I Became Popular in the Underworld After Live Broadcasting Taoism

Chapter 16

Chapter 15

Hearing what Gu Zhisang said, Sister Xing said angrily: “What are you talking about? You curse others to death when you open your mouth. You are here to find fault!”

However, she didn’t notice Yu Tongqiu’s ugly face, after a long silence, Yu Tongqiu raised his head and said in a hoarse voice: “Sister Xing, actually what Miss Gu said is quite right, I really feel like I’m going to die suddenly at some point. “

“Don’t talk nonsense!”

“It’s true, sister Xing, you don’t understand that feeling. Even if I walk in the sun these days, I still feel my body trembling and my palms sweating! When it’s time to close my eyes and go to sleep at night, I feel chest tightness and breathlessness. Nightmare in three places…”

Yu Tongqiu spoke intermittently, his lips turned blue and his eyes dimmed, and finally he covered his face in some collapse;

After she found out that she was not in the right condition, she went to the hospital immediately, had a physical examination and went to see a psychologist, but nothing was found. The doctor said that she might be caused by too much psychological pressure.

Sister Xing’s face was ugly, and she said anxiously: “You **** girl, why didn’t you tell me after suffering for so long?!”

She could actually guess why.

After so many years of working in the industry, she has managed dozens of artists, and she is also used to the filth in the industry. She knows that some artists take shortcuts for the sake of popularity, raise little ghosts, and the seeds of new generations emerge endlessly. She absolutely forbids the artists under her hand. To get in touch with these metaphysical spirits.

Yu Tongqiu is the hardest-working and most obedient entertainer she has brought over these years. She has never been forced to hype, and has come to this day with her solid acting skills. She has reported good news to the company and family;

After she fell off the horse, she didn’t tell herself, the director only informed her.

Sister Xing was distressed and anxious, seeing Yu Tongqiu’s haggard appearance in just a few days, and a series of situations such as her pinching her neck and being unconscious just now, this is obviously abnormal!

Taking a deep breath, Sister Xing lowered her posture and said to Gu Zhisang: “Miss Gu, I was too impatient just now, and my tone was a bit aggressive. Can you please help Tong Qiu to see what’s wrong with her?”

Tong Qiu’s reaction shows that she and Gu Zhisang are not familiar with each other at all, so it is impossible to tell each other these secrets;

But this actress suddenly appeared, and Tong Qiu woke up after a few moments. Thinking of the frequent hot searches on the Internet these days, Sister Xing realized that Gu Zhisang really has skills, not some marketing script!

Gu Zhisang didn’t feel relieved at all, since he appeared suddenly, it was a normal reaction for people to be more vigilant.

She looked at Yu Tongqiu and asked, “When we came in, how did you feel?”

“I actually heard Sister Xing’s voice at the time, and wanted to open my eyes to respond, but my limbs and eyelids were so heavy that I couldn’t move at all…” Yu Tongqiu recalled, with a look of fear on his face: “Then I couldn’t breathe It’s coming, it’s like someone is choking my neck hard, I hear a harsh voice telling me to die, I can’t tell if I’m dreaming or reality!”

Sister Xing: “This must be a ghost pressing the bed!”

“It’s not just that simple. There is indeed a ghost in your house, and it is a ghost born of resentment. It has stayed by your side for at least three or five days; it was lying beside your bed when we entered the door.” Gu Zhi Sang frowned, “Have you ever looked in the mirror, the lower eyelids are blue and black, the lips are bloodless, and the skin is dry, it is obvious that the loss of yang energy is serious and the yin deficiency is excessive. If you stay with it for two more days, the family can directly Come to collect the body.”

Sister Xing exclaimed: “A ghost? How could Tong Qiu mess with such a thing?!”

