I Added Everything to Strength

Chapter 50

Chapter 49 Here to Lingzhou, 1 way downwind

The sky is getting brighter.

Doctor Zhang, who returned to the hospital, insisted on checking He Mu’s whole body, and only after he confirmed that there were no problems, he was allowed to leave the hospital.

After some tossing, it was more than ten o’clock at noon, and there was only more than an hour left before the train departure time.

Ling Hanxing opened the door of the ward at this time, put He Mu’s backpack at home by the bed, and then took out a new mobile phone and sent it to He Mu.

“I bought you a cell phone on the way to your house to get the bag.”

He Mu glanced at the phone, and couldn’t help but think of the situation in the bar that day, and immediately asked: “Isn’t he stealing it?”

Ling Hanxing was so angry that he pointed to his clothes and said: “No? Doesn’t anyone really think that a strong person like me is a poor person?

Have you seen my new clothes? I just bought it, ordinary fabric, more than 10,000 yuan, now I am not short of money! ”

He Mu glanced at the clothes on his body. They were indeed the latest models of a certain brand.

After a little thought, he thought of the reason.

In all likelihood, monsters entered the city yesterday, and Ling Hanxing killed a lot of monsters to make him suddenly so rich.

“Don’t worry, you also have money now. Yesterday, people from the Red Mist Alliance rushed to the scene to clean up the corpses of the ground beetle group. I won’t mention the sparse ground beetles that were beaten. The ground beetle king and the scavenging wolf jackal are worth two Millions, I don’t know how much money I paid you.”

Ling Hanxing pointed to the phone and said.

“two millions?”

He Mu turned on the phone, downloaded a few software, and then logged in to his bank account. At this time, the balance reached more than three million.

This is considered rich for him.

He doesn’t even know how to spend it.

“Look at the way you haven’t seen the world, just a few million, it’s not enough to buy a high-end excavator bucket.”

Ling Hanxing’s expression was quite disdainful, and then inadvertently revealed the newly bought watch, glanced at it and asked: “Do you want to go back to the community to take a look again?”

After thinking about it, He Mu shook his head slightly.

“They experienced that change yesterday, and it is estimated that it hasn’t slowed down at this moment. When I go back, they can’t help but thank them. I don’t have to. Let’s go directly to the train station.”

“Well, let’s go now, it’s not early.”

After leaving the hospital, He Mu and Ling Hanxing drove to the train station.

Today, there are very many people in Nancheng Railway Station. Students who are about to go to different places and their parents who come to see off are everywhere.

A feeling of parting pervades the train station.

Although it is to go to school, going to university in this era is also dangerous, and students often sacrifice in the task.

The death rate is not as good as that of soldiers, but it is also about 2 to 3%.

Not to mention that most of these students left Nancheng for the first time.

Various factors make the parting very sad.

He Mu even saw many students and their parents hugging and crying in the corner with large bags.

However, Ling Hanxing’s triumphant voice came from the side at this moment.

“He Mu, this is your first time taking a train? Let me tell you that taking a train is interesting, and you can see a lot of scenery along the way!”

He Mu let out a “um”.

In fact, not to mention taking the train in his previous life, he has taken the high-speed train countless times.

But this is indeed the first time for a train in this world.

He has seen the train in the distance, which is completely different from the train in the previous life.

In terms of width, it is at least twice that of the train in the previous life!

and that railroad track, the same is true.

The combination of the two gives people a very stable feeling.

It is said that this kind of train can travel a long distance normally even if it is derailed.

In short, everything is for safety.

Not long after, a fork appeared in front of He Mu, with Line 1 on the left and Line 2 on the right.

Seeing a large number of students, teachers and parents gathered in the place where Line 1 is located, He Mu subconsciously walked to the left.

As a result, he was pulled back by Ling Hanxing just two steps.

“Ahem! Let’s take the second line.”

He Mu glanced at the sparsely populated Line 2 and asked:

“Isn’t there no strong escort?”

“Am I the strong one?

Hi, don’t I bring my ID here? So I can only take Line 2, but you can rest assured, I got two VIP seats, the experience is definitely far better than all the seats on Line 1! ”

After all, there is no shortage of noodles in our school. ”

Ling Hanxing patted his chest with a serious look on his face.

