I Am That Little Fox [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 14

Chapter 14 014 Be a big girlfriend as a little girl


Bai Xiaoxi ran all the way downstairs to the bedroom, and saw a tall figure standing beside the flowerbed from a distance. The gray-black coat made him more shoulder-wide and leg-length. It was very eye-catching. Even if he couldn’t see his appearance in the dark, there were still girls who looked back from time to time. To see him.

Bai Xiaoxi glanced at the box in his hand, stared for a few times before turning his gaze to his face, where there was the little emotion before, her round eyes were already bent, and her voice was soft, with Some fake polite, as if very shy and embarrassed, “You still send it here so late.”

Yan Xingzhi was also looking at her, the little deer that had slipped away from his territory, still kicking and stepping on the feet of the deer, innocent and happy.

His gaze seemed to carry a weight that he didn’t have before, and he couldn’t ignore it. He was careless like a white stream, and he felt a little awkward.

Before she spoke, Yan Xingzhi asked her warmly: “Just start school, are you still used to it?”

Bai Xiaoxi nodded. Except for Lin’s sister-in-law to feed her several times a day, everything else was fine, but occasionally he thought about it, thinking about when to come to her for a big meal after the feast.

“What about you, are you busy with work?”

“It’s over temporarily.” Yan Xingzhi said with a smile.

In fact, he did not have time to finish his work. In the past year, half of his time flew to various places on business trips, and the remaining half was spent in the company most of the time.

In the past, he thought that work was also a kind of pastime. It was his pleasure to watch one project being overcome and one problem after another solved.

But now he feels that the joy of life may not be so monotonous, it can be more lively and colorful.

“Walk together?” he proposed.

They are now outside the gate of the female dormitory, across the road, opposite the male dormitory, and the living area where the entire dormitory is located also includes a canteen, a supermarket, a snack street, a small commercial street, and a small man-made park.

At night, there are people running at night in the small park, and a few students meeting for a walk and chatting. Most of them are small couples, holding hands, shoulder to shoulder, kiss and honey, reluctant to leave and go back to the bedroom.

Bai Xiaoxi and Yan Xingzhi walked on the stone path, and the round street lights above their heads slowly elongated and gradually shortened their shadows.

Like a hopscotch, she stepped on a piece of slate and jumped over, talking as she jumped, “Is Sister Lin okay?”

“Very good. When I went out, she explained that every Friday and asked if you were going back for dinner.”

Bai Xiaoxi stopped and turned to look at him, “Then what did you tell her?”

Her complexion is very good, her face is powdery, and her skin is as moist as beautiful jade under the white street lamp. But Yu is cold and hard, and it will definitely not be as soft as hers.

Yan Xingzhi smiled and said, “I told her that I need to ask you what you mean.”

Bai Xiaoxi puffed his cheeks, “You said, I don’t work for you anymore, I won’t go to your house for dinner.”

She still has a little bit of resentment about the cancellation of the contract by the banquet. She doesn’t know whether she is chasing or not. She has no salary and no delicacies made by Lin’s wife, she has experienced it very deeply anyway.

Hearing her angry words, the banquet was dumb, and he said with a helpless smile: “It’s my fault. But I think we are friends in addition to the employment relationship. Isn’t it unusual to invite friends to eat at home?”

Bai Xiaoxi is suspicious, is she and Yan Xingzhi already friends?

Although Yan Zecheng was said to be her friend before, most of the reason was to deal with classmates. In fact, she attached great importance to making friends. So far, only the friends on Mingshan are the friends she truly recognizes.

However, she has been cooperating with Yan Xingzhi for so long, and the two of them are quite familiar. The most important thing is that she used to eat his food and drink his food, so she can’t speak softly. Now people say it’s her friend, she is embarrassed. Confidently deny.

You can’t deny it, you can only admit it.

“Then I have to go back to school after I eat.” The little fox looked like he had a bottom line.

Yan Xingzhi smiled and nodded: “Okay, I’ll pick you up tomorrow, and I will take you back after eating.”

Before she knew it, she walked around the small park and returned to the place again. Yan Xingzhi handed her the paper box in her hand, “Go up.”

Bai Xiaoxi held the box, and looked around on tiptoes, “Where is your car?”

“Stop outside, just a few steps away.”

She nodded, “Then I’m going upstairs, you go home quickly.”

“Rest early.” Yan Xingzhi watched her disappear into the corridor before turning to leave.

Several people in the dormitory came back, and Bai Xiaoxi brought a sweet scent as soon as he entered the door.

“Did you go down to buy food?” Wang Yang asked her.

Bai Xiaoxi opened the paper box and said, “A friend gave it to me.”

She thought, it would be nice to recognize this friend for the banquet, or if someone asked her, she would have to say that it was given to her by the previous boss.

This sounds weird.

There is a tin of small round cakes in the carton, as well as egg tarts and a few pieces of cream cake. The strawberries on the cake are fresh and dripping.

“Come to eat cake!” Bai Xiaoxi shouted back.

The few people huffed around, and one of them took a piece of cake and was heartbroken as he ate it.