Gu Zhisang said: “Then I have to ask Sister Qiu herself. From my point of view, that fierce ghost has broken away from the ordinary white-shirted yellow pages. Its soul, fire, blood, redness and resentment are extremely deep. It must have died unjustly and tragically before it was alive. It should be newly dead. The dead souls are not infected with murder for the time being because the first revenge of the ghost after death must be the person it hated the most before death, and it will not change its target if it does not retaliate successfully.”

After death, the soul will return to the underworld, and the soul that still stays in the world is called ghost.

There are ranks among ghosts.

The discouraged ghosts are the weakest, and they are the most common type in the underworld; the second is the white-clothed ghosts, who can’t kill people if they don’t have a lot of resentment, and at most make people suffer some bad luck.

The ghosts that go further up have a certain threatening power, and are usually transformed by obsession or resentment in the heart after an abnormal death;

Among them, the ghosts with dark red souls are the ones with a lot of resentment. Most of these ghosts suffered unimaginable pain before they were alive, and died with despair and hatred.

Folks often say that people who die in red will turn into ghosts, but this is actually a fallacy. The so-called ghosts in red actually refer to the fire and blood of the soul.

And Gu Zhisang Yu Tongqiu saw the ghost above his head, with blood and tears in his eyes, reddened with resentment. “So there is only one explanation for it to haunt you. It thinks that you, sister Qiu, killed it and came to claim your life.”

Yu Tongqiu was at a loss and kept shaking his head, “No, I’ve been filming in the crew for the past six months, so I don’t have the time to hurt people.”

Sister Xing also said in a firm tone, “I don’t know about others, it’s impossible for Tong Qiu to do such a thing.”

Gu Zhisang didn’t doubt Yu Tong Qiu, as early as when the two met for the first time, she could see that this woman had a gentle face, not only was she not a vicious person, she should have done a lot of good deeds;

If not, it would be impossible for her to agree to Grandma Tong Qiu’s request.

But looking at her again today, her face has changed, and she is faintly full of blood.

Gu Zhisang had some guesses in his mind, and asked Yu Tongqiu to think carefully about all the abnormal things that happened during this period of time.

“At the beginning, I just had some strange dreams, and I didn’t sleep very well at night. Later, as time went by, the pictures in the dreams became clearer and clearer, and I could always see a man smiling at me. Stop, chasing me in the dream, your eyes seem to say ‘you can’t escape’!” Yu Tongqiu said with a tired expression, “I was so scared that I kept running and didn’t dare to stop. After getting up during the day, my limbs were weak and my mind was dizzy. I can’t even get up the energy to memorize the lines…”

“A man?” Gu Zhisang raised his eyebrows.

“Yes, although I can’t remember his face, I’m sure it’s a man.”

“Then do you know that the deadly ghost is a female. Although I only glanced at it briefly, it must have been underage when it died, because it seemed to be wearing a school uniform.” Gu Zhisang said lightly. .

“Students?!” Sister Xing frowned even more tightly, “That’s even more impossible. Tong Qiu’s job has no access to children who haven’t graduated, and she donates a lot of money every year to build schools and give money to the mountainous areas. How could a student be killed if he buys a book for his child?”

On the contrary, Yu Tongqiu was stunned for a moment, and said with a wry smile: “I don’t understand, because since three or five days ago, I haven’t dreamed about that man at night… The scene in the dream turned into late night, High-rise building, I can see a girl lying in a pool of blood downstairs on the ground from a distance, I can only see that her expression is so distorted, her eyes are blood red…”

Every time she woke up, she didn’t dare to open her eyes at all, because something on her body was pressing her heavily, making it difficult for her to breathe.

Such constant torture made Yu Tongqiu increasingly haggard. She changed her residence several times, but to no avail. She was on the verge of collapse both physically and mentally.

Finally, when filming the horse riding scene yesterday, she saw those blood-red eyes full of resentment in the crowd, and was dragged down by a strong force in a trance, directly falling off the horse;

If the staff hadn’t been on time, she would have been kicked and trampled by the horse.

Yu Tongqiu’s voice choked up, “I don’t know what I see is true and what is false.”

