I, a Demon Slayer Girl, is Invincible!

Chapter 322

Chapter 322:

“Have you seen this one in the Blood Mist Mountains?” Xu Zhou handed over a picture while driving.

Above, is the dragon of the blood tree. Seeing this, Lu Haoyan’s eyes narrowed, and his heart beat a little faster.

On the day of his college entrance examination, what he saw through inspiration was this demon.

And this heartbeat fluctuation was keenly noticed by Su Qiu next to Xu Zhou. She stared at Lu Haoyan with a pair of wonderful eyes and activated the recording at the same time.

After the establishment of the Special Affairs Bureau, a statistical analysis was carried out on all the suspected ‘extraordinary’ characters, and among them, Lu Haoyan was the most important.

Because, the existence drawn on his test paper has been tested, and the similarity with the dragon of the blood tree is as high as 84%.

There is clearly some connection between the two.

Considering that ‘Gu Qing’an’ was clearly coming for the ‘Dragon of the Blood Tree’, Lu Haoyan’s level was also raised several levels accordingly.

He may be able to play a key role in the negotiation, attracting the attention of the high-ranking Taishang Daozi.

Of course, this requires Lu Haoyan’s cooperation, so Xu Zhou came.

“This photo… Where did you take it?” Lu Haoyan frowned. He did not deny that he had seen the Dragon of the Blood Tree, which was too insulting to people’s intelligence.

Xu Zhou looked at him seriously, “This photo was taken this afternoon, just outside Qingnan Prefecture.”

“What?” Lu Haoyan was startled and almost jumped up from his chair.

That feeling was similar to finding out that he had a nuclear mine buried in the ground. Lu Haoyan didn’t realize it. He read two sentences of “Blood of the Fallen”, and the dragon of the blood tree would not attack him.

“This is also the reason why we need your cooperation, Mr. Lu. The existence of the blood tree dragon has threatened the lives of millions of people in Qingnan Prefecture. We hope that you can do your best.”

“Of course, the treatment will not be less, as long as you can help us with one thing…” Xu Zhou raised a finger.

“One hundred million, and I can guarantee that there will never be another official person interfering with the quiet life of your family.”


Lu Haoyan frowned, and after a while, he raised his head, “Deal.”

Immediately afterwards, he and the two Special Affairs Bureau commissioners boarded a special car and went straight to the land of Xianju where Gu Qingan was located.


The headlights of the military-specific off-road vehicles are flashing, and in this wilderness, it is also like walking on the ground.

“Where are you taking me?” Lu Haoyan felt the threat from Su Qiu’s seductive body beside him, stopped the fear in his heart, and asked.

Su Qiu was taciturn, only spit out two words.

“Pray for immortality.”

“Begging for a fairy?”

At the foot of Xianju Mountain.

This mountain was originally unnamed, but when Gu Qingan arrived, he directly named it Xianju Mountain.

The water is not deep, there are dragons and spirits, the mountains are not high, and there are immortals and names.

Great beings, they themselves are the place of all glory and splendor, without any external decoration.

Family crests, surnames, clothing, elegant accents… all are not required.

Xuanyuan’s original intention is just a wheel. He is a great person, making this surname last forever!


The off-road vehicle began to slow down and stopped not far from the foot of Xianju Mountain.

“Abandon the car and walk.” Xu Zhou was the first to open the car door and walked towards the foot of the mountain.

True immortal residence, how can it be noisy.

According to the expert group’s analysis of Gu Qing’an’s character, this man’s character should be quiet but not moving, which is why there are so few visitors and there is no fanfare.

At the same time, in Shangluo Mansion, a large combat command room with hundreds of people was stuffed.

These are well-known negotiators, psychologists, intelligence experts, historians, etc. in the outside world, all of them are staring at the satellite screen that broadcasts the Xianju Mountain picture.

Xu Zhou and Su Qiu have radio equipment on them, which can transcribe the sound in real time, so that these people can also hear the sound.

A dignified middle-aged man stood in the center of the battle command room and said solemnly.

“Everyone, pay attention, Xu Zhou’s team is about to start contacting the ‘True Immortal’. From now on, I ask you to pay attention to every word and every picture, which has been broken by me, and I’m drawing one, two, three, four. ”

“This is a big crisis for our Shia, but at the same time, it is also a big luck!”

“The times are going to change. If we seize this opportunity, Shia will be the first person to eat crabs! Stand on the top of all nations!”

“Do you understand?!”


At this time, the three of them had already started climbing Xianju Mountain.

The cold wind and the immortal energy burst forth. The top of the entire Xianju Mountain has been shrouded in white mist, and the dragon can’t see the head but not the tail, and can’t spy.

And the whole mountain, there are also strands of white mist that are spreading. It seems that it will become like a blood mist ghost realm soon, and it will become a forbidden area for humans.

At this time, Xu Zhou took a deep breath and stared at the white mist with solemn eyes.

It is impossible to say that it is not scary at all. Who can not be afraid of a living real immortal who is enough to break the enemy’s country?

It’s just that in this world, there are always some things that are more important than one’s own life, such as… the motherland.

If the help of this true immortal cannot be drawn, then the dragon of the blood tree will become a big problem for Shia.

Thinking of this, Xu Zhou made up his mind and took a step forward, “Caomin Xu Zhou, ask to see the Supreme Taoist True Immortal.”

The voice was full of vigour and passed upwards.

Xu Zhou did not use the ancient rituals of the Yanhan Dynasty based on the research of experts. The rituals of the Yanhan Dynasty were lost too much, and the etiquette is easy to be taboo if it is wrong.

However, the fog didn’t move, as if he hadn’t heard it.

