found somewhere;

He didn’t dare to look at the vat at all, and suppressed his nausea and trembled:

“Master Gu, what the **** is this? Why is it in…my stomach?!”

Gu Zhisang’s eyes were cold, “This is a ‘Gu’.”

Gu insects are the most abundant in Xiangcheng, but not only there, this kind of insects often choose different types of five poisons and put them in urns according to different purposes, so that they cannibalize each other;

The one that survived in the end became a ‘Gu’.

And then put the ‘Gu’ in the same container to kill each other, and the one that is raised repeatedly is the ‘Gu King’. This kind of insect often needs to be fed with blood, yin energy, live insects, etc., a small insect It has been a common occurrence since ancient times that weeds kill people.

“Gu?!” Li Chenghe suddenly thought of what He Mitu said in the afternoon, that the village chief old woman is a “wizard” who can hang her apprentice’s life with Gu insects, and there is an extra Gu insect in his stomach for no reason. The hand is already very clear!

“Why did she do this? People in the village smashed my camera, and I didn’t ask them to pay for it. If you don’t want us to shoot, don’t agree!”

Li Chenghe was aggrieved and collapsed, he just felt that this episode of the program was thankless for him, and he almost lost his life!

Gu Zhisang coughed lightly, “It should be aimed at me. I revealed the secret that the old witch wanted to hide, and she was afraid that I would reveal it.”

For the secret that she worked so hard to cover up, the old woman chose to kill people to silence her, and she used cruel and vicious methods to directly put a spell on everyone in the program team!

Gu Zhisang’s body and body are protected by the ‘Qi’ from practice. The moment the Gu worm was close to the skin, she sensed it. When she got up and saw that the other staff members were drowsy, she knew that they had all been tricked. up.

It’s just that the old wizard has never stepped out of the mountain, and she is short-sighted and self-confident. She thinks that the camera carried by the program team is the same as those who went into the mountain to shoot documentaries before, and needs to be edited and released;

She didn’t even know that there was something called ‘live streaming’ in this world.

The program group’s Po-style village tour has long been watched online by millions of viewers, and related hot searches are still hanging up on the Internet.

Even if they were really killed by Gu in the mountains, the police would come directly to them.

Li Chenghe: “What secret did you discover about her?!”

“This Poshi village isn’t any kind of mountain guards at all, they are a clan of tomb guards that have been passed down from ancient times to the present.” Gu Zhisang’s tone was flat, as if he was talking about an unimportant thing:

“What we are stepping on should be a large imperial tomb.”

Li Chenghe:? !

“Call the police first.” Gu Zhisang said, dialed the police line, and the operator on the other end answered:

“Hello, this is the Municipal Public Security Bureau. Is there anything I can help you with?”

Gu Zhisang: “I found a large-scale and well-preserved tomb group in Poshan Mountain. It is estimated that it should be an emperor’s tomb more than 600 years ago. It needs to be taken over by the authorities. In addition, I reported that the village chief of Poshi Village used Gu to kill tourists. , Attempt to kill and silence, please arrest the police as soon as possible.”

operator:? ?

He heard that he doubted life, what kind of tombs, Gu worms, this person must be making up stories to report false police, wasting police force!

But then he listened to the female voice on the other end of the phone: “I’m not kidding, you can report it, there is always enough level in your superiors to know about these things.”

The operator frowned. After all, this is the border of Southern Province. There are indeed many mysterious legends, among which there are rumors about the Poshan Tomb.

After hesitating for a moment, he was still skeptical and called his superior.

Soon one call after another was transmitted upwards, and the operator also received an urgent question…

Li Chenghe, who heard the shocking secret, was full of doubts, but he knew that now was not the time to ask.

One by one, Gu Zhisang used the “Elimination Curse” that was cast on him just now to remove Gu from those who were unconscious due to the Gu worm’s haunting. people.

At this moment, there was a knock on the outer door of the small building they lived in. An anxious Bai Ci came. Seeing Gu Zhisang and the other staff retching, he breathed a sigh of relief:

“You also discovered that the people in my building have no major problems.”

Those Gu worms didn’t even get close to him and the others, they just disappeared and were eaten up by his hedgehogs.

Gu Zhisang gave him a meaningful look, and after the young man averted his gaze, he said, “There are still a group of people living in the southernmost part, I’ll go there now.”

Bai Ci: “I’ll go too.”