“It’s actually very simple, the ghost you see is not the same.”

Yu Tongqiu, Sister Xing:? !

Gu Zhisang pondered for a moment and said: “I have already understood the specific situation, let me talk about the red-clothed ghost that ran away just now, it is indeed here for revenge, but the target of revenge is not you, but your ‘fate’. “

Yu Tongqiu’s expression was blank, and when she heard Gu Zhisang’s next words, her pupils tightened and she shuddered.

“Don’t you notice that your face is changing?”

“I…” Yu Tongqiu’s throat was astringent. In fact, when she looked at the face in the mirror recently, she always felt a little strange, but she didn’t think about it. The skin has deteriorated.

Sister Xing also felt the same way, “I seem to be a bit lethargic, is there something wrong?”

Gu Zhisang leaned on her body slightly, and raised Tong Qiu’s sharp and thin chin with his light white fingertips. When he got closer, Yu Tong Qiu could smell her faint, grassy and sandalwood scent, which was very pleasant and comfortable.

Her eye shape is upturned but not kitsch Ruifeng eyes, even if the eyes are lazy and drooping, they are extremely beautiful and have a particularly impactful force;

Yu Tongqiu, who has acted in so many scenes, felt casual teasing on a woman for the first time. She was a little embarrassed, but then she found that Gu Zhisang stretched out his palm to cover her eyes and nose bridge.

“Sister Xing, do you still think that the person in front of you is Yu Tongqiu, the three-gold actress whom you know?”

Sister Xing stared at the exposed lower half of her face, horrified in her heart, “This?!”

After such a comparison, she was surprised to find that Yu Tongqiu’s face had changed so much. At first glance, her facial features were still the same, but when she looked closely, she found that the corners of her lips were drooping, and her chin was a little shriveled. It seemed that her face was not so smooth and compact…

It’s like a completely different person from more than a month ago!

It suddenly occurred to her that two days ago, when Tong Qiu got off work, the paparazzi who were standing guard outside the film crew had secretly photographed him, and posted it on the Internet to ridicule Tong Qiu’s face collapse, cosmetic surgery sequelae, old age, and so on;

And then a bunch of sailors appeared to lead the rhythm, saying that Tong Qiu was not worthy of playing the heroine of “Legend of the Floating Sea”.

At that time, they only thought that the other party had bought a black hot search, but now that they think about it carefully, they are terrified;

That’s right, just because of poor rest, will the state become so exaggerated?

Gu Zhisang put down his palm and said, “Your life has been changed.”

A person’s face changes drastically for no reason, the only possibility is that the fortune-telling has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Yu Tongqiu’s fate should have been deeply blessed and she died of old age, but now there is a faint layer of blood and evil covering her face, which is merging with her original face, and her fortune line and appearance have naturally changed. Variety.

These changes are slow, and it is difficult for her family members, agents, etc. who often live with her to see them.

They would only feel that Yu Tongqiu’s vigor was getting worse day by day, that he lost all vitality and was lifeless.

But netizens who seldom see her at first glance will be shocked at how she has completely changed? !

The facial features are not full, the eyes are a little smaller because of the dull look, and the shape of the face is a bit strange…

And this is not the final result;

When her fate is completely replaced by another person, her appearance will also become that of another person.

Gu Zhisang said: “You are still Yu Tongqiu, but you are not. After the fate swap, everything between you and the person who stole your fate will be reversed. Your luck, blessings, health, etc. will all be reversed.” Transfer to the other party; at the same time, if the other party commits crimes, these evil obstacles will also be transferred to you.”

“The identity of ghosts is not identified by five sense organs, but by the relationship between numerology and their own grievances. This red-clothed ghost has nothing to do with you, but the person who stole your fate is the culprit who killed it. Now that Fate is in harmony with you, and the ghosts will naturally look for grievances and come to you to claim their lives.”

Sister Xing stood up abruptly, clenched her fists and gritted her teeth: “I’m just saying, how could Tong Qiu hurt people when he’s good? Who is so vicious?!”

