I Am That Little Fox [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 27

Chapter 27 027 The village tyrant and the little ed


Liang Sheng looked at Bai Xiaoxi, and Bai Xiaoxi looked at him innocently.

In fact, the little fox secretly said to the system: “I’m waiting in line, he should give me candy, if he doesn’t…”

If you don’t give it to you, there is a reason to grab it, right!

The system added the second half of the sentence for her, and she couldn’t help but guess whether the little fox was expecting Liang Sheng to give sugar or expecting him not to give it.

He thought, he really broke his studies. The first time he did the task, he was more than a little fairy. Now he has a black belly.

Liang Sheng had no sugar in his hand, reached into his trouser pocket and took out the only two left.

“Thank you!” Bai Xiaoxi was not greedy, and happily took one from him.

There were many hard calluses on his palm, and he felt a little itchy when touched by her soft fingers.

Liang Sheng squeezed the last candy, put his hand back in his pocket, and twisted two thick eyebrows, looking impatient, “It’s dark, what are you still running outside?”

Doesn’t this kid know that those second-rate children like to stare at a girl like her most?

Bai Xiaoxi unwrapped the wrapping paper and stuffed the sugar into his mouth. A small packet of pink cheeks suddenly bulged, and the sweet smell spread.

She bent her eyes in a good mood and waved her hand, “I’m going back, see you tomorrow.”

After speaking, he ran away.

The educated youth spot was tens of meters away from Liang Sheng’s house, and he watched her jump all the way into the courtyard gate.

There are fifteen educated youths in Yangmeiling, eight men and seven women. The original four female educated youths live in one house, and the three of Bai Xiaoxi and the others are in a new house.

Her two roommates, the girl who talks a lot, is called Lu Xiaoyan, and the one who talks less is called Huang Pingping.

When she walked in, Lu Xiaoyan was complaining that the bed was too hard, “It’s hard and narrow, and the mattress is so thin, how can you sleep?”

“You can press half of the quilt underneath. I tried it in winter and it was very warm.” Huang Pingping suggested.

“That’s why you can’t even turn over? How can you sleep?” Lu Xiaoyan was surprised, “Why do you sleep so much in winter? Is your family so poor that there is only one quilt?”

Huang Pingping was a little embarrassed when she heard the words, smiled, did not answer, bowed her head and folded her clothes.

Lu Xiaoyan asked: “Is your family very poor? You are also from the city, right? What do your parents do?”

The movement of Bai Xiaoxi’s return caught the attention of the two, Huang Pingping breathed a sigh of relief, while Lu Xiaoyan curled his lips.

Huang Pingping reminded Bai Xiaoxi: “There is hot water in the kitchen now, so I can wash it.”

“Okay, thank you.” Bai Xiaoxi thanked him and went out with the washbasin and kettle.

When everyone had finished washing, it was getting dark and the whole brigade slowly calmed down.

Occasionally one or two dog barks were heard in the distance. Someone in the next room coughed. I don’t know who was tossing and turning in the room, and they all fell silent.

Five new educated youths inject fresh vitality into the peaceful Yangmeiling. I remember that when the first batch of educated youths went to the countryside, the villagers looked at the western scenes. They watched these white and neat city people on both sides of the road, not to mention the novelty. Up.

Even if a few years have passed, the educated youths are working together with the members, they are all tanned, and their clothes are not so particular. Everyone still feels different from them.

Knowing that there are educated youths coming again, early in the morning, from time to time members of the educated youth point pass by, poking their heads and looking inside.

Bai Xiaoxi and Huang Pingping went to the riverside to wash clothes together. They were watched all the way to the riverside, and then they were caught by the laundry sister-in-law.

Ask them what their names are, how old they are, where are their homes, how many siblings at home…

Especially Bai Xiaoxi, who is beautiful and attracts more and more attention.

The two quickly finished washing their clothes, and after leaving the river, they let out a long sigh of relief, glanced at each other, and laughed.

Huang Pingping has lingering fears: “Let’s wait until there are few people to come to wash it again.”

“They don’t always ask the same question every day, it should be fine after a while.” Bai Xiaoxi said.

“I hope so. By the way, we are not named Lu Xiaoyan, will she be upset?”

“Didn’t you ask her in the morning, she ran out and ignored others.”

“She may not have heard…”

Bai Xiaoxi did not comment.

In terms of interpersonal relationships, she is actually quite lazy and will not take the initiative to make trouble with people like Lu Xiaoyan, unless the other party provokes her.

Similarly, Huang Pingping is soft-tempered, and she didn’t know how to go back when she was bullied. Bai Xiaoxi only met her, and she would not volunteer to help her out. If she had a deep friendship in the future, it would naturally be different.

The two turned around a pile of firewood. There was a small bamboo forest in front of them. There were a few young people beside the bamboo forest. They hadn’t stood in the same position. When they saw them, they cut their pockets, straightened their hair, and even the voice of speech. They are all bigger, for fear that they are not noticeable enough.

“Let’s go.” Huang Pingping lowered her head and whispered.

“Don’t be afraid.” Bai Xiaoxi looked over and saw Liang Sheng behind the young people who were trying to behave.

He stalked the grass stalk in his mouth, leaned back on the bamboo, and looked at the sky casually. Hearing the movement, he turned his gaze back and looked here.

“Come here, come here…” The few people huddled together, glanced at the two of Bai Xiaoxi, turned away pretending to be nonchalant, and then took another look.

When the two walked over, they could still hear their discussion.

“The one in white seemed to look at me just now, she is so beautiful.”

“Nonsense, it’s obviously looking at me.”

