I Added Everything to Strength

Chapter 521

Chapter 515 ask

“Green Devil, don’t get excited, I just wanted to ask you something.

Of course, if you answer frankly, when the war starts, I may be able to let you green demon race a horse. ”

He Mu said calmly.

The Green Demon became more and more excited.

He Mu asks for something!

As long as they have something to ask for, it can reflect the value of their green demons!

Without value, there is really only a dead end.

Taking a deep breath, the Green Demon King caught a life-saving straw like a drowning man, and said sincerely: “City Lord He Mu, please ask, but I know what I know, I must know everything! ”

He Mu’s light and shadow nodded and said, “The first question, how did you come to the moon in the first place?”

The Green Demon heard this as if he was participating in an important interview, he began to ponder, and then he carefully said: “I am not very clear about the specifics. At the beginning, I was instructing the tribe’s cultivation in the God’s Court, but suddenly I fainted. It felt like Being shocked by the spirit is generally, but it is far stronger than the shock of the spirit.

After   , when I wake up again, I will reach the moon.

The same is true of other people in the God’s Court. ”

“What is Shenting?” He Mu asked.

“In the palace of True God Celestial Lord, our races have sent tens of thousands of people to guard the court. Of course, it is an arch guard in name. In fact, it is convenient for True God Celestial Lord to better command the various races scattered in different places.”

The Green Demon replied.

His answer is much more detailed than Tianmang.

He Mu continued to ask: “Then, was there any change in True God Heaven before you fainted?”

“The change…Uh, to be honest, we basically can’t see him, and don’t know what he will do.

However, during that time, the red mist in the God’s Court often fluctuated violently. The true God of Heaven was the Lord of Red Mist, and this should have something to do with him. ”

“Well, did Cang Zhen Shen have a partner that day?”

“I don’t know, I haven’t heard of him having a partner anyway.”

The Green Demon answered very carefully, and did not directly say no, but gave an ambiguous answer.

He Mu can understand the meaning…

just not.

“What’s the matter with the son of God?”

He Mu Guangying’s expression is extremely serious.

The Green Demon’s throat rolled down and said, “When I woke up back then, I immediately went to see the Heavenly Wheel King.

The Sky Wheel King had been awake for a while…

I remember that at that time he had a sad expression and he was holding something like a ball in his hand…

He said to me, the true God of Heaven has fallen, and the thing in his hand goes to the embryo that was conceived before the death of Lord True God…

At that time, none of us had any doubts. After all, the Heavenly God’s means reached the sky, and it was not difficult to get an embryo out. ”

“Then do you think Tianmang is really the son of God Tiancang?”

He Mu kept asking.

This time, the Green Demon did not hesitate, and said directly: “It should be, since Tianmang can reach the current state so quickly, it shows that he is extremely talented!

The same is true of my former **** son of the Green Demon.

More importantly, in the battle that day, I think his facial contours are indeed somewhat similar to those of True God. ”

He Mu nodded.

Although the Green Demon said so, he still had some doubts in his heart.

The God of Heaven reproduces asexually directly?

Asexual reproduction is nothing more, it has been gestated for so long!

He can remember that after the great clans came to the moon, they split internally, but it took more than ten years in the middle.

It hasn’t been conceived for more than ten years. Even if this Tianmang is the son of True God, it must have something very special.

After thinking about it, he asked again: “You said that a normal creature who stays in a dark place for decades will understand everything when it comes out?”

“It should be…no.”

The Green Devil is a little uncertain and authentic.

“If Tianmang is not the son of True God Tiancang, what do you think… what is his most likely identity?”

He Mu asked another strange question.

The Green Demon unknowingly had cold sweat on his forehead.

This is not to face He Mu’s inner tension, but to be frightened by He Mu’s question.

What if Tianmang is not the son of God?

Why does He Mu ask such a question?

Did he find something extraordinary?

Stabilized his emotions, the Green Demon began to think about this issue seriously, and then replied nervously: “The most…most likely true God of Heaven… the deity!

Uh…No, the Heavenly Sacred Tree has emerged, which shows that the True God of Heaven has indeed fallen, and he cannot be the True God of Heaven.

Is that…

The opponent of True God God? ”

The Green Demon said to himself.

He also thought about why they came to the moon.

The biggest possibility is that the True God of Heaven suddenly encountered a powerful enemy, and the two True God-level powerhouses fought, which directly stunned them.

Then he hit the universe… Maybe the Heavenly God was invincible, he kept running away, and finally fled to the moon, and fell directly.

When I first arrived on the moon, all races guessed this way.

After all, the Celestial God has a shorter lifespan than other true gods, and it is unlikely that he would have fallen.

At the time, they even worried that the opponent would find the moon and slap them to death.

But after a long time, he let go of the matter, and Quandang’s opponent was also seriously injured and completely fallen.

“City Lord He Mu…I can only think of these two possibilities, but there are some things that don’t make sense.”

The Green Demon said nervously.

He Mu smiled and said, “Don’t be nervous, I just made an assumption, and didn’t say that Tianmang is not a son of God.”

Speaking of this, He Mu paused, and then asked: “Why do you think the true God of Heaven is taking so many of you to escape?”

The Green Demon replied: “I have thought about this question. It is likely that the fierce battle destroyed the place where we used to live.

The reason why the true God of Heaven insists on taking us… that is to leave a fire for several big clans. ”

“Oh? Is God Real God a very selfless person?

I think even if he is a true god, it would take a lot of effort to escape with tens of thousands of people, right? ”

He Mu is a little curious.

The Green Demon thought carefully and replied: “I don’t know this very well, but I know he is a madman.

If I remember correctly, in the hundred years I stayed in the court, he appeared three times in total, and every time he appeared in the court was very short. He gave most of the things in the court to other people from the Heavenly Clan. Rationale. ”

“Cultivation? Is there a realm above the true God?”

He Mu asked again.

“There is no end to practice, maybe there is, but no one of our eight tribes has ever touched that state.

If the true God of Heaven really encounters a super strong, then there are indeed other realms above the true God, but it has nothing to do with our cultivation system.

Maybe only if you become a true **** can you feel whether there is any way to become stronger. ”

The Green Demon’s eyes were a little yearning, but soon dimmed again.

If he can reach the Seven Steps True King in his life, he is already the limit of the limit, and it is not what he should think of being above the True God.

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