I, Admiral Of The Navy, Let The Three Brothers Join The Navy

Chapter 317

Chapter 317

Chapter 318 Dialogue

He also saw Sengoku who was very sad at this time. He didn’t expect Sengoku to be so old and so loyal.

He was also very sad when he heard the news of Luo Ye.

After all, over the years, the successor he had cultivated was dismissed by others like this, but he had no way, not even a word.

This undoubtedly made him feel very powerless and numb, and he seemed to have seen through the incompetence of the government as if the “Seven Seven Three” Buddha.

He was also ready to retire after Luo Ye left, after all, he didn’t want to work for such a government anymore.

“It’s all my incompetence, there’s no way to protect you, I can’t save you, and you suffer this kind of grievance.”

Sengoku also said this directly to Luo Ye. After all, in his eyes, Luo Ye was killed entirely because of his incompetence, and he didn’t even see that it was a government conspiracy at first.

He was a big help to the government at first, otherwise Luo Ye would not have gone to The fish men island.

After all, if the government called Luo Ye directly to let him rest.

Luo Ye would definitely have doubts in that case. After all, he had no connection with the government, so the government could not find him directly and give him vacation directly.

There are too many loopholes here, and Sengoku also feels very regretful. After all, Luo Ye has the current consequences, and he is undoubtedly responsible.

“I don’t blame you, I was too careless for their tricks, even if you didn’t help them here, they would still think of other ways to frame me.

“I’ve seen through these people, and I feel very disappointed. I didn’t expect people in the government to be such people.”

Luo Ye also expressed his thoughts. After all, this is the truth. He was completely fooled by others.

These people even disregarded his previous military exploits and directly attacked him like this.

If it wasn’t because he was strong enough, it is estimated that he would have been executed by someone else by now.

In that case, he can’t find anyone to reason with, and he can’t do anything about it.

Fortunately, his strength was strong enough, and those people did not dare to do other excessive things.

“Well, where are you going from now on? You won’t have to deal with the government, and you’ll have to deal with Marine first.”

Sengoku also began to ask Luo Ye’s future arrangements. After all, he didn’t know what Luo Ye wanted to do in the future. If he really held a grudge, that would undoubtedly be a fatal blow to the government…

After all, others don’t know Luo Ye’s strength, he still has a clear score of 10, and there is no one who is Luo Ye’s opponent now.

Even if it is three Admiral troops plus one, it is not necessarily Luo Ye’s opponent.

Luo Ye has absolute strength, and these people are also very afraid of Luo Ye’s ability.

“Take a step by step, don’t worry, I also grew up here in Marine, and I will not attack Marine. 35

Luo Ye also directly stated his attitude. After all, he also knew what Sengoku was worried about.

He and Marine also have feelings, after all they have lived in Marine headquarters for so long.

He certainly wouldn’t shoot Marine’s people, and he could guarantee that, after all, he couldn’t bear to shoot at his former men.

Besides, he is being victimized by others, not because of it. For Marine’s sake, but for the government’s sake, he still knew this.

Injustice has its head, and debt has its owner.

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