For a moment, many suspects appeared in her mind.

Gu Zhisang said again: “Swapping fate is not easy. First, you need to know Sister Qiu’s date of birth, and second, you need to know Sister Qiu’s personal belongings. Those who can gather both of these at the same time should be the people around Sister Qiu.”

Sister Xing widened her eyes, frowned and said, “I didn’t do it.”

Yu Tongqiu hurriedly said: “I know it definitely won’t be Sister Xing. You have been taking me with you since I debuted, talking about resources and finding scripts for me, and treating me like my own sister. I suspect that no one will doubt you. “

Sister Xing was relieved, but she still said in a serious tone: “Even if it wasn’t me, as your manager, I didn’t notice anything unusual, and someone took your personal things and hurt you, it’s my fault. I’ll take care of this matter.” Check, even if I dig three feet into the ground, I will find this person and find out who is the one who eats inside and out!”

She softened her tone and posture again, with a pleading tone:

“Miss Gu, since you can see Tong Qiu’s problem, can you please solve this vicious life-changing? I know that the masters in this industry have appearance fees, whether it is money or other things, as long as I, Xing Lan, can do it anything.”

“There is no need for the appearance fee. Someone has already paid for her. I am here this time to help her get rid of the disaster.”

Gu Zhisang told Yu Tongqiu the deal that the old woman made with her before entering the underworld, and she did not hide the importance of the golden light of merit.

Hearing that his grandma had done meritorious deeds for helping him eliminate the disaster, Yu Tongqiu burst into tears, crying uncontrollably, saying that he was not filial, so he couldn’t rush back to see grandma for the last time.

After she calmed down a bit, Gu Zhisang said again:

“I said that the strange thing about you is not only a little bit of fate, I see that a very strange contract has been planted in your soul, but it is covered up by the changed fate. To find out, you have to Change your destiny first.”

Xing Lan hurriedly asked: “How?”

“Ghost hunting.”

The red-clothed fiery ghost claimed his life because of hatred, so he must know who killed it. As long as he catches him, he can know the information of that person and break the life-changing spell.

“Although it was injured and escaped by me, its resentment towards the master of fate is endless. These days, it follows Sister Qiu just to take revenge. Now that Sister Qiu is at her weakest, it will never give up this great opportunity. I will definitely look for it again.” Gu Zhisang said, “It just so happens that I also have something to ask about it.”

Hearing that Li Gui will come back, Yu Tongqiu and Xing Lan have already started to panic, and then they listened to Gu Zhisang:

“I will guard Sister Qiu for the next two days, but before that, I have to buy some materials for making formations and making talismans. I will leave two defensive talismans for you, and you two will wait here for my return…”

The two looked at each other, feeling guilty.

Xing Lan was a little embarrassed and said: “Miss Gu, I’m really afraid that the ghost will take revenge, can we save something to fight against it?”

Noticing the sight, Gu Zhisang raised his eyebrows: “You want me to keep this wooden sword?”

“is it okay?”

Just now Gu Zhisang poked with the wooden sword, and drove away the ghost, giving them both a strong sense of security.

“This is useless for you to keep, it’s better to use a self-defense talisman.” Gu Zhisang said honestly, “This is a piece of ordinary wood I bought online for 9 yuan with free shipping. Handy tool.”

“The reason why I can exorcise ghosts is not because this sword is good, but because I am good.”

Xing Lan, Yu Tongqiu: …

Half an hour later, in front of the incense shop closest to Fenglin Community, a luxury car stopped in front of the shop.

Three women wearing masks got out of the car. The one before her had a dusty temperament, with delicate eyebrows and eyes like snow, while the other two, for some reason, followed her step by step, wishing to stick their whole bodies on top of her.

It was Gu Zhisang and the three of them.

Xing Lan and Yu Tongqiu agreed that it was safer to be with Gu Zhisang anywhere, so they went out together to buy materials.