“Sorry, in the morning I said I wanted to lose weight, but in the evening I fell. It’s so fragrant.”

“I have always had a question that I can’t figure out, why is the cake that I eat, but the fat that grows out? This is very unscientific.”

“That’s more scientific than drinking water to grow fat.”

Bai Xiaoxi didn’t make any comments, but listened to them obediently. As a person who doesn’t gain weight no matter how much he eats, if he talks too much, it will arouse public anger. She has already experienced it.

The two art students in the dormitory have very strict body requirements. They talk about losing weight and being hungry the most every day, so Wang Yang is also infected. There is a white brook left, like a little hamster, running around for food all day long. It is particularly conspicuous.

Even if she didn’t speak at the moment, the others moved their eyes to her and glanced back and forth. Wang Yang first gossiped and said, “Xiaoxi, is your friend from our school?”

Bai Xiaoxi shook his head, “He has already worked, as if he was studying in a foreign university.”

“Then he made a special trip to bring you food?”

Bai Xiaoxi nodded because he was unclear.

“Men’s and women’s?” Yang Feifei was straightforward.


“Sisters,” Zhang Qianying concluded: “So now there is a returnee man—”

The other two looked at her and said in unison: “Chasing the stream!”

“Huh?” Bai Xiaoxi was surprised, “How do you know?”

She didn’t seem to have said it, did she?

Wang Yang rolled his eyes and said, “You can see things with your eyes.”

A few of them look outstanding, which one has not been chased by a boy? I’m familiar with this way.

Zhang Qianying said with rich experience: “Boys are lazy, if they didn’t want to chase you, who would run to our school at night and give you cakes specially, is it not good to play games?”

Bai Xiaoxi shook his head seriously and said, “He doesn’t like to play games.”

She is the one who loves to play games, and what others call childish stand-alone games, but although Yan Xingzhi does not like to play, it is very powerful. Bai Xiaoxi is still impressed by his record of eliminating stars.

Several other people came to be interested, mainly Bai Xiaoxi’s usual classroom canteen bedroom, three o’clock on the line. Except for food and TV dramas, she seemed to have no other preferences. Suddenly a suitor of her appeared, and she also knew that the other party was chasing her. It’s quite interesting.

Wang Yang asked: “How long has he been chasing you?”

Bai Xiaoxi counted, not sure: “Four days…Four days ago he said he wanted to chase me, then he went on a business trip and came back in the afternoon.”

When the three of them heard it, they felt a little unreliable, Xiaoxi was silly, don’t be fooled.

“Is he busy at work?” Wang Yang was a little worried.

“It’s very busy.”

Yang Feifei still asked directly: “Then do you know which company and position he works for?”

Zhang Qianying added: “You don’t know that some scumbags hang several girls at the same time. They often use their work as an excuse to go on business trips, but they actually went to meet other girls.”

“There is still such a thing…” Bai Xiaoxi was surprised. She hadn’t seen it in TV dramas, and it seemed that she still didn’t learn enough.

She tried to think about the position of Yan Xingzhi, but found that she had only heard others call him Yan Xingzhi, but according to TV, there can be many executives in a company. What is the president, general manager and director? Which one is Yan Xingzhi?

She had to say: “He works in the Yanshi Group. I don’t remember the specific position.”

“The Yanshi Group? Is it the one with a building in the city?”

Seeing Bai Xiaoxi nodding, Zhang Qianying was relieved, “Then he should be really busy. I have a cousin who also works in that building. He works overtime 30 days a month, but their salary is super high. So just now The sentence needs to be changed. There is an elite turtle man chasing our creek. As long as he is not a bald beer belly, he is a good quality stock.”

Bai Xiaoxi shook his head repeatedly, “Nothing.”

“Then go, grab him!” Yang Feifei patted her shoulder with full fighting spirit. “There are not many high-quality men these days. If you don’t pay attention, you will be taken away by others.”

“That’s right, don’t buy other little fairies.” Zhang Qianying twisted her waist and blinked her left eye at Bai Xiaoxi.

“…” The little fox was silent. To this day, she still has an inexplicable sense of guilty conscience when she hears the words little fairy.

The next day, after class in the afternoon, Bai Xiaoxi and Wang Yang returned to the dormitory.

Wang Yangqi said: “Why didn’t you go to the cafeteria the first time today?”

“I’m going to a friend’s house for dinner tonight.” Bai Xiaoxi was full of expectation.

Wang Yang’s radar went online immediately, “Is that the one last night?”


“Have you been to his house? Is there anyone else in the house?”

Bai Xiaoxi heard her worry and said happily: “I have seen other people.”

“That’s good.” Wang Yang was amazed at the progress of the two. He had just begun to pursue, but he had even met his family. Is it his childhood sweetheart? But she didn’t ask much.

Just after five o’clock, the banquet stopped sending a message, “Is get out of class over? I’ll come to pick you up.”

Bai Xiaoxi looked at the time, it was much earlier than he usually went home from get off work, she thought she had to wait.

“get out of class has ended.”

“Well, you will go downstairs again in fifteen minutes.”