The two of them walked to the single building on the south side one after the other, and found that it was quiet here. Gu Zhisang kicked open the door and walked in, narrowing his eyes slightly when he saw the young man in cotton cloth standing beside the bed.

He Mitu rubbed his eyes, as if awakened by the sound, and asked in surprise, “Why are you here?”

Gu Zhisang: …

“They were bewitched, don’t you know?”

He Mitu was shocked, “How could this happen? I didn’t even notice, maybe those Gu worms sensed my breath and avoided me automatically.”

This explanation is really far-fetched. As a witch who learned to play Gu, he didn’t find that Gu worms had entered the house. Gu Zhisang absolutely didn’t believe it, but he didn’t know why this person felt it, but he didn’t take action to stop it, let alone help.

I saw the people who were knocked down by the Gu worms lying on the bed in disorder.

A decent person like Xun Yiqing was completely unprepared for these insidious tricks, and even fell for them.

She only opened up one acupuncture point of Xun Yiqing, and the other party forced the Gu worm out by himself. It turned out that he had discovered the moment the Gu worm entered his body, and had been sealing off the hole to prevent it from being invaded further.

After realizing that he was saved by Gu Zhisang, Xun Yiqing’s expression was stiff: “Thank you…”

Over there, Bai Ci also forced out the Gu worms in the two people’s bodies, and they were directly swallowed by the giant hedgehog at his feet;

When he was the last man, he was not doing well because of the long delay.

Gu worms are only as big as a hair at first, but once they enter a person’s body, they start to devour their vitality and flesh and blood, expanding and growing;

The Gu used by the great witch is an extremely vicious and greedy type, which can eat up a living person in two or three hours.

The other contestants who came to their senses also knew the seriousness of the situation, Daisy turned pale, “What should we do now?”

Gu Zhisang frowned, “The worm is in his heart now, it’s not easy to force it out, it will damage his heart and lung organs.”

Xun Yiqing stood up abruptly, “I’ll go and catch that old hag!”

At this moment, the old monk, who had always been kind and kind, clasped his hands together and said, “Let the poor monk try it.”

He stepped forward and rolled up his sleeves, only then did Gu Zhisang see that the skin on his arm was bumpy, the old monk cut his arm and placed it on the unconscious man’s chest, blood gushed down his fingers immediately It flowed down, and there was a strange fishy sweetness in the air.

“This is?” Others had never seen such a method, but Gu Zhisang was a little surprised.

According to legend, the Tathagata cut his meat to feed the eagle, and fed his body to the tiger. He practiced the way of compassion to the extreme, and finally became a Buddha immediately.

The way of Zen practiced by this monk is the way of compassion, which belongs to a kind of ascetic monks. It needs to cultivate the mind and body. It is a very difficult and harsh Buddhist practice;

Even she only saw it once in her previous life, she didn’t expect there to be such a Buddhist cultivator in the “Spiritual Affairs” program group.

After the old monk’s blood dripped onto the man’s chest, a small bulge appeared there not long after, and a big worm as thick as a thumb crawled out of it, greedily sucking the monk’s blood.

Gu Zhisang quickly picked it up and sealed it in a glass bottle. Since then, the Gu worms in everyone’s bodies have been eliminated.

She took out a talisman from her sleeve with her backhand, and sandwiched it between her fingers. When she raised her hand, the talisman burned on her fingertips. After stuffing it into the bottle, it burned the Gu worms inside to ‘crackling’ and struggled continuously.

In the main house of Poshi Village closest to the ancestral hall, there was a sharp and painful cry. The villagers who heard the sound put on their clothes and rushed in. They saw the village chief’s mother-in-law lying on the bed with half of her body under the bed and vomited. A mouthful of blood.

“Grandma, are you okay?!”

The village chief’s mother-in-law looked resentful. She didn’t expect that all her Gu would be caught so quickly, and she would be strangled directly, “It’s them…don’t let them run away!”

The mission of their clan is to protect the ancestral land for a lifetime, and it must not be destroyed by others!

The villagers gritted their teeth and said, “It was those outsiders who hurt you? I knew they shouldn’t be allowed in. I’ll call the villagers to catch them now!”

Soon, every house in the village turned on the lights. When they heard that the village chief’s mother-in-law had been hurt by a stranger, hundreds of families in the village rushed out, rushing towards the small building with hammers and axes.

