I, a Demon Slayer Girl, is Invincible!

Chapter 326

Chapter 326:

[The state has set up evacuation points in places such as …, please go immediately, this is related to your life safety]

[Those who cannot reach the evacuation point, please escape from Qingnan Prefecture as soon as possible]

Countless people were suddenly awakened by this information in the dark night, and they were about to scold when they suddenly heard an air defense alarm sounding over the entire Qingnan Mansion.

“Fuck, is there a sudden war?”

“Wife, let’s take the children to the evacuation point!”

For a time, Qingnan Mansion was activated by this sudden news, and countless people stumbled out of the house, even wearing slippers, heading for the evacuation point.

As soon as they arrived at the evacuation point, the official personnel who maintained order there directly let them get into the car and headed for other cities.

At this time, in the outskirts, the entire military base was brightly lit, full of voices, and the sound of a large number of chariots starting.

The awakened soldiers entered the line of defense they had set up in the past few days in order to resist the possible tide of living corpses.

Through the satellite, seeing that the major defense lines have been organized, Lu Wenyuan breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as it is not attacked directly and unprepared, there is still hope with the 60,000 modern army guarding this place by Shia, plus many martial arts masters.

However, looking at the rush of blood that was approaching the defense line, the shadow of the demon dragon that looked like a mountain, his eyes showed horror again.

“Ordinary monsters may still be killed by firepower, but this guy…”

I am afraid that only nuclear weapons can help the dragon of the blood tree.

And the use of nuclear weapons on one’s own country… The after-effects that follow, make Lu Wenyuan’s scalp numb when he thinks about it.

The blood is surging, the waves are sweeping!

At this time, the blood wave was very close to the defense line, and all the soldiers could see the overwhelming terrifying waves.

Even in the Qingnan Mansion at this time, the top floors of the high-rise buildings could see the **** sky far away.

“Quick! Build the wall higher!” shouted one of the soldiers.

But the few subordinates around him couldn’t help shivering. The fear of this kind of power of heaven and earth was really hard to dispel.

Ten kilometers, five kilometers… The blood wave is advancing step by step.

However, in the next moment, right in front of the blood tide, a ray of light suddenly lit up.

This light is extremely bright and pierces the sky!


The environment that was originally pitch-dark and dark like ink suddenly changed.

In an instant, countless clear lights appeared above the sky-penetrating beam of light, as if countless flashes of light exploded, illuminating the dark sky.

The clear light seems weak, but it falls on the living corpse in the blood tide, but it can melt it in an instant!

Peng! Peng! Peng!

The terrifying roar sounded, and the monsters in the entire blood tide were suddenly reduced by more than half, and the progress of the entire blood tide was forced to stagnate.

I saw a proud figure in white stepping out of the beam of light slowly, her voice was gentle but firm, and with amazing strength, it suppressed all the noises present.

“Dragon, stop.” Gu Qing’an’s tone was cold, but it had an unquestionable meaning.

Lu Wenyuan and other senior officials of the Special Affairs Bureau, who saw this scene through the satellite, were all relieved.

“It’s great… If you have a shot, just block the dragon…”

“Roar!” The dragon of the blood tree roared upwards from the blood tide, and stood upright, with a pair of dragon eyes full of killing intent.

The demon dragon in the blood tide confronted the true immortal emerging from the beam of light, the air and machine collided, and various visions evolved in the air.

“You Daoist…” A hoarse voice with metal collisions sounded in the dragon’s mouth.

Chapter 430 The arrival of the extraordinary generation! 4K

“Are you trying to stop me?”

The Dragon of the Blood Tree stared at Gu Qingan in front of him, and said indifferently.

In the military base, the expression of a senior officer of the special affairs bureau was uncertain the moment he heard the magic dragon speak.

“It…has this level of wisdom…then what have we become?”

“Humans, are they still the masters of this world?”

Hearing this question, several people present fell silent.

Human beings, all beings, are the only intelligent creatures in this world, and this is something they have always been proud of.