The owner of the incense shop is a young man, leaning on a recliner with a toothpick in his mouth, “What do you beauties want to buy?”

Xing Lan hurriedly stepped forward and said: “Miss Gu, we are supposed to buy these things. How can they cost you money? Tell me what you need.”

Gu Zhisang didn’t shirk, and said a few things needed for the formation and making of talismans. After hearing this, Xing Lan told the young shopkeeper:

“These things are worth 10. Please pack the boss and help me move it to the trunk of the car. By the way, all of them must be made of the best materials and the most expensive. Money is not a problem.”

The shop owner was dumbfounded, and was amused for a long time, “Okay! Waiting for the beauty, I will go to stock up now! Looking at you, you have extraordinary temperament and aura, you must be a fan of metaphysics. We also have There are some magic weapons with good power, such as the five emperors’ money and the compass, all of them are licensed products in the past year!”

Xing Lan was worried that she didn’t know how to prepare a thank you gift, and her eyes lit up when she heard the words, thinking of Gu Zhisang’s 99 free shipping mahogany, she said: “Take me there to have a look.”

After being fooled by a pass, she bought a lot of magic weapons with a big wave of her hand.

After sending the three of them away, the shop owner lay down in front of the counter and tapped the calculator twice, then happily opened the group chat.

“Contemporary Xuanmen Unworldly Genius Gathering Place”

Liu Hongzhen: “Brothers, today I welcome the God of Wealth, and send out two small red envelopes to spread joy and express my heart (red envelopes

“888 is still a small red envelope?? Brother Liu, did you win the lottery?!”

“Brother Hongzhen is very generous! How did you get rich?”

Liu Hongzhen posted the scene that just happened: “The little money from the jade charm is really nothing, the rich lady just rounded up the old things at the bottom of the box at my house, a few million are spent without blinking an eye But the rich lady seems to have bought it for someone else, she is very respectful to the other person beside her, that fellow Taoist, it’s really a bit of a mess, even the mahogany sword is full of holes…”

This remark caused a group of divers from the Taoist sect to express their sadness, “These days, those who are really capable are struggling, and the half-baked swindlers are earning more than the other.”

Master Feng of Yuncheng: “A few days ago, I also sold an order worth hundreds of thousands. A middle-aged man came over and said that he wanted to break the fierce battle. He also wanted the best materials. I’m ashamed to say that I am poor. I haven’t used those top-notch talisman papers myself.”

“You can’t say that. You can’t be sure that someone is a master. It’s among the people. Brother Xun understands this point the most thoroughly @秋山道人.”

The metaphysics variety show “Spiritual Affair”, which is extremely popular on the Internet, is dismissed by people in the metaphysics on the surface, but in fact they are all secretly following it.

After the last episode of the program was broadcast, people inside Xuanmen spontaneously made a preliminary ranking of the strength of the players inside, and speculated and observed which ones were real and which ones were fake.

The most controversial person among them is definitely Gu Zhisang.

Although what she said can be justified, more Taoist people still prefer that what she used was a script, and it was a carefully crafted script.

There are several reasons. She is too young, the geomantic omens she mentioned are too profound, and the people in the Taoist sect are too proud… They don’t believe that there will be such a talented mystic master among the people.

But Xun Yiqing, who is being compared, the “first person” of the younger generation of Taoism, has indeed been ridiculed all over the place these days.

Seeing the ridicule in the group, Xun Yiqing, who was meditating in the back mountain of the sect, clenched his teeth.

Taoist Qiu Shan: “It’s just a jumping clown picked up by the mob. Instead of worrying so much, you should practice hard, so as not to lose embarrassingly in the martial art competition.”

When the real lord appeared, all the chattering and laughing people in the group dispersed.

At night, the hour hand is getting closer to zero.

At the moment when the middle of the day was over, the temperature in the pitch-black room began to drop, and the biting cold air rolled towards the back room, where there were people whom it hated to the bone!