The program team, including the staff, and their group are only more than 30 people, and they have no advantage at all in front of a group of aggressive villagers with weapons.

Hearing the approaching sounds and scolding from outside, Li Chenghe and others showed panic, “What should we do now? These villagers don’t make any sense at all, and we can’t reason with them at all!”

Daisy sneered, and suddenly took out a knife from her bosom, “Don’t be afraid of these people, who doesn’t know how to practice witchcraft! If they dare to come over, I will let them taste the Substitution Gu!”

Substitute Gu is a kind of witchcraft in the Norwegian witchcraft sect. The witch uses her own body as a medium, and all the wounds that hurt her body will be transferred to another body.

That is to say, if Daisy stabs herself, a knife will appear on the opposite villager’s body. If she twists her own neck, the other person will directly die.

Gu Zhisang frowned, and stretched out his hand to block it, “Witchcraft has backlash, there’s no need for it.”

She pondered for a while, and took out a stack of yellow paper from her backpack.

The villagers outside were still approaching aggressively, yelling to let them out, while Gu Zhisang inside was still cutting a stack of thick yellow paper with scissors in his hands.

She cut out a stack of human-shaped paper, then closed her eyes, wrapped the paper in her palm and rubbed it, “Heaven bestows divine power, sow beans into soldiers, and the Supreme Lord is as urgent as the law! ②”

After speaking, a burst of anger flowed from her body to the palm of her hand, she raised her hand suddenly, and the human-shaped yellow paper in her hand was overflowing.

This is a kind of spell in Qimen Dunjia. According to legend, in ancient times, there was a strange man named Ma Yin in the army. He grabbed a handful of beans and scattered them, and he became a million Yin soldiers and defeated the enemy.

This kind of technique does exist, but its power has been greatly exaggerated. It is not only beans that can become soldiers. It is actually using the caster’s ‘qi’ to fill the objects that serve as the body and make them come alive for a short time ‘.

The stronger the caster’s ability, the more ‘bean soldiers’ that can be driven, and the greater the power.

Outside the house, the villagers speaking the local dialect were discussing to break in directly, when they heard a loud ‘bang’, the door and windows of the small building were pushed open from the inside.

Immediately afterwards, they saw an unforgettable scene in their lives.

Long and flat ‘people’ with stiff hands and feet, rough and blurred features on their faces, poured out continuously from the doors, windows and windows, especially eerie and weird under the moonlight in the dark night.

Some timid villagers didn’t even dare to look carefully at those staring eyes, and stumbled back: “Ghost! There is a ghost!”

There were too many paper soldiers, and they looked too scary. Amidst the screams one after another, the bullying villagers rushed away.

As soon as the wind blows, there are no ghosts in front of the small building. The palm-sized human-shaped yellow paper is blown by the wind, circling in the air…

In the middle of the night, a large number of official personnel with flashlights finally found Poshi Village.

They woke up those villagers from their homes, and when they controlled them, for some reason, the faces of these villagers turned ashen, and they said that there were evil spirits in the village.

After seeing the familiar police badge and uniform, the staff of the program team, who had experienced a day of horror, finally relaxed and were so excited that they were about to cry.

Among them, a middle-aged man in a windbreaker with half-long hair walked up to Gu Zhisang with a cigarette in his mouth.

He stretched out his hand and said solemnly: “Hello, I’m a member of the official special department – Spirit Group: Gu Xuechun, I’m the head of the Southern Provincial Branch. It’s you who said you found the big tomb in Poshan?”

Gu Zhisang said ‘hmm’: “It’s just below this village.”

“Are you sure?” Gu Xuechun frowned. They had looked at all the possible places in Mount Po, but found nothing, and when they passed the village several times, no one suspected that the tomb was under it, because the soil around the village was so feng shui. It’s too bad.

How could an emperor’s tomb be built on such Feng Shui?

At this moment, a police officer walked over to the village chief’s mother-in-law with a sluggish expression. When she saw Gu Zhisang, she showed resentment on her face: “You girl, are you going to kill our whole village? You will be punished!”

Gu Zhisang twitched the corner of his mouth: “I don’t know if I will suffer retribution, but you have already been backlashed. To be honest, old lady, I think you are quite pitiful. Don’t you know the reason why people in this village live so long? Yuan loss, weak body and unable to go out of the mountain, is it all because of the tomb that you guarded as a baby.”