Even after the appearance of supernatural creatures such as blood trees and living corpses, they still have some sense of superiority as intelligent creatures despite their fear in their hearts.

It seems that although the BOSS in the game has much higher attributes than the player character you control, players will never feel that they are inferior to the BOSS, but will try their best to push the BOSS.

From the perspective of the Special Affairs Bureau, even though these monsters are powerful, they have no wisdom and cannot become atmospheric. As long as they have enough superhumans to a certain extent, they can be suppressed.


“The structure of the body is more advanced than ours, and the wisdom can’t keep us down, and it has stronger power…”

The eyes of a senior of the special affairs bureau are full of bitterness. Once such existences increase, the position of human beings as the leader of all things will probably not be guaranteed.

However, at this time, even if they have high authority, they can’t affect anything like the dragon of the blood tree.

Watching the dragon of the blood tree confronting Daozi Taishang, the senior officials of Shia present were all sweating in their palms.

“I can only hope that the Daozi who is too high can block the dragon of the blood tree…”

“In the future, we must quickly build more Taoist temples for Taishangdao!”

As the only top-level extraordinary person standing on the human side so far, the importance of Taishang Daozi in their minds is second to none.

But suddenly, a ray of light lit up in this combat command room, which surprised these people.

However, after a while, they saw this clear light, as if thinking of something, and asked.

“Master Daozi, are you here?”

Seeing that light distorted and transformed into Gu Qing’an’s appearance, she ignored these senior officials of the special affairs bureau, but said lightly.

“Mortals, get ready.”

“I can stop the dragon of the blood tree, but its servants need you to deal with it yourself.”

After saying this, her figure disappeared.

With her status, it is their honor to be willing to condescend to inform these mortals.

At this time, looking at the light and shadow disappearing in front of him, Lu Wenyuan and several senior officials of the Special Affairs Bureau could only smile bitterly.

They also have identities themselves. With the level of this Daozi, it is already very good to be able to help them stop the dragon of the blood tree.

Besides, Shia is a big country after all, and she still has her heart. She can’t ask for anything, so what have they become?

“Go on and order the soldiers to prepare for battle.”

“Warriors keep an eye on those elite living corpses, don’t let them rush into the military camp.”

“Also, those who are qualified also make them ready. This blood tree siege is actually an opportunity for them.”

Orders were issued again to prepare all departments, and then silence returned to the combat command room.

Lu Wenyuan stared at the screen without saying a word, they could only do so much.

At this time, above the sky, the figures of Gu Qingan and the dragon of the blood tree disappeared at the same time, but above the sky, there were still bursts of explosions, and the light and shadow changed constantly.

However, the living corpse and the blood trees don’t care about this. Since they lost their resistance, they will move forward along the original path.


The roar of the living corpses resounded in the sky. Under the control of the blood tree, all aspects of these living corpses were optimized, and the threat was far greater than before.

The soldiers on the defense line relied on the binoculars, and they could see in horror that the living corpses were no longer swarming in swarms, but scattered and rushed forward in small groups.


The bombers dropped terrifying aerial bombs, and the cannons roared, ploughing the ground into broken burning paths.

However, the direct damage caused was not so gratifying, it just melted the first wave of shock.

A round of artillery fire passed, following the command of the blood tree, the crawling corpses jumped up with a carp and continued to attack.

They have no life to say that they are just the carrier of fungi.

As long as the damage is not particularly severe, it can move and kill, unlike humans, who are hit by a round of artillery fire, and even if they are not hit, their internal organs are shattered by the shock wave.

And, even with injuries, it’s not that big of a problem.

It can be seen that the descendants of the blood tree branched out tentacles, sprayed a diluted blood mist, and healed the injured living corpse at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As for the dead living corpse, the fungus was scattered and recovered by the blood tree, but after just a few breaths, the blood tree broke a tentacle, and the broken tentacle soon turned into a new living corpse. corpse.

