I Became Popular in the Underworld After Live Broadcasting Taoism

Chapter 141

Chapter 140

“This young man is all posted in Yunyun’s house…”

Ms. Sun walked in front holding the mobile phone that was filmed, only heard Gu Zhisang’s voice in the device, but couldn’t hear what she said clearly, so she turned her head and asked:

“Master, what did you say?”

Gu Zhisang just shook his head lightly, did not respond to this sentence, expressing that he needed to take another look.

She lowered her eyes and glanced at the rapidly scrolling screen full of comments in front of her. With excellent eyesight, she could see the small comments on it.

As the poster photos all over the wall were exposed, many viewers in the live broadcast room knew this person with familiar eyes, and they recognized his identity as expected.

[Fuck, it’s really Guan Qihong! I just heard the description, and I feel like he is the only one who made his debut in the men’s team draft, who was born as an Internet celebrity, and his fans are especially good at tearing it up everywhere. You can see their home under any trending searches. 】

[Ah, my fortune-telling on the wall has been picked up on my own life? ?

How should I put it, Wang Yunyun’s behavior is personal. She voluntarily voted for Guan Guan and spent money. And the Guan Guanren are really nice, and they are very gentle to the pipe flutes. I hope everyone will be more rational. 】

【Ah… I searched and found that this internet celebrity has a good face value, and she has been very popular recently. She has appeared in several popular national variety shows, and standing with celebrities is also very resistant to the camera. 】

[Oh my god, did Wang Yunyun post a lot of photos on the ceiling? Every day when I open and close my eyes, I can see countless pairs of eyes looking at me, and I can fall asleep, which is really true love. 】

[I don’t like this internet celebrity very much, she’s so feminine and uncomfortable to watch. 】


Soon many netizens who didn’t know him in the live broadcast room also learned the general information about this person from various popular science buildings.

Guan Qihong, 24 years old, overseas Chinese.

It is said that he only returned to China more than a year ago, and then became a blogger for a certain entertainment short video, and quickly accumulated a large number of fans because of his outstanding appearance.

After becoming popular, this person signed up for the men’s team talent show.

At the beginning, no one was optimistic about him, because Guan Qihong’s early videos showed the use of beautification, and everyone thought he must see the light and die.

Who would have thought that after appearing on the show, his appearance is also quite resistant to the camera. The first few episodes were not particularly amazing, and the audience discovered that this young man looked more and more beautiful under the camera.

With such a short period of time, coupled with the fact that the trainees are under the camera around the clock, it is impossible for Guan Qihong to have plastic surgery.

The audience picked and picked, but in the end they could only conclude that his make-up was too bad in the early stage, and his dressing taste was also poor, so no shining points were discovered.

They didn’t find out his background information, they only knew that he himself said in the live broadcast that he was born abroad, used to study and study outside, and only returned to China after graduation.

Fans made various speculations, thinking that his family situation must be extraordinary, saying that he is the young son or young master of a wealthy family, who came to experience life in the entertainment industry.

In the middle and late stages of the show, Guan Qihong’s popularity soared, and he gained countless fans.

Although his singing and dancing skills are extremely poor, with his appearance and all kinds of funny and cute personalities – such as eating too much and not getting fat, staying up late without getting acne and dark circles, and having a superb memory, etc., he directly entered the debut position;

In the end, he made his debut with a good result of second place.

After debuting, the popularity of this group was mediocre, but Guan Qihong kept getting invitations to variety shows and even got some personal endorsements.

Recently, there was news that his agent was giving him access to audio-visual resources, and his journey to stardom was going very smoothly.

Every time major platforms select boy groups for their good looks and aristocratic temperament, his fans—’Guan Di’—rush to the front line to control and criticize.

[By the way, it’s interesting. Fans of Guan Qihong’s family often compare their brother to Gu Zhisang, saying that “there is Gu Zhisang among the female stars, and Guan Qihong is among the male stars.” At the peak of appearance, with a beautiful heart and a kind heart, he was hacked by a hundred schools of thought in the early stage;

The implication is that they feel that they will definitely become top players in the circle like Gu Zhisang in the future. 】

The sharp-eyed Gu Zhisang saw this comment as soon as he rolled his eyes.

There was a hint of confusion in her expression, as if she didn’t understand how she had something to do with herself.

Naturally, the army of ‘Mulberry Leaf’ from the yin and yang circles in the live broadcast room was not happy, and expressed dissatisfaction one after another.