A flash of light flashed in Gu Xuechun’s mind, as if he had caught something: “Tomb guard?”

“That’s right, they should be descendants of craftsmen, the clan of tomb guards.”

In ancient times, when the emperor built the tombs, it would take a long time once the construction started. They would select good craftsmen to enter the tombs to build the tombs. In order to prevent them from sneaking out, the imperial court would send people to gather their relatives and children to live together.

Often the tomb is repaired for more than ten years. After the repair is completed, in order not to reveal the various mechanisms and structures in the tomb, those craftsmen will be killed directly in the tomb and buried with them.

Some emperors with a colder heart were not at ease after killing craftsmen. He would drive the descendants of these craftsmen to live and live around the mausoleum, and became mausoleum guardians to guard the imperial tomb for generations.

In the beginning, the existence of the “big witch” was to fool these descendants of craftsmen and brainwash them so that they would not think about escaping.

In this way, this group of people slowly formed a village around the mausoleum and took root in their lives.

Every generation of ‘Great Witch’ will select disciples to pass on the mantle and tell them about the existence of the Imperial Tomb, and only the ‘Great Witch’ knows their true mission.

Gu Zhisang looked at the village chief’s mother-in-law and said, “If it’s just guarding the mausoleum, it’s fine. Unfortunately, the emperor your ancestors met was not a good person. He knew that the dragon veins on this mountain were extremely prosperous, and the mountains and rivers surrounded it to form a treasure cave. He and the tomb robber knew at a glance that an emperor was buried here. In order to avoid being dug up after his death, he came up with a way to hide Feng Shui: one cave with two tombs, and use the vitality of the living to support the foundation of the dead. “

Hearing this, Gu Xuechun’s eyes widened suddenly, and the cigarette **** in his mouth almost fell to the ground.

“It turned out to be like this… It turned out to be like this!”

The village chief’s mother-in-law was a little flustered, she couldn’t understand what Gu Zhisang was saying, but she vaguely felt that it would be something she couldn’t bear.

Her master told her since she was a child that they are the guardians of the tomb and the mountain. This is the mission of their clan and must not be violated.

If you violate the mission, you will suffer retribution!

She was sure of it.

It turned out to be true, and those children who walked out of the mountains never came back.

Gu Zhisang: “Under the treasure cave, there is a group of shady tombs. In order to hide the real acupoint energy from being discovered, a layer of open graves needs to be built directly above the cave entrance. If I guessed correctly, the ancestral hall of your Poshi village is here. Northeast direction. In this way, the yin and yang double graves are built on the feng shui acupuncture point, which can reverse the aura around the acupoint. On the surface, it seems that the feng shui here is not good and the geology is barren. In fact, this is an illusion, and the real dragon energy is covered along the The mouth of the cave has flowed into the tomb beneath the ground!”

“And if no one enshrines the Ming Tomb, it will lose its effect over time. Therefore, in order to keep this cover-up cover up, there must always be living people enshrining it with their own vitality.”

“Stop talking, I don’t want to hear your nonsense!” The village chief’s mother-in-law screamed.

Gu Xuechun, who was licking the cigarette holder, frowned and sighed in his heart, feeling that the people in this village were really pitiful.

Gu Zhisang’s tone was flat: “Every newborn in your village has to hold a ceremony to sacrifice and pray for them, but do you know that the blessing charms you draw are not the blessing spells you think at all. That is a kind of soul lock specially used to communicate and connect to the imperial tomb. Every time you think you pray for blessings, you are actually offering sacrifices to those children’s vitality and numerology, connecting them with this imperial tomb, and becoming a Ming tomb to cover up the secrets of heaven. nourishment…”

“you shut up!”

In fact, Gu Zhisang believed that the mother-in-law of the village chief did not know the truth of this matter, because although she was a ‘big witch’, in terms of blood, she was selected from the descendants of these tomb guards.

I don’t know when, those great witches who guarded the secrets of the imperial tomb and kept connecting newborns with the imperial tomb as sacrifices became the descendants of these poor ethnic groups.

They passed it on from generation to generation, and sent their relatives and friends to the altar, and were drained of energy and longevity by this big tomb.

Once the “sacrifice” is far away from the scope of the tomb, it will be backlashed by violating the sacrificial covenant, and will die in various ways.

Gu Zhisang: “It was you who sent these villagers to the point of no return.”

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