I Added Everything to Strength

Chapter 520

Chapter 514 Secret connection

In Qingyan City, the atmosphere is increasingly depressed.

At the beginning, the patriarchs of the four clans would often gather together to discuss how to deal with this situation.

But with the passage of time, the pressure increased. In addition, the four people gathered together and could not discuss any good countermeasures, so the time for the patriarchs of the four clans to gather became less and less, and it meant that disaster was approaching.

There were frequent frictions between the four clans in the city, and there were even casualties occasionally.

As for those small clans, they became the targets of the four clans to vent their pressure, and their lives were miserable.

However, under the control of the four clans, they couldn’t leave Qingyan City at all.

In this way, everyone in Qingyan City has become more and more irritable, and there is a sense of oppression that the end is coming.


Blue Eye City, the settlement of the Green Demon Race, the Green Demon King closed his eyes and frowned.

After a while, his frowning brows suddenly eased, and the whole person let out a sigh of relief.

Six Steps True King…

He finally possessed the same strength as the Blue Eye King and the Scarlet Blood King.

If he broke through to the six-step real king before, he would definitely celebrate it, but not long after his breakthrough today, his brows frowned again.

Six Steps True King… It’s useless!

can’t change any situation at all!

Contacting the Celestial Clan was already a last resort.

However, what they didn’t expect was that the Sky Clan didn’t agree or refuse, and they kept delaying. As a result, by the time they reacted, everything was too late!

Then He Mu has become the true king of six steps!

Unite and go desperately?

The four clans didn’t dare, on the one hand they knew they couldn’t beat it.

On the other hand, he was afraid that his teammates would take this opportunity to stabbing a knife to please God of War.

Surrender directly…

did not dare.

surrender after knowing that they are invincible. People will not miss you at all. In the end, what you should do to you is to do it.

If these two roads are dead, the four clans have only one choice.

That is to wait silently for death.

As for the Scarlet Blood King, what they want to go to other planets…

That’s all nonsense!

There is no red mist on those planets, and nothing can grow.

Even if I went, I was still lingering, it would be better to die now.

Not to mention, the four races do not have such a powerful interstellar transportation capability, which can transport tens of thousands of people away.

The more the Green Demon thinks, the more unwilling it becomes.

He regrets that he did not learn from the Zilin Clan to seek refuge in the City of War God.

It’s all right now. People sit back and relax in the City of Gods of War, while the Green Demons can only wait to die silently in the City of Qingyan.

“The Zilin clan will not end well!”

The Green Demon whispered a word. At this moment, he could only comfort himself in this way.

Just then, there was a rush of footsteps outside.

The Green Demon felt a little, his face became more ugly, and he couldn’t help but shout:

“Will you not scream in advance before you come? Don’t you take me as the patriarch in your eyes!”

“Patriarch, no, I have something important to report! You open the door!”

The green demons outside replied with a spiritual message, and at this time, he had already walked outside the training room.

The Green Demon waved his hand when he heard the words, and the door of the training room opened immediately.

The elder of the Green Demon Clan, the Green Ghost King, came in. As soon as he came in, he quickly walked to the Green Demon King’s side.

“Patriarch, there are important things to report!”

Seeing that the face of the Green Demon King couldn’t hide his joy, the face of the Green Demon King was relieved.

“What’s wrong? Is there any good news?”

The Green Ghost King mysteriously took out a palm-sized spider-like object from his arms and sent it to the Green Devil King.

” Patriarch, the people below found it, and actually found something similar two days ago, but no one cared, it was directly destroyed by the people below!

Luming was still clever, grabbed one and studied it.

Guess what? This little thing actually talked!

Luming gave this thing to me, and I had a conversation with this little thing, and I immediately understood it!

This is a technological product from the God of War! Can directly contact the city of God of War! ”

Hearing this, the Green Demon’s face suddenly changed, and then he waved his hand and closed the door of the training room.

Can you contact the city of God of War?

That’s great!

He is now wishing to find a chance to surrender to the city of War God!

As long as you betray a wave of other three clans and join the War God City side smoothly, then you don’t have to live the current torment.

Even if God of War wants to destroy the Green Demon Clan in the future, that will be the future, and it will be better than it is now.


The Green Demon took the mechanical spider extremely carefully, and then tapped it lightly.

More than a dozen eyes of the mechanical spider lit up at the same time, and a light and shadow were projected into the void.

It was a human being on earth, not tall, with a confident smile on his face.

“The Green Devil, I am Wang Xiaoteng, the person in charge of the Science and Technology Department of God of War. Now I have something to ask you for help. You can choose to refuse or agree to…”

Hearing this, the Green Devil could not suppress the ecstasy in his heart!

is even more joyful than when I just broke through!

Before Wang Xiaoteng finished speaking, he quickly stated his position.

“This lord, my green demons are willing to join the War God City! Let alone help, we are willing to offer even the holy tree!

Please also tell City Lord He Mu, and give us the Green Demon a chance!

Our green demons have never been malicious to humans on earth from beginning to end!

As for the several battles against the City of God of War, they were all taken part in by the Scarlet Blood Clan and Blue Eye Clan, and we were also forced to helplessly. ”

In the picture, Wang Xiaoteng was slightly taken aback when he heard the words. Although he guessed some of the conditions in Qingyan City, he didn’t expect things to have reached this point!

The patriarch of the Green Demon clan was so low-pitched that he even called him an adult…

I didn’t dare to think about it I didn’t dare to think about it before.

“Since the Green Devil, you have this enlightenment, the matter will be easier to handle. Later, City Lord He Mu will contact you personally, so you can tell him what you want.”


In the God of War City, Wang Xiaoteng did not go to He Mu, but directly transferred the signal to He Mu through technological means.

He made dozens of similar spider robots, and only this one was successfully delivered to the Green Demon Race.

During the whole process, he was very cautious. Not only did he not use the slightest red fog method, but when the robot was released, he also found a time to maintain the monitoring equipment and mixed it with other robots.

In short, he concealed everything in the city of War God as much as possible.


In front of the Green Demon King, a dozen eyes of the spider robot suddenly dimmed.

The Green Demon was nervously rubbing his hands, thinking about what to say when he saw He Mu to gain his trust.

However, before he could think about it, a dozen of the robot’s eyes lit up again.

The image projected this time is He Mu!

The Green Demon trembles when he sees the familiar figure, tears even faintly appear in his eyes, it is more kissable than seeing his own father!

What kind of human beings are on earth? This is clearly the hope of the entire Green Demon clan!

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