I Became a Villain's Hero

Chapter 44: Once in a Lifetime Opportunity (6)

Chapter 44: Once in a Lifetime Opportunity (6)

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: 5/week, Mon-Fri

Illustrations: Here

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As the game started following Solace's pitch, Song Soo-yeon began to enjoy herself.

She took advantage of the situation to talk to Jung-gyeom to the point of being annoying.

Why is that batter going out?

Thats a strikeout. The pitcher threw three good pitches and the batter couldn't hit the ball."

Oh? But sometimes the pitcher throws more than three times.

"That's because the pitcher doesn't always throw accurately. They have to throw the ball into a specific zone three times. If the ball goes into that zone, it's called a strike, and if it goes outside, it's called a ball."

She listened attentively as he explained the rules in detail.

Jung-gyeom enjoyed the game, kindly explaining even things she didnt ask, without any signs of annoyance.

As the cheering grew louder, they had to lean towards each other to hear.

Every time Jung-gyeom leaned in, Song Soo-yeon tensed up from his scent.

Her heart fluttered.

She worried if she smelled okay.

But she had dressed up carefully and bathed, so it should be fine.

She forgot about Solace.

She was still in the stadium, but Song Soo-yeon couldnt see exactly where.

Apparently, she was there as a kind of security measure.

The first pitch was just an added role.

But that was okay.

Right now, she was the one beside Jung-gyeom.

She was the one on a date with him.

There was no need to be anxious.

Rather, the cheerleaders were more of a nuisance.

There seemed to be many men who came to the stadium just to watch the cheerleaders.

Song Soo-yeon saw them, disgustingly fixated, not watching the game but only staring at the dancers.

Song Soo-yeon pretended not to notice and kept glancing at Jung-gyeom.

Wondering if he was also secretly watching the cheerleaders.

But he wasnt looking at the cheerleaders.

Even if he did, he didnt show much interest.

He just followed their lead in clapping and singing along with the cheers, with none of the concerns Song Soo-yeon had.

She smiled secretly, satisfied.

But in truth, she realized she had no right to criticize men who only watched the cheerleaders.

She wasnt watching the baseball game either.

No matter how detailed Jung-gyeom's explanation was, or how hard she tried to take an interest, baseball was not to her taste.

Her only interest was Jung-gyeom.

She came to watch baseball but ended up only watching Jung-gyeom enjoying himself.

Knowing it would be weird to stare at him, she pretended to look at the crowd while actually watching him.

If she couldnt see his face, then his neck.

If not the neck, then his shoulders.

If not the shoulders, then his arms, and if not the arms, then his hands.

She continued to glance at Jung-gyeom like that.

Also, when he leaned forward, concentrating on the baseball, Song Soo-yeon leaned back and observed him.

Mister, are you having fun?

She occasionally asked him.

Jung-gyeom nodded and replied.

Of course. Its nice to come out like this.

As long as he was happy, that was enough for Song Soo-yeon.

She was content with that.

But still... she couldnt watch him every moment.

And when she couldn't, Song Soo-yeon found herself looking at a couple sitting in front of her, strangely drawn to them.

In the past, she wouldn't have given any attention to couples, no matter where they were.

But being with Jung-gyeom like this, she kept looking at them, letting her imagination unfold.

The couple affectionately wrapped their arms around each other, sharing warmth to beat the winter cold.

They fed each other snacks they had brought, playfully enjoying each other's company.

That must be love.

Song Soo-yeon imagined herself and Jung-gyeom in their place.


Her heart raced so fast that she had to hold her breath.

It wasnt easy to fold back the wings of her imagination.

Thousands of different actions continuously filled her mind.

Calling each others names tenderly, looking into each others eyes without words, feeding each other food... or hanging out at a parade.

Song Soo-yeon looked at Jung-gyeom again.

Slowly, she examined his hand.

......Should she try holding his hand?

Girls often hold hands with each other.

Could she pretend it was like that and grab his hand with her eyes closed?


She eventually shook her head.

That couldnt happen.

Even she, who was inexperienced in love, knew there were stages.

.....First, she had to undo the numerous accusations and threats she had made to him.

Then things like calling him every day, or saying more affectionate words.

She felt she should proceed step by step.


At that moment, the teams changed sides.

Applause followed.

Song Soo-yeon began clapping as well.


"Lets go!!"

However, the difference this time was that the crowd suddenly erupted in cheers at a particular moment.

Song Soo-yeon looked around in confusion.

As someone still uncomfortable with strangers, and having been harassed by several people the day before her graduation, she felt a slight fear when so many people stirred up like this.

Her eyes then caught the scoreboard.

The scoreboard, now tinged in pink, was continuously displaying images of lips and hearts.

.....Whats that?

Just as she murmured, the loud voice of a cheerleader burst through the speakers.

Kiiiiiss!! Tiiiime!!!

And then, on the scoreboard she was looking at, her and Jung-gyeoms faces were displayed.


Song Soo-yeons eyes wandered anxiously between the scoreboard and Jung-gyeom.

Since she had lowered her mask to talk to Jung-gyeom in the noisy stadium, her bare face was now exposed on the scoreboard.

People gasped as they saw Song Soo-yeon on the scoreboard.

A brief silence swept across the stadium at her overwhelming beauty.

But the atmosphere heated up even more with the cheerleader's voice.

"Such a beautiful lady! Come on, sir! Show some courage!"

Jung-gyeom wasn't flustered by the sudden event.

He just smiled awkwardly, looking a bit troubled.

Through her image on the scoreboard, Song Soo-yeon realized how embarrassed she was.

How foolish she must look.

She didnt want to show Jung-gyeom this side of herself.

She felt breathless.

Her heart pounded as if it would burst.