[Laughs, I would have never heard of this person if the show wasn’t on the air, he really likes to rub and tear. 】

[Compared to Sangsang? After digging through the singing and dancing videos of this little star, I can only say that his debut is an insult to those who have practiced for five or eight years… When will I rely on my own ability to turn the tide of word-of-mouth and attract 7,000 followers in half a year? Let’s talk when it’s time. 】

“?? The male version of Sangsang? Messenger Gu has the ability to pull mountains and rivers and save hundreds of ghosts, can this kid do it? Looking at his posters, he looks so sinister and doesn’t look like a good person!”

“The number of follower souls on Gu Envoy’s account in the underworld has exceeded 5 billion. If you want to compare with her, let’s do it for another thousand or eight hundred years.”

Gu Zhisang didn’t care about these analogies, she cared more about the inside story of this matter.

As part of the live broadcast room said, as soon as they entered Wang Yunyun’s bedroom and saw the photos of Guan Qihong plastered all over the place, they felt uncomfortable and felt that the room was too depressing.

In Gu Zhisang’s eyes, even through the screen, the faint Yin Qi invisible to the naked eye emanating from the whole room could be clearly seen, leaking from those large and small photos.

At first glance, it seems that the people in the photo are alive, and they are looking at the people in the room with cold eyes that don’t smile.

Among them, the place with the most yin energy is the largest poster, which is more than one meter long.

In addition to Guan Qihong’s posters and photos, there is also a photo of a little girl in the room, which seems to be a photo of the young Wang Yunyun.

Gu Zhisang asked Ms. Sun to go over, picked up the photo frame and pointed it at the camera. She looked at the eyebrows and eyes of the little girl in the photo.

After a short deduction, the girl’s luck and fate came to mind.

After seeing Wang Yunyun’s childhood photos, she raised her eyes and said:

“Wait a minute, I need to take a look at the private message you just sent me. There is a recent photo of your daughter in it, right?”

“That’s right.” The couple nodded repeatedly, found out the recent photo of their daughter, and put it under the camera.

Ms. Sun said: “This photo is the closest to the present. It was taken about two months ago when Yunyun went to the selection show and met the young man.”

According to her, one month before going there, her daughter often made noises at home, saying that she wanted to go to the final group night scene and watch her favorite idol debut with her own eyes.

But the cheapest entrance ticket alone costs three to two thousand, not to mention that if my daughter wants to go to the front row and get a chance to interact with idols, that kind of ticket is tens of thousands of yuan!

Where can they afford it.

The daughter quarreled for several days, with a cold face every day, and finally stopped mentioning this matter.

They thought it was their daughter who gave up.

After a week or two, the daughter suddenly said that she was going to stay at a classmate’s house for two nights, and the couple agreed without much thought.

Now that I think about it, my daughter Yunyun was there to see Dao Ye at that time.

She has already stolen all the savings from the family, and most of them have been put into the capital chain to help Guan Qihong make his debut, and the remaining part is used to buy sky-high ticket prices, and travel expenses for board and lodging.

She managed to meet Guan Qihong, whom she was thinking of, and took a photo with him.

After returning home, Wang Yunyun developed the photos and there are many copies.

One of them was placed in a drawer in the bedroom. Before she committed suicide and was sent back to the countryside, Ms. Sun found it when she was packing her luggage.

Compared with the young Wang Yunyun with a sullen little face in the photo, in the photo taken at the scene of the group night, the **** it is smiling like a flower, and the joy in her eyes cannot be concealed.

It was obviously an excited smile, but in Gu Zhisang’s eyes, Wang Yunyun’s entire face was covered with a layer of black and green depression.

This is the aspect of extremely low luck and almost exhausted luck.

On the contrary, it took a photo with her. Guan Qihong, who was standing behind the table, was radiant and smiling at the camera.

Gu Zhisang’s gaze moved to the surrounding area where Guan Qihong was printed on the table, and on the fan, he found that the same spells were drawn on the top of those things as on Wang Yunyun’s wall, but the strokes were smoother and more fluid.

Her eyes turned cold inch by inch, and she said in a cold voice under the eyes of Ms. Sun beside her:

“It’s the right time for you to come to the live broadcast room to participate in the interaction today. Your daughter’s fanatical star-chasing behavior is not normal behavior at all.”

“She was haunted by a spell.”


Hearing this, both the Wang family couple on the other end of the line and the audience in the live broadcast room were extremely shocked.

Mr. Wang: “Master, you mean, this man, this man…?!”

