I Am That Little Fox [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 31

Chapter 31 031 Village Bully and Little Educated Yo


These foods must not be taken out brightly. Liang Sheng looked for Bai Xiaoxi to wash the clothes alone and blocked them.

“What are you doing?” Bai Xiaoxi looked at him sideways, with a small expression of arrogance.

Liang Sheng sullen his face, and said stiffly: “Go to my house, I have something for you.”

“Don’t go.” Bai Xiaoxi turned his head and walked around him.

“Hey, you—” Liang Sheng was angry, seeing that she was really gone, kicked away the pebble on the side of the road annoyingly, stood still for a while, grabbed her hair violently, and finally strode to catch up.

“What are you going to do?” He said in a bored tone.

Bai Xiaoxi hummed, “What do I want to do with you, don’t you not talk to me?”

Liang Sheng frowned his eyebrows into a knot, pointed at himself, couldn’t believe it, “I won’t talk to you? It’s not you—”

“How am I?” Bai Xiaoxi asked with raised eyebrows.

Liang Sheng opened his mouth with a fierce look, but he could only swallow the words back. He had a hunch that if he went to the bottom, he would not only not be able to solve the problem today, but would add fuel to the fire.

He is about to suffocate him to death, so he can change anyone and dare to make him suffer, and he will tell him why the flower is so red.

Unfortunately, he couldn’t do anything. He took a deep breath and said dryly: “Okay, it’s me. Can I go to my house?”

Bai Xiaoxi glanced at him. She was not a careful person. Seeing the other party took the initiative to talk to him, she had actually decided to forgive him, but her tone was still reluctant, and she asked, “What is it for me?”

“Just look at it.” He motioned for Bai Xiaoxi to follow.

The two entered Liang Sheng’s house one after the other. Liang Sheng went into the house to take things. Bai Xiaoxi put the washtub on the stone table and waited in the yard. He walked away shortly after he came in and didn’t take a good look at the yard.

The yard is very empty, with almost no debris, only an osmanthus tree, a stone table, there is a well under the osmanthus tree, the mouth of the well is narrow, with rollers and ropes on it, and a bucket by the well.

It’s no wonder that Liang Sheng hasn’t seen Liang Sheng go to the riverside to wash his clothes, Bai Xiaoxi thought, it turns out that he has a well at home.

There are three houses in the north of the yard. The main room is in the middle, and the back should be the kitchen room. The two left and right rooms look like bedrooms. Liang Sheng just entered the room on the left.

I don’t know what to give her. Was it the Tai Sui who sold it last time?

Just as he was thinking, Liang Sheng came over with a bag and put it on the stone table, “Here, here you are.”

The bag looked a bit heavy, Bai Xiaoxi opened the mouth of the beam curiously, saw the contents inside, and immediately exclaimed, “Wow…!”

She hasn’t seen so many delicious foods in a long time!

A large bag of toffee, heavy, estimated to be a catty, two bottles of canned oranges, golden flesh ups and downs in a transparent glass jar, a box of biscuits, a tin box, and a naive panda painted on the outside.

Bai Xiaoxi raised his head, his eyes sparkling, “Give me so much?”

Liang Sheng began with a fierce tone, “I’ll give it to you, take it quickly.”

Bai Xiaoxi didn’t care whether he was fierce or not. He touched that one with love, touched this, and asked, “Why?”

“Give it to you, ask so much.” He looked impatiently.

“I can’t take your things for nothing, so be it, that Tai Sui will count as yours, and my half will change these foods.”

Liang Shenghao turned his head back and frowned, “What stupid you are doing, do you know how much that thing is worth?”

Bai Xiaoxi didn’t care much and said, “There should be a little bit of money, but I can’t spend it if I want it. Just have something to eat.”

I have seen Jinshan Yinshan. It’s just too old. For her, it’s not as attractive as a piece of cake in front of her.

Liang Sheng is really sure, this kid is so innocent and stupid, he might even help count the money if he is sold.

He came back and walked a few steps irritably, trying to train her, and because of the lessons learned from the past, he was afraid of annoying people again, so he had to hold back, thinking about it, and finally made up his mind like his life: this kid doesn’t have anything. Understand, he can only watch.

After figuring this out, he sighed, not knowing whether it was Bai Xiaoxi or himself.

Bai Xiaoxi touched the food one by one, but didn’t take it away. “There are too many educated youths. If you ask questions and it’s hard to explain, can I put it here for the time being? Come to you if you want to eat.”

Liang Sheng looked at her and wanted to ask, if others saw her running to him, how would she explain it?

However, remembering the determination he had just made, he twisted his eyebrows and put it back.

The big deal comes when he comes to think of excuses.


When Bai Xiaoxi went back, she had a handful of candy in her pocket. When she thought that Liang Sheng still had a lot to eat, she was like a chipmunk full of winter food, and she was in a beautiful mood.

“Xiaoxi, the commune screening team is coming to Yangmeiling to show the movie tomorrow night. It’s at the threshing floor. Let’s go together.” Huang Pingping hurriedly walked in from the door.

Bai Xiaoxi shook the clothes open, dried them on the bamboo pole, and responded casually: “Okay.”

Continue to hum when finished.

“I have been busy for so long recently, and finally I can relax. I heard that we need to bring our own bench. Let’s go early and take a good position.” Huang Pingping babbled, and after a while, she slowly reacted, “Xiaoxi, you today Are you in a good mood?”