As soon as the voice fell, the direction when coming from a distance suddenly became noisy.

He Mu and Ling Hanxing turned and looked in the noisy direction at the same time, only to see eight black luxury cars lined up in a convoy slowly approaching the station.

Every luxury car has a special license plate with ten characters written on it.

“Kyoto University sees off the freshman team”

When the convoy arrived, the staff at the railway station immediately cleared a passage and allowed the convoy to drive directly into Line 1.

The students and parents along the way were all envied by this scene.

This is the lineup of Kyoto University.

Many people looked at the students sitting in the luxury car and exclaimed.

“They are all big people in the future! If my son is so prosperous, I will die!”

“Is the person sitting at the front of the college entrance examination champion in Nancheng this year? He really looks extraordinary!”

Seeing the convoy getting closer and closer to the entrance of Line 1, some Kyoto University freshmen in luxury cars poked their heads out and waved goodbye to the parents and high school teachers who came to see off on the side of the road.

This scene made all the teachers and parents feel proud, and many people even shed tears of excitement.

What is glory?

Maybe this is it.

More and more people came to watch, and even some passengers who were going to the second line ran over to the first line first, wanting to see the heroic appearance of the freshmen of Kyoto University.

So the line on the 1st line became more lively, and the line on the 2nd line became more deserted.

Seeing that there was no one around, Ling Hanxing was a little embarrassed, scratched his head, and smirked.

“These people, bells and whistles, don’t know how to be low-key at all.”

He Mu glanced at the scene over there from a distance, smiled lightly and said: “Teacher, let’s go.”

After that, he turned around and walked slowly towards the entrance of the second line.

Seeing He Mu’s slightly lonely back with his bag on his back, Ling Hanxing’s smile froze, and his mood became a little complicated.

Among the luxury car fleet on Line 1, this year’s Nancheng University Entrance Examination No. 1 has a combat effectiveness of only 99.

And the lonely boy in front has a fighting power of 102.

He could have enjoyed that glory easily, but at this moment, his steps were extremely firm, and he didn’t look back.

Such a humiliation is not surprising, so that he, a thirty-year-old man who has seen a lot of wind and rain, feels a little inexplicable.

sighed secretly, Ling Hanxing quickly followed and entered the entrance of Line 2.

at the same time.

Next to the train on Line 1, there are crowds of people.

Many big figures in Nancheng gathered here to bid farewell to the proud children of Nancheng who are about to travel, and thank those strong men who guarded Nancheng yesterday.

Wu An, the guardian of the South City, was also among them at this time, beside him, there was also Qin Mu, a teacher from Kyoto University.

Qin Mu glanced at the phone, and a message was displayed on the phone’s screen.

The information is only four words.

“Special move permitted”

He received this message half an hour ago, but he waited here for half an hour without seeing He Mu.

“Old Wu, why hasn’t He Mu here yet? This train is about to leave.”

Turning his head to look at Wu An next to him, Qin Mu was a little anxious.

Wu An also looked at the entrance, frowning.

He has been waiting here for a long time, and there are hundreds of people standing behind him.

Most of these people are old and weak women and children, carrying various kinds of souvenirs and other small bags in their hands, looking forward to the direction of the entrance of Line 1, waiting for that person to appear.

Originally, Sun Wei, the captain of the South City Special Operations Team, was also preparing to come, but considering the safety of the city, only one representative was finally sent.

These people followed here, of course, also to bid farewell.

Besides, he has another important thing to do.

When he came, Sun Wei asked him if he would be too exaggerated, but he said that heroes should be treated as heroes, otherwise, who else would be a hero in the future?


The roar of the train in my ear interrupted my thoughts, and the train of Line 1 started slowly, carrying a group of students and teachers towards the distance.

Everyone didn’t wait for that person to appear from beginning to end.

“What’s the matter? Didn’t you come?”

Wu An whispered softly, and at the same time he picked up the phone and dialed a number.

“What? Ling Hanxing didn’t buy a ticket for Line 1?”

hurriedly hung up, Wu An called again and yelled: “Ling Hanxing! Where did you take He Mu?”