There was a loud ‘bang’ from the door of the bedroom, and it was knocked open by the invisible wind from the outside, which made the heart beat like a beating in the silent night.

The red-clothed ghost had a gloomy expression, sensing its surroundings with some vigilance. There was no aura of the mysterious master who injured it during the day, but it didn’t believe that the other party had left.

Even though he knew that this might be an ambush, but seeing the bulge wrapped in the quilt on the bed, and feeling the breath of the enemy, it was completely rational and distorted, and there was only one thought in its mind:

Kill her for revenge!

Li Gui rushed forward with a shriek, countless resentments soaked into the thin quilt, but found that something was wrong, it shattered the quilt on the bed, and found that the woman lying inside was not at all!

The two pillows were placed up and down, and on top was a strand of hair wrapped in talisman paper. It was just some hair that exuded the aura of the enemy!

The fooled ghost’s resentment deepened, it turned sideways to avoid it, but was still covered by a huge spiritual net.

There really is an ambush!

Gu Zhisang, who was hiding in the room with the word ‘array’, showed his figure.

She was sitting at the table in the house, lazily propping her cheek with one hand, strands of gold thread connecting her raised pale fingertips, a pair of clear eyebrows and eyes shining brightly in the dark night. “Well… you are still a child after all.”

“Little ghost, how did you become like this? With so much resentment, who do you want to seek revenge on?”

The red-clothed ghost’s heart was full of hostility, it wanted to tear this meddling mysterious master to shreds, but when it rushed towards Gu Zhisang, the fingertips connected to the golden silk spirit net suddenly withdrew, and immediately every part of the ghost’s body All the golden threads tightened accordingly, tightly strangling its soul body.

There were bursts of sizzle sounds, and it struggled on the ground in pain, screaming, and Yu Tongqiu and Xing Lan entered the room cautiously when they heard the rattling noise in the room.

Yu Tongqiu’s body was full of yin and yin, he opened his yin and yang eyes and saw the bound ghost, and was scared by those blood-red eyes full of grievances, so he took a step back.

Gu Zhisang sighed, and pulled Li Gui to his face, “Young ghosts at this age are really rebellious.”

The red-clothed ghost was in despair, because it could feel the terrifying soul of the woman in front of it through the body of the woman in front of it. Under the gaze of these eyes, its soul could not help but tremble;

The enemy is right in front of you, but it is not powerful enough to take revenge. Is there anything more painful than this? !

A line of blood and tears fell slowly, and it gritted its teeth full of resentment and said: “Taoist thief, even if my soul flies away, you don’t want me to beg for mercy!”

Gu Zhisang rubbed his chin, the young brats were even more tempered, and they felt that they hurt their self-esteem at every turn, so they could be more gentle in the future.

She looked at the ghost in front of her, about fifteen or sixteen years old, with short hair around her ears, and a blue and white school uniform soaked in blood. Through that hideous and distorted expression, she could vaguely see that the covered face was young and beautiful.

A green girl who died at the age when she was about to bloom.

“You hate her?” Gu Zhisang suddenly opened his mouth, pointing at Yu Tongqiu: “You want to seek revenge from her?”

“Bah! You Taoist priests from the Taoist sect will only help others! Don’t be hypocritical, you can kill or cut as you please! Sun Yun, remember, I will curse you, I will curse you to die!”

Yu Tongqiu held Xing Lan in his arms and looked at the hysterical ghost full of resentment, suddenly he was not so afraid.

Looking at it this way, it seems to be just a poor little girl.

So she boldly spoke up, and tremblingly said: “Yes, but I’m not Sun Yun, you’ve found the wrong person!”

Gu Zhisang looked pitiful, and nodded in response: “That’s right, you can’t even find an enemy, you’re so pitiful.”

“Impossible! Do you think I’m an idiot?! Even if I turn into ashes, I won’t forget the disgusting aura on Sun Yun’s body!” The ghost in red had a resentful look on his face.