Gu Zhisang said bluntly: “This person is not a good person, he is taking advantage of the luck of fans who love him like your daughter and regard him as a ‘god’.”

“The reason why your daughter emptied her family property, and even committed suicide as a sacrifice, was because her mind was manipulated by the ‘Transfer Formation’.”

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar in the comment area, and Ms. Sun and her husband asked several questions in succession.

Gu Zhisang’s tone was flat, and he answered them one by one.

“The so-called ‘Transfer Formation’ is next to the biggest poster on the wall in front of you. Draw a pattern with a pen. This is a forbidden technique of ancient Xuanmen. Through this curse pattern, the caster and subordinates can be connected. ;

The more pious and loyal the subordinate, the more power and luck the caster can get from them. “

“It’s just that these luck can’t appear out of thin air, they can only be plundered and absorbed from the subordinates, and are often used in the minds of cult control people. It was listed as a forbidden technique in the early years and was strictly prohibited from being used.”

In Gu Zhisang’s previous life, there were also cult forces among the people who wanted to establish themselves as kings and emperors.

After she and her master uprooted it, they burned the books that recorded the forbidden technique.

Who would have thought that the modern society thousands of years later would appear in the body of a small star born out of nowhere.

And because of the advanced network, this Guan Qihong can even engrave the “transfer array” symbols on the surroundings, and send these things that rob people’s life and luck to every fan who really loves him and spends money for him.

In this way, you can continuously obtain luck.

The husband and wife looked at each other and looked at each other. Although they were more angry, they hesitated:

“Master, are you sure?”

Gu Zhisang knew that there must be a lot of trouble in the live broadcast room, but he still said firmly:

“I’m sure that this person abuses the forbidden technique, which is not a good thing.”

【Grass! Gu Zhisang is too brave, she said it in front of the camera without proof, in case she made a mistake…]

[Although I really believe in Sangsang’s calculation ability, I’m still a little scared! I don’t care, trust Sangsang! 】

After Ms. Sun took a picture of Guan Qihong’s poster with her mobile phone, related entries became popular searches.

At the same time, the entry with Gu Zhisang and this person’s name was posted on the hot one. Although many netizens who eat melons don’t know the latter, they are too familiar with Gu Zhisang. They thought there was something big, so they clicked in directly. .

I found out that it wasn’t Dagua, but that the metaphysics live broadcast had gotten to the male idol who was also an insider, and I followed this matter with the mentality of watching a movie.

Guan Qihong’s fans also knew about it, they discussed it in Chaohua and various group chats, and swarmed into Gu Zhisang’s personal live broadcast room.

After she bluntly said that Guan Qihong used forbidden techniques to steal the luck of fans, the number of people in the live broadcast directly exceeded 40 million!

Guan Qihong’s fans can’t stand their idol being ‘defamed’ anymore:

[I’ve opened my eyes, and it’s just based on your nonsense metaphysics that it’s rumored that you control people and harm people? Wait for the lawsuit! 】

[Guan Qihong is not popular, but his fans are not dead. We know best how he treats fans. The passers-by in Huangquan in the live broadcast room are waiting to be slapped in the face, ha ha. 】

【Do you have evidence? This is slander! 】

As the popularity rose and public opinion fermented, the scolding in the live broadcast room became more and more ugly.

Gu Zhisang could ignore it, but fans of ‘Mulberry Leaf’ couldn’t sit still.

After one incident after another, they believed that Gu Zhisang would not say such things because he was not fully sure. For a while, everyone began to defend Gu Zhisang and kept brushing off those unsightly insults.

The furious fans of ‘Guan Di’ didn’t want to believe that the person they liked was the unbearable villain Gu Zhisang said.

Fans of some circles went to consult with acquaintances, people who engage in metaphysics and some metaphysics bloggers, and the conclusion they got was that they had never seen this spell, let alone heard of what it is called a “transfer formation”.

Soon Guan Qihong’s studio also issued a clarification blog post:

@管奇宏的工作室V: [When I saw the trending search, everyone in our studio, including Guan Guan, was dumbfounded and didn’t understand what happened. After understanding, Guan Guan was also shocked and confused, and at the same time It’s very sad, he has always liked Mr. Gu, but he didn’t expect to be slandered and spread rumors by his favorite senior, so that he couldn’t argue with it.