When it was time for Bai Xiaoxi to go down, he saw a familiar car outside the dormitory. He was about to open the rear door, and saw the co-pilot’s window lowered a little, and the banquet stopped in the driver’s seat.

“Little Brook, sit forward.”

It was the first time she saw Yan Xing stop driving by herself, and after she fastened her seat belt, she glanced curiously.

Yan Xing Zhi was able to turn the steering wheel with ease, reversing, turning, and going straight. The movements were very smooth. He also glanced at Bai Xiaoxi and asked with a smile: “What’s the matter?”

Bai Xiaoxi is very honest: “Is it hard to learn to drive?”

“It’s not difficult, do you want to learn?”

“No more.” She remembered that Yan Xingzhi had said that it was not difficult to play games. Thinking about her strength, let’s take the car honestly.

Yanxing stopped smiling, and he was not relieved to let her drive.

“Are there any arrangements for the weekend?”

“I don’t know yet.” Originally, in their class group, someone suggested that everyone gather together in the new semester. There were quite a few people who agreed, but when they discussed where to go, they never made a decision, and then it was all gone. , I heard Wang Yang said, it seems that we have to discuss it in the evening.

Banquet stopped and said, “What kind of place do you want to go to? I might know a few.”

Bai Xiaoxi said a little disgustedly: “Forget it, we definitely can’t afford to go where you know.”

The location was not determined before, but also because a few students thought it was too expensive.

Yanxing stopped laughing and was rejected for the first time, but that was the reason.

He did not give up, and made another suggestion: “There are also several entertainment venues under the group. I can ask them to give you classmates discounts.”

“That’s even worse. I don’t know them very well, so why let them take advantage of you?”

The implication is that compared to her classmates, she and Yan Xing Zhi are her own.

The little fox always protects shortcomings.

Yan Xingzhi laughed out loud, obvious pleasure.

Bai Xiaoxi glanced at him, smuggled and banged his heart secretly, secretly slandering: laughing weirdly.

When the two arrived at the banquet stop, Lin’s sister-in-law had already waited. Seeing Bai Xiaoxi, she happily took her to look around, saying, “I’m thin, and I must not eat well in school.”

Bai Xiaoxi didn’t know how she could see it, she obviously won’t change her body shape no matter how much she eats…

Sister Lin finished talking, and then asked, “Do you live at home on weekends? I’ll make up for it for you.”

Bai Xiaoxi didn’t know how to answer. She didn’t really fall in love with Yan Xingzhi. They pretended to be in love before. If the elders knew about this, they would definitely be sad.

“No this week, Xiaoxi is going out with classmates.” Yan Xingzhi relieved her.

Sister Lin looked a little disappointed, but she quickly said, “I should get along with my classmates for four years. Some of them are still friends after graduation.”

The dinner was very rich. If it weren’t for the fear of waste, Lin’s wife would probably fill the entire table. She also said that there are small snacks and cakes in the kitchen, which Bai Xiaoxi will bring to school.

Bai Xiaoxi was content to eat, and invited her to take a walk after dinner.

He asked casually, “What do you like to do in school except for class?”

Bai Xiaoxi thought for a while. A few days after school started, she hadn’t had time to discover much fun. The pace of life was similar to that at the banquet house. Wang Yang suggested that she should sign up for a club to avoid being too boring, but it is not a new season for club recruitment. She is also not clear about her hobbies, so she is just understanding it.

Thinking about it this way, compared with other classmates, her college life is quite boring.

She faintly said: “I don’t seem to know anything…”

The banquet said: “I just didn’t find it. I remember that when you lived here and on the mountain, you liked plants and small animals. You can join the Zoological and Plant Society to collect statistics on the species of animals and plants in the school, and you can expand the scope to the entire The city, or the entire province.”

Bai Xiaoxi’s eyes lit up when he heard it, and he hurriedly asked, “Is there such a club?”

“Even if you don’t, you can set up one yourself and be the first member. I think you can also learn photography or painting. When you meet your favorite animals, plants or natural landscapes, you can record them.” Yan Xingzhi continued.

His suggestion, in addition to considering Bai Xiaoxi’s preferences, is also a little secretly selfish: to join such a club, she does not have to contact too many people.

If possible, he hopes that there are as few insignificant people around her as possible.

Bai Xiaoxi nodded her head again and again, her eyes sparkling. Anyway, she loves to run around, and she likes the proposal of Banquet.

“You are still great, I can’t even think of it.”

Yan Xingzhi smiled: “You are a fan of the authorities.”

Bai Xiaoxi happily chatted with him all the way, until later when she was going back to school, Lin Wife confessed that she would go home for dinner when she had time, and her mood fell.

Last time Su Yingru also let her have time to go up the mountain to play, but her relationship with Yan Xingzhi was false. Thinking that the elders might be sad when they knew it, she felt full of guilt in her heart.

It turned out to be such a sad thing to cheat, she will never do it again.

“What if everyone knows the truth?” She frowned and said worriedly.

“Then don’t let them know.” Yan Xingzhi looked at the road ahead, his mouth curled up, “So I am pursuing you. As long as we are really together, they won’t know.”

“…” It sounds reasonable, but the little fox still thinks something weird.

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