“Is that so?” Gu Zhisang waved at Yu Tongqiu, signaling her to come over.

Seeing this, the spooky red-clothed ghost who was restrained took the opportunity to rush over and bite, but was cut again by the tightening gold thread, and his body trembled, and Yu Tongqiu swallowed a mouthful, trembling from the shrill scream: “Gu, Gu… Sangsang, it’s quite pitiful, why don’t you take it lightly?”

Gu Zhisang:?

She raised her head and pointed at Yu Tongqiu’s Yintang, and said coldly: “Little devil, open your eyes and take a closer look to see if she is the Sun Yun you are looking for.”

Sensing her power, the ‘Deed Seal’ buried in Tong Qiu Yintang loomed, making her original face and fate line clearer.

On that one face, there were actually two faces overlapped together!

One body with two lives, one side with twin lives.

At this moment, the red-clothed ghost finally realized something, his expression was stunned, and he looked pitiful mixed with distorted resentment.

Yu Tongqiu nodded cautiously again, “I’m really not Sun Yun, my name is Yu Tongqiu, have you watched TV dramas, I acted in the detective drama the year before last…”

Gu Zhisang loosened the Songling Net, “Do you believe it now? Can you say it?”

However, the broken young Li Gui had never suffered such a blow. The resentment around it boiled and extinguished, and after extinguishing, it jumped up stubbornly, looking like it was still struggling.

“With your little skill, you can even find fault with your enemies, and no one will believe that you are a red ghost…”

Gu Zhisang didn’t finish his sentence when he saw the staring Li Gui’s resentment all over his body disappear, and he burst into tears.

Gu Zhisang:? ? ?

Ten minutes later, she felt a little helpless with frowning, “Don’t cry…”

Realizing that the ghost who found the wrong enemy was too shameful and indignant, he knew he was ashamed and humiliated, and was “humiliated” by the Taoist master who was over three hundred years old and was “disrespectful”. He was only ten years old when he died How old, self-esteem is strong, coupled with the grievance in my heart, I can’t help crying.

And another shadow queen with a cold face and a soft heart, seeing this, actually comforted the ghost who almost strangled her, “Who would have thought that Sun Yun would be so cunning, and would change his life with me without anyone noticing it.”

Li Gui: “Yes, I’m sorry.”

Xing Lan, who had asked for the Zhang Tian Eye Talisman to stick on her body, could also see it. Her mood was a bit complicated, and the ferocity and hatred faded away. The ghost in front of her was just a little girl, not much older than her own daughter.

She asked, “How did you become like this?”

The red-clothed ghost was silent for a long time, and finally told her past.

Its name was Peng Qiaoyuan, a high school student in Rongcheng North Middle School. Like the heroine in the campus novel, she lived with a single mother since she was a child. She lived in poverty, but she was outstanding in appearance and excellent in studies.

When she was in high school, because of her outstanding scores in the high school entrance examination, she was competed by several star high schools in the local area;

In view of her poor family background, she finally chose a school with strong teachers but not a very good reputation, because there is free tuition, board and lodging and a bonus, which can make her mother feel more relaxed.

Peng Qiaoyuan, who has become a high school student, only wants to study. She wants to enter the best school and change her destiny, but the tree wants to be quiet but the wind keeps on.

The reason why the school has a bad reputation is because there are many rich second generations who do not study;

The content of their daily life is to secretly play with mobile phones, smoke and drink, and of course fall in love.

Because of her beauty, Peng Qiaoyuan was noticed by some boys. Among them was a so-called sophomore in high school who was the school grassroots, saying that she was the kind of clean and motivated girl who was his ideal type.

It was at this time that Sun Yun approached her.

As a sophomore in high school, everyone in the school knows that Sun Yun is the daughter of a rich businessman in Rongcheng, and they all know that she made a high-profile confession to the school grass, and she once openly slapped the girl who showed her love to the boy. She and her sister group are the same The existence that people in the school dare not provoke, let alone the teaching and reprimand of the teacher.

