I, a Demon Slayer Girl, is Invincible!

Chapter 327

Chapter 327:

In the final analysis, the existence of [Gu Qingan], in the established destiny, will inevitably achieve [Return to the Ruins]

It is not easy at all to fight against this inertia, and even in this process, Gu Qingan himself cannot come forward.

Gu Qing An stood on the cloud, looking down at the sentient beings below.

The difficulties now are just petty troubles, and in the future, you will face a real crisis of world extinction.

“So… become stronger… people…” Gu Qingan’s eyes were deep, and those specious feelings made her give Shia this opportunity.

This is very rare. The so-called [Return to the Ruins] brings not only madness, but also annihilation.

The impact of returning to the ruins is not just to interfere with her clearing the way, but to affect all aspects of Gu Qingan.

Gu Qingan could feel that his personality was changing, and this change began to sprout after the immortals.

In a sense, this is also her own redemption, a resistance to the inertia in the dark.

Some kind of hunch told her that if Gu Qingan still achieved Taoism by returning to the ruins in this life, then it might be fine for herself, but for the entire multiverse…

However, at this moment, on the battlefield below, an interesting change took place.

Gu Qing moved in peace, cut off these distracting thoughts, turned his attention to the battlefield below, and paid attention to the new moves of Shia’s army.


Another blast of artillery fire directly melted the tide of living corpses, reducing the protection of the blood tree behind the living corpses.

Immediately afterwards, the chariots and warriors attacked, blocking the surrounding corpses on both sides of the battlefield.

At this time, an armed helicopter seized the opportunity and quickly flew to hover above the blood tree, and then several figures fell from it.

“Death to me!” Xu Zhou held an alloy spear made of modern technology, and fell from the sky full of anger.


The long spear in his hand was like a wandering dragon, accurately piercing the core of the blood tree, and the power of the blood essence method surged to absorb the vitality of the blood tree.

At the same time, a burst of vigorous spiritual energy suddenly spread over the corpse of the blood tree, and Xu Zhou and several teammates around him were all shocked.

“This is, aura?” Xu Zhou’s heart trembled, he felt the aura seed that was generated after receiving the spirit in his body, suddenly swelled a lot.

Not only that, even the ordinary people who were driving tanks and covering them felt that their bodies were much lighter, and a force sprouted from their limbs.

There was even a long roar from the strong martial artist, feeling that the whole body was refreshed for a while, and the dark wounds over the years were much less.

The first batch of qualified people are not all martial artists, and many **** refining masters have not obtained the qualifications of qualified people.

This doesn’t mean they can’t do it, it’s just because they don’t have ninety percent, but despite this, as Refining Gods, their aptitude is about eighty-seven or eighty-six.

As long as the aura content increases, they can also practice.

Looking at the reaction of everyone after killing the blood tree, the eyes of the qualified people present lit up.

“Killing the blood tree can plunder their spiritual energy?”

Being qualified may not be particularly smart, but definitely not stupid, and they came to this inference after a simple thought.

And this also makes the qualified people more excited, and the growth of strength is always the first in the hearts of the extraordinary.

Then, since the beheading tactic was effective and the benefits were amazing, the Special Affairs Bureau used this tactic aggressively.

I saw a constant roar on the battlefield, and there was a long howl of human beings. It was a martial artist who became a new superhuman by virtue of his spiritual power!

However, in such a war, the casualties were also extremely heavy, especially after the barrels were overheated and could not be used, the army of living corpses broke through the three lines of defense all the way, almost piercing through the army of Shia.

However, relying on the increasing number of superhumans, Shia finally won this battle.

The dragon of the blood tree was also forced back by Gu Qingan and returned to dormant in the blood mist mountain range.

However, such a big movement, especially the urgent relocation of the residents of Qingnan Prefecture, the transfer of nearly 10 million people, has attracted all attention at home and abroad.