After a full hour, the sky began to be bright, and the experts began to yawn. The fog that enveloped Xianju Mountain separated a little and formed a path.

“Many thanks to Zhenxian for his kindness, Caomin is very grateful!” Xu Zhou noticed the change instantly, and led the two of them towards the mountain.

The mountain road is rugged and the cold wind is constant. Xu Zhou and Su Qiu are elites, and they are fine, but if they need to bring Lu Haoyan, it will be more troublesome.

And as they moved forward, the original mountain road, except for the fog-free trail, had some kind of creepy feeling.

The three of them didn’t dare to look much, so they could only follow the path under their feet and up the road.

Finally, I don’t know how long they have walked, the road under their feet is exhausted.

Xu Zhou raised his head, and suddenly realized that he had already stood on the top of the mountain, and in front of him was the residence of the immortals shrouded in countless divine lights and clouds.

In the next moment, the cloud and mist dissipated a little, and a slender figure appeared in a hazy figure sitting cross-legged on the bluestone.


In an instant, the alarm bells rang in the hearts of the three of them, goosebumps all over their bodies, and the feeling of being stared at by high-ranking beings at the top of the food chain emerged in their hearts.

Daozi, Gu Qingan!

When he finally saw the main lord, Xu Zhou’s heart jumped up, his thoughts floated, and he was depressed again.

“The world is in turmoil, and the demons are reappearing. Fortunately, the Supreme Dao has come to the world to bless one side of the Pure Land.”

“Xia gave this mountain a thousand miles to Taishang Dao to help Dao Zong reopen the mountain gate.”

“At the same time, as long as Daozi is willing, I, Shia, are also willing to take the Tao of Taishang as the state religion.”

Gu Qingan was noncommittal, and said lightly, “Well, it’s still acceptable.”

Xu Zhou was overjoyed, this true immortal still seemed to be very talkative.

Then, you have to quickly ask, those key information.

After hearing Xu Zhou’s question, Gu Qing’an’s cold tone did not change.

“What happened to this world? Oh, it’s nothing more than a big change in the world, a resurgence of spiritual energy, and demons and devils living with people again.”

“In the future, there will be more and more such existences.”

Gu Qing’an’s two sentences detonated the entire combat command room like a bomb.


“In the future, there will be more and more monsters like this?”


Gu Qingan didn’t care about their reactions, or rather, this was what she wanted.

“This blood tree is fierce, and this seat will be cut off. You only need to block the vicinity, and don’t let people send you to death.”

He got this promise, but Xu Zhou was not happy at all. He seemed to have seen the scene of a monstrous figure appearing on the land of Shia in the future.

And this true immortal may not be able to shoot again and again.

“No, Shia has to have her own superhuman.”

Thinking of this, Xu Zhou bowed to Gu Qingan, “Thank you, Zhenxian, for taking the shot, it’s just…”

“I don’t know if I wait, but is there a way to share the worries of the true immortals and clean up the living corpses and blood trees in this blood mist mountain range?”

“No, you are too weak.” The voice in the mist said coldly.

“True immortal, even a vulgar top like me, isn’t it?” Su Qiu took a step forward and asked.

“Up to now, the blood tree has taken shape, and the power of the blood mist has been strengthened more than ten times. Even a so-called ‘grandmaster’ like you cannot enter for a long time.” Gu Qingan’s tone was calm.

“After all, when you are lacking in spiritual energy, forcibly refining the essence and transforming the spirit has already damaged the foundation. Even if you can practice the astral energy now, this foundation will be difficult to make up.”

“If there is no precious medicine, your path will end here.”

Su Qiu’s face was ugly, and she bit her lip. Her best point, being beaten like this, was really hard for the stronger her to accept.

Xu Zhou’s heart also sank, the gap…is it that big? Shia’s highest force, can’t even join the war?

His heart was seized all of a sudden, this is the case with a great murderer, what if the other great murderers emerged?

After all, according to what this true immortal said, there will only be more and more such great ominous existences as time goes by…

If this great murderer appeared in Shangluo Mansion… Thinking of this, Xu Zhou’s heart was full of bitterness.

Even with nuclear weapons, Shia can’t use it frequently on his own land, right? Otherwise, how can you live there?

However, Gu Qingan didn’t kill him at once. Instead, he looked at Lu Haoyan and scrutinized it.

This gaze changed the eyes of the two commissioners, eagerly waiting for Gu Qingan to speak.

“Well…” Gu Qingan said after pondering for a while.

“If you are like him, a person with excellent spirituality, there is a way…”

And Xu Zhou suddenly felt a shock in his heart, knelt down and said, “Please also ask the true immortal to give the law, otherwise, there is a danger of becoming a ghost realm in the world.”

Lu Haoyan also knelt down, “Please true immortal to bestow the law! I will do whatever I want.”

After the cloud and mist, Gu Qingan showed a little fox-like smirk.

“The fish is hooked…”

Chapter 427 Let me tell you about the fallen blood of our Lord 4K

Xianju Mountain.

Lu Haoyan knelt on the ground, as if he was facing the final judgment in his heart.

“Please give the true immortal the law to save the people from water and fire.” After saying this, he could not afford to kneel, waiting for the true immortal’s judgment.

The noble figure on the bluestone seemed to be thinking too, a little moved, but he seemed a little hesitant.

Watching this scene, countless experts and elites in the battle command room also clenched their fists.

extraordinary! extraordinary!

If all goes well, Shia can start the extraordinary path today!

You don’t need to think about it, you can know how big an advantage this is. Before this spiritual energy is fully recovered, you can master a perfect extraordinary method.

What an advantage is this to leave Saint E and Sloya behind at once?

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