Peng Qiaoyuan once thought that school life was simple, but the reality let her know that it is not enough to study well here, because there is still school violence.

She was blocked in the toilet, abused, beaten, threatened, and often had injuries on her face;

That’s not enough, those videos of beatings and scolding that seriously insulted her dignity were circulated and made fun of, she was nicknamed and isolated, all kinds of ugly rumors were made and even insulted her mother…

Under these bullying and interference, the only grade she used to climb out of the quagmire plummeted, which was the last straw that overwhelmed her.

The girl who completely collapsed lost hope in life;

One night, she jumped from the top of the dormitory with despair and pain. She didn’t know how to take revenge on others, so she could only choose to end her own life to end the pain.

Because of resentment, the soul of Peng Qiaoyuan stayed in the human world. It shuttled around the campus, listening to Sun Yun and his party, instead of showing any regrets, they used this incident as a talk to show off, brazenly fabricating rumors.

‘Am I wrong? If she wasn’t guilty, how could she jump off the building? Don’t be ashamed and faceless. ‘

‘What do you think that suicide will affect me? My dad has already said that he will send me abroad for gold plating in the future. A poor ghost like that still wants to get into B University? it’s so funny. ‘


It became more and more resentful under the faces of those who inflicted violence, and it was painful to see its mother crying all day long. It regretted it. It should not escape by death, and only its own mother was hurt.

Under these strong negative emotions, Peng Qiaoyuan transformed into a red-clothed ghost, which wanted to take revenge on Sun Yun and let Sun Yun die!

It’s just that it’s a little girl after all, and it’s still too tender.

It did make Sun Yun suffer a bit at first, but after the Sun family realized its existence, they quickly invited a mysterious master to solve the matter and directly changed Sun Yun’s life.

If Gu Zhisang hadn’t helped Tong Qiu, one of them would have died unjustly in a daze, and one of them would not have known that they had revenged the wrong person until they committed the murder.

After listening to Peng Qiaoyuan’s experience, the three adults present were a little silent.

Yu Tongqiu’s eyes were a little red, “How can a group of teenagers be so bad?”

“It’s not that children are bad, and the bad guys haven’t grown up yet.”

Gu Zhisang narrowed his eyes, hiding the coldness in his eyes, knowing the name of the person who secretly changed Tong Qiu’s fate, divination would be much easier.

Soon, she saw the details of another person’s face on Yu Tong Qiu’s face.

The teenage girl looks arrogant and arrogant, because she has been immersed in the atrocities of bullying others all the year round, her face is full of hostility, she is not a good-looking face, and her future emotional and career luck will be very bad.

She stretched out her hand and flicked Peng Qiaoyuan’s forehead, and a gentle spiritual force sank into its soul body: “She will suffer retribution, I promise.”

Peng Qiaoyuan clearly couldn’t shed any tears, but felt her nose a little sour: “Oh…”

After Gu Zhisang disintegrated the fate that merged with Yu Tongqiu, another shady contract intertwined and hidden under it finally surfaced.

She frowned the moment she saw the yin contract clearly, and then looked at Tong Qiu meaningfully:

“Sister Qiu, you really have a bad life. Do you know that you are married now?”

“I’m not married!” Yu Tongqiu snorted angrily, “Did you also read some gossip on the Internet? I don’t even know where such ridiculous revelations came from. I’ve never been in love, and it’s ridiculous to say that I’m married to a rich man in a secret marriage, and that I’m a mistress because I can’t give birth to a boy and can’t be in the top position!”

“Sister Xing has contacted the legal department two days ago to collect those marketing accounts that spread rumors, and I will sue them.”

Gu Zhisang: “Hidden marriage is false, but it is true that you are married. There is a secret contract in your spiritual palace that represents marriage, and it has been bound to you.”

Yu Tongqiu: “What does this mean??”

“It means that someone used some tricks to form a pact with you, a yin marriage!”

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