I just want to say that Guan Guan is doing well, never knows what a “transfer array” is, and cherishes fans very much. This pattern is his personal image specially designed for fans. I can’t find the same on the Internet. This incident has seriously affected Guanguan’s reputation. We will speak out bravely and defend our rights. ]

Seeing the clarification of the studio’s grievances, the fans are even more confident.

At the same time, he felt sorry for his idol, and was filled with indignation, scolding Gu Zhisang on various platforms.

But what made them vomit blood even more was that these angry ‘pipe flute’ fans crackled and typed hundreds of words of curses and various small papers, but they couldn’t publish them!

Obviously their network signal is very good, and the videos are smooth and uninterrupted, but as long as they post insults related to Gu Zhisang, the network will be stuck until the page crashes.

It was like hell!

Gu Zhisang, who didn’t care about bad reviews at all, felt warm as he watched the fans of ‘Mulberry Leaf’ who were struggling to post comments on the screen and believed in themselves. He looked straight at the screen and said:

“Since I dare to say it, I will give everyone evidence, and I will not disappoint those who believe in me.”

Many ‘Mulberry Leaf’ fans were also relieved when they heard the words, saying that they were waiting for a piece of evidence.

Soon, no matter how unwilling the ‘Guan Di’ fans were, no matter how the external public opinion became fermented, the live broadcast room gradually returned to calm.

Gu Zhisang added Ms. Sun’s contact information, saying that this matter is a bit complicated, and it will not be resolved in a while, and I will contact you after today’s broadcast.

an apartment

A young man with fair complexion and delicate facial features sat on the sofa and looked at the hot search comments on his mobile phone.

But whenever he saw a comment scolding Gu Zhisang, he would stay in a good mood for a few seconds.

[Speaking of giving evidence, where is the evidence? Gu Zhisang is guilty of not talking about it. My uncle in my family is a mysterious master. He has never seen any ‘transfer formation’! 】

Holding the trumpet, he liked the comment, and then called the studio:

“Hey, I saw the trending search, I’m going to start a live broadcast to clarify now.”

“Of course what she said is false. I’ve never heard of the ‘Transfer Formation’. Who knows why this Gu Zhisang is going crazy to target me, but it’s a good thing for us. I’ve already raised more than 200,000 yuan. If you are powdered, strike while the iron is hot.”

After hanging up the phone, Guan Qihong turned on the computer and waited for the clarification notice from the studio to hang up the live broadcast.

He took out loose powder and dabbed on his lips, which looked bloodless, and wiped the corners of his eyes with red blush, creating an appearance that he had just cried and endured the humiliation, and he was very proud.

Of course Gu Zhisang was right.

He just used the ‘transfer array’ to absorb the luck of those fans.

But so what?

He is the chosen one, and the **** promised him that this spell has long been lost, and now no one knows how to use it, and no one knows it.

Who can prove himself that this spell is evil.

It was because Gu Zhisang’s calculations were so accurate that he deserved to fall into his own hands!

Seeing the ever-increasing number of fans, Guan Qihong curled his lips in satisfaction.

The effect is very good, but it is far from enough, he will trample Gu Zhisang to death!

You have to step on her to achieve your own stardom.

It’s just assuming that Guan Qihong can think of how people on the Internet will scold her when Gu Zhisun doesn’t have evidence and can’t argue with her, and they will feel sorry for her ‘indiscriminate disaster’.

Just as he was about to turn on the live broadcast, the screen flickered twice, and a line of blood-red characters suddenly appeared on the screen:

‘Don’t provoke Gu Zhisang, you are not her match! Don’t be stupid, don’t ruin God’s plan. ‘

Guan Qihong had never seen such a scene before, he was so frightened that he almost fell off the stool, but after reading the line clearly, the panic in his heart gradually subsided.


Could it be someone from the same camp as me?

Guan Qihong: “You, who are you?”

The screen flashed: ‘If you want to save your life, don’t mess with her! ‘

Seeing this sentence, Guan Qihong felt disdainful and didn’t take it seriously at all, and snorted coldly:

“What do you know, she is about to be ridiculed by the whole Internet, since you are also a person of God, why do you want to obstruct me, is it because you are too useless to be afraid of her?”

He turned off the power, and the red letter disappeared on the screen.

After restarting the phone, Guan Qihong glanced at the letter on the phone: the notice has been sent.

So he turned on the live broadcast, pretended to force a smile, and waved at the camera:

“Hi everyone, I’m Guan Qihong.”

“After thinking about it for a long time, I still feel that I can’t be silent after being slandered. I should speak up for myself. I started the live broadcast to clarify the false statements on the Internet…”

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