Through the satellite, Lu Wenyuan and the others saw this scene very clearly, and they couldn’t help but feel cold.

This is not the tower defense slaughter of low-minded monsters relying on modern weapons as they imagined, but a battle between two intelligent races.

The artillery fire continued, and it was still difficult for the living corpses to approach the defense line. However, with the existence of the blood tree, it was not so ideal to consume the living corpses with firepower.

The blood tree daughters stayed at a safe distance from artillery fire. Even if dozens of blood trees were destroyed by bombers, there were still hundreds of blood tree daughters.

After all, there are still ‘Daozi’ and ‘Magic Dragon’ fighting in the sky, and the bomber is actually very limited.

With their existence, the living corpses are completely inexhaustible, and the killings are endless.

“This…” In the command room, there was silence for a while.

At the same time, Gu Qingan, who was in the sky, stared coldly at the war below, with no sorrow or joy in his eyes.

Naturally, she and the Dragon of the Blood Tree can’t really fight, how can there be a left-handed fight with a right-handed one? This is just an application of illusion.

Even, most of the spiritual energy of the two is used to supply the blood tide army below, otherwise, relying on the current blood tree, how can there be an endless source of energy to create living corpses.

Gu Qing’an and the Dragon of the Blood Tree are like the background boards in the game. They seem to be in full swing, but in fact the damage is zero.

As for the defeat of Shia’s side, Gu Qingan saw it in her eyes. Seeing this scene, she was a little unhappy in her eyes.

“Why are you still holding the old-fashioned idea of firepower bombing, the upper class of Shia, is still too cautious about the use of extraordinary power.”

“The spiritual energy that escapes below is not only for the blood tide army, but also for the superhumans on the side of Shia.”

“Let the extraordinary behead the blood tree, kill the blood tree, won’t you break through?”

“Obviously, I deliberately let go and let those superhumans return to the military base…” Gu Qingan had some regrets.

She launched this blood tide siege in order to make Shia’s superhuman grow and become stronger like a gu.

As long as they are willing to go out of the city to behead the blood tree, they will find a huge amount of spiritual energy pouring into their bodies.

With this kind of spiritual energy pouring in, even some ordinary people who have not been selected as qualified people have the opportunity to become extraordinary people.

According to Gu Qing’an’s estimation, there will probably be more than 200 supernatural beings born in this battle, and people like Xu Zhou, Lu Haoyan, and Lin Simiao can rise a lot, and it is not a problem to achieve Qi transformation.

And then, when the spiritual energy recovery begins, these extraordinary people will be driven by the spiritual energy tide, and most of them will be able to break through to the Astral Realm.

This is also the last little benefit that Gu Qingan gave to Shia. After all, affection will always run out.

It is good for Shia to be able to have a monk in the Gangsha realm in the early days of aura recovery.

Of course, the casualties among them were directly ignored by Gu Qingan.

‘If you want to be transcendent, how can you not take risks? ’

‘Compared to a lot of hard work but nothing, or even the more painful things, we are already very kind. ’

She still hopes that the human beings in this world can be stronger, which is also helpful to her.

After all, Gu Qingan’s so-called outflow madness is not a simple act like drawing blood, as long as it is drawn.

It’s just that, Gu Qingan has already completed it.

What she needs is after the madness has flowed out, relying on the positive feelings and rationality of the human beings in this world, these crazy pollutions can be slowly eliminated.

For example, humans suppress monsters such as blood trees, and incorporate their power into their bodies to fight against their crazy nature, and try their best to maintain their own rationality as a human being.

Another example is that a part of Gu Qingan madly flowed into the beasts of this world, turning them into various bloodthirsty and murderous beasts.

Then when human beings are fighting against alien beasts, the positive emotions such as the will to defend the home and the country, courage and other positive emotions, can kill the extremely weak trace of madness in the alien beast after killing the alien beast.

Simply flowing out of madness will only create a large number of monsters like gods, which is a disadvantage for Gu Qingan.

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