“It’s okay.” Bai Xiaoxi smiled at her with her eyes bent, took out a few candy from her pocket, stuffed it into the palm of Huang Pingping’s palm, and whispered, “Don’t show it to Lu Xiaoyan.”

Although I am not afraid of her, it is always annoying to see her having trouble.

Huang Pingping hurriedly put away the sugar, and whispered like a thief: “Where did you get the sugar, do you still have it yourself?”

“Also.” Bai Xiaoxi is happy, she still has a lot to eat!

In the evening of the next day, the men, women, and children of the Yangmeiling brigade gathered together to the threshing ground with their benches. A few of them were anxious and came over with their home bowls before they finished their meals.

Huang Pingping pulled Bai Xiaoxi out early and wanted to occupy a front row position, but underestimated the enthusiasm of everyone. The others came earlier than them, and the last two had to sit down in the back.

“Be sure to sit in the front row next time.” Huang Pingping looked firm.

Bai Xiaoxi’s reaction was dull. She was not very interested in the movies at this time, but just joined in the fun. It was the same wherever she sat.

Almost the entire brigade is here, and there are some unseen faces, probably from other brigade nearby. When movies are shown in other places, people from Yang Meiling will also watch them in groups.

However, she looked around and found no trace of Liang Sheng, thinking that she had missed it, so she looked for it carefully, but still nothing.

“Xiaoxi, what are you looking at?” Huang Pingping was curious.

Bai Xiaoxi retracted his gaze and said, “Many people.”

“Yes, fortunately you are with me, otherwise I would not dare to come alone.”

Bai Xiaoxi didn’t see Liang Sheng until the film began to show.

Maybe I don’t like watching movies, she thought.

As a result, when the movie was halfway through, Huang Pingping poked her suddenly, “Look, is that Liang Sheng and Comrade Ye?”

Bai Xiaoxi looked down and saw Liang Sheng on the edge of the threshing floor, near the small bamboo forest. In front of him stood a young girl, an educated youth named Ye Yumei from a few years ago.

The two of them didn’t know what they were talking about, Ye Yumei smiled, and Liang Sheng still had an impatient expression.

Huang Pingping whispered: “Why is Comrade Ye and Liang Sheng together? I heard that she and the captain’s son…”

There were wonderful fighting sounds in the movie, and Huang Pingping looked up with relish, ignoring the gossip.

Bai Xiaoxi held his chin and looked at the two with a deliberate gaze. Although Liang Sheng was her goal, if he fell in love with someone else, she would definitely not get mixed up.

Fortunately, the two said only a few words, Liang Sheng walked away, he scanned the crowd, his eyes met Bai Xiaoxi, and he was taken aback for a while, then he tilted his head and motioned for her to come out.

Bai Xiaoxi was curious, and talked to Huang Pingping to make it easier, and the cat crawled out of the crowd.

Liang Sheng had already walked into the small bamboo forest, and Bai Xiaoxi followed, and stopped when he could barely see the people on the threshing floor.

“That thing was shot.” Liang Sheng observed the surroundings, lowering his voice.

Bai Xiaoxi was startled for a moment before he came to understand what he was talking about.

It turned out that he was dealing with Tai Sui, no wonder he only appeared now.

“You did it today?” She also whispered.

Liang Sheng nodded, “Tomorrow you find a time to go to my house.”

“Should you give me money? You said no.”

“You don’t want to do it, do I agree?” Liang Sheng suppressed the urge to knock on her forehead.

Bai Xiaoxi pursed his lips, not wanting to continue arguing with him, and changed the subject, “What were you talking about with Comrade Ye just now?”

“Who?” Liang Sheng didn’t respond for a while, and then said, “You mean that female educated youth?”

He frowned and thought about it, “Suddenly it came out, as if asking me if I want to continue studying, I look like someone who wants to read?”

Bai Xiaoxi was puzzled: “I see her smiling very happily, thinking you are talking about something funny.”

“Who knows what she is laughing at is inexplicable.” Liang Sheng was impatient.

“Well, let’s go to the movies.” Knowing that he has nothing to do with Ye Yumei, Bai Xiaoxi didn’t care.

The two were about to go out, but there were rapid footsteps outside the bamboo forest. Hearing the sound, it was like a man and a woman pulling in.

Bai Xiaoxi and Liang Sheng looked at each other before wondering if they were going to make a sound. They listened to the woman’s suppressed voice and said, “What are you doing, let me go!”

The male voice said, “Let go of you? Let go of you and let you go and make eye-catching with other men? I also found Liang Sheng…”

It was a coincidence that Bai Xiaoxi had just gotten from Huang Pingping, and after hearing a gossip between Ye Yumei and the captain’s son, he ran into the two of them in no time.

And Liang Sheng was unlucky enough to be involved.

She winked at Liang Sheng.

Liang Sheng looked fierce.

Ye Yumei said angrily: “What right do you have to call me! You hooked up with the newcomer Lu Xiaoyan, and you fell in love with that Bai Xiaoxi, thinking I didn’t know!”

Bai Xiaoxi: “…”

Liang Sheng looked at her silently.

Bai Xiaoxi looked up at the sky.

The moon tonight is big and round, like a pot.

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