Just moments ago, she had resolved to gradually improve her relationship with him, and now she was presented with the daunting task of a kiss.

Theres only one chance! Hurry up and kiss!

Song Soo-yeon bowed her head.

A kiss.

She hadnt even held Jung-gyeom's hand yet, and now a kiss.

Every nerve in her body was on edge.

She felt Jung-gyeom looking at her.

Her breath stopped completely.

Everything spun before her eyes.

Was he really going to do it?

But Jung-gyeom, after looking at the bowed Song Soo-yeon for a moment, turned back to face the camera.



Boos poured out from all around.

In response to the sound, Song Soo-yeon steadied her rough breathing and lifted her head, only to see Jung-gyeom making an X with his arms.

He had stepped up for her.

The cheerleader spoke.

Alright, lets move on to the next!

The scoreboard then displayed another couple.

As attention shifted elsewhere, Song Soo-yeon felt relieved from the overwhelming pressure.

Jung-gyeom leaned towards her.

You okay?

Yes... Yes?

How did they spot us right from the start?

Jung-gyeom looked at her with his usual comfortable smile, as if they had just made a fun memory.

Are they teasing you because they know Soo-yeon is afraid of men?


Soon, Song Soo-yeon realized he was trying to make her feel comfortable.

But she couldnt answer.

Her eyes were fixed on Jung-gyeom's lips.

If she hadnt looked down earlier and just stared into Jung-gyeom's eyes, could she have kissed him?

Just the thought made her breath catch again.

....Are you okay?

Jung-gyeom, who had been watching her, asked.

Song Soo-yeon quickly realized her expression must have changed.

She might have been making that lustful expression.

She pushed Jung-gyeom's face to look forward, hiding her expression.

Im... Im fine. Look ahead, Mister.

Jung-gyeom, respecting her, didnt ask any further questions.

On the scoreboard, various people appeared.

Each time their image appeared, they hurried to kiss.

Young couples, familiar-looking couples, even elderly couples.

The only ones who hadnt kissed were Jung-gyeom and herself, the first ones shown.

Just as she was regaining her composure, a voice rang out.

Ah, todays kiss success rate is 100 percent. Except for these two!!

Their images appeared on the scoreboard again.

"Just focus on those two! Sir, you have one more chance!"

It was as Song Soo-yeon feared.

Her face, momentarily flashed on the screen, was flushed with redness, and her eyes were half-closed.

The very gaze she despised in men was now deeply etched in her own eyes.

As part of her determination not to show Jung-gyeom this expression, Song Soo-yeon covered her face with her hands.

Boos and jeers started erupting from everywhere again.


And there was laughter too.

She couldn't tell if these were their direct words or her ability to read their minds.

Of course, why would such a beautiful person be with someone like him.

They didn't look right together.

Coward! I would have kissed her!

Song Soo-yeons heart writhed.

The cheerleader continued to speak.

They are a couple! I saw it! Just give a quick kiss!

Various voices mixed chaotically.

Direct voices of people, their inner thoughts, mockery of Jung-gyeom, and cheers of encouragement.

Idiot! Just do it already!

Kiss! You can do it!

Amidst the overwhelming atmosphere, where Song Soo-yeon was frozen, Jung-gyeom alone was confronting the vast crowd.

He seemed unfazed by these criticisms, smiling sheepishly and showing an X with his arms in response to the mocking.

The cheerleader was persistent.

The image on the scoreboard didn't change.

No way! I have to see this! We won't move on until you kiss!

Finally, Jung-gyeom scratched his head and dropped his arms.

"Ahh, they wont let it go, huh?"


As he dropped his arms and stopped resisting the cheerleader, Song Soo-yeons heart started racing again.

Jung-gyeom turned to her.

Song Soo-yeons mind went blank.

He said,

We might as well do it, Soo-yeon.


I know youll hate it, but can I just lightly kiss your cheek? And then its over.

Song Soo-yeons palms started sweating.

She couldnt believe what she just heard.

And she was utterly unprepared.

Being the center of attention was uncomfortable for her.

She hadnt even held hands with Jung-gyeom yet.

She didnt know how to react to a peck on the cheek.

Her heart felt like it was about to burst.

She had learned that such things were personal.

She didnt want to show this to others.

She hesitated, again and again.

During her hesitation, the ridicule and boos directed at Jung-gyeom grew.


'Cut it off!!'

It felt like a replay of the scorn Jung-gyeom had faced on graduation day.

Song Soo-yeon shook her head and took a deep breath.

She couldnt stand to see him being mocked anymore.

......Besides, her answer was already decided.

Because she loved Jung-gyeom.

Song Soo-yeon was about to nod.

Suddenly, a strange sense of discomfort made her slowly lower the hand covering her face.

First was the sound.

.......The noisy crowd had quieted down.

It was as if everyone had held their breath.

Even the rustling of a snack wrapper seemed audible.

Second was the brightness.

Suddenly, the world seemed brighter.

It was blinding.

Song Soo-yeon reflexively looked forward.

She didnt have the courage to look directly at Jung-gyeom, so she wanted to see him on the scoreboard instead.


Song Soo-yeon felt puzzled.

The screen had changed.

She could no longer find her own image on the scoreboard.

.....But Jung-gyeom was visible.

And another figure, shining brightly.

Song Soo-yeon's head creaked as she slowly turned to the side.

As seen on the scoreboard, in the place where only Jung-gyeom should have been, there were two people.

A stunned Jung-gyeom and Solace, who had suddenly appeared and was sitting demurely on his thigh.

Solace, with her arm around Jung-gyeom's neck, was.......kissing his cheek.

Song Soo-yeon couldnt make a sound.

And in her stead, the crowd erupted.

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