I alone am the Honoured One!

Chapter 29: A long drive!

Chapter 29: A long drive!

Comfortably seated on the sofa, Zhao Tian gently ran his fingers through his sister's soft, lustrous pink hair, playfully intertwining them as she continued sleeping, her head resting gently upon his shoulder.

As he sat there, his gaze fell on the TV screen in front of him. "A seal on Ying'er..." he muttered again glancing at his sister's sleeping face.

A small sigh escaped his lips and at this time he felt small movements from his right side. He turned his head and looked at the stunning woman with lustrous silver hair, peacefully dozing off against the comfortable support of his right shoulder her face softly illuminated by the delicate glow of the dimly lit room.

His eyes softened and he delicately brushed his fingers against her cheek. The gentle touch stirred Zhao Suyin, causing her long eyelashes to quiver and she opened her silver eyes, her eyes locking with her son's blue eyes.

She softly rubbed her eyes "Um.. did I fall asleep?" *yawn* she let out a yawn and asked in a sleepish tone. Zhao Tian couldn't contain his amusement at witnessing her clumsiness, causing him to let out a chuckle.

Zhao Suyin then glanced at Zhao Ying and sighed "We thought of watching a movie late at night as a family but seems like we both fell asleep."

She caught a quick glimpse of her son and saw him smiling at her. As she gazed at him with affection, her eyes filled with tenderness "Sorry, Tian'er..." she softly spoke to him, planting a gentle kiss on his cheek.

Zhao Tian gently shook his head "No, Mom.. don't worry." A warm and tender smile graced Zhao Suyin's lips as her gentle hand lovingly tousled his hair, her touch conveying both comfort and affection. "I am going to sleep. When she wakes up, make her sleep too..." Her words were filled with a mother's love and concern. As Zhao Tian nodded, Zhao Suyin stood from the sofa and stretched her arms walking towards her room.

*tring* At this time he heard a notification sound and he took the mobile reading the notification 'Tian, are you awake?'

Seeing the message from Chi Miya, Zhao Tian replied 'Yeah, I am...'

'Cool! are you free tomorrow?'

'Well, yeah...'

'As we planned can we go for a drive tomorrow?'

Zhao Tian rolled his eyes, well he didn't have anything specific to do 'Ok!'

'Then it's deal... Just come to my home tomorrow and we can go in my car.'


'Hm. Good night, Tian. See you tomorrow.'

'Good night!'

"Hngh.. Tian'er..." Zhao Tian looked down at Zhao Ying, who was nestled against him, murmuring his name with drowsy contentment. A gentle smile curved his lips as he gathered her in his embrace, making his way towards her bedroom.


Next day evening~

Zhao Tian drove his car into Chi Miya's villa and his eyes fell on an exquisite white Ferrari parked there. Chi Miya who was standing next to the Ferrari smiled looking at Zhao Tian walking towards her "I think this is much better..."

Zhao Tian glanced at the impressive beast car before giving a nod "Yeah, It's cool." Chi Miya responded with a wry chuckle "I actually purchased this car because I liked it, but it has been sitting in my garage untouched and I won't drive too fast so..." she said extending the keys.

Zhao Tian gave a nod taking the keys from her hand "Let me show you a good time." Chi Miya's face lit up with happiness, and she eagerly followed him entering the car.

As she sat on the co-passenger seat, she asked "Have you ever driven a supercar like this?" Zhao Tian nodded "Yeah, in GTA. I even drive helicopters."

Wai- what? Chi Miya was dumbfounded hearing his answer "T-Tian, are you serious?" Zhao Tian chuckled seeing her face "I am just kidding. I have experience in driving an old man's Lambo."

Zhao Tian effortlessly drove the Ferrari out of the villa estate as the magnificent tires glided smoothly across the pavement, their beauty only surpassed by the symphony of the revving engine. *vroom *

The car's speed was not quick when it was first started, but the powerful sensation of being forcefully propelled backward filled Chi Miya with an exhilarating rush of excitement and delight.

Then, he opened the co-driver window, allowing the noise of the engine and the sound of speed to reach her ears.

In an instant, the whole world seemed to be different.

Chi Miya felt her face grow hot and her heart race in her chest. She tightly gripped the hem of her dress, using her hands to keep it from accidentally revealing too much.

The area surrounding the villa manor is not densely populated, with very few vehicles passing by, especially as the evening approaches.

Zhao Tian felt relieved to drive courageously. "Miya. How do you feel, or should I drive faster?" Zhao Tian asked faintly, focusing on the steering wheel.

Chi Miya looked at him "Accelerate more!" she urged him, her voice tinged with a mix of excitement and challenge. Zhao Tian couldn't help but smirk in response "You asked for it!"

*VROOM *As he pressed his foot down on the accelerator, the car's engine roared to life, and the speed of the car soared violently. The force was so powerful that it seemed as though the car was soaring through the air, its velocity increasing exponentially with each passing second.

The breathtaking sense of acceleration rushed to her face causing Chi Miya's heart to race and agitated as she instinctively pressed her lips together tightly. Her face blushed a deep shade of red, emitting a captivating aura.

With a firm grip on the steering wheel, Zhao Tian could feel the immense power of the Ferrari as its wheels forcefully gripped the road, creating a resounding echo of drifting tires. *screechhh* Together, they were pushing the limits of the Ferrari, embracing the thrill of extreme speed.

Chi Miya, on the other hand, was experiencing this type of quick speeding for the first time. Her adrenaline was pumping, her palms were sweating, and her cheeks and ears were crimsoning. Her heart is racing frantically.

This type of fresh and exhilarating experience caused her to scream "AHHHHHH!."

This sudden burst of excitement not only provided her with a much-needed release from the burdens weighing on her shoulders, but it also ignited a deep affection within her for the thrilling feeling of speed.

The car, on the other hand, was moving at a breakneck pace. As a result of the winding nature of the mountain highway, Zhao Tian's speed gradually decreased. After all, there are a lot of corners here, and it's simple to get into an accident if you're not careful.

Without wasting any time, Zhao Tian swiftly unlocked the back glass of the automobile, while simultaneously rolling down the windows on both sides of the car.

The wind blew in unexpectedly, causing Chi Miya's long hair to become tangled up and she couldn't help but burst into laughter feeling the cool breeze hitting on her face.

After hours of journeying, Zhao Tian eventually brought the Ferrari to a stop upon reaching the top of the mountain.


I hope you guys liked this chapter!

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