The extraordinary existence can no longer be concealed, this amazing fact is finally coming to the surface…

Chapter 431 Gu Qingan: Everything is under the control of 4K


Qingnan Prefecture, five in the morning.

At this time, the sky was bright, and the cold air from the night remained on the ground.

Even on a midsummer night, it’s still a bit cold.

This city is extremely desolate, with a large number of abandoned vehicles parked on both sides of the streets full of traffic in the past.

Many private cars were flattened, blown off, and smashed on both sides of the road. In order to ensure the smoothness of the road, the government urgently cleaned up a batch of vehicles that blocked the road.

“Mom, I’m afraid…”

The forty-second evacuation point in the east of the city.

In the large tent set up by the government, a child wearing a cute hat leaned against his mother’s arms, looking at the countless strangers who were also sitting in the tent beside him, with fear in his eyes.

“Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, we will be home soon.” The mother tightened the blanket on the child’s body and comforted her with a tired face.

Qingnan Prefecture has a large population. Even if the government signs all public vehicles, it is impossible to transfer nearly 10 million people in one day.

Most of the citizens are still staying in various evacuation points, resting in tents set up by the government.

This is one of the many evacuation points.

And this mother, who is comforting her child, is also a member of countless Qingnan people.

After the emergency notification from the government late last night, they have just followed the flow and have no idea what happened.

They only knew that last night, the sound of artillery fire outside the city kept roaring, and even standing in the high-rise buildings could see the fire in the suburbs.

At three or four o’clock, the gunfire stopped a little.

‘what is the problem? Is there really a war? ‘ Fear flashed in the mother’s eyes.

The citizens around her sat together in groups of three or five, talking about their guesses about the current situation.

“War? How is it possible that Sloya’s cub can fly over? I think aliens have come in.”

“Alien? How old are you, uncle?”

“If it’s really aliens, then we’ll hit the head…”

Suddenly, a large truck roared outside the evacuation point, and one person picked up the horn, “Breakfast is served, each person is limited to one!”

“Don’t jump in the queue, don’t take more…”

At the same time, cauldrons and cardboard boxes full of cans were removed from the truck, and a large number of citizens ran around all night, and their stomachs were so hungry that they naturally gathered around.

However, no one dared to jump in the queue. After all, the authority of the Shia government is still there.

Not to mention those martial arts disciples who are holding riot sticks and have strong muscles and are maintaining order.

With the distribution of food, the people who had been somewhat fluctuated began to gradually stabilize. The orthodox government of Shia, which has been invincible for 40 years since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, is very trustworthy in the hearts of the people.

However, not everyone trusts the Shia government.

“Yours, take it.”

The martial arts disciple who distributed the canned food handed over a bottle of water and a canned food. This is breakfast for one person.


Chen Cheng took the can, walked to the original position and sat down, grabbed the hook of the can, tore it, opened the seal of the metal can, and began to eat with small mouthfuls.

From time to time, his eyes glanced at those officials of Shia, and he thought to himself.

‘Unfortunately, my social class in Shia is too low…’

Chen Cheng, the D-level personnel under the Sloya Central Intelligence Agency, in other words, is a spy.

However, a low-level spy like him does not need to live a life of espionage.

Chen Cheng’s main task is to collect some data, news, or anything that he thinks is valuable.

Other than that, he was like a normal Shia citizen, doing small business, paying taxes on time, not breaking the law, and being friendly.

“I’m so curious…” Chen Cheng was eating his breakfast and listening to the speculations of the citizens around him, his heart moved slightly.

“Hey, what is that?” someone suddenly asked.

Chen Cheng turned his head and saw that a huge projection cloth was erected, and a few minutes later, the projection lighted up, and a face familiar to all Shias appeared.

“Lord Prime Minister?!” Someone beside Chen Cheng exclaimed.

“Hello, citizens of Qingnan Prefecture, I’m Cao Zhenghao.”

The old man who appeared on the projection cloth, although his hair was gray, his eyes were still clear and bright, and his words had a calming power.