“Bah! You don’t pee and take pictures of yourself, she must be looking at me!”

“Seeing you look good, you look like Zhu Bajie!”

“You’re a pig! Brother Sheng, comment, is that beautiful female educated youth looking at me?”

“Look at your father.” Liang Sheng frowned and gave them a kick, spit out the grass stem, straightened up and walked in the other direction.

The two beaten young young men followed behind him, whispering you push me and I squeeze you.

Walking through the small bamboo forest, Huang Pingping patted her chest and said, “I was scared to death. Aren’t you afraid?”

“Don’t be afraid. If they dare to do anything, I will tell them to taste the fist.” Bai Xiaoxi carried the basin in one hand and squeezed into a white fist with the other, very arrogant.

Huang Pingping chuckled and said, “The strength of boys is much stronger than us, you can’t beat them.”

Bai Xiaoxi shook his fist, “I’ll know later.”

In the evening, Tan Zhili informed them that they would start planting seedlings tomorrow, and that the newcomers would also start working, and the educated youth suddenly groaned.

Tan Zhili said to Bai Xiaoxi: “You are going to pull the seedlings. It is a relatively easy job. When you arrive in the field tomorrow, you will learn from the aunt and the others, and you will be able to get started soon.”

“Is the job lighter and less work points?” Others are afraid of tiredness, but Bai Xiaoxi is concerned about this issue.

Tan Zhili explained with a smile: “It’s not necessarily. Some women pull seedlings with both hands. The speed is very fast, and the work points are not less than strong labor. But seedling pulling is not just about speed. You have to wash the mud on the roots of the seedlings while pulling, otherwise the seedlings If it is too heavy, the picker will be unhappy, and the planter will be inconvenient.”

Bai Xiaoxi nodded, indicating that he understood.

She has only seen the scene where rice is planted in the fields, but she did not expect that there will be many trivial matters in the process of planting rice seedlings.

Early the next morning, the genius was bright, and everyone got up and went to the field.

There are already a lot of people in the fields, and the women in the rice-pulling team are very enthusiastic, vying to teach the new educated youth.

Bai Xiaoxi is very ambitious. She learns to pull seedlings with both hands and bow left and right. She has always learned things fast, but after a long time, she has become very proficient in her movements.

The few young educated youths who came with her were still tiptoeing, wearing a big hat, sitting on a special I-shaped bench, pulling out seedlings, washing seedlings, and setting seedling handles, all in one go, she was surprised by others.

“I see, the creek is the material for earning ten work points.”

“No, I look faster than me.”

“Look at her hands, they are as white and tender as tofu, why are they so agile at work?”

Generally, ten work points are counted for planting rice seedlings a day, and the work of planting seedlings is lighter, and eight work points are counted. However, some women can earn ten centimeters with skillful hands and feet. As for the newly arrived educated youths, their movements are too slow. Bai Xiaoxi’s speed is comparable to that of them.

The women were working on their hands, and they were not idle, they dug out the bottoms of a few educated youths, and then talked about the other people on the team.

What family’s son is too old and can’t find a daughter-in-law; who’s chicken lays a big egg, and it’s double yellow when knocked out; who’s dog caught a mouse the day before yesterday…

Bai Xiaoxi was in it, listening to the old sesame seeds and rotten millet, but it was also useful.

For example, Liang Sheng, the older single youth among women.

Speaking of older people, they are actually in their early twenties, but in rural areas, family members should be anxious before they start talking about relatives at the age of twenty.

According to them, Liang Sheng had no father when he was a child. His mother pulled him up alone. A few years ago, he fell ill and went. He was lonely, without the help of elders, and his mouth was not sweet and would not have trouble. Still single now.

“Let me say that Liang Sheng has great strength and can easily earn ten work points. There is a house at home and a plot of land. The girl will not endure hardship with him.”

“If you don’t endure hardship, you don’t endure hardship, but you see that he is very vicious and has a bad temper. You are frightened.”

“You look good and you can’t eat it. I don’t think you have ever been hungry. You will know if you are hungry after a few meals.” An older woman said.

Someone laughed and said: “If you have food, you have to dare to eat him. If you get a punch from him, the food for the first 20 years will be for nothing.”

Everyone laughed.

Bai Xiaoxi thought that although Liang Sheng looked fierce, he wouldn’t be able to beat people indiscriminately.

Who are really bad-tempered, how can they give their children sweets?

At noon, some people go home to eat, some people bring it to their homes, and the educated youth take turns back to eat.

Bai Xiaoxi climbed up the ridge barefoot, with silt on his feet, so he had to go to the canal to clean it before putting on his shoes.

The hat on her head is wide, and she can only see a place in front of her feet. As she walks, she sees another pair of feet in her vision, which are obviously several sizes larger than hers. She has a bronze skin, no fat, and looks like an eagle. Claws.

Bai Xiaoxi couldn’t help but move her feet, her tender feet trapped in the green grass, contrasted by the other’s big feet, they became more delicate and lovely.

She tried to look up, looking out from under the brim of her hat, and saw the familiar lower half of her face, which was the subject of women’s discussion just now.

Liang Sheng seemed to go back to eat too. The two of them went to the canal to wash their hands and feet one after another, and then walked to the east of the village one after another.

Bai Xiaoxi stared at Liang Sheng’s back all the way, wondering what he had for lunch and whether it would be delicious.

Before going too far, Liang Sheng stopped suddenly, turned his head a little irritably, and said in a fierce tone: “You go ahead.”

“Why?” Bai Xiaoxi asked, raising his head.

Liang Sheng sighed, his brows furrowed tightly.

How could he say that she was almost on the same foot?

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