“Already on the second line?! You said it earlier!”

Wu An was furious and threw the phone directly to the ground, smashing it to pieces!

At this time, the train on Line 2 in the distance had already started, and it was moving away.

Wu An glanced at the people behind him, and then jumped tens of meters away, jumped to the second line, and then followed the railway, chasing the train that had departed at high speed!

A group of old and weak women and children heard a little anxious voice behind him.

Wu An shouted loudly: “I will bring your gratitude! Things are gone!”

The voice fell, and the others were no longer seen.

On the second line train, Ling Hanxing originally planned to take He Mu to the so-called VIP seat, but at this time he stopped in the aisle inside the carriage.

The passengers who had been seated all around looked at the two in surprise, and secretly wondered if the two people had come up with fare evasion.

Seeing that Ling Hanxing suddenly stopped leaving, He Mu was quite speechless: “Ms. Ling, this aisle is not the VIP seat you mentioned?”

“of course not…”

Ling Hanxing said timidly and looked out of the car window.

In the next second, an old voice came from outside the car window.

“He Mu! He Mu!”

He Mu was shocked when he heard someone calling him outside the car window. He hurried to the car window and looked out.

It was only then that Wu An, the old guardian of the South City, rushed to the train and appeared by the window!

“Guardian… who are you?”

He Mu was frightened by this battle, and felt a little at a loss for a while.

“He Mu, the people you rescued yesterday came to see you off! As a result, they waited for a long time on Line 1 and didn’t wait for you!”

Wu An said while running wildly.

He Mu felt warm after hearing this, and smiled: “I understand their kindness. You can let me call and tell me, why bother…”

Wu An looked suddenly serious at this time, and said solemnly: “Originally, there was a ceremony to be held in public when you got on the train. As a result, I didn’t wait for you, so I could only stop here.”

After that, Wu An gave a light cough and stroked the gray hair that was blown away by the wind.

“He Mu, a citizen of Nancheng City!”

When he shouted so, the smile on He Mu’s face froze, and his expression became serious.

“He Mu! Nancheng suffered yesterday! You rescued 212 military members and ten medical staff from the monsters!

In view of your hero’s fearlessness and defensive performance!

My Wu An! Now as the guardian of South City! Award you the “City Hero” medal! ”

After saying this, Wu An stretched out his hands and sent a gold medal to He Mu. UU reading www. uukānshu.com

Everyone in the carriage was shocked by this scene at the moment!

Most of them are from Nancheng, so naturally they know that the guardian of Nancheng is chasing the train outside.

But who is He Mu, who let the guardian catch up and perform the award ceremony in this case?

Seeing those hands full of calluses and wrinkles, He Mu had mixed feelings in his heart. At this moment, he did not dare to hesitate at all, and quickly stretched out his hands to receive the medal.

Wu An said, “You get closer.”

He Mu was slightly startled when he heard the words, and then understood Wu An’s intentions, so he had to approach the window.

Wu An then carefully put the medal on He Mu’s chest, and then retracted his hands.

“Old Wu…you go back quickly, don’t do this kind of thing again next time, it’s too dangerous.”

Hearing He Mu’s words, Wu An smiled and said, “Heroes should be treated as heroes. Okay, the ceremony is complete, and it’s time to say goodbye.”

After that, Wu An waved his hand at He Mu, his speed gradually slowed down, and it didn’t take long before he disappeared from He Mu’s sight.

Just when He Mu thought he had left, the older and more distant voice came out of the car window again.

“He Mu! Let’s go to Lingzhou! Good trip!

I’m waiting in Nancheng for the news that you are famous in Lingzhou! ”

Listening to the words of blessing, He Mu’s body suddenly shook, then stood up, and returned to the aisle under the attention of many passengers in the carriage.

Ling Hanxing, who witnessed everything completely, looked at the back in front of him, and vaguely felt that compared to the loneliness before, there seemed to be something more in the back…

is firm? Or is it confident?

Is    famous Yang Lingzhou?

Lingzhou is a rare big city, but this boy, maybe it really can.

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