This is Prime Minister Shia, an old man full of political wisdom and courage, who signed the order for the establishment of the special affairs bureau for the first time.

At the same time, Shia was able to mobilize so much military force to come to Qingnan Prefecture without any constraints, thanks to his in-game scheduling.

Faced with such an amazingly prestigious old politician, each Shia raised their heads, looked at the projection cloth, and pricked up their ears to listen to his findings.

The Prime Minister did not delay, and the moment he spoke, it was earth-shattering.

“We discovered a new type of creature in the mountains on the outskirts of Qingnan Prefecture and named it the Twisted Blood Tree. After research by the military and academia, the blood tree is extremely harmful to humans, and it is urgent to Threatening the lives of the residents of Qingnan Prefecture…”

Immediately afterwards, a video about the blood tree sub-body was released in the projection.

Of course, it was the military who captured the blood tree sub-body soaked in liquid nitrogen and coded it. Although it looked equally ferocious, it did not make people panic.

If the video of yesterday’s battlefield is released, I am afraid many people will not be able to sit still, but even so, it will make a huge wave in the hearts of the residents of Qingnan Prefecture.

“What kind of monster is this? How can there be eyes on the tree? Can it still act independently?”

“This thing, won’t it come from aliens?”

“Damn, this is scarier than a horror movie!”

“What a joke, I’m going to vomit!”


“Residents, please don’t panic, obey the government’s instructions and evacuate in an orderly manner. We have mobilized sufficient military forces to annihilate the blood tree’s nest…”

“…Victory will definitely belong to Shia!”

inside the military base.

“The panic level in Qingnan Prefecture has decreased, and the behavior of not cooperating with evacuation has also decreased.”

“It’s good to announce the existence of blood trees. At least, it can make residents aware of the seriousness of the problem.”

Two employees of the Special Affairs Bureau are analyzing the psychological conditions of the people in Qingnan Prefecture based on the information.

Lu Wenyuan nodded, the modern times are no better than the ancient times, and the wisdom of the people has developed, especially since there are nearly ten million people in Qingnan Prefecture, it is difficult for them to cooperate without a single reason.

And last night’s battle artillery fire made the people of Qingnan Prefecture panic even more. Instead of letting the residents make random guesses and spread rumors, it is better for the government to release information in a limited way.

“By the way, what happened to the news interruption?” Lu Wenyuan suddenly thought of this and asked.

Publicizing the news does not mean that the news will be spread without restrictions. At least, the two enemy countries, Sloya and Shengyi, cannot be made aware of the truth of the Qingnan Prefecture.

Internationally, although everyone is curious about Qingnan Mansion and knows that there is something going on here, there is no specific news.

“The entire network of Qingnan Prefecture has become a local area network, so there is no need to worry about information leaking in a short period of time.” The Special Affairs Bureau employee in front of him replied.

“Short time… Enough…” Lu Wenyuan nodded and stopped asking.

Since knowing that the tide of aura recovery is about to come, the upper class of Shia has no secrecy mentality to guard against it.

The blood tree is just a harbinger. After a year at most, the first wave of spiritual energy will come.

At that time, the whole world will know about the ‘extraordinary’ things, which cannot be blocked.

What Shia has to do is to maintain and expand her first-mover advantage in transcendence, so as to avoid falling behind in the future tide of transcendence.

At this time, an officer held a tablet, walked to Lu Wenyuan and saluted.

“General Lu, this is a detailed report of our battle. The losses and gains are here.”

Lu Wenyuan took the tablet and swiped it twice, then frowned and took a deep breath.

Shocking, really shocking.

In yesterday’s battle, although Taishang Daozi shot and blocked the dragon of the blood tree in the blood tide, the remaining monsters still almost broke through the Xi Ya army formation.

Especially after the blood tree daughters realized Shia’s beheading tactics, they simply swarmed the whole family, brought together, and rushed with the army of living corpses.

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